Zhang Yiyi looked at the disciple of Yunzong who died in front of him in astonishment, he had now turned into a puddle of flesh, and it was impossible to tell from his expression how much resentment, regret and anger he had before his death.

Chen Xiaolei stretched his waist: "Okay, the incident has finally been resolved, and it's time for us to go back."

"Hello." Zhang Yiyi suddenly stopped Chen Xiaolei, Chen Xiaolei was slightly taken aback, turned to look at Zhang Yiyi, only to hear Zhang Yiyi say: "Didn't you say you would let him die? Why did you kill him in the end?"

Chen Xiaolei showed a naughty smile: "You don't think I will keep my promise, do you? You have to understand that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself. This time you put her back, she will still hold a grudge In my heart, when the time comes, we will tell our affairs to the sect, and the Yunzong will directly send people to hunt us down."

"Although we are no longer afraid of Yunzong as long as we reach my sect, it is always a troublesome thing, and these two guys have very few moves when dealing with me. If I am not as good as others, I will be killed by them If they catch it in their hands, will they spare my life? Just kidding, I’m afraid not only my life will be lost, but also your chastity. Hold."

Facing Chen Xiaolei's obscene words, Zhang Yiyi couldn't feel any disgust in her heart for no reason, and her face turned red again.And Chen Xiaolei didn't seem to notice Zhang Yiyi's strangeness, so he patted Zhang Yiyi's shoulder and said, "Okay, we've wasted so much time with the two of them again, we should go."

Zhang Yiyi hummed, followed behind Chen Xiaolei, and walked towards the direction Chen Xiaolei said.

At this time, although Zhang Yiyi couldn't say that he had given his life to Chen Xiaolei, he basically had [-]% trust in Chen Xiaolei.

And at this moment, several major hermit sects around the capital were gathering together.

One of them, an old man who looked about six or seventy years old, suddenly opened his eyes, and two broken jade slips appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The old man frowned slightly, slapped his chair suddenly, and just stood up from the chair. The chair was shattered into thousands of pieces after being hit by him.

A middle-aged man sitting next to the old man gloated and said, "I said, Mr. Yun, what's wrong with you? You suddenly became so angry, be careful that you, an old bone, can't stand it because of excessive anger. You Yun Apart from you, the sect has no other experts in the hidden realm of the gods, and if you die, I am afraid that your cloud sect will be destroyed in a few days."

Old Yun snorted coldly: "Hu Xiaotian, don't worry, even if you die, my old bones won't die. I, Yun Zhongge, have no other skills except to live longer than others."

Seeing the two people's eyes facing each other, sparks appeared in their eyes, and it seemed that they were about to quarrel. A young woman dressed alluringly and charmingly stood up, twisted her waist and came in front of the two of them. The court beauty covered her mouth with her small fan, and said, "Okay, both of you can be regarded as outsiders, so why bother to get into trouble over such a small matter. Hu Xiaotian, you really are, people say The old man just died two core disciples, and his heart is already sad enough, but you still taunt others, do you still have the masculinity?"

Hu Xiaotian blushed when he said this to the enchanting young woman, and he smiled embarrassingly: "Haha, I'm just playing around with Mr. Yun, don't take the blood-smeared butterfly too seriously. By the way, our four great hermit sects are all the same. We gathered together to discuss how to get rid of that monster in the capital, but unfortunately that guy is obviously avoiding us, after searching for a few days, there is no movement, I think we should do it ourselves, will we meet him?"

As Hu Xiaotian spoke, he stared lewdly at Xue Tudie's buttocks. Of course Xue Tudie noticed the old pervert's gaze, but he didn't have any repulsive thoughts, instead he twisted slightly own ass.

This time, Hu Xiaotian couldn't hold it anymore, but it was a public place after all, and there were two other sect masters watching. In desperation, Hu Xiaotian could only sit back with his buttocks and stretch his hips. It's unbearable to hide.

But the blood-painted butterfly giggled as if it had won some kind of victory.

"Don't worry now. Anyway, the monsters in this city have been trapped here by my big formation. No matter how you resist, they are just one in a million. Now it's better to solve the problem in front of you. For example, the cloud Boss, why don't we take a look at the information left on the Soul Jade Slip, see what kind of person the guy who killed your apprentice is, and then take revenge for your apprentice."

The only man who has not spoken has been quietly looking at the three suzerains on the field. Around his body, there seems to be an extremely gloomy aura. This aura makes him feel like a stranger. Feeling, not only that.The three suzerains on the field seemed to be very afraid of this guy. When he spoke on one side, the three on the other side all shut their mouths.

Elder Yun even directly took out the two broken soul jade slips, and released the last scene before the two disciples died.

Two soul jade slips floated in the air, and then released such an image, I saw a palm like a hill, smashing towards the sky, smashing the two Yunzong disciples on the ground, followed by a palm with a height of [-] feet The great ape appeared before the eyes of several suzerains.

Then there was the scene where disciple Yunzhong was threatened by Chen Xiaolei and apologized to Zhang Yiyi.

Seeing his disciples, he kowtowed and apologized to the family members who had always looked down on them and thought they were like garbage.

Yun Zhongge's face was black as if it was a black coal ball, she was angry and wanted to find something to shoot, but his chair had been smashed by him, but knowing that his brand hand could only be put down again in embarrassment, He said angrily: "It's really unreasonable. As a child of a dignified family, he actually begged for mercy on such a bastard. Fortunately, he died. Otherwise, we would not know what he did. Hmph, good death, this kind of Huo Shi is not worthy of being called a sect disciple at all. Come here!"

Yun Zhongge let out a loud roar, and the door was immediately opened by someone, only to see a disciple wearing Yunzong's costume, coming to Yun Zhongge respectfully, and asked softly: "Master, I don't know if you asked the disciple to come here , what are your orders?"

Yun Zhongge said coldly: "The order is passed on, there are two high-ranking core disciples who died here today, this one soul jade slip will be taken back and enshrined in the ancestral hall of the sect, as for the other, throw him in alchemy In the furnace, refine it for 49 days until there is no ashes left of this soul jade!"

The disciple led the order, and before leaving, he repeatedly confirmed the different handling methods of the two soul jade slips.

At this time, an attendant standing next to him respectfully took another chair and placed it behind Yun Zhongge, and swept away the sawdust on the ground.

Yun Zhongge sat down unceremoniously, and muttered softly: "Damn, I'm really pissed off, you dare to throw me a serious person like this."

To be honest, if he had seen the scene in the Soul Jade Slip privately, he wouldn't be so angry.After all, no matter what, begging for mercy for the sake of one's own life is not a very despicable thing.As the saying goes, how much is face worth?

But the problem is that now he released this video in front of all suzerains.The people present counted one by one, but they all saw the message that his Yunzong disciple begged for mercy in order to survive.

He was even ready to listen to the taunts from the next few sect masters.

However, what puzzled him was that the middle groups of these sects fell silent at the same time, and none of them ridiculed the behavior of their Yunzong disciples.

This situation seemed very abnormal, Yunzong disciples looked at those suzerains curiously, and saw that the expressions on the faces of several suzerains were all fiery.That kind of expression is like the feeling that a child shows when he sees a toy or snack that he has wanted for a long time, but that thing does not belong to him. His face is full of greed and jealousy that he wants to take it as his own.

Yun Zhongge was in a daze, completely unaware of what was going on now.

"Sovereign masters, what's the matter with you?" After all, Yun Zhongge was the first to break the silence. He really couldn't stand the current atmosphere.

The shadowy man raised his head and stared straight at Yun Zhongge: "Sect Master Yun, your good apprentice has really helped us a lot this time."

Yun Zhongge still looked cloudy and foggy, but soon, he recalled the flashing picture in the soul jade slip, a giant ape with a height of one hundred feet, stretched out his hand and knocked her two disciples to the ground screen.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhongge's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at the suzerains in astonishment, with a greedy look on his face at the same time.

"Beast blood? That guy is not a giant ape at all, but a human with beast blood!" Yun Zhongge finally came to his senses.

That's right, if it's just a simple giant ape, how could it be possible to force a human to apologize to another human?

Besides, like the giant apes built in ordinary monsters, there is absolutely no one whose body exceeds a hundred feet.So this giant that suddenly appeared must be of the animal blood, and it is very likely to be the rare blood that is rare in a thousand years. After all, it is a giant ape with a height of hundreds of feet.

You must know that cultivators who can transform into beasts are popular in the entire comprehension world.Some small sects and small forces don't know the preciousness of this animal cultivator, but they, the big hermit families, understand it very well!

Even ordinary animal blood can be looted by hidden sects like them, let alone a rare blood like Xiaolei that is rare in a thousand years?

Thinking of this, the princesses on the field couldn't sit still. Chen Xiaolei, who only appeared once in the video of the two's death, suddenly became a favorite on the field.

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