The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 214 The Voice Next Door

The disciples guarding the jade slips were panic-stricken. It has been many years since the Beast Master Sect has died. Every disciple cultivated is a huge resource. In today's era of declining cultivation, they are all treasures, but now one has died. And their soul jade slips were all shattered, what a big deal this is.

"Master Langfeng, it's not good." The voice of the disciple guarding the jade slip trembled, and even he could predict the overwhelming anger of the other party.

"Why are you so panicked? After you finish speaking, face the wall for ten years." A majestic and indifferent voice sounded, and the disciple of Yujian was terrified instantly, but he still walked in bravely. It is better to face the wall for ten years than to be killed without knowing it Sitting on a futon in front of him was an old man with gray hair and a ruddy face like a baby, but with a murderous look between his brows, holding a floating dust in his right hand and meditating with his eyes closed.

"Yes... the soul jade slip of the missing junior brother is broken." The disciple said it out in a submissive manner.

"Crack." The floating dust in the old man's hand instantly became incomparably huge, as if his white hair was [-] feet, and the disciple was rolled over in one fell swoop, his eyes were full of fierceness and murderous intent: "Tell me, who killed my disciple?"

"I... I don't know..." The disciple of Yujian was full of panic, his whole body was out of control, and he couldn't even breathe out under the pressure of the other party.

The old man calmed down slowly, but the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger, and the floating dust gradually returned to its original state. The disciple was already sweating profusely, he lowered his head and dared not speak, the old man lightly moved that The shattered jade slips flew out, "Go out." The old man said softly, and the disciple hurriedly took leave as if he had been greatly relieved.

"Que'er, why are you so screwed up? I usually ask you to practice more. Look, you're done now."

The old man shook his head helplessly, with murderous intent in his eyes, he thought for a while and took out a firefly-like thing, and took a breath, the bug flew into the jade slip, circled around a few times, and a picture showed When he came out, it was the scene where Chen Xiaolei poisoned him.

"Hmph, I'll let him be buried with you, Que'er, don't worry." The old man flashed fiercely, and directly issued a reward in the entire sect as an elder, and then continued to meditate quietly.

Chen Xiaolei can finally breathe a sigh of relief after coming back here. He has been really busy every day. He went back to the villa Lili bought and took a bath first. Being with the group of monkeys, he smelled like monkeys every day.

"Lili, it's so delicious. I miss your cooking these days. I can't do without you." Chen Xiaolei laughed, his mouth seemed to be covered with honey, his eyes blinked with lust Even the Fairy Ji next to her could feel it.

"Hey, don't show your affection in front of me, or I'll rape you." Before Lili could speak, Fairy Ji was vicious like a tigress, almost pounced on her and bit her.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned, but in his heart he thought happily: Come on, be happy, force me.Unconsciously thought of that popular song.

Lili was blushing at the moment, but she was still a little nervous. After all, that hateful Hua Youque kissed her. Although it was on the anesthesia powder, there was a touch of contact after all. The situation was critical and there was no other way. I was worried that Chen Xiaolei would care about this matter, but seeing the other party's expression as if he didn't remember, he relaxed slightly, and asked softly, "Where have you been these few days?" Even Fairy Ji cast curious eyes.

"I, I went to Shiwan Dashan..." Chen Xiaolei talked about the previous situation, and Fangran briefly mentioned the most dangerous and important things, not wanting them to worry, and some things involved too much, so he still didn't want to worry about it. It's good to know.

After Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, it was already late at night, and he walked to the inner room with Lili in his arms, pouting. Ji Yaojing pouted, very dissatisfied, but helpless, she sighed and went back to the room to cover her head and go to sleep, but After a while, a voice came from the next room.

Fairy Ji pulled back the quilt and listened carefully for a while, then immediately blushed and gritted her teeth with hatred: "Bastard, I don't know how to change the place. There is still a living person here. What a bastard."

Fairy Ji covered her head and tried her best not to listen, but the sound lingered around her like a magic sound, making her feel a little dry, like she was on fire, and she fantasized about certain scenes deep in her heart, and even felt a desire to replace her. Lili's impulsiveness, but she woke up suddenly, why would she think so, could she fall in love with that guy? The guy's wicked smile appeared in her mind again, and she was always staring at some mountains and rivers.

Half an hour later, Ji Yaojing's fists were clenched and rattled: "Bastard, it's endless, with such good physical strength? Even the bed can't stand it."

An hour later, "Asshole."

two hours.

"Bastard, it's so uncomfortable."

Three hours.


It didn't stop until four hours later. Ji Yaojing's face was flushed, as if she was about to burn, and she dragged her cheeks. Who would have thought that she could listen to it for four hours, and her whole body was hot. Now she is in good spirits. He didn't feel sleepy at all until he burst into tears, he kept tossing and turning on the bed, the whole bed was tossed about by her in a bad way, his head was buzzing and he didn't know what to think.

In the other room, Chen Xiaolei was lying there contentedly, staring at the sky with deep eyes, on the bed was Lili who had passed out, thinking of the scene just now, he felt ashamed for a while, it seemed that his physical fitness had become stronger , and that primal impulse began to become intense.

Shaking his head helplessly, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Chen Xiaolei's mouth, especially when he glanced at the next room, he felt even more smug.

One night without talking, Chen Xiaolei got up early the next day in good spirits, and constantly realized everything about himself in the yard. He didn't know how far he had reached, except that he couldn't fly, even if he had survived the catastrophe. My opponent, let's say it is a heavenly level, and there is no derivative space in my body, except that the self-contained space of the tripod is a bit weird, which makes him very at a loss now. Of course, outsiders still feel that he still has no energy fluctuations.

Doing Tai Chi moves over and over again, Chen Xiaolei, the pusher, found that each time he did it, he felt differently, and it seemed that it could help him realize the Tao. Could it be that this set of moves contains the truth of heaven and earth?Someday I will go back and ask Grandpa Jiang.

Thinking of the grandfather Jiang who was chopping firewood in the Zongmen, Chen Xiaolei felt like returning home, how are they doing, Grandpa?Now that I have strength, I don’t need their protection anymore. Senior brother and junior sister, I miss you so much. I used to be ignorant and always liked to steal your spiritual fruits, and junior sister, I always liked to watch you take a bath.Alas, Chen Xiaolei felt a soft touch in his heart, and a special emotion surfaced in his heart.

"What are you thinking about? I'm in a daze." Lili came out a little tired. Although she slept all night, she was still a little out of spirits.

"I miss you." Chen Xiaolei restrained himself and smiled.

"There's no end to it. Showing affection early in the morning, one night is not enough." At this time, a voice of dissatisfaction came, Ji Fairy's hair was messy, two big dark circles framed her face, and her complexion still had a little aftertaste. The small face is full of desire and dissatisfaction like a resentful woman.

Lili was stunned, and asked a little strangely: "You...why did you go last night? Why are you like this? Could it be that you were pushed?"

"You." Fairy Ji gritted her teeth with hatred, but she couldn't explain it clearly, and was furious for a while. Chen Xiaolei knew the cause and effect, and kept giggling there, especially staring at Fairy Ji's lower body. Seeming to be able to wait and see, Ji Goblin gave them a hard look and walked in and began to wash.

Lili didn't understand, she was really tired last night, she shook her head and went back to the room to start making breakfast, Chen Xiaolei moved her body a little bit, a set of physical skills beat vigorously, and the fairie Ji returned to her original state after taking a bath Still so upside down, just biting his lips and sulking, seeing Lili busy there, Chen Xiaolei couldn't help but walked over to look at Fairy Ji's towering place and said: "Actually... I can help you solve it. "

Fairy Ji was stunned, but quickly reacted, and punched him directly. Of course, it was just as comfortable as tickling for Chen Xiaolei. Fairy Ji said angrily, "Go to hell, you take advantage of me."

Seeing the other party running to the dining table angrily with his fat buttocks twisted, it was funny for a while. Lili was busy with her work at this time, and a simple but nutritious breakfast was served. After serving Chen Xiaolei, Lili said: "These days the Chu family That girl has been looking for you."

"The Chu family? Chu Ziyue?" Chen Xiaolei said uncertainly. Lili and Fairy Ji nodded at the same time, and there was even something extra in their eyes. Chen Xiaolei knew it was jealousy.

"Ang, about the business, didn't I help them settle the food business?" Chen Xiaolei said haha, he couldn't argue with women, or he would be beaten, Lili curled her lips in disbelief but didn't say anything. Li's phone rang: "Hello, what? Okay, I'll go right away."

"What's wrong?" Chen Xiaolei asked puzzled.

"Isn't that the project manager of the Li family? It's been difficult for us for the past few days. I can take care of everything." Lili held her head and said speechlessly. Ever since that guy was so horny, he was looking for trouble everywhere. This is not a construction site. There's trouble again up there.

"Do you need me to go?" Chen Xiaolei glanced at the two of them, and he understood something in his heart, but he just asked casually, he didn't bother to ask this ordinary person now, and when they saw Lili, they shook their heads and felt relieved, it's okay Tease them a bit, and then see when Fairy Ji can climb into her bed and roll with a goblin, it's a wonderful thing.

After eating, Chen Xiaolei went directly to Chu's house. They searched for him several times, and they all came back. It was unreasonable not to go any longer, so they drove away in Lili's car.

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