The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 247 Guo Dong's Promotion

Guo Dong drove away, crossed the crowded tide, and drove towards some remote places. He changed directions several times on the way, specifically towards the distance. After half an hour, he came to a medium-sized coffee shop and went straight to the direction of the second floor. Inside one of the compartments.

"No tail?" A middle-aged male voice came out in a private room with a thick voice. Guo Dong walked in and looked outside through the curtain: "No."

The middle-aged man's Chinese character face was just in the middle, and he looked very energetic in a decent Chinese tunic suit. Guo Dong turned his head and looked over and said, "What does your young master mean?"

"The young master said yes, but you have to be absolutely sure otherwise our Li family will not let you go." The middle-aged man said solemnly, and Guo Dong nodded solemnly. The family will suffer heavy losses, even if they lose, it doesn't matter. In short, I have to vent this anger for Master.

The two had a brief chat, Guo Dong first came out to find a small alley and left in a hurry, even if the car didn't open, as for the middle-aged man, he waited for half an hour before leaving.

It was already late at night and the three of Chen Xiaolei gathered around the fire and ate barbecue meat. Opposite them was a demon hunting mercenary group. They met this mercenary group on the road before. Chen Xiaolei had no interest in joining them at first. In order to improve his strength, he deliberately joined this team for training, Chen Xiaolei thought about it anyway, and agreed when time allowed.

"Isn't this brother tired of carrying a sword on his back? It's a good thing that this forest is full of creatures that are not sensitive to glances. Otherwise, even the light of a fire would attract them here."

Before Cheng Ritian could speak, a slightly drunk man next to him interjected directly: "What's the matter? If it's really attracted, what will happen? Those of us can tear them up and eat them."

"Haha." Some men around laughed heartily, and Chen Xiaolei shook his head speechlessly. These people really took it for granted.Ignoring what they said, after eating a little meat, he began to close his eyes and meditate, while Cheng Ritian listened carefully to their experience, as if wishing to become the protagonist of a certain battle and fight heartily.

Several people were eating meat and drinking heavily at this moment, a roar that did not sound like a human voice rang out, the voice was full of discomfort and violence, the expressions of several members of the Demon Hunter Mercenary Corps changed, and one of them shouted: "It's a violent madman!" coming."

Chen Xiaolei's gaze showed interest, and the whole afternoon was filled with the legend of the demon head of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, what is it like?How come there is a familiar feeling when listening to the other party's voice? This made Chen Xiaolei a little surprised.

Cheng Ritian's eyes lit up and he shouted directly: "Leave me alone, this time I have to meet this monster well."

"Don't be dealt with by the devil, I don't know if I have time to help you." Mo Nuan said disdainfully, Cheng Ritian smiled cruelly and pulled out the golden sword behind him and rushed out. Cheng Ritian is so bold as a demon hunter Some members of the Corps were infected and yelled and followed.

Chen Xiaolei shook his head speechlessly, if this monster is easy to deal with, he can survive in the Hundred Thousand Mountains for so long?These people are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and he is also very interested in this fierce monster after he dodges to follow.




The whole earth trembled slightly like an earthquake, and it could be seen that the monster was not light. Moreover, the roar came from a distance, and the curiosity in Chen Xiaolei's heart became more dignified. , the distance is getting closer and closer, the opponent's roar and painful emotions, Chen Xiaolei can feel it even at such a distance.

A group of demon hunting mercenaries took out their guns and rushed forward brightly. When they came to the front, they were stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, the legendary demon head was so huge that he was hundreds of feet tall. He was covered in purple and black. Like a knife, it seemed to be split into two halves. With one arm, the huge palm kept slapping the surroundings as if to vent.

Cheng Ritian's eyes widened and there was still a lot of excitement in it, the golden sword behind his back suddenly shot out a golden light, illuminating the surroundings extremely brightly, and Cheng Ritian pointed with his hands.


Soon the golden sword became incomparably huge, as big as the devil's body.


Cheng Ritian waved his big hand and pushed forward, only to hear a loud bang and the dazzling light blinded the eyes of those in the mercenary group. With a "click", the golden sword shattered.

"Roar." The devil's palm doubled in size, and there was a flash of starlight in his palm. He seemed to be engulfing all the stars in the sky, and shot towards Cheng Ritian. Cheng Ritian was very excited. Although the man in front of him is powerful, his mind is a little confused. The strength is not concentrated, the figure keeps flashing around, the golden sword is grasped in the hand, and the sharp sword light shoots out one after another, and the surrounding demon hunting mercenary group also uses all their abilities to harass the surroundings.

Chen Xiaolei frowned on one side, looking at the huge purple-black body, he suddenly thought of entering Kyushu, the same star picker with the same hundred-foot body, but his appearance was different.

After watching for a long time, Chen Xiaolei slapped his forehead, isn't this just breaking into Kyushu?The aura in the other party's body was unmistakable, and after reading it several times, he finally confirmed it. Chen Xiaolei slowly took a few steps back and looked at it quietly.

Chuang Kyushu was so violent that the little bug in front of him was playing with a red light in his eyes, he slapped his chest and punched Cheng Ritian's position, his big feet stomped those mercenary groups to pieces, and Chuang Kyushu rushed out from a purple circle on his head Facing Cheng Ritian, a wave of sealing force radiated towards Cheng Ritian.

Chen Xiaolei saw that the time was almost up, and he turned into a giant ape of hundreds of feet in the mountain, and pressed towards the opponent as high as Chuang Kyushu. Even Chuang Kyushu couldn't resist the huge force. After all, he had eaten so much monkey wine and the increase in blood, This strength is not ordinary.

"Roar." Chuang Kyushu roared wildly, and purple halos appeared on his body. Chen Xiaolei didn't dare to delay and force the other party to perform a unique move. Jin Liufeng tapped six acupuncture points on his body, and after a while he stood there quietly and stopped moving.

Cheng Ritian and Mo Nuan who were on the side were already speechless in shock.Chen Xiaolei heaved a sigh of relief and returned to his original state. He looked at Chuang Kyushu intently, stepped forward and shouted a few times, but the other party seemed deaf and didn't respond at all. Seeing Chuang Kyushu with only one arm left, Chen Xiaolei felt very sad in his heart. The roommate has become what it is now, and I really don't know what happened to the other party.

After shouting a few times and not seeing the other party wake up, Chen Xiaolei directly put the other party down and took out the silver needle and inserted it in between his eyebrows. His spiritual power slowly drilled in along the silver needle.

Going in and looking at it, Chen Xiaolei's heart sank. He didn't expect that the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge in Kyushu was so chaotic, even his body was full of scars. Chen Xiaolei flashed his heartache, this guy is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. Find a clean place." After speaking for a few moments, he disappeared, and Cheng Ritian nodded mechanically behind him. He still hasn't figured out how Chen Xiaolei subdued that god-like monster?

Chen Xiaolei came to a pool at the outskirts of Shiwan Dashan, put Chuang Kyushu there, and sat up cross-legged. First, he recovered to a perfect state. Break into the head of Kyushu.

The most urgent thing now is to restore the Yuanshen of Chuangjiuzhou first, and the gentle Yuanli in his body is continuously injected into his mind, and he controls Yuanli to generate suction to gather the fragments of Yuanshen of Chuangjiuzhou together, and at the same time crush a piece of it with his hands. The medicinal materials of each plant are all picked in the master's medicine garden, and many of them are more than hundreds of years old.

Cheng Ritian, who came from behind, stood there quietly not daring to disturb, this process continued for a long time slowly...

When Ding Cancan woke up early the next morning and saw Guo Dong sorting out the documents upright, he felt a sense of sweetness in his heart. He couldn't think that this guy who came out of nowhere and himself could make it this far. It would be nice for the company to hand it over to him.

"Are you awake? I have prepared breakfast for you, don't you know you like it?" Guo Dong's soft voice sounded in Ding Cancan's ear, and Ding Cancan's heart warmed up while he was eating and watching Guo Dong, which made Guo Dong have a ghost in his heart I feel bad.

"Today I formulated an economic plan to merge a subsidiary of the Li family into our company, and then..."

"I'll just leave it to you. Why do you still ask me about these things?" Ding Cancan smiled playfully and snuggled into Guo Dong's arms.Guo Dong squinted his eyes and thought about it, chatted with her for a while, and quickly walked out. It only took half a day to take a seafood company under the Li family as its banner. Even Ding Cancan was dumbfounded by Guo Dong's speed. I am more satisfied with him and let him handle some high-level meetings.

Guo Dong naturally dealt with them one by one, and got along better with some senior members of the Ding family, and became acquainted with each other. With Ding Cancan's strong recommendation, Guo Dong finally became a mainstay of the Ding family by virtue of this record. General Manager of the company.

On this day, Guo Dong was in high spirits and had just acquired a subsidiary of the Li family again. The Ding family was shocked. Ding Shenxian met Guo Dong in person. The people of the Ding family are not very innocent, so they didn't get promoted so fast, otherwise it is possible to become a manager in the Ding family headquarters.

Guo Dong slowly kept a low profile and was not so anxious about the acquisition plan, and began to work steadily on the seafood economy in his hand.

In a secret conference hall of the Li family, Li Mimiao sat calmly on one side, and there were some gray-haired old people sitting in other seats, and the leader was the Patriarch of the Li family.

"This time Piaomiao has made great contributions to my Li family, but the Ding family's revenge has also followed, what do you think?" The voice of the head of the Li family was as majestic and full of magnetism as Li Piaomiao.

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