The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 294 Mysterious Sect

Chen Xiaolei rushed to the scene of the incident, only to see a familiar figure, Zhang Yiyi!

Chen Xiaolei was surprised and delighted at the same time, he didn't expect that hard work paid off, and he found Zhang Yiyi so quickly.

At this time, Zhang Yiyi's situation was not very optimistic. At this time, she was dressed in rags, and the clothes on her body were almost like strips of cloth.And the two men in front of him walked towards Zhang Yiyi step by step with obscene smiles on their faces.

Without further ado, Chen Xiaolei came to one of them in a big shift, hugged the guy's head with both hands, and twisted it hard before he could react.

Before the men's companions could react, Chen Xiaolei killed one of them and came in front of the other. In less than ten seconds, the two men who were preparing for Zhang Yiyi's evil intentions had already been sent into the prison by Chen Xiaolei. It's gone.

Chen Xiaolei's sudden appearance made Zhang Yiyi completely stunned. Seeing that Zhang Yiyi was still alive, Chen Xiaolei hugged Zhang Yiyi excitedly.

To be honest, three full days have passed since that night. With Ding Changsheng's strength, if he wanted to find Zhang Yiyi, it was almost impossible for Zhang Yiyi to hide.

So Chen Xiaolei had already made preparations for Zhang Yiyi to die from the beginning, but fortunately, fortunately, Zhang Yiyi was standing in front of him alive.

Although she was very embarrassed in her clothes, at least she was still alive.

However, just when Chen Xiaolei stepped forward to hug Zhang Yiyi, Zhang Yiyi slapped Chen Xiaolei a big slap full of anger.

This slap Zhang Yiyi didn't show any mercy, and directly slapped Chen Xiaolei who was totally defenseless.

After this slap, Zhang Yiyi didn't seem to have enjoyed it yet, so she slapped her backhand again.

However, this time Chen Xiaolei was prepared, he grabbed Zhang Yiyi's hand, and angrily said: "What are you going crazy about!"

Tears welled up in the corners of Zhang Yiyi's eyes, and her two teeth were chattering non-stop. It seemed that she was extremely excited now.

She shed tears suddenly, which caught Chen Xiaolei a little off guard. Chen Xiaolei wanted to comfort him, but as soon as he stepped forward, Zhang Yiyi slapped him again.

Chen Xiaolei didn't know what Zhang Yiyi was thinking at all, and only heard Zhang Yiyi say bitterly: "The Zhang family and the Li family are destroyed, and the entire capital is gone. Where did you go the night Ding Changsheng appeared? Why didn't you Come and help us... if you were here, my dad might not die."

Listening to Zhang Yiyi's words, Chen Xiaolei smiled bitterly: "You should know that Ding Changsheng's primary target is me... Before he solved me, how could he trouble you? Before he went to Zhang's house , I have already met him..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yiyi's mood calmed down a little. Although her tears kept rolling in her eyes, she was not so excited anymore.

Her eyes stared straight at Chen Xiaolei, as if she wanted Chen Xiaolei to give him an explanation, let Chen Xiaolei tell him the story of that night.

Chen Xiaolei looked around, pulled Zhang Yiyi up and left: "This place is really too dangerous, if that monster notices us, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

Holding Zhang Yiyi's hand, Chen Xiaolei quickly fled outside the capital, this time Zhang Yiyi did not resist, and let Chen Xiaolei pull him out, walking a long distance, Chen Xiaolei stopped.

Turning his head and glanced in the direction of Kyoto, Kyoto was already some distance away from them.

Chen Xiaolei sighed: "Actually, I should take some responsibility for this matter..."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaolei told Zhang Yiyi all the things that happened between him and Gu Feng that night. There was no embellishment, and there was no lack of beginning or end. Everything was realistic, including the fact of his own death.

When Zhang Yiyi heard Chen Xiaolei's words that I'm dead, she took a step back subconsciously, then looked down at Chen Xiaolei's feet.

All ghosts should have no feet... Zhang Yiyi thought to himself.

Chen Xiaolei said helplessly: "What are you doing? Do you suspect that the one that appeared in front of you is a ghost?"

Seeing Zhang Yiyi's vigilant look, Chen Xiaolei recounted what happened to him afterwards.

Because he has no memory of that night, he can only start from the fact that he was lying on this bed.

After Chen Xiaolei explained to Zhang Yiyi roughly what happened in the past two days, it was already evening.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off, Chen Xiaolei almost broke his lips, and finally let Zhang Yiyi believe that he, who was already dead, was resurrected absurdly now.

"Then what should we do now? The Zhang family has been destroyed, I have no relatives, and there is no place for me in this world, so..." Yiyi's expression was brought out from the city by Chen Xiaolei As if in a trance state.Chen Xiaolei knew that he hadn't escaped from the shadow of losing a loved one.

Chen Xiaolei was not in a hurry, he just squatted there and waited for Zhang Yiyi to recover.

Zhang Yiyi stared blankly at Chen Xiaolei, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I said... what should we do next?" Zhang Yiyi asked suddenly.

As soon as Chen Xiaolei's expression changed, Zhang Yiyi was willing to discuss this matter with him, which meant that his spirit was better now.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaolei hurriedly said: "I want you to go with me to my uncle's side first, we are safe there. As for other things, I'm afraid we can't worry about them, Ding Changsheng's strength is too terrifying, if we trouble him privately, we will be no different from cannon fodder..."

Although Zhang Yiyi didn't speak, he had seen Ding Changsheng's terror with his own eyes.

Chen Xiaolei suddenly said: "Isn't there a hidden sect behind your family? It has been nearly four days since you sent the message, why is there no movement from them now?"

Speaking of those sects, Zhang Yiyi's face began to reveal a look of disgust.

I saw Zhang Yiyi said with an almost expressionless face: "The two people who looked like dogs just now are from the sect. I heard from them that those sects have already attacked outside the capital, and they are gathering from outside to prepare to attack Ding. Changsheng conducts a comprehensive encirclement and suppression."

"Hey..." Chen Xiaolei sighed softly. He had tested the strength of those two disciples just now. He might not even be able to beat the members of the Zhang family. If it wasn't for Zhang Yiyi's injuries, it would be Chen Xiaolei's turn. ?

Chen Xiaolei said: "I don't care how they beat me, as long as they can send Ding Changsheng back to hell, they can do whatever they want."

Chen Xiaolei said coldly, at the same time, in Grandpa Chen Xiaolei's house, the three girls still shared the same room.

I saw Chu Ziyue was sitting on the bed, sobbing softly, Ji Yaojing was walking back and forth anxiously, only Lei Li was the calmest.

While peeling an apple, she said softly: "What's the point of you being like this? Crying can make father come back sooner or something? What we have to do now is to believe in Xiaolei, and believe that he will definitely come back alive."

Although Lei Li said it firmly, when he brought the apple to his mouth, he trembled slightly and dropped the apple.

When Lei Li lowered her head to pick up the apple, her head hit the table again.

This time she was deflated and made Ji Yaojing, who had been frowning all the time, laugh: "Okay, we all know. I will wait for my husband to come back, but... Do you want to call him again later?" ?”

Lei Li glanced at the mobile phone on the sofa, and her hand touched the mobile phone involuntarily. He also wanted to contact Xiao Lei immediately, even if it was just to hear his voice, knowing that he was safe now would be reassuring.

But Lei Li didn't do that, he wanted to take the lead in calming the emotions of the two girls.

In the past two days, they did not know how many calls they had made to Chen Xiaolei, but all of these calls fell silent, and they did not bring back any news from Chen Xiaolei.

And during this time, the TV began to broadcast what happened in Kyoto.After seeing those reports on TV, the women became even more worried about Chen Xiaolei's situation.Although they all believed in their husbands, they would definitely be able to tide over the difficulties safely, but having said that, Chen Xiaolei never even called back to report that he was safe.

Lei Li said: "Let's see it this way, tonight... If Xiaolei hasn't messaged me back tonight, we'll find a way to find him. If he texts me back before night, it means that we haven't heard from him before." It's just because he is too busy and has no time to take care of our affairs, so he didn't see us sending him a text message to delay."

The two women on the ride nodded quickly, Lei Li took the phone solemnly, and then dialed me a phone number, he prayed silently in his heart, praying that Chen Xiaolei on the other end of the phone would answer the phone quickly.

However, as the phone's busy tone kept ringing, and there was a burst of busy tone over there, the mood of the three women would drop a bit.Until the end, after the cold mechanical voice uttered the words of the current user who was temporarily unanswered, the moods of the three women fell to freezing point at the same time.

Chen Xiaolei should be fine, right?The three women only wanted to know about this one thing. Three full days had passed since Chen Xiaolei left.

In these three days, it is impossible to fight for three days and three nights, right?As long as he has a little free time, Chen Xiaolei can read the text messages they sent, and then reply them with three words, come here to report everyone's safety, and let everyone have a little leisure time.

It's such a simple thing, just raise your hand, but Chen Xiaolei didn't do that...

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