Chu Ziyue next to her was also stunned, and her pretty face turned red. She didn't know that her father would give her a blind date, and she was so ashamed for a while that she didn't dare to raise her head, but she felt a little eager in her heart.

In fact, she still has some feelings for Chen Xiaolei. After all, the other party has helped her so wholeheartedly, and dared to offend the Ding family of the four major families in the capital. Of course, this is not the most important thing. When she was most helpless, the other party walked away like an angel. to her heart.I don't know how she would feel if she knew that Chen Xiaolei had offended the Ding family at school.

Chen Xiaolei hesitated for a moment, not because he was hesitant about the company, Chu Ziyue was good-looking, and his personality was also the type he liked, but he couldn't be tied to the other party's family just because of this. After thinking about it, he said: "I am free. I'm used to being lazy, and I don't like managing any company, but Ziyue is really good, and I can get along with you slowly." Chen Xiaolei didn't say anything to death, but in the end he still felt a little bit reluctant to let go of Chu Ziyue, the other party was so cute and beeping that Chen Xiaolei couldn't wait for her take a bite.

Chu Ziyue's eyes darkened a lot, and the Patriarch of the Chu family touched his head in embarrassment and was about to say something more. At this moment, Qin Xiang's duck-like voice sounded again: "Obviously I don't like Chu Ziyue, why are you saying so many reasons? It's better to have a son with me, what's the use of having a daughter."

"Shut up." Anger flashed across the face of the Patriarch of the Chu Family, he didn't know whether he was angry because of Chen Xiaolei's refusal or because of the woman's ignorance, and said in a deep voice, "Go back, stay in the room, and wash a hundred pieces of clothes. "

Qin Xiang stared, left with a cold snort, went to a side room and sent another text message, and then her expression returned to normal.

"Little brother, I'm really sorry, that's how you are, you're rude." The head of the Chu family said in embarrassment, knowing that he didn't have the face to stay and look at the daughter beside him, and then said: "Ziyue, talk to little brother .” After finishing speaking, he left.

Chu Ziyue lowered her head and did not respond, Chen Xiaolei rolled her eyes, why did she feel as if she had abandoned her wife, the hall was empty except for Chu Ziyue, Chen Xiaolei could even hear the heartbeat of the other party, and she could tell that she was a little nervous .

"Ziyue, I..."

"It's okay, I'm fine, you don't have to worry, I'm very happy that you can come, thank you for helping me, I will satisfy you whatever you ask." Chu Ziyue raised her head, her eyes were full of hope, and the bright eyes were full of hope. Be serious.

Chen Xiaolei has a feeling that he wants to kiss the other party. I am afraid that the other party will not refuse. It is such a temptation for a woman to treat you so unreservedly and do whatever you want with her. Perhaps another man would not hesitate to kiss her. Chen Xiaolei also has the urge to strip naked, but can he?

If so, isn't it for profit?And the other party is so cute, Chen Xiaolei really couldn't do it. After thinking about it for the first time when he saw the other party riding a white tiger, he couldn't help but smile. He raised his hand to touch the other party's cheek and smiled: "Don't be so serious, help me!" Brother is willing, I don’t ask for anything in return, I will help you with anything in the future, if you don’t mind, you can recognize me as a brother, of course you can be my girlfriend, but I have a lot of women.” Chen Xiaolei smiled wickedly, eyes Constantly glance at a perfect arc.

"Fuck you, take advantage of me, let's be friends, don't even think about being my brother, as for the partner, I don't bother to talk to you." Chu Ziyue pouted, and returned to her previous playful appearance, but there was something wrong in the depths of her eyes. A hint of disappointment flashed through.

Chen Xiaolei smiled, and leaned directly on Chu Ziyue's body, smelling the fragrance of virginity on her body, his heart was agitated, "Ziyue, we will be a family in the future, if brother can't get along someday, You have to take care of me."

"Hmph, okay, I will adopt you now, now you are my adopted duck, go and do a square dance for me."

"I'll wipe it, can I change it?"

"Then pole dancing."

"It's still a square dance."


Next, Chen Xiaolei chatted with Chu Ziyue a lot, because of the previous unhappiness, he felt a little embarrassed, and he wanted to enlighten this girl.

Lili and Fairy Ji rushed to the construction site in a hurry. From a long distance, they saw some farmers arguing with hoes. It was very noisy and fierce.

"Everyone be quiet, this land was contracted to us by Li. If you have any questions, you can go to the investors of the Li family."

The contractor kept persuading them there, but to no avail. Those farmers only recognized the land.The contractor was very helpless. He saw Lili approaching from afar, and ran over as soon as his eyes lit up: "President, these..."

"I see, leave it to me." Lili said coldly, she had already understood what was going on on the way, and she felt a little angry.

Lili went directly to the stage, took the loud public and used a bit of force to coerce her: "Folks, hello, I am the chairman of Leili Company, and I just took over this land, but I didn't expect this land to You haven't paid back the money, I know you won't ask the Li family, so I promise here that as long as this building is built, each of you can share a set for free, and at the same time, I will give you the money I owe you for one day to help you Raise, what do you think?"

Lili's voice was very loud, and many people had already covered their ears, but they did understand the content, and many people couldn't believe it, is there such a good thing?

"Are you sure to return our money and our house?" one of the farmers asked uncertainly.

"I'm sure that all the people in my company will be here and won't run away. Give me a day to raise money for you, and then I will give each of you an indicator. With this indicator, people who will distribute the house in the future You can get a set in time."

Lili directly asked the secretary to take out a box, and then the farmers got a card with some apprehension, each with its own number, and then Lili explained to them the usage of the cards and some future rules, and drew up a lot of cards. Contract, they left satisfied.

Lili's face immediately darkened.It seems that Manager Li didn't hurt him last time, and he actually gave himself such a piece of land.Fairy Ji next to him was ready and said, "Let's go and destroy him, you dare to fool me."

"It's too easy to abolish him. I have a better way. Come with me." Lili smiled triumphantly, and a thought flashed in her mind. This time, Manager Li must be ruined. Ji Yaojing thought for a moment.Next, Lili brought Fairy Ji directly to a nightclub in the capital.

"Call me all your senior public relations here." Lili said coldly, and at the same time she took out a wad of money, the boss inside was taken aback for a moment, all the people who come here to look for women are men, and this woman looking for a woman is just It's a little strange, but the customer is God, and soon a woman with exquisite facial features and a charming figure walked up.

Lili scanned around and found a woman with big eyes and bewitching eyes, and pointed to her: "That's her."

Although the others were strange, they didn't say anything. After all, if you are rich, you are a master. Lili took the woman to a private room.

But in less than ten minutes, Lili left with Fairy Ji, and the female publicist in the room was smiling very satisfied.

"It's really good, Lili. You can think of such a bad move." Ji Goblin couldn't help but praise in the car.

"It's exciting to play as soon as you play, so that the other party will have a long memory forever. By the way, go and check their tigress, don't lose the chain when the time comes." Lili smiled, the corners of her mouth were full of weirdness, and then the two of them shuttled back and forth in the capital. You can buy some brand-name bags in the major shopping malls in the capital, let alone in the capital, this kind and style are not bad.

At the same time, in the study of Ding Changsheng, Ding's family in the capital.

"What, even you are not his opponent?" Ding Changsheng couldn't believe it, looking at Zulong who was dressed in a dragon robe and looked majestic in front of him.

After Zulong's defeat against Chen Xiaolei, he came directly to Ding Changsheng's place. Zulong Mountain was destroyed, and he secretly brought those subordinates here.

"Yeah, I don't know why this kid is so powerful. Even if I have the blood of the ancient anti-sky clan in his body, I feel a little stressed." Zulong's face was extremely ugly, and this incident was a big blow to him.

"Bloodline? Why didn't you know it when you were in school, eh, no, at that time Ye Ju had a vision, didn't it?" Ding Changsheng suddenly thought of it, and it suddenly dawned on him that Chen Xiaolei was responsible for the Ascension Thunder Tribulation. Ah, thinking of this, I felt a burst of fire in my heart. If I could refine this bloodline to myself, wouldn't I be able to improve my strength to a higher level?

Ding Changsheng became hot. Although he didn't know how strong the blood of the Heaven-Defying Clan was, he knew the strength of the Zulong, but he had no interest in the blood of the dragon.

"Okay, I will help you avenge whatever I say this time. Haha, I must kill this kid. I will arrange it. When the time comes, I will kill him directly." Ding Changsheng said coldly. Ruins, a small Chen Xiaolei family directly crushed him.

Zu Long chuckled, the other party made him so embarrassed, and took away his magic weapon, all of which will be taken back in the future.The two discussed the details together, and all the poisonous schemes were sorted out.

In an alley, it is very remote, it is the place where Mufeng hired the killer last time, today Mufeng came here again, but this time there is no rules like before, but waiting slowly, time is one minute A second passed, until the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun gradually took away the last ray of light between the sky and the earth.

"Why are you here now?" Mu Feng said dissatisfiedly as he saw a black shadow-like person appearing beside him.

"Do you know why we are called the Shadow Organization?" The voice of the visitor was hoarse, as ugly as a ghost crawling out of hell.

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