That Yunzong disciple could only look at Chen Xiaolei's fist, which was getting wider and wider from his face, and then it slammed on the bridge of his nose.

Both of them were punched by Chen Xiaolei, blood slid down the bridge of their noses and onto their faces.At this moment, the faces of these two guys looked extremely hideous.

And Chen Xiaolei was even more unforgiving, after seizing such a momentary opportunity, he rushed in front of the two Yunzong disciples again in an instant.

And the two Yunzong disciples have put away their underestimation of Chen Xiaolei at this time. This guy is stronger than they expected. If they don't show some real skills, I'm afraid they will really be punished by this secular cultivator. Lie on the ground.

I saw two Yunzong disciples recite a hand formula, Chen Xiaolei punched directly through the head of one of them, and the punch turned out to be a phantom.

Chen Xiaolei let out a light snort. It was obviously still a problem when he hit the circle last time, but it has already moved to another place in this second.As expected, he was indeed a core disciple of the Hermit Sect. If he was an ordinary high-ranking student, Chen Xiaolei's punch just now would have directly beaten him until his own mother didn't recognize him.

After dodging Chen Xiaolei's punch, the two Yunzong disciples had serious expressions on their faces: "Do you know what you did? Boy, you've already provoked someone you can't provoke!"

Chen Xiaolei sneered: "Really? I'm so scared!"

The two Yunzong disciples leaned together again, and as soon as they held their hands, the aura emanating from them suddenly changed. If the two of them were only high-ranking people just now, then the one holding their hands together now In an instant, the aura on their bodies skyrocketed at the same time, reaching the level of the primary level of heaven.

The opponent's strength suddenly rose to a level, which surprised Chen Xiaolei. At this time, one of the two spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Chen Xiaolei immediately understood that after the two of them used this skill, it should be activated at a great price, and after it was activated, the maintenance time was limited.

As long as he gets through this period of time, the two of them will become two weak chickens again, but Chen Xiaolei doesn't want to do this.

"Yunwu Yin!" The two Yunzong disciples clasped their hands into a fist, and that fist was pointed at the sky. swirl.

This vortex composed of clouds split apart in mid-air, condensing into thousands of white wind blades.

With a loud shout, the white wind blades rushed towards Chen Xiaolei overwhelmingly.

There are a lot of white wind blades, almost filling the space between the sky and the earth without the slightest hiding place. Tens of thousands of white wind blades stab at Chen Xiaolei. Wandering, but it turns out that he was thinking too much.

Moreover, although this wind blade is condensed by the air in the cloud, its power is no less than that of the flying knife made of fine steel.

All of a sudden, Chen Xiaolei raised his head to the sky and roared, his body instantly rose to more than a hundred feet, and the overwhelming wind blades hit him, making only tinkling noises, and then dissipated into a mist, which could have caused Chen Xiaolei no harm at all. any impact.

And when Chen Xiaolei stood in front of Zhang Yiyi, it was like a thick vajra arm, making it impossible for the flying knife to hurt Zhang Yiyi.

The two Yunzong disciples looked at the scene before them in astonishment. It turned out to be a beast?You must know that the ability of beast transformation can only be stimulated by the blood of a certain Honghuang Lu. Even among their hidden sects, those who have the talent of beast transformation are like the favored sons of heaven.Who the hell is this guy?To be able to complete animal transformation so easily, and with such a terrifying body.This guy is by no means a secular casual cultivator, he is probably a disciple of a hidden sect, and that hidden sect is definitely not worse than Yun Zhong, and he is much higher now.

As far as these two Yunzong addresses were concerned, when Chen Xiaolei was still thinking about whether Chen Xiaolei could provoke them, Chen Xiaolei slapped them like a hill.

The two people who were still in a dazed state didn't think about how to avoid him at all. They woke up when the slap reached them, but it was too late.

They stretched out their hands and the energy in their bodies poured out, forming a protective film exuding a faint halo in front of them, wanting to rely on this protective film to give yourself a little protection.

But this protective film was nothing but a joke to Xiaolei at this time. With this slap, the protective film was shattered without even a chance to block it.

The despair in the eyes of those two Yunzong disciples made them feel that they would definitely not be able to survive now.However, to their surprise, Chen Xiaolei didn't intend to kill them, but took them into his hands with a palm of his hand.

The two Yunzong disciples looked at Chen Xiaolei in astonishment, not understanding what the hell he was up to.

Chen Xiaolei said coldly to the two, "You two, apologize to her."

While saying this, Chen Xiaolei placed the two Yunzong disciples in front of Zhang Yiyi, but they were a short distance away from Zhang Yiyi, so that they would not suddenly violently hurt Zhang Yiyi.

Zhang Yiyi didn't expect Chen Xiaolei to say such words to the two Yunzong disciples.

"Apologize to her? Are you kidding? She is just a lowly servant. Our noble Yunzong disciples will never apologize to her!" I really didn't expect to face Chen Xiaolei's proposal like Zhang Yiyi's apology. Asking two Yunzong disciples to be so repulsive, the attitude of these two people is unified and they will never apologize.

Chen Xiaolei sneered, the noble Yunzong disciple, do you really regard yourself as a superior existence?He stretched out his pillar-like fingers, and lightly tapped on the back of one of the Yunzong disciples. The Yunzong disciple was immediately overwhelmed and fell to his knees.

Not only that, but the head of that Yunzong disciple directly hit the ground, Chen Xiaolei sneered: "Now you show me your noble side..."

While saying this, Chen Xiaolei kept going back and forth, and that Yunzong disciple was pressed to the ground by Chen Xiaolei, and kept kowtowing to Zhang Yiyi, but he just gritted his teeth and didn't say a word of apology.

"It seems that you are determined not to apologize." Chen Xiaolei said coldly.

The Yunzong disciple looked up and said to Chen Xiaolei, "Hmph, apologizing to such a despicable family member is impossible in this life. Even if you kill me, don't even want to hear from me that even One sorry!"

As soon as the Yunzong disciple's words fell, Chen Xiaolei suddenly exerted force, and this Yunzong disciple basically had no chance to resist, so Chen Xiaolei directly crushed him to death with his fingers.

The companion next to this Yunzhong disciple only heard a scream before he died.

When Chen Xiaolei raised his finger, only a pool of bloody hands and a meatloaf remained where the Yunzong disciple had been.

Chen Xiaolei turned his gaze to another person: "I advise you not to take chances and think that I won't kill you. Your companion is an example. Maybe facing ordinary casual cultivators, you are aloof. Look, but you Yunzong are not even a fart in my eyes. Apologize to her, then I can still consider it, spare your life, or wait to be the same as your companion."

The only remaining Yunzong disciple, seeing the horrific death of his companion, was already so frightened that he didn't know what to say. He has reached this level, and he is still a core disciple of Yunzong. After returning, he has a bright future. How can he die in such a place?

Thinking of this, this Yunzong disciple showed humiliation: "I'm sorry..."

His voice was like that of a mosquito, Zhang Yiyi only heard two words in it, and didn't even hear the last word.

But just this is enough for Zhang Yiyi to be ecstatic. You must know that these sect disciples usually come to his family, even if it is a very ordinary young man, his father will also look at the face of others, and now he is kneeling The one who apologized to him in front of him was Yunzong's core disciple.

Zhang Yiyi was dumbfounded and wanted to make the Yunzong disciple stand up, but the Yunzong disciple's apology obviously did not meet Chen Xiaolei's expectations, and Chen Xiaolei said coldly: "I want you to apologize sincerely! Show me all those apologies, let me see your sincerity, otherwise!"

Chen Xiaolei's finger was already on the back of Yunzong's disciple. Feeling the oppressive feeling, Yunzong's disciple was already scared out of his wits. How dare he bargain with Chen Xiaolei?

He kowtowed to Zhang Yiyi non-stop: "I'm sorry, it was all our fault before, we shouldn't have treated you like that, yes, our dog eyes look down on people, it's because we are arrogant and uneducated, and we still hope Your lord has a lot, please forgive us..."

Looking at this guy, Zhang Yiyi began to feel that she was a little pitiful. Zhang Yiyi hummed, and two lines of tears involuntarily fell from the corners of his eyes.

The people in the family who have been oppressed and humiliated by the hidden sect behind them, when did they hear such an apology?Even if a young member of the sect kills an important person in the family, I'm afraid no one will come to apologize, right?Not to mention killing people for life.

Now Chen Xiaolei finally nodded in satisfaction, and slowly moved his fingers away from the Yunzong disciple's back.

However, just when this Yunzong disciple thought he had finally lost his life, Chen Xiaolei's fingers suddenly pressed firmly on the Yunzong disciple's back.

This time, the Yunzong disciple didn't even utter a scream, and was directly crushed to death by Chen Xiaolei. After doing all this, Chen Xiaolei's figure slowly fell, and he turned into a normal person.

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