The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 289 The Death of Guo Dong

During this day, apart from the inexplicable death of those who offended the Ding family group, the whole of Kyoto was relatively peaceful.Whether it was the Zhang family or the Li family, after experiencing the siege that day, they all calmed down a lot.

As for Chen Xiaolei, he is also making his intensive plans. Now that the report is made, the Ding Group has no meaning. If he wants to cause trouble, he must start with Ding Changsheng.However, the people in the capital, even if you count yourself, probably don't have the same general as Ding Changsheng.

If he wanted to fight against Ding Changsheng, he could only find a way to contact the Gu family who had been on a diet.

The killing puppet of the Gu family exploded in the last battle, presumably the Gu family already knew of Ding Changsheng's existence.I just don't know why, no one from the Gu family came to contact me for a whole day.

You must know that a heaven-level powerhouse, even for the Gu family, can be regarded as a very strong combat power.

When he couldn't wait for the Gu family, Chen Xiaolei also contacted Chuang Kyushu. Chuang Kyushu is now the master of a sect, and maybe he can get some help from their sect.

After hearing Chen Xiaolei's request, Chuang Jiuzhou agreed without saying a word, and told Chen Xiaolei that he would find a way to talk to the elders of the sect about the current affairs in Kyoto.

As for the Zhang family and the Li family, Chen Xiaolei didn't make much contact.You must know that there are hidden sects behind them.

Now that the two families are facing annihilation, those sects that have been hiding behind them should also come out.The Patriarch of the Zhang family would say that he still wanted to persist in the capital, which meant that he was ready to contact the hidden sect behind him.

When the Hidden World Sect comes out, it will be a huge boost to Chen Xiaolei and the others.

However, in the midst of his busy schedule, Chen Xiaolei still contacted his apprentice Guo Dong, wanting to remind him that it is best to be restrained in doing things during this period of time, and don't put on a posture of going against the Ding family. For a day, Guo Dong didn't give him any response.

Maybe Guo Dong is too busy now... Chen Xiaolei thought to himself, but Chen Xiaolei didn't worry about it. After all, he was the first target. The Zhang family and the Li family followed closely. As for Guo Dong, it was his turn. I don't know if I have to wait until the year of the monkey.

And the ones that Ding Changsheng will be targeting now are those who take the initiative to trouble the Ding family.

Maintaining this superficial calm all the time, the time came to night like this, around ten o’clock in the evening, on the top floor of the building of Ding’s Seafood Company, Guo Dong rubbed his temples, and there was a stack of documents piled up in front of him like a hill. For a whole day, Guo Dong was analyzing the overall situation of the Ding Group.

And now that there is no top executive of the Ding family to hinder him, he has done a lot of things this day. For example, in this short period of time, at least three companies of the Ding family have taken control of the company into his hands.

Taking advantage of the turmoil and plummeting stocks of the Ding Group during this period, it is not easy to control the companies of the Ding Group.

Time slowly pointed to 11, Guo Dong gave a lazy waist, picked up the cup and made himself a cup of coffee.

Taking a look at the mobile phone next to him, Guo Dong was shocked, his master actually called him four or five times, and today he was too busy to look at his mobile phone at all, and he didn't know if there was anything urgent You have to call him back as soon as possible, otherwise, I don't know how Chen Xiaolei will blame himself.

Just as Guo Dong picked up the mobile phone in his hand, the lights in his room turned off inexplicably. Guo Dong looked up suspiciously at the lights hanging from the ceiling.There was no problem yesterday, why did it suddenly break down today?

Guo Dong stood up, ready to step forward to check what was going on.However, as soon as he stood up, he saw a black figure standing at the door.

"Who is it?" The appearance of the shadow immediately aroused Guo Dong's vigilance.

You must know that her room has a built-in combination lock. As long as you lock the door from the inside, even if you have the key from the outside, you can't open it.But now this guy appeared in his room.

"Guo Dong, it's me..." The figure gradually appeared.

Guo Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then said incredulously, "Patriarch? I haven't heard from you for a while, but I'm worried..."

The person who suddenly appeared was Ding Shenxian. Ding Shenxian came to Guo Dong and sat on the chair next to Guo Dong: "Really? Are you really worried about me? Didn't Cancan tell you that I Where is it, it turned out that Chen Xiaolei and the Zhang family didn't go there because of you."

Guo Dong's expression froze, and he suddenly realized that even if he said something, it was useless. Ding Shenxian already knew that he was the ghost.And now Ding Shenxian has a faint aura, which makes Guo Dong feel very uncomfortable. If he guessed correctly, this aura is exactly the smell of blood.Ding Shenxian probably killed someone before he came here, and naturally he didn't need to explain what he came here for.

Guo Dong subconsciously took two steps back, while Ding Shenxian approached Guo Dong step by step.

"Guo Dong, Guo Dong, do you really think of our Ding family as fools? Do you really think that no one else will notice your small actions? Naive..." A long sword appeared in Ding Shenxian's hand , Ding Shenxian's aura suddenly became violent.

The blood-red Killing Jue was quietly running in Ding Shenxian's body, Guo Dong retreated to the window step by step, facing Ding Shenxian, he had no chance of winning.

Guo Dong smiled embarrassingly, and then said: "Ding Shenxian, if it weren't for your company's lax management and the management's lack of ability, would I be able to get into your Ding's group so easily? We might as well do it Let's make a deal... I have a batch of precious materials in my hand now, this batch of materials can revitalize the Ding Group's market in the capital, I use this information to exchange my own life, what do you think?"

Guo Dong is now constantly thinking about small calculations in his heart, thinking about how to make Ding Shenxian's heart move.Now because of the pressure from the Zhang family and the Li family, the Ding family stayed behind closed doors, so Guo Dong wondered if he could take advantage of this matter to deceive Ding Shenxian a little more.

"It's really stupid. It seems that you don't even know what happened during this time. Is your master treating you very ordinary, and doesn't tell you anything..."

Hearing Ding Shenxian's tone, Guo Dong suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, as if something happened in the past two days that he didn't know, which caused Ding Shenxian to have no interest in the information he said.

Guo Dong wanted to say something more, but Ding Shenxian had obviously lost his patience. With a movement of his hands, a blood-red sword energy swept across Guo Dong's body, and Guo Dong froze on the spot, dumbfounded. looking ahead.

He lowered his head and looked at the place where the red sword qi had passed by just now, a snow mark gradually appeared from that place, and then blood gushed out from the wound.

Ding Shenxian sneered: "I hope that when Chen Xiaolei comes to look for you, he can understand what it means to fight against our Ding family. Now he is his apprentice, and later he will be himself."

Ding Shenxian laughed loudly, his figure gradually faded in front of Guo Dong, and finally disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Guo Dong could still think in his mind, but the inside was already in chaos.When the sword qi crossed his body just now, he knew that he was doomed.

What should be done?Guo Dong glanced at the corner of his eyes and found the mobile phone that had been placed next to the table before.

He quickly reached out and grabbed the phone, wanting to call Xiaolei, even if it was just to send a warning signal to Xiaolei, it would be good.

However, at the moment when his fingers touched the phone, Guo Dong's upper body slowly slid down from her body due to the sudden turning of his body.

Guo Dong only felt a sudden sharp pain all over his body, and then he completely lost consciousness and couldn't wake up again.

At this time, Chen Xiaolei was near Ding's Seafood Company, and he hadn't contacted Guo Dong for a whole day, so Chen Xiaolei was also a little worried.So Chen Xiaolei made an unprecedented decision to come and see his apprentice in person.

All the way to the top floor of the seafood company, Chen Xiaolei didn't feel anything amiss, but when Chen Xiaolei walked to the door of Guo Dong's office, a strong smell of blood immediately caught his attention.

Chen Xiaolei said badly in his heart, he helped Lin knock on the door three times, after there was no response from inside, Chen Xiaolei stepped back and kicked the door open.

Chen Xiaolei's kick was so powerful that he kicked the entire door down from above.

When he saw the scene inside, Chen Xiaolei's eyelids twitched, is it still a step late after all...

Guo Dong has already fallen in a pool of blood, and now there is only Guo Dong's blood on the ground.Guo Dong's eyes were really big, and his fingers were still pointing in one direction, as if he wanted to grab something before he died.

At this time, Guo Dong was divided into two parts from the waist, and his death was extremely miserable.Judging from the appearance of his death and the freshness of the blood on the ground, Guo Dong probably died within 10 minutes.But 10 minutes was enough for his murderer to escape.

Chen Xiaolei silently came in front of Guo Dong, squatted down, and closed Guo Dong's eyes.He held grudges in his heart, but faced with the current situation, he had nothing to do.

In the end, Chen Xiaolei put Guo Dong's body together, snapped his fingers, and a pot of flame rose from his fingertips, and then jumped onto Guo Dong's body.

A raging fire suddenly ignited in the office, turning Guo Dong into a pool of ashes in less than a minute.

"I'm sorry... I'm a step late." Xiao Lei knelt on one knee and said sadly.

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