Lili went straight to the construction site from the other direction with the murderous Ji goblin. Normally, they would not go to that kind of place. As a girl who loves beauty, as the president of a company, as long as there is a supervisor, the work will be over. up.

Chen Xiaolei drove in the direction of Chu's house quickly, but was startled when he passed by a place. On the stage, a person was being led like a dog, and a group of people playing monkeys under the stage were constantly asking questions and booing. Chen Xiaolei I didn't want to care about it, after all, there are too many injustices in the world, but I was startled when I saw the chained person, isn't this the girl who can read minds?

The guy holding the rope was Mu Feng, who annoyed him so much.

"Friends, pass by and take a look. The new thing I brought today can read minds. She knows what you think. If you buy it for 100 billion, you won't be afraid that your husband will cheat."

"Is it true, come on, tell me what I'm thinking now?" One of the wretched men kept looking at the girl, as if he had to do something other than ask questions when he bought it back.

"Say, what is he thinking?" Mu Feng pulled the girl fiercely, and at the same time greeted the whip. It is not as big as the family, so as long as it is only the big family, they basically don't care about it.

The girl said coldly, "You're wondering if I can give you a baby."

The man's eyes widened, and he burst out laughing in an instant: "Okay, I bought it. It's really good. I'll let her supervise my wife every day when I go back." The man looked excited, but the people behind him Not happy anymore: "I offer two hundred million, give it to me."

"I am out..."

The people behind saw that it was true, and they didn't care about the money and directly negotiated the price. They didn't care if they had money. What they wanted was such a rare thing. There were some ordinary people around, but they naturally didn't do anything other than sympathize with them. Rich people can't survive.

Chen Xiaolei was furious, stopped the car and ran over, jumped over the crowd to the top of the stage and made a booming sound.

Mu Feng's face was full of joy, he was going to make a fortune today, and without turning his head, he said, "This friend is going to bid below, don't you get excited."

But soon realized what was happening, turned his head and looked at the person in front of him with some horror and stammered, "You...are you still alive?"

"En?" Chen Xiaolei was taken aback. Could it be that he was the killer who sent someone to kill him before?For a moment, Chen Xiaolei thought a lot and couldn't help laughing. If it wasn't for that killer and the leader in white, he wouldn't be as strong as he is now, so he must thank this guy. Chen Xiaolei looked over.

Mu Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't just hire a killer, he also hired Zulong. Could it be that Zulong failed?This waste, Mu Feng thought of it dissatisfied, but he still pretended to be tough and said: "What are you doing? Let me tell you, the police station is not far away. Come, help me." When Mu Feng shouted, the people below Immediately stepped back a few steps and looked lively.

Some ordinary people next to me were delighted. They were already dissatisfied with being cheated by these people, and they all looked at it with interest. Even the mind-reading girl on the side was also stunned, with a strange flash in her eyes.

"Scream, scream loudly." Chen Xiaolei smiled, and strode up. The strength of Mufengxuan level was just a joke in his own eyes. He pinched the other party's throat like catching a chicken. Fengshang's face was flushed, and he was a little out of breath: "Help, save... life..."

"It's too late to shout now, speak up, I can't hear you." Chen Xiaolei looked at the people around him, including the cameras, with murderous intent in his eyes. If he wants to, he can directly crush him to death now, but there will still be some troubles. After thinking about it Thinking that some Yuanli wrapped in some powder in the palm of his hand was slowly transported to the opponent's heart, and he was afraid that the opponent would be poisoned and died suddenly in a few days.

Mu Feng's face was getting redder and redder, and he was about to roll his eyes. Chen Xiaolei threw him out like trash, and then took the girl who was in a state of distress into the car and went away. In an inconspicuous place, a pair of furious eyes looked at the back of the car with hatred, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which disappeared in a flash with the sound of a slight dragon chant.

Chen Xiaolei drove directly to a nearby hotel. After throwing out a few photos of Grandpa Mao, he took the girl directly to one of the rooms. The waiter below was dumbfounded. This damn is really proactive, but he is really generous.

"You have become stronger, your destiny is now a little blurred, as if you are about to change, no, I can't see it clearly."

The girl in Chen Xiaolei's arms hugged her head and screamed in pain.Chen Xiaolei's complexion changed, and the energy slowly channeled into the opponent's body, and then he got better.

The girl still had white pupils, and on her petite face, there was a hint of strength that didn't match her age. Chen Xiaolei was amazed at how calm she seemed at all times.

"Go take a bath, what a pretty girl, she looks like this." Chen Xiaolei helped her test the water, then walked to the side to watch TV, the girl rolled her eyes, and walked in directly, then Chen Xiaolei called the front desk With a phone call, I ordered a set of clothes for the girl. Every time I meet a girl, I have to block my soul, otherwise the other party's mind reading skills are too powerful.

After a while, the girl came out wrapped in a clean white towel, and saw a neat set of clothes on the bed, a stack of money and a mobile phone, but Chen Xiaolei was nowhere to be seen.

The girl was slightly taken aback, bit her lips tightly, and finally sighed deeply: "If you avoid... the future... Sigh, why do you have two fates, will you face a choice in the future?" The girl shook her head and sat on the side in a daze.

After Chen Xiaolei came out, he went straight to Chu's house. He had just greeted Chu Ziyue on the phone. Originally, Chen Xiaolei wanted to shirk, but he didn't expect that Chu Ziyue insisted on inviting him. He had no choice but to go and see it first. clicked.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Chu Ziyue in a purple dress, with light makeup standing slightly swaying in the wind, her hair fluttering slightly like a beauty in a painting, seeing Chen Xiaolei approaching, Chu Ziyue smiled instantly , the small canine teeth are shining with white brilliance, and the whole person looks playful and cute.

"You're finally here. Where have you been these few days?" Chu Ziyue pulled Chen Xiaolei's arm when she came over, and was about to rush in. Not living in the other party's hair smelled a few, quite a kind of intoxicated look.

Chu Ziyue also realized that this action of hers was a little tempting, and she blushed, but she didn't let go. This time, Chen Xiaolei helped the Chu family win such a long buffer time, and the Ding family didn't know what they were doing recently, so they didn't The Chu family can take care of it, so the Chu family's property has returned to its previous state in just a few days, and even increased. The family is very happy.

"I went to Shiwan Dashan for a few days. I heard that you have been looking for me. If I don't come back, I will come here."

Chen Xiaolei said softly, the conversation between the two sounded full of ambiguity, but it was like a couple who hadn't seen each other for many years, which made people feel excited.

There was endless shame in Chu Ziyue's eyes, which was very different from the weird, bold and fearless girl she met when she first met. Could this be the nourishment of love in the legend?Chen Xiaolei thought strangely in his heart, and couldn't help getting closer to the other party, Chu Ziyue's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

Soon Chen Xiaolei walked in. The buildings of the Chu family tended to be in an ancient style, with ancient rocky palaces and pavilions, and high eaves covered with some fierce beasts in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. There were a few animals playing with each other in the yard. It looks quite artistic.

Chen Xiaolei looked at everything around him with great interest, and soon arrived at the lobby inside. There was an Eight Immortals table in the center filled with delicacies. On the table, a middle-aged man with a square face looked over, with joy on his face. : "This must be Chen Xiaoyou. Come on, you are really young and promising. Before Ziyue said you have something to do, you have been unable to invite me, haha."

Chen Xiaolei was about to say with a smile, but he was dissatisfied with the middle-aged beautiful woman next to him and said, "I'm afraid she thinks that she has helped our Chu family with such a trivial matter, and it is inevitable to be a bit airy."

"Qin Xiang, don't mess around." The Patriarch of the Chu Family's face darkened, and he cursed angrily, but he quickly smiled and said to Chen Xiaolei: "Don't mind me, little brother, I have a straightforward temper, and I didn't intend to offend you."

"What, it was originally, we invited him several times before coming." Qin Xiang taunted again from the side.The angry Chu Family Patriarch was about to reprimand, when Chen Xiaolei said lightly:

"It's okay, I'm really not in the capital these days, and my mobile phone has no signal. In fact, Ziyue and I are good friends, and she helped me last time, so it's nothing, don't worry about it."

The Patriarch of the Chu Family gave a sly smile, stared at Jiannei, and greeted Chen Xiaolei with a smile. At the same time, the maid next to him brought up the cold dishes. The table was full of delicacies, and this table was very valuable. It can be seen that the head of the Chu family is still very attentive.

"Little brother, I am really grateful for offending the Ding family for my Chu family this time. If you have any requests in the future, just ask, I will help you." The head of the Chu family's polite words were impeccable.

Chen Xiaolei smiled and didn't say anything, but secretly said in his heart: Even if they don't help you, the Ding family won't let me go. For Chu Ziyue's sake, it doesn't matter if they help.

"I don't know what the little brother's plan is next?" The Patriarch of the Chu family asked with his eyes turned.

"It's okay, just play around in the capital, and then go back to Yangcheng."

Chen Xiaolei said casually, Chu Ziyue blinked her eyes very aura at Baibai, and Qin Xiang on the table still looked like someone owed him millions.

The Patriarch of the Chu family paused, thought for a while and said: "Little brother is so young, one of my companies is short of a chairman, do you think you have time?"

Chen Xiaolei rolled his eyes in his heart, and knew that this old guy had no good intentions in inviting him to dinner. He wanted to attract himself, and was about to reject the Patriarch of the Chu family, and said again: "The little girl has no boyfriend so far. I think the little brother is also single, so we can chat."

Chen Xiaolei was stunned.

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