The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 252 The next suzerain

Very Tianlow clenched his fists with strong hatred in his eyes, and followed with a cold snort.

Walking through the jagged rocks and walking into the sect, Chen Xiaolei felt at least ten waves of mental power fluctuations, and his cultivation level may not be lower than that of the prefecture. Now Chen Xiaolei realizes that this Fa Xiangzong is not simple. It seems that there is something tricky.

Chen Xiaolei became careful, although the mountain giant ape blood on his body was their ancestor, who knows if they will change their minds after so many years, it would be a disaster if they coveted their own blood.

Along the way, the buildings of Fa Xiangzong tend to feel heavy, even the inside of the pool is extremely dark, Chen Xiaolei is speechless, the feelings inside and outside here are black gold stones.

Along the way, he followed Senior Brother Zhang to a murderous place. Chen Xiaolei didn't need to guess that this was the punishment hall. The heavy stone gate slowly opened, and Chen Xiaolei's pupils shrank. There were a few very old but powerful old men standing in the hall. After breaking into Kyushu, those old people looked over with sharp eyes, and their lives hurt.

One of them stared viciously at Chuang Kyushu who walked in from Xianting with a gloomy face. Senior Brother Zhang stood aside indifferently after entering, and the dull atmosphere in the space became more and more intense.

"Jiuzhou, do you want to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors if you don't kneel down when you see the elder?"

"Fuck your mother, what are you? Bullying masters and destroying ancestors? Who is my master and who is my ancestor? When my arm was cut off, which ancestor spoke for me." Chuang Kyushu He got angry when he said it, and stood there playing tricks.

"Presumptuous, I am the suzerain and you have no respect for elders. What's the use of recruiting a disciple like you? You also indulge your friends to beat people in your sect. I think you have a heart of betrayal."

After speaking, he looked up at a white-haired old man and said: "I don't think there is any need to care about these trivial things, the elder, as long as his blood is drawn out, otherwise my Fa Xiangzong will make other sects laugh at him."

The suzerain's voice was extremely fierce, and Chen Xiaolei frowned when he heard it, wishing to use this guy's head as a urinal, and Hen Tiandi, who came in behind, was full of peace of mind, his father was the suzerain who was in charge of the power, besides the great elder, he was the biggest.

The Great Elder sat there without saying a word, staring straight at Chen Xiaolei, a light flashed in the depths of his cloudy eyes, the old eyes seemed to want to see through Chen Xiaolei, and then he moved his body for a long time, and said in his heart: "Unexpectedly, there will be such a thing." This kind of blood exists. Could it be that you will be the one who will be the one who will be robbed this time? The ancient prophecy that every time there is a catastrophe, new gods and men will appear, because there are no top people or things in this world, mountain giant apes, and extinct races have all come out ,perhaps……"

Chen Xiaolei was a little hairy, what did this white-haired guy mean by staring at him?Could it be a gay man?

"Kyushu, have you ever been to the White Mist World before?" The Great Elder withdrew his gaze from Chen Xiaolei and made a kind voice.

"Yeah, my bloodline evolved at that time." Chuang Kyushu is very well-behaved. This is the first time I saw the elder. Growing up is just unpopular, that is, he doesn't know why he is not liked by everyone. He has a long-term stubborn personality and keeps trying to get along with his peers. He doesn't get along with his peers and fights at every turn. When he grows up, knowing the outside world, he immediately goes to the world live.

The Great Elder pondered for a while, looked at the other people around him and said slowly: "The blood of Kyushu is the highest in our sect, and now I declare him to be the next suzerain."

"Great elder, my son..." The suzerain looked over in disbelief, and decided the next suzerain just by asking?His son is the next suzerain, okay?

"Stop talking. If you have any objections, you can abdicate now." The Great Elder glanced at the people around him with a cold look and did not explain too much. A smile appeared on the corner of the brother's mouth.

Chuang Kyushu froze in place for a long time and could not calm down. He thought that he was ready to refute and fight in a very serious judgment. The happiness came suddenly and he looked at Chen Xiaolei and then at Senior Brother Zhang. The latter's eyes flashed. It was only after encouraging him to go to Kyushu that he reacted and said: "Elder Xie, from now on I will lead Fa Xiangzong to glory and live up to your great trust."

There was another person in the corner who was extremely unwilling. If the environment did not allow him, he would have rushed over to kill Chuang Kyushu. It was because of his hatred, he looked at his father's position without a trace and walked out depressed.

After the great elder left, the hall became noisy. Most of the elders were dumbfounded and couldn't understand. The suzerain coughed dryly with a gloomy face and said, "Don't be complacent about breaking into Kyushu. You just won't be punished if you break the sect's foundation." You, the friends around you are afraid to be responsible."

The suzerain shouted directly, "Why is Tiewei taking down this thief for me?"

Soon a few men in black rushed in, their bodies were full of equipment, their fleshy horned dragons were very strong, and they said respectfully: "Yes." A burst of fierceness surrounded Chen Xiaolei, and the positions of several people were all particular. It was obviously a formation Law.

"Which one of you dares, as the next Suzerain, I order you to withdraw from me, and if you don't obey me, you will all be fired when I take over."

There is a faint coercion on his body, coupled with the increase in blood, which is no worse than the previous suzerain.

Those men in black hesitated for a while, but the suzerain above was fuming with anger: "Asshole, I'm not dead yet, you don't want to live anymore, do you?"

"Kill him for me." The suzerain sneered at the whole person like crazy.

The men in black gritted their teeth fiercely and rushed towards Chen Xiaolei. Chen Xiaolei disdained them for their good earth-level strength, even if they didn't transform themselves, they couldn't match them.

After a few moments, they flew upside down one by one, Chen Xiaolei stared at them in pain on the ground and wondered, obviously they didn't use much force.

The people around didn't want to meddle in their family affairs, one by one hurriedly found reasons to resign, and there were only three of them left in the entire penalty hall, and Chuang Kyushu's face turned cold: "When I come to power, I will take back your entire bloodline, but sometimes your family will also be resigned." It will fall apart."

"It's just you?" The suzerain faintly disdains, he is extremely depressed, he used some means to drive Chuang Kyushu away before, he thought that no one could threaten his status, who would have thought that there would be another Chen Xiaolei, whose strength is still so strong that even he Can't beat the opponent.

Chuang Kyushu shook his head and pulled Chen Xiaolei out. He didn't care about his suzerain face at all, and walked up to an attic by virtue of his induction.

"I'm sorry you can't rush in without the order of the suzerain." The two people at the door stretched out their hands to intercept them, their tone was extremely rude, and they knew at a glance that the other party was from the suzerain's lineage. When he realized it, he was on all fours and screamed in pain. In the entire Fa Xiangzong, the only one who could not give the suzerain face so much was Chuang Kyushu.

Chuang Kyushu went straight in, and a haggard purple-black arm hung in the air in the center.

"This is your arm?" Chen Xiaolei was a little surprised, why is it different from the other one in Kyushu?

"Yeah, it's really disgusting. They should use it as an experiment, otherwise they won't look bad. Alas, it will take a lot of geniuses and treasures to recover."

Chuang Jiuzhou secretly sighed that there was a slight suction at the empty broken arm, and the severed arm flew over and grafted on Chuang Jiuzhou's body.

A burst of muscle squirming perfectly combined together, Chuang Kyushu smiled and the white teeth looked very bright, the physical body of this Xingzu is so strong, and the recovery is astonishing. In just a short while, there is no difference from before. The color faded a little.

"Let's go to the treasure house of Fa Xiangzong, and try to collect something to help me make up for the energy lost by this broken arm." Chuang Jiuzhou pulled Chen Xiaolei away.

In the ancestral hall of the Linjiang ancient family, four heavenly puppets stood there like a fortress to guard the gate. Gufeng sorted out all the things in his memory and taught them to the clansmen. The changes in them in just two days are obviously obvious. All have made great progress.

"Feng'er, are we just going to stay here all this time?" Gu Tianhe came over with a worried expression on his face, the dignified Gu family not only lost their ancestors, but also shrank in this place without seeing the light of day.

"Well, yes, if we all go out, the goal is too big. Due to the influence of the ancestors of the ancient family, those evil spirits can't get in. Now is the time for us to recuperate. There will be a big battle soon."

Gu Feng's eyes were calm, as if he was talking about something very common, Gu Tianhe was startled that his son was really different from before, even he was depressed when facing his son, not because of his status but because of his blood.

I am relieved but also a little worried. Don't be miserable if I am not the son I remember in the end. Of course, the current situation still needs the help of my son. I hope it will get better in the future.

"Boom." At this time, a person next to him let out a dull sound and then he was overjoyed: "I broke through, haha, is this the feeling of the prefecture level? Patriarch, I broke through." The Gu family child was very excited and almost lost himself. Method's own qualifications may take more than ten years.

"Well, it's not bad. Here we claim that there is no heavenly catastrophe in the space. It's good luck to consolidate the realm. When we go out, we are crossing catastrophe." Gu Feng secretly nodded and taught that person to look at others with some expectation, and he had a bold idea in his heart The premise is that they all break through to the prefecture level.

Guo Dong in the capital city has been extremely nourished these past few days. Being in a high position and holding a lot of power is what he feels now. He is lying leisurely on the company's big recliner with his eyes closed and meditating. Now he has obtained some shares of the Ding family, but it is too little. , the seafood market has reached its peak after his help. While he was thinking, a woman came outside the door at this time, and walked in without knocking.

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