The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 295 The Mountain

The three daughters in the family were very worried about Chen Xiaolei's safety, and Chen Xiaolei had brought Zhang Yiyi here and lived in the cave before.

Now that the two of them have no other place to go, Xiao Lei is going to wait for the man in red to come from here.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the man in red who would definitely appear once a day appeared in front of Xiaolei.

When he first saw Zhang Yiyi next to Xiao Lei, the man in red was taken aback for a moment: "Your action is quite fast, and you rescued him so quickly? And it seems that your recovery is almost the same."

Chen Xiaolei nodded and said: "This is thanks to senior for saving his life. Senior, you said before that you have something to ask me to do. Now can you tell me what it is?"

I thought that the man in red should tell himself what he should do now.Unexpectedly, even after he recovered, the man in red still shook his head: "It's not yet time, don't worry about this matter, I will tell you when you should know. Well, since I know you It’s all right now, so I don’t have to come to this place every day.”

"Now you should not go back to this place in Kyoto for the time being. While the monster thinks you are dead, you should improve your strength so that you won't be treated like a persimmon the next time you see him."

After all, the man in red disappeared in a flash, leaving only Chen Xiaolei and Zhang Yiyi behind.

Looking at the man in red who suddenly disappeared, Chen Xiaolei felt a little helpless for a moment. This senior in red seemed to carry a bunch of secrets with him every time he appeared.

Seeing the senior in red appear and disappear within a few minutes, Zhang Yiyi also had a puzzled look on his face.

Chen Xiaolei said helplessly: "I can't stay in the capital now, do you want to take refuge with my grandfather with me?"

Hearing the word refuge, Zhang Yiyi immediately became very excited: "I won't go!"

Almost without the slightest hesitation, these three words popped out of Zhang Yiyi's mouth.

I only heard Zhang Yiyi say: "My Zhang family, all young and old, were all killed by the demon Ding Changsheng. Now that the demon has not been punished, how can I go to the refuge with peace of mind?"

For a moment, Chen Xiaolei didn't know what words to use to comfort Zhang Yiyi, he could only say: "Actually, I didn't ask you to take refuge, didn't you listen to what the senior in red said just now, we just went to find a relatively safe place first, Keep improving your strength there, and come back to seek revenge on him when your strength is strong enough. Otherwise, you will just give him his head in the past, and you will not be able to avenge your Zhang family at all. Or Say you, Zhang Yiyi, just want to die?"

Chen Xiaolei's words were well-founded, and Zhang Yiyi didn't know what to say.The whole family of the Zhang family was wiped out, and Zhang Yiyi did have a feeling that he didn't want to live.

But as long as she thinks about the unrevenge, Zhang Yiyi is unwilling to die like this.

Chen Xiaolei said coldly: "This Ding Changsheng will not die for a day, and I will have trouble sleeping and eating for a day, but I know that our strength is too weak now, come with me, and when we become strong enough, we will go back together." Come back to Kyoto to kill him."

"Can we really beat him?" Zhang Yiyi expressed doubts about Chen Xiaolei's words.

However, Chen Xiaolei said firmly: "Believe me, even if we are not strong enough to compete with Ding Changsheng, we can always pull up a team that can compete with him."

"Although all of our superficial forces have perished now, the Hidden World Sect has come out of the mountain, and the Gu Family is also in the dark, constantly accumulating their own strength. As long as we can save our lives, we may not be able to fight him."

Finally, Zhang Yiyi was moved by Chen Xiaolei's words, and a gleam of light flashed out from her dead eyes.

Chen Xiaolei stretched his waist, took Zhang Yiyi's hand, walked out of the cave, and walked towards his grandfather's house.While walking, he said: "Let's go, there are still people waiting for me over there..."

Speaking of this, Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, and he slapped himself on the forehead suddenly: "I forgot, I haven't contacted them for such a long time, they probably think I'm dead..."

Chen Xiaolei's thoughts this time were absolutely right, at this moment in his mountain gate, the three women were almost about to make trouble.

In front of the Great Elder of the Mountain Gate, that is, the gate of Xiaolei's great-grandpa, the three girls headed by Lei Li were kneeling in a row.

An old man with white hair and a childlike face opened the door helplessly, walked out and said to the three women: "Even if you stay here for a long time, it is impossible for the three of you to see Xiaolei's soul jade slip. Only the elders are allowed to enter the entire forbidden area of ​​the mountain gate, so how could it be possible to set a precedent for the three of you?"

Lei Li fell to her knees and begged: "Second Elder, we don't necessarily want to see Xiao Lei's soul jade slip, we just want to know if Xiao Lei is still alive, what we want is just one of yours. It’s just an answer, is it that difficult? Or is it that Xiao Lei is dead now, you and the elder are in collusion, and you don’t want to tell us the truth?”

The second elder showed embarrassment, he pondered for a while and said to Lei Li and the third daughter: "Xiao Lei is not dead yet, he has got the answer, you all go back first..."

"Really?" Lei Li's face was full of joy. After several days of not being able to contact Chen Xiaolei, even a woman as stable as Lei Li couldn't stand it anymore.

He sneaked up to the Great Elder's mountain gate and wanted to ask the Great Elder to tell him about Chen Xiaolei's life and death.But she begged here for a whole night, and the First Elder stayed behind closed doors, and kept completely silent about his questions.

This inexplicable silence caused an inexplicable uneasiness in Lei Li's heart, and Lei Li's disappearance also attracted the attention of Ji Yaojing and Chu Ziyue.After they came out and searched for a while, the two saw Lei Li kneeling in front of the Great Elder's door.

The two didn't say anything, and didn't even ask Lei Li why she was kneeling here, they came to Lei Li's side and knelt down.

The two of them also knew that Chen Xiaolei's soul jade slip was with the Great Elder, and they only needed the Great Elder to tell them, and they knew whether Chen Xiaolei was dead or alive.

However, they don't know that even the Great Elder is quite a headache now.Because even he doesn't know what's going on with Chen Xiaolei now.

After the second elder dismissed the third daughter who was kneeling in front of the Great Elder's mansion, he returned to the Great Elder's mansion.

At this time, on the table of the Great Elder, there was a broken soul jade slip, and on this broken soul jade slip, Chen Xiaolei's name was written.

The second elder looked at the soul jade slip on the table and couldn't help shaking his head: "This is really a strange thing. It stands to reason that if the soul jade slip is broken, it means that Xiaolei is now in danger, but the soul jade slip The anger of the jade slips is much stronger than that of the rest of the unbroken jade slips. Brother, do you think this is because Xiao Lei is in danger, and when his life is dying, an expert sent him a fortune?"

The first elder shook his head, he didn't agree with the second elder's opinion, he only heard the first elder say: "Since the soul jade slip has been broken, it means that Xiao Lei's life is indeed gone, otherwise, even if he is in frequent In the state of death, the soul jade slip is at most temporarily losing the vitality in it, and it will never be broken due to serious injuries. It's just why the anger contained in the broken jade slip is stronger than when it was not broken Strong, I don't know..."

"Could it be that Xiao Lei is still alive?" the Second Elder said softly.

The Great Elder stroked the gray mustache under his chin: "It would be better if he can live, otherwise it would be a pity for such an excellent child... and I don't know how to kneel down." The three girls outside said."

"Yeah, those kids outside are all good kids. If I heard the news of Xiao Lei's death, I don't know what kind of mood I would feel. That's why I lied to them just now that Xiao Lei is still alive .At least I hope they can sleep well these two days."

The Second Elder sighed softly, but he still muttered silently in his heart, hoping that Chen Xiaolei would be safe.

At this time, Chen Xiaolei and Zhang Yiyi were already on their way to the Zongmen, Chen Xiaolei took Zhang Yiyi to change her clothes, and threw away the rags that could not cover the flesh on her body.

Walking on the road, Zhang Yiyi asked curiously: "Xiao Lei, this is a big capital city, how did you find me?"

"Based on my feeling, I just felt that you were in that place, so I headed towards that place. Maybe this is the legend of a telepathic connection?" Even in this situation, Chen Xiaolei still did not forget to flirt. Yiyi.

Zhang Yiyi originally had a crush on Chen Xiaolei, but now when he heard these words suddenly, a rosy glow floated on her cheeks, and he was so ashamed that he bowed his head and couldn't speak.But soon she thought of the situation of the Zhang family in the past two days, and the shy girlish heart that was just mentioned was instantly dissipated by the hatred.

As if sensing something abnormal behind him, Chen Xiaolei asked with concern: "Zhang Yiyi, are you alright? Why do I feel that your complexion seems a bit unwell?"

Zhang Yiyi shook her head again and again: "Is there any? Maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest for a while. When I'm inside your sect, you can arrange a good guest room for me. If the environment is not good enough, I can't sleep well." No way."

Chen Xiaolei laughed and said: "It's natural, no one can treat you badly even if you treat it badly. At that time, I will definitely arrange the biggest guest room for you, and the beds inside are big enough for you to roll on it Yes. You will never be disappointed with the level of comfort you live in.”

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