Chuang Jiuzhou's face is not good, it is necessary to launch a thunderbolt, don't look at this catfish is extremely fat, the two of them together with the Sun Bead may not be invincible in a battle.

Catfish quickly waved his hand: "I don't want to fight with you, it's because my family is too boring to fight. I just want to borrow your Sun Transformation Pearl." Catfish looks very simple and honest at this time, which is very different from the indifferent look before.

Chen Xiaolei frowned and said, "You think too much, how could it be possible? Go and play." Turning around and taking a few steps to leave quickly, the catfish behind followed closely, and the natural advantage in the sea quickly surpassed Chen Xiaolei.

"Why bother with this friend? Could it be that you have to force me to snatch it?" Catfish's face also turned cold at this time, and Soul River faintly floated around.

Chen Xiaolei touched his nose, this guy is really difficult to deal with, it is unwise to fight hard in this perilous sea, but if you don't fight hard, you can't get rid of him. Homeland is not impossible, as my bodyguard for ten years."

"Bodyguard?" Catfish's eyes showed doubts.

Chen Xiaolei was speechless. These modern words are quite esoteric for a fish, and then changed his tone: "Just be my thug. If an enemy comes, you will rush out of it."

"Oh, good." Catfish agreed without hesitation. In his opinion, those ordinary people in the world are not enough for him to breathe in one breath.

The three of them discussed and headed for the city. Chen Xiaolei, who was watching the soul river being swallowed by a catfish, stared at what a big belly this shit had, shook his head and led them to the distance.

After they left, in the underwater world of countless seas in the deep sea, black mist surged in the abyss like a huge black mouth, and all the fish and shrimp were sucked in without making a sound.

In the depths of the abyss where the black mist is thicker, a pitch-black eyeball rolled extremely coldly, and the water flow froze as soon as it opened and closed. Suddenly, the eyes disappeared in place, or to be precise, the whole body disappeared.

A few tens of miles away, a monster covered in pitch-black body armor exuding metallic light stood there quietly, with sharp horns on its head and a few tentacles floating in the center of its face. His muscles seem to be able to see the blood flowing inside.

The six-fingered claws are as thick as a stick and are covered with lines. What is even more shocking is that this monster actually has three legs distributed in a triangle.

The monster moved, and the tentacles on its face continued to extend like whips, covering dozens of miles around in the blink of an eye, and within a few flashes, everything within the coverage area was swallowed into its mouth.

"The taste in the sea is still pure. My Sea Sky Demon King is back again. Haha, I will see who can stop me from rebelling the whole world this time." The monster made a strange wave, and its only vertical eye turned into a black mist disappeared.

In a dilapidated alley in the capital, a thin girl in a big robe is walking slowly. If you look closely, you will find that her eyes are only white pupils. She is the little girl who can read minds.

Before he went out, he was not caught by the Ding family. What is accurate is that he can predict what will happen in the future. He can only avoid it by himself and cannot help others.

At this moment, the little girl was walking forward, and after a while, she came to the dilapidated thatched cottage. It is not easy to have such a place in the capital where every inch of land is expensive. The girl gently knocked on the door, and there was a coughing sound from inside :"come in."

"Master, I'm back." The girl's voice was soft and she looked at the old man in linen clothes, thin and eyeless.

The old man sat there cross-legged, like a haggard piece of old wood with many lines and many hairs that were about to fall out. Hearing the girl's voice and looking up, a smile appeared, but it looked a little scary on his wrinkled face.

"Have you figured it out?"

"I've figured it out, master, I'll go back to Tianjizong with you." The girl looked calm, and the old man stroked the few remaining beards and laughed loudly. He stood up slowly and there was a crackling sound, as if he hadn't moved for a long time.

"Go back to the sect with me for further study, and your future achievements will be far higher than mine. Let's experience the secular world here. Your mortal world should be broken. Let's go." With a flick of her sleeves, the girl disappeared with him. The speed is so fast that even Chen Xiaolei can't match it here.

Two days later, Chen Xiaolei rushed back non-stop, ignoring the others and directly rushed into Yeju, where the master was still resisting the erosion of the black air, Chen Xiaolei did not hesitate to shoot the Sun Bead on the top of his head, circles of light Dizzy suppressed Ye Wuyao's body, the black mist could be seen slowly disappearing with the naked eye, and Ye Wuyao would wake up soon, Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief and walked out.

When they came to the three women, Chen Xiaolei's face darkened, and the vitality in their bodies was slowly decreasing. At this rate, their primordial spirits would soon be exhausted and die. The hatred for the Ding family couldn't help but grow stronger. The water from the Soul River collected earlier was poured into their brains.

When the master woke up before, he had already given Chen Xiaolei specific methods. Chen Xiaolei's mental power spread over their heads to form a leaking net. When those souls passed through his mental power net, they would be filtered very purely, without any trace of resentment. The original soul power is integrated in their minds.

Half an hour later, the last trace of the soul river was absorbed by them on average. Chen Xiaolei felt it quietly. What they had temporarily accommodated in their minds had reached the limit. After they could not absorb it, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the three girls With a beautiful face, Chen Xiaolei's thoughts drifted away, and a smile appeared unconsciously when he thought of the scene where he met them.

Suddenly Chen Xiaolei slapped his forehead, how could he forget about Xiaozheng during this period of time running around, before he studied with a computer teacher in the capital, and it was precisely because of that that he avoided being killed by the Ding family. Know if he is in a hurry.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiaolei suppressed the thoughts in his heart. Xiaozheng is not a child anymore, he should know how to deal with things. He will obediently wait for him at the computer teacher's place. After comforting himself, Chen Xiaolei walked out of the room .

The catfish has shrunk and transformed into a human being. It is the most basic form to be a monster, but after the transformation, it looks like a wild man, which is not as good as a catfish. Chen Xiaolei walked over with a chuckle: "Now the school is on holiday. , there is no one, Jiuzhou, you take him to our dormitory for a night, and we will return to the capital when they wake up."

Chuang Kyushu nodded slightly and pulled the catfish away. The catfish was full of curiosity. Everything here was so strange and novel to him. There are so many buildings in the deep sea, and there is a very sweet smell in the air. , the greedy worms in the catfish's stomach were lured out, and they dragged them across Kyushu and said, "Hurry up and take me to taste it, it smells so good."

Chuang Kyushu smelled it a bit strangely: "What? I didn't smell anything, what did you smell?"

"That direction." Catfish's saliva was about to flow out, and he pulled Chuang Kyushu to a place ahead, looking in the direction of the school cafeteria. ,so smart?"

"Let's talk nonsense, what's being made inside, smells so good." Catfish looked extremely hungry as if he hadn't eaten for hundreds of years, and rushed in. Chuang Kyushu behind him was speechless for a while, this guy is really...

"Big Fatty, let's get something to eat." Chuang Kyushu went in and chatted with Zhang Big Fatty very acquaintedly. He didn't have a holiday when the students were on vacation.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

The catfish on the side of Chuang Kyushu that has not made a sound has already started counting: "Shenshui electric eel, just that steamed bun you made just now, the one with seafood stuffing, and..."

Fatty Zhang flashed in surprise. How did this guy know what he was doing just now? He looked at Chuang Kyushu strangely, but he shrugged his shoulders to express his ignorance. When they were brought out, the catfish picked up their hands and ate them without any image, and they ate them all in the blink of an eye.

"Boss is coming again." Catfish looked at Fatty Zhang with unsatisfied interest.

Fatty Zhang raised his eyebrows and walked over with the food again, he still swallowed it in one gulp, even if he went to Kyushu, he didn't eat a bite, he was still on top.


Catfish patted its belly in satisfaction until it had eaten five hundred catties of food, and couldn't help but praise: "I never thought there would be such delicious food in the world, and I don't want to go back in the future."

"A total of 10 yuan, credit card or cash." Fatty Zhang walked over and said with a smile. Catfish looked at Chuang Kyushu in a daze and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's just paying." Fatty Zhang's voice became a little rude. If he hadn't brought him from Kyushu, he would have killed this guy directly.

"What money?" Catfish really didn't understand.

"You..." Fatty Zhang's face darkened completely, he looked at Chuang Kyushu and said, "What do you mean?"

The bed just touched his head in embarrassment: "This guy just came out of the mountain and is not sensible, so don't worry about him."

"Can you eat Bawang's meal just after leaving the mountain?" Fatty Zhang couldn't help getting angry.

Chuang Jiuzhou glared at the catfish, then took out a wad of money and handed it to Zhang Dapang: "It's not that I won't give it, I see you are excited."

"Hmph, you are unreliable." Fatty Zhang walked towards the back.Chuang Kyushu looked at the catfish and said: "You see that you haven't eaten anything, don't you want to pay for the meal, this time remember to pay me back in the future."

"Isn't it just to eat something? When you go to the abyss, I will treat you to a big meal." Catfish wiped his mouth with a disdainful look, the two chatted for a while, and Chuang Kyushu led him into the dormitory building.

Standing quietly under the tree, Chen Xiaolei smelled the fragrance of medicinal herbs all over the yard, his whole body was united with spirit, energy and spirit. Suddenly, the Huari Shenzhu from Ye Wuyao's room next to him flew out, and there was a loud noise.

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