The Patriarch of the Li Family looked at the people below with sharp eyes, especially a little bit of admiration for Li Mimiao. The white-haired people below are the background of the Li Family and the former Patriarchs. At this moment, they are only obsessed with cultivation and do not care about world affairs. , It's just that this time it's something special that bothers them.

One of the old men with dark spots on his face slapped the table and said, "Is there anything to discuss, what are those from the Ding family? At worst, let's fight to see who is the best."

"Second brother is still thinking about fighting in the economic era. It's better to save some energy and think about how to break through. Your time and mine are numbered." An old man with a shofar braid next to him said with a smile.

The second beard looked at another old man with a rosy face and a childlike face, and said, "Boss, tell me if what I said makes sense, and whether you want to teach the Ding family a lesson."

The ruddy old man was meditating there and did not talk to him. After a while, he said solemnly: "The Ding family's activities have been quite frequent recently and they are quite close to the church. I suspect that something is wrong. Do you still remember the big battle 20 years ago? At that time, the Ding family But it’s intriguing to stay neutral and get so close to the church now.”

Li Mimiao next to him couldn't bear it anymore, he kept hearing what happened 20 years ago?Looking at the ruddy old man, he asked, "Grand Elder, what happened 20 years ago?"

The ruddy old man glanced at Li Miyao and looked at the others and slowly said: "Some things are not good for you to know too early, but when the time is ripe, you will naturally know. It is a big deal for you to know these things too early." Even if your father doesn’t want you to be so tired, right? Now the Ding family wants to take revenge just to get some financial benefits. Didn’t their old guy come out? The financial matters are left to you father and son. If force is used, we will."

The Great Elder said slowly, the aura on his body was that the other two elders didn't say much, Li Miu was even more puzzled because he knew that the decision of the Great Elder would not change no matter what.

After briefly discussing the next development, the Patriarch of the Li family handed over all the financial management of the family to Li Mimiao, and Li Mimiao naturally had no complaints. Thinking of the agreement with that person, there is no such thing as this economic competition. nothing to worry about.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Chen Xiaolei slowly withdrew his palm and heaved a sigh of relief. It was really not an easy task to gather the soul of Kyushu, and it almost exhausted all his energy. He opened his tired eyes and looked at it. After a moment of satisfaction, the two who looked like guards flashed a flash of satisfaction. They did a good job in protecting them.

Without wasting time, he hurriedly practiced with his legs crossed. The nameless kung fu crazily rotated the power of heaven and earth and poured it into Chen Xiaolei's tripod space like a funnel. After a while, a sense of fulfillment appeared. Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes, stood up and heard a crackling sound. .

"Are you awake?" Mo Nuan walked over and looked at Chen Xiaolei in surprise.Chen Xiaolei rejoiced in his heart that his bloodline that turned into a mountain giant ape probably shocked them. After all, they had never seen him so powerful before. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Yeah, do you really miss me? I didn't come out tonight. What's the matter?"

"I miss you, I can't sleep well without such a strong thug like you." Mo Nuan sat there with a smile, stretching her slender legs into the pool water and splashing waves of water, Chen Xiaolei's throat was thirsty, this girl Why do you always like not to wear pants?

Cheng Ritian expressed his doubts with his eyes. Of course, Chen Xiaolei had no interest in telling him. He looked at the comatose Chuang Kyushu Chen Xiaolei and tested his mental power. Fortunately, he was much better. ?Forget it, I'm helping you, Chen Xiaolei cut his wrist, and drops of purple blood flowed into Chuang Jiuzhou's mouth.

After a while, all the skin wounds on his body scabbed and healed, but the huge scar on his one arm and head couldn't heal anyway, so he took out a little Jiuquling ginseng and fed it in, and the naked eye can see that Chuang Kyushu has recovered vitality.

Not long after, Chuang Kyushu moved a finger, and then the surging power of Qi and blood appeared on him, Chuang Kyushu opened his eyes, looked around in a daze, and froze on Chen Xiaolei's face for a while. Only then excitedly said: "Chen Xiaolei?"

"It's me." Chen Xiaolei felt relieved, if his method didn't work, he wouldn't be able to save him.

Chuang Kyushu stood up and looked at his miserable situation. The joy on his face faded, and he sat there sighing and staring at the empty arm in a daze.

Chen Xiaolei walked over gently, took out a bottle of wine, took a sip, and threw it away: "It's okay, there's nothing to say, brother, I'm strong now, even if there is a catastrophe, we won't be afraid." After Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, Cheng Ritian next to him stared at him. Level are not afraid?Thinking of how long it took for him to still be at the Xuan level, he blushed for a while.

Chuang Kyushu Gulong swallowed a few mouthfuls of hatred, eyes flashed: "This matter... forget it and tell you, when I returned to the sect during the summer vacation, I thought that I could obtain the Fa Xiangzong by virtue of the blood of returning to the ancestors and the strength of the prefecture level." I didn't expect..." Chuang Kyushu's eyes were full of murderous intent and hatred, and he gritted his teeth after a while and said:

"After I went back, they just started talking nicely. Everyone looked at me with envy and even started to compliment me. Unexpectedly, the suzerain's son was jealous of me and tried every means to abolish me, saying that my blood was Bastards don't meet the needs of this world, they are actually greedy for my blood and want to keep it for themselves.

It's just that they didn't expect that the blood has been fused with me so they can't be drawn out, but they didn't believe in doing various experiments on me and even cut off one of my arms. Zong is in charge. Chuang Kyushu's strong sarcasm appeared on his face, and he gulped down the spicy liquor.

Chen Xiaolei was furious in his heart, how could his brother be bullied like this, even though he didn't go to the Fa Xiangzong, he was already full of disgust, one can imagine how greedy the son of Dao Sect Master and how vile those elders are.

"Old Antique of your sect allowed them to do this?" Chen Xiaolei was a little puzzled.

"Those people are said to be seriously injured in the First World War 20 years ago and they are recuperating. Ordinary things don't disturb them, and even if they are disturbed, they don't necessarily care about them." Chuang Kyushu gritted his teeth.

"There's nothing to say. You must seek justice for this matter. Are you still holding the Sun Transforming Pearl of your sect?" Chen Xiaolei asked about what his master had told him.

"Sunshine Bead? Why do you want it here? The bead is on the body of the suzerain's son. It is also the treasure of Fa Xiangzong's clan, which is very helpful for physical cultivation."

Chen Xiaolei's eyes lit up: "That's great." Zhengchou had nowhere to go to get that thing, so he avenged both old and new grudges.

"Let's go, let's take revenge for you. It doesn't matter if the Fa Xiangzong doesn't come back, we will enjoy life in the world." Chen Xiaolei patted Chuang Kyushu on the shoulder.

Chuang Jiuzhou's eyes flashed wet, although he didn't ask the other party how to save himself, but this friendship will never change. Standing up and moving around, he sighed: "It's still comfortable when I have arms. Now my strength is not half of what it was before. We Let’s go for it.”

"Then what's the matter, don't worry, along the way I'll help you recover and fight for your strength, and I'm not what I was before. In my opinion, everything below the sky level is scum." Chen Xiaolei slapped his chest with pride.

Chuang Kyushu stared in surprise at Chen Xiaolei, walked out without saying anything, his body became much taller, Cheng Ritian was listening to his blood boiling, he likes going to the Zongmen to make trouble, even Mo Nuan's hormone secretion accelerated for a while.

Along the way, Chen Xiaolei mixed some medicinal herbs with Chuang Kyushu to help him regain his vitality, and even turned on the furnace to make a pill halfway. The apprentice doesn't know how to make alchemy and it makes people laugh.

After a few days of journey, I finally crossed the western part of Shiwanda Mountain to reach the seaside. There were many detours along the way, and the outer area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain was not dangerous.

"Let's go get a boat and cross the ocean. In that direction is the home of Fa Xiangzong." Chuang Kyushu pointed to a location ahead, and Chen Xiaolei Ziji Motong looked over a small island that was almost invisible. The outline doesn't look that far away.

"Unexpectedly, your Fa Xiangzong is really remote in the sea." Chen Xiaolei smiled wryly, as if most of the sects are very secretive, and the western sea is dangerous. These places have natural barriers. The big tree was cut down and thrown in front of Cheng Ritian, and he said coldly, "Knock out."

Cheng Ritian was stunned for a moment, feeling that he regarded himself as hard work?However, I didn't complain about who made me the weakest. Soon, under the wave of the golden sword, the shape of a ship was formed, and the sides were cut neatly and flat.

Chuang Jiuzhou nodded in satisfaction, looked at Chen Xiaolei and said, "Aren't you a good little brother, you didn't come from a carpenter before, did you?"

"You." Cheng Ritian was a little annoyed, he worked hard because he respected the strong, but the other party obviously underestimated him.Chen Xiaolei waved his hand: "Okay, stop making trouble and leave quickly. When it gets dark, the sea will not be calm."

Cheng Ritian had no choice but to tidy up with a depressed nod, while Mo Nuan, who was narrating, looked curious and it was the first time he had left the sea at such a young age, and he became even more eager to try when he thought of some stories in the sea that the elders told before.

A piece of white cloth was hung on it to set sail, using the sea wind and Yuan force to push the boat out like a sharp sword. Chen Xiaolei leaned on the bow and took out a bottle of fruit wine and several wine glasses. The sachet is then used to hold these less important things.

"Come on, let's drink two cups, and the humidity from the sea will warm our bodies." Chen Xiaolei fiddled like an expert, and the others naturally had no objections. Cheng Ritian was about to say something when he suddenly stared forward.

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