Lei Li's face turned red, and she punched Chen Xiaolei on the chest: "Apart from this kind of thing, what else can you think about, hum, if you want to stay here, we won't worry about you anymore, anyway You must have your reasons."

Chen Xiaolei nodded, and said, "Wait for me when you go back, I'll be back soon."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiaolei returned to Wanfazong with a relaxed expression and light steps, without any sense of being threatened.

And after going back, he hooked shoulders with Ouyang Xun, the suzerain of Wanfa sect, and felt that they had a good relationship.

Ouyang asked: "Old Freak Chen, did you see it too? Your grandson voluntarily stays in my Wanfazong. During this period of time, don't come here to make trouble again. When the time comes, I will naturally put the Your precious grandson was sent back."

Seeing that Chen Xiaolei didn't want to go back with him, the Great Elder was puzzled, but he had to let it go.

He really didn't understand what could impress Chen Xiaolei in the treasure house of the Wanfa sect, but according to Chen Xiaolei's personality, this kid would not be able to get up early if he had no profit, and he would definitely not do the business that suffered a loss. Ouyang Xun must have taken her to see it. I found the treasure house of Wanfazong, and there happened to be something in the treasurehouse of Wanfazong that attracted Chen Xiaolei.

Seeing that Chen Xiaolei was constantly winking at him, signaling him to leave quickly, although he was confused, the Great Elder still gave everyone the order to retreat.

Some people came over aggressively like this, and went back inexplicably.

And Chen Xiaolei also stretched his waist, and said to Ouyang Xun: "I'm really sorry about what happened today, and I made such a big oolong. Well, I also feel quite sleepy. If there is nothing wrong, I will I'll go back to sleep first. Farewell."

Ouyang Xun was so annoyed by Chen Xiaolei's attitude, according to his character, if Chen Xiaolei was not useful to him, he would have slapped Chen Xiaolei to death long ago.

But Elder Li kept saying on the sidelines: "Sovereign, calm down, calm down. This Chen Xiaolei is obviously trying to make you angry on purpose. Anyway, the deal has already been reached, so we don't need to talk to him at all."

I have to work hard to suppress the anger in my heart, but when he looked up, he saw his mountain gate again.The mountain gate was smashed to pieces by Chen Xiaolei's foot, seeing the anger that had just been suppressed here, he raised it up again in an instant.

Ouyang Xun said angrily: "I want him to accompany me to the mountain gate! At that time, one less treasure will be given as compensation for the mountain gate!"

Elder Li looked at Ouyang Xun helplessly, and he also knew that what his suzerain said now was simply angry words.

But in fact, even if Chen Xiaolei knew what he said, and knew that he was telling the truth, it didn't matter, because what Chen Xiaolei wanted was just a piece of cake, as long as he could get the tripod, it didn't matter if Chen Xiaolei didn't want the other two. .

After all, how many good things can there be in the treasure house set up to reward disciples?

During the day, it was still near the capital, and the four masters were still sitting in that meeting room.

Yun Zhongge sneered, and asked Ouyang, "Sovereign Ouyang, how many bloodlines of the ancestor ape did you get last night?"

Ouyang Xun didn't hide it either, and stretched out four fingers directly: "400ml."

The rest of the three showed joy, this was only the first time, and they only made 400ml, it seems that they will make a lot of money in the future.

But Ouyang Xun's next words made them fall from heaven to hell.

"However, I made an agreement with Chen Xiaolei that I will only draw blood on her body three times, which is 1200 milliliters. And this is in exchange for any three of our sect's treasures."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Xun looked at the other three people on the field with a strange look.

The four of them have been dealing with each other for hundreds of years, so there is no need for Ouyang Xun to say anything. The rest of them also know what Ouyang Xue is thinking.

Yun Zhongge took the lead and said: "This 1200ml is too little. Each of our four major sects can only get 300ml. But forget it, after all, that kid is the grandson of Old Freak Chen, and look at the old monster Chen. It looks like an immortal feeling, and we don't need to offend old monster Chen too much for this kind of thing. Brother Ouyang, we won't let you suffer too much, just say it, if you want something, as long as It’s what our brother has, and the price is right, so I’ll definitely get it for you.”

Ouyang inquired: "Sect Master Yun is happy, so I'll just say it here. Our Wanfa Sect needs 1200/1 of the 2 ml of blood, and the remaining 1/2 is divided among you three."

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere on the field immediately became not quite right. Everyone looked at Ouyang Xun with unkind eyes. Even if the price he asked for was a little higher, none of the suzerains of these three sects would have it. Such an extreme reaction, but the blood of the ancestral dragon is going to go halfway?This was something none of the three of them could accept.

Ouyang asked: "Let's think about it carefully. This matter was planned by our Wanfazong from the beginning to the end, and we also sent the most manpower. The first hatred target of Old Freak Chen was also the one we sent people yesterday. Come, our Ten Thousand Laws School will take revenge. Don’t tell me that you don’t even know about it. Believe that when Old Freak Chen’s troops move, your people will follow behind like dogs. The guy smashed into pieces with one palm, and our Wanfazong paid a huge price, and I don't think it's too much to ask for a little more blood."

With the facts here, the three great patriarchs are too embarrassed to say anything more.

Bloodstained Butterfly said weakly: "Although it is said so, after all, 1200 can be averaged into four equal parts. At most, we can pay a little more money to make up for your losses."

Ouyang Xun rolled his eyes, and said: "Now it looks like this is the only way to go. Hey, for the 400ml of ancestor ape blood, our Wanfa Sect lost even our pants."

Yun Zhongge hurriedly said: "Just treat it as if we owe Brother Ouyang a favor. We have been dealing with each other for hundreds of years. Brother Ouyang also knows about us. We can't let Brother Ouyang suffer. How about this? Isn't your mountain gate being blocked by others? That old monster is broken, we will repair it for you, and the repair will definitely be better than before!"

If Chen Xiaolei heard these conversations here at this time, he would definitely yell at Ouyang Xun.Obviously it was five bloodlines that had been agreed upon, but now he has three bloodlines, and he wants to own half of the three.

But there was nothing to do, after all, he was with Ouyang Xun, and Ouyang Xun had the final say.And even if Chen Xiaolei was by their side now, it would be impossible for him to speak out against Ouyang Xun's words. What he wanted was from the Wanfa Sect, not from the other three sects.

Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The people inside were discussing the ownership of the bloodline of the ancestor ape, so it was very annoying to hear the knock on the door.

Among them, Hu Xiaotian had the worst temper. He yelled directly at the people outside the door: "What's wrong? Is it the end of the world or what? Knock knock what knock? Don't you know we're discussing something important inside?"

The people outside paused for a moment, and then weakly said to the people inside: "Several suzerains, our people found the hiding place of the monster in the capital, and several joint disciples have already gone down first, and now we can't contact you." To them, life or death is unknown."

Yun Zhongge frowned and said, "Didn't I already tell you? That monster's cultivation is extremely high, and it is definitely not something you can deal with casually. As soon as you find their traces, report to us as soon as possible. Why don't you Listen."

"But... But the Sect Master of Ben Lei Sect just told us that they want to discuss inside, if they don't bother you no matter what..." The tone of the outsider was extremely aggrieved. The owner of Ben Lei Valley sold it.

The other three people glanced at Hu Xiaotian, and Hu Xiaotian scratched his head: "Didn't I want to solve one problem first before solving other problems? And I don't know, I haven't found anything after searching for several days. The monster that was not even a trace was suddenly found today... Forget it, that matter is more important, and it is time to teach him a good lesson for the misfortune that this monster has caused in the capital."

Yun Zhongge said: "You guys go to guard the place where the monster is. You must try your best not to let him escape. The other three suzerains and I will rush there immediately."

At this time, in a secret passage in Kyoto, your completely converted monster is gnawing on the corpse of a cultivator.

"Ah...the spiritual power contained in the body of a cultivator is high. I can absorb two or three hundred of it if I eat it alone." Although I know that my position has been exposed, the medicine is still greedily sucking on this cultivator. blood, without the slightest intention to stop.

Although his cultivation had not reached the peak at this time, he could already be regarded as the king in this area.

As for things like the four great hermit clans, he didn't take them seriously at all.

There was no need to be afraid of a name that I had never heard of when I was hunting down the big monster back then, the monster secretly said in his heart.

After eating the corpses on the ground and squandering the spiritual power in their bodies, Yao Wu stood up and strode towards the entrance of the cave.

However, as soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, a light green ripple blocked his way.

"Oh? Barrier? Interesting." The monster murmured, and then punched the light green barrier.

However, when the punch was punched, a strong backlash came back from above the barrier, forcing the monster to retreat three steps in a row.

Not only that, the monster's arm also burst into star flames, burning violently, causing the monster to scream involuntarily.

Now the monster's expression finally became serious, and he looked coldly at the light green barrier in front of him: "When did the human race produce such a powerful character again? They can actually set up a barrier that blocks the hidden realm of the gods."

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