The big demon glanced into the cave, and then looked at the enchantment in front of him. He waved his hand, and the majestic black energy permeated from the cave. The black air of the method.

The black air hit the green barrier, using his strong corrosive ability, the halo on the barrier soon gradually dissipated.

In about a few minutes, the monster came to the front of the enchantment and gently pushed it with his hand, and the enchantment suddenly shattered into thousands of light spots like glass.

The monster snorted coldly: "Hehe, that's all it takes..."

However, just as he was about to move forward again, another ball of green light lit up in front of him out of thin air.

The enchantment that had just been corroded by it rose again in just two or three seconds.

This time the monster is completely restless, raising two such barriers in an instant without interruption, I am afraid that his current opponent has already reached the hidden realm of the gods.

Didn't expect that there would be a strong man in the Hidden God Realm in this capital?The big demon couldn't help feeling a little worried.

However, he was not worried about his own safety, but worried that this strong man in the Hidden God Realm would hinder him from carrying out his next plan.

Outside the entrance of the cave, hundreds of disciples from the four major sects stood beside the entrance of the cave. Everyone had serious expressions. In front of them was a blue light and shadow, which was covered with dense curse marks.

The green enchantment inside is produced by the light and shadow in front of them. They only need to continuously transport it inside, and the vitality in their bodies can make the green enchantment inside be born infinitely.

But after all, this is not a long-term solution. If you persist for about 10 minutes at most, the vitality in this group of people will be completely consumed in one fell swoop.

"How's the situation now?" A soft voice sounded behind the disciples, and the faces of these disciples suddenly revealed expressions of excitement.

"Sect Master!" All the disciples turned and knelt at the same time, and the four sect masters stood behind them.

And the most attractive one is the blood-painted butterfly, who is still shaking the small fan in her hand, with a charming look.

That seductive gaze almost attracted the eyes of the group of disciples below to her.

"Ahem..." Ouyang Xun coughed twice, and immediately pulled back the thoughts of the group of disciples below.

One of the Ten Thousand Law Sect disciples immediately reported: "The monster is blocked by us now, and a barrier has been set up inside, so that there is absolutely no way for him to escape."

"Okay... you guys step back now, you won't be able to join the next battle."

After Yun Zhongge finished speaking, the disciples off the field jumped up at the same time. In just a few seconds, there were only the four major sect masters left on the field.

The monster inside just wanted to manipulate the black air again to break the barrier in front of him, but as soon as the black air came to him, the green barrier disappeared without a trace, and the black air was like a long rainbow heading towards the entrance of the cave. gallop away.

As soon as Yun Zhongge stood at the entrance of the cave, he felt a sense of crisis. A large amount of black air suddenly emerged from the entrance of the cave. The black air enveloped the four of them, and the corrosiveness mixed with it made the four of them feel a sense of urgency. uncomfortable.

Accompanied by the black air, a monster with a pitch-black body and horns on its head soared into the sky in the cave.

The monster looked at the four people under his feet: "Are you the suzerain of the four major sects?"

Although the expression on his face was very plain, the monster's heart was trembling at this moment. As soon as he came out, he noticed the four guys in front of him, but they were four strong men in the Hidden God Realm.

What are you kidding?Four god-like powerhouses attacking themselves at the same time?

The monster's cultivation at this time has not reached his peak period, and at most it is only a middle-level and advanced level in the Hidden God Realm.Among these four people, the man with a gloomy face had almost the same level of cultivation as himself.

Seeing the four people below, the monster has already started planning how to escape.

"This kind of underground mouse is really annoying, it looks so disgusting, let me go up and chop him directly!"

A big ring knife appeared out of nowhere in Hu Xiaotian's hand. He put the big ring road under his feet and stepped on it suddenly, and he stepped on the ground to create a deep pit about two meters wide.

With the momentum of the upward rush, Hu Xiaotian rushed directly in front of the monster like a shell.

The monster yelled to seek death, and the black energy around him had turned into two shields to block him, and the big ring knife slashed fiercely on the shield, but after the blow of the big ring knife, the black energy He actually wrapped the big ring knife inside with his backhand.

Hu Xiaotian yelled that something was wrong, and with a flick of his hands, a blazing fire burst out from the blade of the Dahuandao. The blazing fire burned the air around him and began to distort it. The maggot's black energy was so hot that he didn't dare to approach the blade.

At this time, Hu Xiaotian's eyes also turned golden yellow: "Flame Sky Shattering Slash!"

On the blade of the big ring knife, a strong aura suddenly erupted, and this aura carried raging flames all over the sky, and slashed at the monster's body fiercely.

The monster did not expect that a guy who had just entered the hidden realm of the gods could use such a strong attack. The monster who was hit hard by negligence let out a cry of pain, and then turned around and kicked at Hu Xiaotian.

The monster's kick locked onto Hu Xiaotian, and Hu Xiaotian only felt as if he was being targeted by some ferocious monster, and his body and even his heart sent him a danger warning.

Hu Xiaotian thought for a while, but he didn't dare to take the kick at all, and quickly backed away.

It was too late for the monster to shout, his body was already moving with the roar of the tiger.

But at this time, he didn't realize that Yun Zhongge had unknowingly stood behind him, and the black mist gradually filled with a layer of mist, and the treasure surrounded the monster's body, The moment the monster moved, the white mist condensed into thousands of fragments, each of which was extremely sharp, blocking the path that the monster's legs must pass.

As soon as the monster kicked it, he felt a sharp pain in his leg, and saw that the protective scales on his leg were torn apart by countless fragments that suddenly appeared in the midair, and they were covered with bloodstains.

"Ah!" The monster roared, his speed was also slightly hindered by the sudden appearance of debris, and he failed to kick Hu Xiaotian.

However, the fragments along the way were blown away by the wind from his legs. After stepping back, he touched his forehead, which was immediately covered with cold sweat. The kick just now gave him a great deterrent.He even had a feeling that if he was kicked by this kick, he would lose half his life even if he didn't die.

Just facing the siege of two people, the monster already felt that he couldn't take it anymore. His eyes glanced at a man and a woman who hadn't made a move yet.

Especially that man, that guy with a gloomy face, as if everyone owed him millions, gave him the greatest deterrence, but until now, that guy hasn't done anything.

And that woman had a smile on her face, and the clothes on her body made the private parts of the woman's body faintly visible, making the monster's body feel hot.

However, just by taking a look, the monster closed his eyes back. He had reached his level of cultivation, and soon realized that what this woman practiced was a kind of coquetry, and the strength of this kind of coquetry had already been reached, but Let him look at it to the extent that it can affect his mind.

It is impossible to win, these four guys have no chance of winning together.The monster thought secretly.

He really didn't understand where these four terrifying guys came from. It stands to reason that such a powerful guy should never exist in this place.

Even though he had said this sentence countless times in his heart, the reality in front of him told him that it was time for him to run for his life.

The monster glanced into the cave unwillingly, and said viciously to the four masters: "Hehe, if my cultivation reaches its peak, sticking to the four of you is as easy as crushing an ant. Today I will resign first, I will write down this grudge, so farewell!"

In other words, the monster itself suddenly turned into a cloud of black air, which mixed with the black air in the sky and drifted away in all directions.

This sudden change made the four major sect masters stunned, they never thought that this guy would have such a way of escaping.

Yun Zhongge spread his hands, and a cloud of white mist mixed into the black mist, but this time it was different from the last time, the black mist mixed in by the monster actually turned against the white mist at the moment when the white mist rushed up. The mist formed a counter-indulgence, swallowing up these threats without a trace in the blink of an eye.

And Hu Xiaotian came into the midair with the Dahuan Dao, and suddenly a ball of flame rose from his Dahuan Dao, and the flame spread towards the air in a circular shape, and in a blink of an eye With Hu Xiaotian as the center, it spread to a radius of one kilometer.

And Ouyang Xun, who had been inactive all this time, also moved.He kicked his feet and came to Hu Xiaotian's side, holding a net in his hand, which was exactly the one in Elder Li's hand.

He threw the net towards the sky, and the net instantly became countless times larger than the flames Hu Xiaotian created.

The net overwhelmingly swept towards the group of black air, and finally wrapped up all the black air, then turned into an ordinary net, and came in front of Ouyang Xun.

Ouyang Xun grabbed the net, Hu Xiaotian also put away the flame in his hand, and the three came to Ouyang Xun together.

Ouyang Xun threw the net on the ground and stepped on it, but the house was like a dead ball, it was crushed and flattened by Ouyang Xun's foot.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Xun frowned immediately, and said unwillingly to the three of them: "We still let him escape..."

And not far from the capital, a tiny cloud of black air turned into a human form, and this human form turned out to be Ding Changsheng. At this time, Ding Changsheng was covered in scars, and he was heading towards Linhai City with reluctance. fly away.

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