After bidding farewell to the two families, Chen Xiaolei rushed to his place of residence. At this time, the three daughters were already lying on the bed and fell asleep. They knew that Chen Xiaolei had something to do in the past two days, so they naturally didn't wait for him at night.

The first thing Chen Xiaolei did when he entered the house was to rush into the bedroom and pull the three girls up from the dream.

The three women rubbed their sleepy eyes and looked at Chen Xiaolei suspiciously, not knowing what he wanted to do.

After she woke up a little bit, Fairy Ji made a provocative gesture on the bed: "Husband, are you back? What's the matter? Just after you came back, you've got sperm in your head, and you want to do something embarrassing?"

Fairy Ji's blatant statement made Lei Li and Chu Ziyue's faces turn red, and Lei Li even pinched Fairy Ji's thigh underneath.

Fairy Ji was in pain, and with an ouch, she got out of the bed. At this time, she was wearing a light pajamas, which were basically translucent, revealing her graceful figure.

If it was normal, Chen Xiaolei would have been unable to hold it in for a long time, but today's series of events made him not in the slightest mood.

Fairy Ji actually did this on purpose, she was trying to seduce Xiao Lei on purpose, waiting for Xiao Lei to rush towards them impatiently.

However, what she didn't expect was that Chen Xiaolei turned around and threw their clothes over one by one.

Chen Xiaolei's abnormal behavior made the three women feel puzzled, and they even wondered if the man in front of them was their husband.

"Put on your clothes quickly, and get ready to go..." Chen Xiaolei didn't have time to explain to them, so he could only let them move while throwing away his clothes. After all, Ding Changsheng hated him the most, and he would definitely be the first one to leave the customs look for them.

If the time comes because of some delays, if it is a step late, Chen Xiaolei will regret it for the rest of his life no matter what woman happened to it.

Although the three women didn't know what happened, since Chen Xiaolei asked them to get dressed, they didn't hesitate, and quickly picked up the clothes on the bed and put them on.

While they were getting dressed, Chen Xiaolei briefly told them what the current situation was like.

When they heard that the Demon Emperor, one of the four big demon subordinates, possessed Ding Changsheng's soul, and that Ding Changsheng also destroyed the Ding family, and arrested thousands of people to serve as food for his cultivation. At that time, the three women all showed incomparable shock.

It turned out that the sudden disappearance of the Ding family was not because they went to seek refuge, but because they were harmed by this devil.

But the three girls also understood why Xiaolei was so nervous. After all, the five of them had no chance to fight back because of Ding Changsheng. They could only be trapped in an inexplicable space and be slaughtered by others. , I am afraid that you will only know after experiencing it?

Chen Xiaolei knew that he had no way to protect her three women, so he could only let them escape first.

The three women didn't ask any more questions, because they knew that Chen Xiaolei must be the most uncomfortable.

It was hard for him, who was always conceited, to tolerate this happening, but it did happen.

After packing up everything, Chen Xiaolei took them to prepare to leave the capital. Before leaving, Chen Xiaolei also called Guo Dong, but the phone rang for a long time without getting through.

For the time being, there is no time to take care of other people's affairs. Chen Xiaolei took the three girls all the way to the outside of the capital. Standing on the outskirts of the capital, this place is still a deserted area. Chen Xiaolei solemnly explained to the three girls: "You three go back first. My great grandfather took refuge there, I believe he will be able to protect you well."

Having said that, Chen Xiaolei turned around and was about to leave, Chu Ziyue grabbed Xiaolei's arm: "Xiaolei, won't you go with us?"

Chu Ziyue looked at Chen Xiaolei pitifully, she thought that since Chen Xiaolei couldn't handle Ding Changsheng, she might as well escape from the capital together with them.

Otherwise, Ding Changsheng's first target of revenge would be Chen Xiaolei when he leaves the checkpoint. Even if he faces an enemy that he can't beat at all, Chen Xiaolei will never back down.

Chen Xiaolei was silent for a while, Lei Li saw his embarrassment from his expression, she stepped forward and grabbed Chu Ziyue's hand, took it away from Xiaolei's arm, and said to Chu Ziyue "Sister Ziyue, let go of your hands and let Xiaolei go. As a man, he also has things he must do. And we also have to believe in the strength of our man. Since he has done it, we must do it." come back alive."

Chu Ziyue hesitated for a while, then she turned to look at Fairy Ji, as if she wanted to see what Fairy Ji was thinking.

I saw that although Fairy Ji was full of reluctance in her eyes, she didn't stop Chen Xiaolei like she did.

Fairy Ji also came in front of the three of them, but at this time she forced a smile on her face and said to Chen Xiaolei: "No matter what, your life is the most important thing, you must come back alive. Otherwise, the three of us won't give you any money." To be a chaste and strong woman, if you die, we will be benevolent if we keep vigil for you for three years, and then other men will play with your wife! Do you hear me!"

Chen Xiaolei shuddered suddenly: "You are too cruel..."

But he also knew that Fairy Ji was just saying that, and she was mainly worried that he would not come back.

After instructing Chen Xiaolei again, telling him to pay attention to safety, the three girls reluctantly parted from Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei turned his head and glanced at the capital, and he didn't know if it was her illusion, but he had a faint feeling that there was a black air hidden in the sky of the capital.

This black air is floating above the sky of Kyoto, and that kind of dark and evil atmosphere renders the atmosphere of the whole Kyoto a little weird.

Chen Xiaolei returned to Lei Li's house in Kyoto again, the big empty room made Chen Xiaolei couldn't help but wry smile.

Sure enough, it would be better to have a wife, Chen Xiaolei thought to himself.He went to the bed and lay down, the fragrance of the three women's hair still faintly remained on the pillow, this fragrance shocked Chen Xiaolei's heart: No matter what, I will come back alive... Ding Changsheng, I don't care what you become I, Chen Xiaolei, will send you into hell again.

Chen Xiaolei swore secretly in his heart, before he knew it, Chen Xiaolei fell into a deep sleep on the bed, and when he woke up again, the sun was already drying his ass.

Stretching lazily, Chen Xiaolei got up from the bed and made himself a breakfast. While eating breakfast, Chen Xiaolei turned on the TV.

"Let's continue to track down the facts about Ding's enterprise..." The news still focused on the matter of Ding's family.

But it was different from before, after Chen Xiaolei looked at it for a while, he couldn't eat any more, and now the news reports are about people who died suddenly in Ding's enterprise.

There was a mother and daughter who ate in the restaurant of Ding's Enterprise, and then began to trouble the restaurant during the meal. This kind of thing has been common in the past two days, but the strange thing is that the owner of this restaurant not only Instead of apologizing as before, he was tough.

The two mother and daughter began to quarrel in the restaurant, but when they were arguing, the daughter of the mother and daughter suddenly hugged her head, and after a while, she fell to the ground while breathing.

The mother bent down anxiously to check on her daughter's condition, but the daughter actually picked up a table knife from the table and stabbed it into the mother's neck.

The mother obviously didn't expect her daughter to do such a cruel thing to her. She touched her neck and took two steps back in disbelief. He stabbed more than a dozen times in a row.

And this kind of thing is not an exception today, as long as it is a person who is looking for trouble in the Ding Group, it will always die inexplicably.Maybe it was suddenly killed by the companions around him, maybe it was some accident.In short, no fewer than a hundred people died in the Ding Group this morning.

Chen Xiaolei stared blankly at the report on the TV. He could clearly see a wisp of black air entering the girl's head, and the girl became abnormal right after.

This is obviously the black air controlling people's thoughts and making them do things that go against their own ideas.It was Ding Changsheng. Although he hadn't left the customs yet, he had already begun to carry out his revenge.

Now, in the action team set up by the Zhang family with the main purpose of taking revenge on the Ding family, a group of people sat in a circle, chattering non-stop.

"We will definitely quit. The hundreds of people who died were all ours, and all of them died suddenly when they were causing trouble for the Ding family. Is this just a coincidence?"

"That's right, we won't do it no matter how generous the reward is. I'm afraid it's because our actions have offended the heavens, and the heavens have sent down the scourge."

The person in charge of the Zhang family had no way to maintain the order of the scene no matter what, and could only watch helplessly as the people below left one after another.

When the scene was empty, the person in charge had no choice but to call the Zhang family.

This call was answered by Zhang Yiyi, Zhang Yiyi sounded very tired now.

The person in charge briefly explained the situation on their side. Zhang Yiyi was silent for a while and then said: "I have a general understanding of the situation, please tell all the people on your side to stop acting. We don't need to talk to Ding The group is against it."

For Zhang Yiyi's words, the person in charge felt a little puzzled for a while.But after all, this is an order given by the eldest lady of the Zhang family. No matter what the order is, these young people only need to follow the order to execute it.

After hanging up the phone, the person in charge of Zhang Jia muttered a few words and left here.

However, he didn't see it when he left. A figure appeared on the road she passed by. That person had a gloomy face and was staring at him.

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