Cheng Ritian on the one side looked at everything around him curiously. He felt a strong wave of energy outside when he entered Kyushu's pocket before. If he was outside, he would definitely be killed in seconds, so he was kind of lucky to be able to carry it in the opponent's pocket and watch the recovery Chen Xiaolei, a normal person, felt a deep sense of frustration. He thought that their strengths were basically the same at the beginning, but now they are indeed worlds apart.

Chen Xiaolei smiled and directly held Mo Nuan's small fist, walked the other party into his arms, smelled the fragrance on the other party's body, and said with a bad smile: "If the three of us here go crazy and kill you, what will you do?" How about it, don't be so comfortable that you don't know the southeast and northwest."

"You...shameless." Mo Nuanqi's face was livid, can the other party say such words?He took two steps back and looked at him with some fear, his current strength is not good enough, what if the other party treats him forcefully, wouldn't he be chaste?

"I didn't see anything when I came here, where is the promised genius treasure?" Mo Nuan pouted.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the place with the most treasures around, but we seem to be lost, you can feel it."

Chen Xiaolei smiled badly, but he was a little speechless. After such a long journey, under the guidance of Chuang Kyushu, they have already reached the range of Soul River, but they couldn't find it no matter how hard they searched. Chuang Kyushu didn't know the exact location, so they had to release Mo Nuan Come out and use her natural Yin Qi to feel it.

Cheng Ritian looked around, but he didn't notice anything except the pressure of the sea. He couldn't help but said, "What are we doing here? Go to the sea to hunt sea beasts?"

"Okay, as long as you're not afraid of being eaten by those things, it's fine." Chuang Kyushu joked.

Cheng Ritian made a bitter face, thinking of those powerful things, he became terrified, and leaned towards Chen Xiaolei's position. Now he just wants to go back quickly. It's too dangerous to go to Shiwan Dashan for training and not come to sea.

Chen Xiaolei hugged Mo Nuan's willow waist, not waiting for her to resist, and whispered in his ear: "Now follow me to find a river, you can exercise your mental strength."

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

"You can get out of here if you don't believe me?" Chen Xiaolei's Great Teleportation kept flickering, and Mo Nuan could only feel the whistling wind and Chen Xiaolei's man's aura, and the sharpness on his body unconsciously became much lighter.

Chen Xiaolei was delighted that this woman had definitely something to do with Baihu College. It would be great if she could be her own woman. These four colleges were still one family before, but they didn't know why they separated in the first place. Maybe it was because of disagreements during the war.

"Stopping at the front position, I feel a little unusual." Mo Nuan didn't know what Chen Xiaolei was thinking and kept feeling it there. Chen Xiaolei was overjoyed and flew straight over. The amazing elasticity came from the palm of his hand, and he really wanted to slap him for a try. True stretch.

A few minutes later, Chen Xiaolei stopped, and Mo Nuan kept scanning with her eyes closed for a long time with some doubts flashing: "It's not here, but the yin energy is strongest here. Let's go ahead and look."

"you sure?"

Seeing Chen Xiaolei's disbelief, Mo Nuan nodded, Chen Xiaolei took Mo Nuan around without hesitation, Chuang Kyushu stopped in the back a little dizzy and said, "Why haven't you found it yet? Could it be that Hunhe ran away with his own legs?"

Chen Xiaolei also stopped to look at Mo Nuan: "You didn't do it on purpose, did you? Find it sooner and go back sooner, please help me."

"You think I don't want to, it's too much, but I can't find it." Mo Nuan looked around, a little annoyed, and turned around several times, feeling that there was nothing wrong, but there was nothing except the vast sea, and I found everything underwater. Average fish and shrimp.

"This is in the middle of the western waters. It stands to reason that there should be some large sea beasts. Why can't you see anything but appear in shallow waters? It's really strange." Chuang Kyushu puzzled,

"I won't believe you if you look for me again." Chen Xiaolei pulled Mo Nuan and was about to look for it again. At this time, the surrounding sea was choppy, and a black river appeared around them. A gloomy ghost shadow flickered, and everything in sight turned black and gray .

"The Soul River appeared?" Chuang Kyushu was overjoyed, Chen Xiaolei took out a jade bottle and spewed out a black river with a mouthful of energy, and he was done.

But Chen Xiaolei's actions seemed to have stirred up the river, and a black curtain formed to cover the sky, as if something controlled it, and within a few seconds, there were ghosts all around Chen Xiaolei frowned, and looked at Chuang Kyushu: "What is this? Is this river conscious?"

"I don't know, I've never been to this place before."

"Roar." At this time, a strange roar came from below, Chen Xiaolei was speechless, could it be that a river has become a spirit?Without even thinking about it, turning into a body of Baizhang, holding Mo Nuan with one hand, the two of them were about to cross the river.

At this time, the souls surging in the entire black river rushed out, opened their teeth and danced their claws, and rushed towards Chen Xiaolei. The river turned completely white and shrank violently, turning into a water knife.

A catfish's fat body rushed up, holding the water knife in its fleshy claws, and slashed towards Chen Xiaolei. Chen Xiaolei's spirit was stabbed and countless souls bit him, "ah..." Just looking at it, those souls melted like snow in spring, but there was a steady stream of alternates coming in from behind, and Chen Xiaolei was just about to make a move with a mountain of pressure behind him.

Without even thinking about it, he punched towards the rear, as if hitting a huge mountain, Chen Xiaolei felt his arm go numb due to the powerful counter-shock force.Chen Xiaolei was horrified, is it sure it is a river?It took a few steps back to see the catfish-like monster clearly. The body of the opponent's tens of feet looked not very menacing, but it was full of power, and the souls of the sky hovered around it like a judge from the underworld.

"Humans offend me, you are looking for death." A wave of mental fluctuations came from his body.

Chen Xiaolei looked at Chuangjiuzhou, he also looked at a daze, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing, he quickly reacted and took out Fa Xiangzong's identity token and said: "We are neighbors, don't be angry."

The catfish and sea beast looked at the other party's indifference and remained unmoved. Instead, it raised its hand. The river of souls turned into water and condensed into various shapes around him. Such a majestic river is actually a magic weapon, which made Chen Xiaolei a little fiery When I got up, I thought about it: "Since you can understand what we are saying, it is better not to fight or not to fight, can you sit down and talk?"

Responding to Chen Xiaolei, it was indeed suppressed by the majestic river of souls, those souls actually burrowed into the catfish's belly, and within a short time the catfish became extremely huge, and the bulging belly of Baibai seemed to be able to hold everything, giving people the feeling that they were about to explode , a bouncing catfish pressed down on Chen Xiaolei, and the sky was dark. Chen Xiaolei had just resisted an impact from the Soul River, which was the stage when the old force had just gone to the new force future.

Immediately, he was crushed under the catfish, and Baizhang's body could not be seen at all. On the one hand, Chuang Kyushu's expression changed and he rushed over to catch the stars, slapped the shocking waves, and cursed angrily: "Smelly fish, we are still neighbors. Don't blame me for being so rude."

At this time, a khaki bead flew up, and the catfish jumped up and stepped back a few steps. A fiery red scald appeared on the stomach. Chen Xiaolei took a sigh of relief and stood up. Can purify, good baby.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaolei directly urged to hit the catfish. It hurriedly backed away and didn't dare to fight. Chuang Jiuzhou slapped his forehead and said speechlessly: "I'm so stupid. I didn't think of the ability of Zhenzong Zhibao. Xiaolei, how do you know that the sun god Can beads purify these souls?"

Chen Xiaolei shrugged and said, "I don't know, it flew up by itself." Then he looked at the catfish and said, "Can we have a proper talk now?"

"What's there to say?"

"What are you, is this soul river formed naturally?"

Catfish patted his stomach and hesitated, looked at the position of the deep sea, then looked at the Huari Shenzhu, gritted his teeth, and said, "I was originally a Yin beast, and I lived in the deep sea and fell into the abyss. Demonization, I had no choice but to escape. It happened that there was a Yin River here, which is what you call the Soul River. I was overjoyed and refined it into my magic weapon to avoid demonization, but it was a pity that you found it."

Catfish was deeply helpless, but Chen Xiaolei's heart turned upside down. Unexpectedly, the power of demonization has come here. According to its description, it is very similar to Linjiang's changes. What are these things? What are the various sects? Don't care about it?

"Since it's not the enemy, why are you so rude to fight with us?" Chen Xiaolei looked over unkindly, and the catfish was a little speechless: "It's you who came here and snatched my Yinhe, okay?"

Chen Xiaolei slapped his forehead as if that was the case, his old face blushed, but he quickly reacted and said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, let's go." After speaking, he gave Chuang Kyushu a wink and was about to leave. He hesitated for a moment and stepped in front of Chen Xiaolei who was about to leave.

"Why, didn't you play well?" Chen Xiaolei's heart skipped a beat, didn't he want to take back the previous bit of soul water?That's not okay.

Catfish waved his hands and said, "That's not what it means. Now some sea beasts in the abyss are homeless. This divine orb of yours can overcome the evil spirit and help us regain our homeland."

Chen Xiaolei almost wanted to slap him to death. Since he can demonize the entire Fallen Abyss, he is no different from Linjiang's demonization. Even a heavenly master like Master will be tricked, let alone himself. This guy The brain hole is really big, so it can be figured out, and he quickly refused to drag Chuang Kyushu to leave, but the catfish still used its huge belly to push Chen Xiaolei back.

"Why, try fighting." Chen Xiaolei glared at the magic bead, and he took out the divine bead, and stood in front of Chen Xiaolei with a body like a mountain in the sky, and the seal in his hand was ready to go, waves bursting Rolling and fluctuating.

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