The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 18: Immortal Ban 6 Seals

"Ahem!" Officer Lin's face was flushed, as if he was choking, and he was gasping for breath with his throat stuck. The deep despair on his face made people feel distressed.

Chen Xiaolei's hairs stood on end, the Wuhua Empress' methods were really cruel.

"You guys should choose a baby you like too." Empress Wuhua looked at the remaining policemen coldly.

Those people were even more unbearable. If it wasn't for the majesty of the empress, they might all cry, and soon everyone had a poison in their dantian.

Several people were lying on the ground sweating profusely, their eyes glazed over as if they were dead.

Chen Xiaolei felt uneasy when he was carried into the cave by Empress Wuhua. Those people treated him so cruelly, so he...

The whole cave is simple and clean, and the fragrance in the air is just as good as the poisonous world outside.

In the very center stands a large ice block exuding cold air, and the rest are just simple stone tables and chairs, without a second exit.

"Ma'am, my Heart of the Ocean is not bad, Wannian Ice." When Chen Xiaolei was in a daze, Empress Wuhua lay lazily on the ice bed.

Chen Xiaolei remained silent, thinking that he didn't have much time, if he was imprisoned by this old hag for ten or eight years, his primordial spirit would not be exhausted and he would die.

When Chen Xiaolei kept thinking about the timing of his escape, Empress Wuhua's loud snoring sounded, making Chen Xiaolei's heart skip a beat.

Fell asleep?

Looking at the entrance of the cave, Chen Xiaolei hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth, and slowly floated to the entrance of the cave, seeing that he was about to fly far away. One of the five flowers was missing, and I was horrified.

Two hours passed, Wuhua's snoring was still so loud, as if nothing happened just now.

Only eight hours left.Must escape, Chen Xiaolei kept thinking, and suddenly thought of the nameless exercise in his body.

Without hesitation, he began to meditate in the primordial spirit, and the whole primordial spirit exuded a slight amount of suction. Through the body, the sea of ​​flowers under him was absorbed at a fixed point and quickly became thinner.

It seemed that the flowers could burst out, but at this moment, the sea of ​​flowers around him was tumbling, and the thin place under his body immediately filled up.

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback, what kind of flower is this flower, it seems to be quite stable, can it be done by absorbing the whole flower?

How long will it take? It is estimated that after eight hours, it will not be able to absorb one-tenth of this flower.

Chen Xiaolei was a little restless, he was constantly searching for what he had learned over the years in his mind, and an uncertain idea slowly formed in his mind, it was a sealing technique.

Immortal Ban Six Seals!

At this moment, I was thinking hard about the information of this sealing technique like a life-saving straw. After studying it for a long time, the formula is not difficult, but I really don't have this energy.

Chen Xiaolei smiled wryly, the energy of this body has been exhausted, where can I get energy.

After thinking about it for a while, suddenly a faint force of Yuanshen gushed out from the Yuanshen, what is it?

Chen Xiaolei realized it all at once, this is the energy of the sea of ​​flowers that he absorbed just now, hasn't it dissipated?

Chen Xiaolei always thought that the energy he absorbed would disappear automatically, could it be because of this body?

It doesn't matter, as long as it can be used, the casting of the Immortal Forbidden Six Seals needs to be done in one go, and the casting objects should be sealed from six directions.Chen Xiaolei used his kung fu to absorb the vitality of Huahai, and then condensed it on his fingertips. The Huahai under him suddenly stopped running, and it seemed that it was about to succeed, but it collapsed in a blink of an eye and returned to its original state.

what happened?The steps are facing each other.

Could it be that the gathering energy is insufficient?

Chen Xiaolei tried again, and this time the energy gathered by his fingertips was doubled before, and he still instantly clicked on six directions around him.

Still collapsed, Chen Xiaolei glared, shit, what's going on.Is the law absolutely wrong?

He carefully thought about the operation process of the Immortal Ban Six Seals, and analyzed every action.

Chen Xiaolei tried again without giving up, twice...

Ten times later, Chen Xiaolei still failed. Chen Xiaolei wanted to scold his mother, and felt bored. He thought about the process of the ten attempts again, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and found that one of them seemed to persist for a little longer. That shortcoming.

The silver light was shining again between the fingers, and the six silver needles were pulled out by Chen Xiaolei and swung back and forth at a certain frequency. Instead of clicking six times as fast as before, they kept rotating in circles, one after the other, until they stabilized each other. It was only then that Chen Xiaolei managed to carry a huge amount of Yuanli falling from six directions at the same time in one go.

There was a sudden earthquake, and the place where the seal was sealed was filled with glowing clouds, as if it was cut off from everything around it.

Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief. After the process just now, the casting of the Immortal Forbidden Six Seals needs to have a stable structure and frequency in addition to the previous conditions.

Lying in the place where the Immortal Forbidden Six Seals were placed, the whole body stretched out, the Jue in the Yuanshen slowly turned, and the surrounding suction resurfaced.

Soon it was as thin as it was the first time.

After 1 minute, there was only a "poof" sound, and the flower was sucked into a hole by him forcefully.

Chen Xiaolei grew rapidly from small to large.

The great teleportation of the universe was operated by him to the extreme that can be achieved at this moment, and the whole person rushed out of the hole like a gust of wind.

The Great Teleportation of the Universe was running at a high speed. Although the energy was extremely consumed, he didn't care. The only thing he thought about now was to be able to escape, even Officer Lin and the others didn't care.

"Little guy, where are you going?"

Chen Xiaolei's creepy and charming voice came from in front of him, and at the same time, he felt a sense of despair.

"Hey, you who have already died once, why are you still afraid of death?" Empress Wuhua's words moved Chen Xiaolei's heart, did the other party discover something?

This body is not his. I heard from my grandfather that there is also a method for cultivating corpses. It is somewhat similar to his current situation, and most people can't see it.

But Empress Wuhua didn't give Chen Xiaolei any extra time to think, she directly grabbed him into the cave, and looked at Chen Xiaolei with a familiar, bewildered, and gentle face.

Suddenly Empress Wuhua hugged her head, her expression was a little painful, the tenderness just now disappeared, and at the same time her body swelled up at this moment, fatter than before, now like a big ball.

"Why, why do I have a familiar feeling from you, who are you, why do you have his breath, ah! ah!"

A layer of black air appeared on her face, and a very dark line spread down her forehead, and her hair was also growing longer.

Seeing her getting more and more weird, Chen Xiaolei felt a little uneasy, out of kindness, Chen Xiaolei reminded her in a low voice.

"Auntie, are you okay? Hold on, there is no hospital here."

I don't know if it worked, Wuhua Empress's sharp nails slapped hard on the lines on her forehead.

At the same time, she cut her wrist, and the red blood gushed out like a spring, and all flowed to the center of the ice bed as if she had spirituality.

Chen Xiaolei took a step back, although he didn't know what was wrong with this guy, if he ran away now, the other party would definitely have no time to clone, but thinking of the poisonous insects and poisons outside, Chen Xiaolei was a little uneasy, who knows if she has a backup, thinking of this guy Just now, Chen Xiaolei's eyes kept changing due to his ability to appear and disappear, and he finally decided to stay.

Not long after, Empress Wuhua's body began to shrink, and the gushing blood condensed into a blood cell in the center of the ice bed, and she returned to her previous body shape, but her pale face seemed to have experienced a big battle. The black line disappeared again. .

She sat cross-legged on the ice bed to adjust her breath, Chen Xiaolei was a little uneasy, this person could actually see himself going crazy, if he couldn't control it, then...

After a long time, Empress Wuhua opened her eyes, opened her big mouth slightly, and the blood ball shot into her mouth all at once.

"Very good, I haven't escaped yet." Empress Wuhua stared at Chen Xiaolei with sharp eyes, her expression was colder than ten thousand years of ice, which made his soul shudder.

"Okay, go out and see your companions, don't come in without my permission. Remember, you can't escape." After finishing speaking, Chen Xiaolei felt his body was blown out by a gust of wind .

At the same time, Chen Xiaolei also felt relieved, temporarily saving his life.

Looking around, Officer Lin and the others were half-dead with the poisonous insects, with disbelief still in their eyes.

Chen Xiaolei sat beside Police Officer Lin, not speaking, his mind running at high speed.How to escape now, and where is this place.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaolei had a flash of inspiration, he was so stupid, didn't he have a position.

Chen Xiaolei looked in the direction of the cave entrance, and moved towards Officer Lin.

"Where's the mobile phone?" Chen Xiaolei said in a low voice. After going down the mountain for so long, he also knows some equipment in the city.

"What, you? Xinxin? Are you still alive?" Officer Lin had already resigned himself to fate.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a while, and then remembered that the other party thought she was the Xinxin who resurrected from the corpse.

"Take out your phone and locate where it is." Chen Xiaolei didn't expose it, after all, most people don't know this kind of magic.

Police Officer Lin's eyes narrowed a bit. After such a big blow just now, his confidence was a little lacking. Chen Xiaolei's words reminded him.Yes, as long as you escape, isn't there a way to take out the contents of your stomach?

Quietly looking around, Officer Lin took out his mobile phone, and skillfully pressed a few buttons, Chen Xiaolei was very excited, and he had to play with this foreign thing when he went back this time.

"Damn it, it's shifted by a hundred kilometers. This is the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and it's also the place where the third grade of your school will be tested." Police Officer Lin stared in disbelief.This black mist floated so far away for so long?

Chen Xiaolei thought about the map he glanced at when he went down the mountain. Jiangnan University is located in the center of Yangcheng.

The north is close to the Shiwanda Mountain, the south is the prosperous extension of the human city, and the east is a place shrouded in fog all year round.And the west is the endless sea.

Is this the north of Yangcheng?

Fortunately, it is only a hundred kilometers away, and this place is probably also the edge of the Shiwan Dashan.

If it is in the core area, there is no hope of horrific escape. I heard from my grandfather that there are fierce beasts and all kinds of treasures in the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains. Even some things that are extinct outside can also be found in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Find it, but it must be accompanied by great danger, especially some companion beasts, which are even more difficult to mess with.

And I heard that some hidden sects are also in it, but no one can confirm it.

Thinking that he could escape not far from here, Chen Xiaolei's mind became active.

"Officer Lin, we can't sit still." After thinking about it for a while, Chen Xiaolei planned to discuss it with the policeman.

"Then what do you think..." Officer Lin was about to say something when there was a strong wind between the sky and the earth.

A twenty-foot-tall orangutan let out a roar, and its mountain-like claws slapped down on the valley.

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