The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 19 Unscrupulous Taoist

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback. Although the giant orangutan was far away from this monster, its long arms stretched down and quickly approached the valley.

Officer Lin glared, this f*cking photo was even crueler than being crushed into a cake by a steamroller.

Several other people got up one after another, ready to escape from here, but there was a sudden pause, the claw did not fall, and they looked over suspiciously before seeing a blurred figure under the claw.

It can actually shake the power of a gorilla, what kind of cultivation is this?Could it be that that person is a prefecture level?

The energy fluctuations emitted by the gorilla are only a Xuan-level Dzogchen cultivation base, but the thick skin and flesh of the fierce beast combined with its huge size make it difficult to estimate its strength, but it is certain that a Xuan-level master like Police Officer Lin will definitely be defeated by Dashen. The orangutan shattered with one paw.

Empress Wuhua was injured now, if the opponent's war came here, she might be able to escape by taking advantage of the chaos, Chen Xiaolei looked expectantly.

But the next moment he became disappointed, the gorilla and the man got farther and farther away.

The other poisonous insects disappeared one after another as if they were frightened just now.

Just when Officer Lin was frowning, Empress Wuhua roared and rushed out.

"Made, you bastard, you are courting death and frightening my little baby."

Chen Xiaolei's disappointed heart was once again turbulent. Before he was happy, he was waved by Wuhua's big hand. A few ropes tied up Officer Lin and himself, and then disappeared.

Depend on!You just leave, why do you keep a hand like this.

"Officer Lin, hurry up, hurry up, you Xuan-level master, try to break it." Chen Xiaolei shouted anxiously, the energy in the female corpse had been exhausted just now, and now she has no strength to break it free.

And this rope is only condensed with Yuanli, so it should be easy to break.

Officer Lin and the others had already exerted all their strength, and they were all full of energy, but they just couldn't keep pulling the rope that looked as thin as willow silk.

Officer Lin cursed secretly, how strong is this, it can win a Nobel Prize.

Struggling to no avail, several people were dumbfounded.Could it be that this ready-made escape cannot escape?

Chen Xiaolei was a little reconciled, finally the opportunity was right in front of him, he couldn't just sit still, and bounced away like a zombie.

Officer Lin's eyeballs dropped all over the place, is that okay?It's too hard.

Ever since, a few zombie-like guys jumped out of the range of the valley with their own abilities, and could even see the outline of the high-rise buildings along the direction they just checked with their mobile phones.

Tears welled up in the eyes of several people, but fearing that Empress Wuhua would chase after them, they jumped onto the official road in Yangcheng without stopping.

It was at least half safe here, even Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wuliang Tianzun!" Just as he was about to enter the city, a Taoist horn sounded, which made Officer Lin and the others stunned. How could there be Taoist priests in this remote village.

Turning his head, he saw a middle-aged Taoist priest with a ruddy complexion in front of him wearing a tattered Taoist robe, even with a little mud on it, holding a dust whisk in his hand. He looked immortal and extraordinary.

"It's a good idea if the old Taoist is unearthed. There will be noble people who need help, and it must be you." The middle-aged Taoist priest smiled and looked very kind.

"Master, whoops, I don't know if you are expensive or not. We really need your help. You should quickly release us from the bondage." Officer Lin saw that the Taoist priest didn't look like an ordinary person, and begged.

"Good talk, good talk!"

"I don't help you in vain, I will ask you for some rewards later."

"No problem, no problem, help us untie."

The middle-aged Taoist smiled like a flower, but Chen Xiaolei, who was staring brightly in his eyes, was uneasy for a while, and waved the floating dust a few times, and the others except Chen Xiaolei loosened their restraints one after another.

The strength of that easy and freehand technique is frightening.

"Master, and him." Officer Lin was very happy, but when he saw Chen Xiaolei's appearance, he became a little anxious.

The Taoist priest walked up to Chen Xiaolei with a smile, kept looking at him, and at the same time nodded slightly, as if looking at some rare treasure.

"I want this sane female corpse, come with me."

Without waiting for Chen Xiaolei to say anything, the tattered sleeve robe of the Taoist priest flicked, and the female corpse was put inside.

Made, with everything in his sleeves, Chen Xiaolei, who was taken in, secretly felt bitter.

Officer Lin wanted to say something else, but the middle-aged Taoist priest made a fist with both hands, and his whole body melted into the soil and disappeared.

Sigh, what a crime, I haven't had a good day since I took over this case, I'd better go back and get rid of the poisonous insects in my stomach.Officer Lin shook his head, and returned to the mundane world with a few people.

At this time, Chen Xiaolei was secretly worrying in his sleeves, which were less than a foot in radius.

This Taoist priest looked upright and awe-inspiring, but he was really ruthless in his shots, so he just pretended to be himself.

There were less than five hours left, and he had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again.

"Brush!" Chen Xiaolei regained his sight, and at the same time, the Taoist priest waved away the rope restraint on his body.

"Don't worry, I want you to do something for me, and I'll let you go when it's done." The middle-aged Taoist said with a smile. If he hadn't experienced his methods, he would definitely think he was a good person.

But now Chen Xiaolei wanted to strangle him to death.

"What's the matter?" I couldn't fight and couldn't run, so I had to cooperate.

"I'll take you to a place where it says it's dangerous, but it's for normal people, and it's not difficult at all for you, an unconscious corpse." The Taoist gave Chen Xiaolei a faint look, and he didn't know what to do. When Chen Xiaolei said something, he directly pulled him into the ground.

Damn, where are you going? Why are you still going to the ground? I haven’t said yes or no. Can you think about my feelings? Chen Xiaolei could only growl in his heart when he saw the soil slipping past him like running water , At the same time, he was also shocked by the methods of the Taoist priest. He didn't expect that he could even know the earth escape technique.

Soon arrived at the destination, surrounded by a huge open space, looking at the tombstone-like thing in front of him, Chen Xiaolei was speechless for a while.

"I said, are we here to steal someone's ancestral grave?"

"Hush!" Just as Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, the middle-aged Taoist hurriedly made a gesture to shut himself up.

Seeing his guilty look, could it be that he really guessed it?

"Don't talk nonsense, some things are very effective, don't disturb the undead here, we are here to borrow something." After the Taoist finished speaking, he began to turn around the tombstone.

At the same time, several talismans floated from his body, spinning faster and faster, and kept muttering something in his mouth.

Chen Xiaolei fainted for a while.

Finally, after the Taoist said "Open", the directions of the eight trigrams of the talismans were printed on the tombstone.

There was a loud bang, and a vortex appeared in the middle of the tombstone.

"Go!" The Taoist rushed forward, pulling Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei felt like traveling through time, the extremely fast and extremely slow feeling around him made his soul unstable for a while.

What floated in front of my eyes were mountains of swords and seas of fire, like the scene of Avici Hell.

Chen Xiaolei didn't believe in the so-called legends about reincarnation after death, the Ten Temples of Yama, etc., but the scene in front of him was really similar.

"Did you see the high platform in front of you? There is a scroll on it, go and get it for me." The middle-aged Taoist looked at the scroll with enthusiasm.

"You, you are so wicked? How can I get over this mountain of swords and seas of fire? If you want to kill me, you don't need to go through so much trouble, but this tomb is good, and it is suitable for burying me." Chen Xiaolei jumped up all of a sudden. How much worse than hell.

"Huh. How do you know my name?"

"Your name is appropriate? Zhou Zhang? Wicked?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me go, remember the name of Daoist is Duan De." Duan De heard those names with black lines all over his face, grabbed Chen Xiaolei and threw him out.


"You are a corpse, unconscious, what are you afraid of?" Duan De shouted with a dark face.

Chen Xiaolei quickly fell into the mountain of knives, a handle exuded a chill, and even made Chen Xiaolei shiver with the sound of the knives.It is true that this body is unconscious, but the psychological feeling of being hacked into pieces is indeed real.

Cursing secretly, he stood up.

At the same time, they speculated about the owner of this tomb, that such a large place could be opened up, and these scenes are also real.What kind of cultivation is this.

What on earth is that volume of letters on the high platform, which can put this unscrupulous Taoist priest with a high level of cultivation at risk.

Soon the skin was scratched by the sharp blade, but his stiff body did not bleed, and he walked silently, those scratches could not stop his footsteps at all.

But what about the next sea of ​​fire?Can this body stand the grill?

"Go ahead, why are you standing still." This hateful unscrupulous Taoist priest was still talking sarcasticly behind.

"Come and try, I'm going to be grilled, have you prepared the cumin?" Chen Xiaolei sat down angrily.

Although the sea of ​​fire in front won't hurt, if the body can't stand it, the soul will be in trouble.

"Hey, little brother, it's not that serious. You can definitely endure it. After all, you are a corpse. Why are you so worried about yourself?" the unscrupulous Taoist persuaded earnestly.

When Chen Xiaolei heard what he said, he was even more afraid to go. This Taoist priest is unscrupulous, and he said it beautifully.

"No, I won't go, it's too dangerous." Chen Xiaolei pulled out a sharp sword and threw it into the sea of ​​flames, which instantly turned into molten iron.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest looked a little ugly, he kept circling on the spot, looked in the direction of the sea of ​​fire, and threw a veil in Chen Xiaolei's direction as if he had made up his mind.

"I'll give you a magic weapon, which can avoid fire, and I promise to give it to you after it's done."

"Is there a mistake, give me a sunscreen to protect me from the fire?" Chen Xiaolei looked at the "magic weapon" in his hand, which was as thin as a veil.

The unscrupulous Taoist sneered, as if mocking him for his ignorance, the pain in his eyes made Chen Xiaolei hesitate again.

Chen Xiaolei carefully wrapped his fingers with a light gauze, and slowly stretched towards the direction of the sea of ​​fire.

There is nothing unusual about the finger, what a treasure, Chen Xiaolei's eyes are shining, does this Taoist have a lot of good things?

Looking at the next difficulties, Chen Xiaolei felt very kind, they were all treasures.

Without hesitation, after putting on the clothes, Chen Xiaolei walked in slowly, Ting walked through the sea of ​​flames and stopped in front of Abi's door.

Looking at the ghostly door, Chen Xiaolei hesitated.

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