The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 254 Tai Chi Diagram

Han Zhan let out a cold snort: "It just happened to draw your blood to increase my background in Tianyangzong."

Chen Xiaolei's eyes turned cold, the blood was obtained by himself through all his efforts and almost died, this guy actually wants to take it away with just one word?

At this moment, he was determined to kill this arrogant guy, and the purple light in his huge eyes flickered instantly activated the Ziji magic pupil, and an invisible ripple hit Han Zhan.

"Boom." A muffled sound vibrated between the two of them, Chen Xiaolei slapped it with his big palm, took a few small steps, and swept the whip leg, the howling wind drove the surrounding bricks to spin up Even the house vibrated, Han Zhan frowned, his weak body was like a sesame seed, emitting white light and spinning around at an extremely fast speed, Chen Xiaolei was amazed and flashed his own Universe Shift, probably not as good as the other party.

Chen Xiaolei grabbed the opponent with his big hands a little restlessly, but like a loach, he couldn't catch it for a while. "Drink" the blood in Chen Xiaolei's body was running crazily, and the tripod made a buzzing sound, and his thick arm became thicker again and patted the surroundings. At this moment, Chen Xiaolei wanted to slap this abominable reptile to death without thinking about anything.

The faster the speed of the other party, the more Chen Xiaolei caught his attention. He unconsciously entered a state of madness. Perhaps it was also the effect of the cold and bloodthirsty inside the body of the mountain giant ape. Like lightning.

Profound meaning, Chen Xiaolei unconsciously entered a state of profound meaning in martial arts, and awakened the state he had comprehended before. These days, he has been thinking about what is profound meaning. The origin in the great ape's body is also the most suitable for him.

"Mountain fist." Chen Xiaolei punched forward with a flat punch, and an invisible rule appeared on his fist. Han Zhan was a little surprised. It was very slow but extremely fast and hit him.

With a "boom", the fist hit Han Zhan firmly, and Han Zhan vomited blood and flew out backwards. Chen Xiaolei didn't realize that he was still chasing Han Zhan in his current state.

On the one hand, Hate the sky is low, but his face is ugly. Han Zhan is the chief disciple of Tianyang Sect, and his strength must be beyond doubt. Unexpectedly, he was repelled by this monkey. The brothers winked, and they separated.

"Sky Phenomena Formation." Hen Tianlow yelled and brought some people around him back to their previous huge bodies. Thick black ripples enveloped the entire valley. Chuang Kyushu felt his body sank as if he was carrying a mountain on his back. Looking ahead: "Hate the sky, do you think this can save you? I'm going to abolish you today."

"Hmph." Hentian lowered his head with black lines, and the son of his majestic lord was ignored by this guy in front of him time and time again. It's really that the uncle can bear it and the aunt can't bear it. go.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes have no focal length. In the berserk state, any of his martial arts skills are doubled, even the weight on his body has no effect on him. The main reason is that Chen Xiaolei's huge strength has broken away from the limit of this formation. Dodging and not daring to fight.

"Change the sky and change the earth, the universe is infinite." Chen Xiaolei's whole body turned into an S-curve, his head and feet became the two poles of Tai Chi's yin and yang, and his whole body spun like a millstone and slashed towards Han Zhan at a speed as fast as lightning. Coupled with his huge body, Han Zhan had no doubt that he would be smashed to pieces if he was hit.

Under the addition of the profound meaning, Chen Xiaolei became extremely violent, and the space around his body seemed to be unable to bear him, and he had the illusion of collapsing.

"Three thousand feet of white hair." Han Zhan finally couldn't help it. The white hair on his head grew longer in an instant, and the whole space was filled. The white hairs cut Chen Xiaolei like white knives. In the blink of an eye, all the hairs were shattered on one side. Han Zhan finally changed his face, this is simply irresistible, he no longer has the heart to fight, exited here with a few flashes and disappeared in Fa Xiangzong again, it is not worth fighting with him.

Chen Xiaolei, who had lost his target, was still in a daze and cut towards the surroundings without distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy. He almost slashed towards Chuang Kyushu once, but the celestial formation was turned into shattered marks by him, and his scalp became numb when he stared down his eyes. Wherever it passed, long traces were drawn on the ground, and the rocks were also smashed by the impact.

Hen Tianlow frightened and dodged to the side. Some of the disciples of the Fa Xiangzong around had been damaged and even some were accidentally injured. Chuang Kyushu's eyes flashed with envy, and the opponent who was also Baizhang was so much stronger than himself.

"Don't come here." Hen Tiandi was terrified, Chen Xiaolei kept chasing him as if he had eyes, and he was in front of him in the blink of an eye. Half of his body was about to split open, he flew upside down and smashed several low mountains, he raised his eyebrows when he broke into Kyushu, this hateful man is also the son of the nominal suzerain, he can't die so casually, he hesitated for a while like an iron tower The body still walked over.

At this moment, Hen Tianlow was already seriously injured, lay there dying, and cried out in his heart, it was this guy who chopped off his arm last time.Seeing Chen Xiaolei mercilessly attacking the other party, Kyushu hastily rushed over and hit the star picker: "Xiao Lei, wake up."

Chen Xiaolei didn't seem to have heard about Chuang Kyushu before he started fighting. The cutting force was so amazing that Chuang Kyushu's extremely hard star picker felt a sting, "Wake up Chen Xiaolei, wake me up."

Chuang Jiuzhou resisted Chen Xiaolei enduring the pain, his voice was as thunderous as a bell, Chen Xiaolei was stunned and his speed slowed down, Chuang Jiuzhou yelled again and his voice was amplified several times, Chen Xiaolei stopped abruptly and stayed where he was with his eyes closed, feeling something .

Breaking into Kyushu Yisong was finally settled, looked coldly at the half-dead Hen Tiandi, walked over, grabbed the other party as if throwing garbage, and threw him out, Hen Tiandi let out a muffled groan and didn't dare to speak harsh words anymore After a while, he slowed down Only then dragged his tired body and walked out.

Chuang Kyushu quietly looked at everything around him and vaguely remembered the scene where he was constantly exercising here when he was a child. At that time, the thick and thick blood that had not yet awakened the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth just did some simple body training, and used self-mutilation in a foolish way To increase the strength of the body, even if you are injured, you will go to buy medicine to cultivate yourself, hide in that cave and curl up together, and you have not been treated by the sect since you were a child.

Chuang Kyushu jumps on the branches. When he was a child, he likes to sleep on it. In the summer, he was bitten by mosquitoes, and he drank dew in the morning. Heaven and earth became stronger as Wuxiu Zhantian Zhandi.

"Cough cough." At this moment, Chen Xiaolei coughed a bit behind him, spit out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale in an instant, Chuang Kyushu's expression changed and he rushed over with worry: "How are you?"

"Ahem, it's okay, haha." Chen Xiaolei laughed wildly happily, thinking that the other party was stupid.

After a while, Chen Xiaolei stopped excitedly and said: "I have comprehended the profound truth, and I can use the rules in future martial arts, haha."

"No, if you know such good things, wouldn't you be able to comprehend the way of heaven?" Chuang Kyushu flashed a jealous look, and at the same time he was a little puzzled: "Since you can comprehend the rules, at least you have reached the realm of hidden gods, why? Now……"

"I don't know either. I feel like I haven't even reached the prefectural level." Chen Xiaolei checked himself and felt that there was nothing different.Chuang Kyushu is speechless, it seems that this guy in front of him is not a regular person, which is really strange.

"Okay, don't think about it, you're just a freak." Chuang Kyushu interrupted Chen Xiaolei's meditation and pulled him to the most important place in his childhood memory - that was a peach tree.

"This is?" Chen Xiaolei glanced a little strangely, the peach tree in front of him exuded a faint fluctuation of spiritual power and even had a hint of life, which surprised him a little.

"You must have noticed that this peach tree is actually... In fact, it is my best friend. I was taken by Fa Xiangzong as a handyman in the sect since I was a child. It can be said that I suffered a lot. At that time, I was the only one who valued me. My friend chatted with me every day to take care of me, and even stole some medicinal materials from the sect to heal my wounds, and was finally discovered by the sect and turned into the tree in front of me."

Chuang Kyushu's eyes were full of bargaining and hatred, he paused for a moment and continued: "Later, he used his own blood to help me open it, and I have gained strength since then, but this was discovered by the Zongmen, and his sanity was wiped out." ..."

Chuang Jiuzhou clenched his fists tightly, and Chen Xiaolei could feel the overwhelming anger in his heart. He walked forward and patted the other party's shoulder lightly, saying: "It's nothing, I've reserved the head of He Tiandi and his son here, and it won't take long for them head will move."

Chuang Kyushu sighed and went up to gently caress the peach tree as gently as a lover. After a long time, his eyes became firm and he took Chen Xiaolei out. Chen Xiaolei sighed that he also had such a side. dissatisfied.

Along the way, Chen Xiaolei kept reminiscing about his state just now. In the state of esoteric art, he had evolved the Taiji Diagram, but that state was indeed difficult to control. The turbulent esoteric art—the original esoteric art of the mountain giant ape.

Guo Dong, the capital city, drove away quietly at night, and went straight to Linjiang polluted by black mist without saying a word. Guo Dong was a little dignified as he walked on the edge. But thinking of the plan that the Zhang family had told him before, he hesitated and walked in.

Of course, Guo Dong wore an invisible gray stone skin that could cover up his aura.

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