Chen Xiaolei was also lying on the bed bored, staring blankly at the ceiling. When Elder Li brought him back, all the disciples of the Wanfa Sect looked at him with somewhat inappropriate expressions, more or less All with some anger.

After all, the mountain gate was just a facade for a sect, and Chen Xiaolei crushed their mountain gate with one kick, which was equivalent to slapping their Wan Fazong in the face.

Chen Xiaolei also got up from the bed, anyway, there was nothing else to do now, so Chen Xiaolei came to the back mountain of Wanfazong silently.

Thinking back to the mysterious message that Ouyang Zhenxuan left in his mind before, Chen Xiaolei thought in his heart that there was no one on the back mountain at this time, so it would be better to just use this place as his martial arts arena.Besides, Ouyang Xun also said before that he can use the resources of the entire Wanfazong freely.

Chen Xiaolei also stretched his waist, and sat cross-legged on the floor. He wanted to touch the mysterious symbols that Ouyang Zhenxuan had left for him before, but no matter how he thought about it, those symbols could only be seen in his mind. It's just a mess.

I'm afraid it's because my realm is not enough now, Chen Xiaolei laughed in his heart, but it doesn't matter, anyway, what I want to earn money for myself is not just a skill, but also a very powerful move.

Chen Xiaolei had a feeling in his heart that if he could really practice this move to perfection, to the level of Ouyang Zhenxuan, even if he was only in the level of heaven, he would be able to compete with the powerhouses of the Hidden God Realm Down.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a sword in his talisman, so Chen Xiaolei can only use the ancestral dragon whip instead in desperation.

Closing his eyes, Chen Xiaolei allowed himself to enter the state he entered in the dungeon, but after a few minutes, Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes again.

I don't feel that way at all... When I was in prison, I really imitated Ouyang Zhenxuan's move, but now I can't enter that state at all.

"Little friend Xiaolei, what are you doing here if you're not resting in the room?" Elder Li's voice suddenly sounded from behind Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei turned around and saw that Elder Li was walking in the back hill with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Elder Li, Chen Xiaolei's eyes rolled, and he quickly rushed towards the enemy. The fast Elder Li was startled, thinking that Chen Xiaoli wanted to attack him, but he hadn't put on a defensive posture yet. Chen Xiaolei He also stopped by his side: "Elder Li, Xiao Lei has another request today, I wonder if Elder Li would agree?"

Chen Xiaolei's smile was very wicked, and Elder Li was vigilant, for fear that Chen Xiaolei also wanted to find him to do something that would be detrimental to his sect.

"You tell me what it is first. After you finish speaking, I'm considering whether to agree to you." Elder Li was full of precautions.

Chen Xiaolei laughed: "Haha, Mr. Li doesn't have to be so defensive about me. After all, I'm just a celestial ranker, and you are a strong man in the Hidden God Realm. It's impossible for me to do anything to you. And our deal It has been achieved, and it is impossible for me to do anything against your Wanfazong, right?"

Elder Li thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true, so he relaxed a little, and then asked: "So what exactly do you want me to do for you?"

Chen Xiaolei said: "I just want you to be my training partner, so that I can see how far I am from God's Hidden Realm."

"Pfft..." Elder Li couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed out loud: "Little friend, I advise you that it's better not to ask me to be your training partner. There are also a few peak-level peaks, you can ask them to be your training partners, after all, the gap between the hidden world of the gods and the peak of the heavenly level is really too big, even if you have just entered the hidden world of the gods and the peak of the heavenly level, the gap between the two It is also an insurmountable gap, let alone between the two of us?"

Chen Xiaolei said displeased: "Then you just look down on me? Seriously, I'm not bragging. My strength is among my peers. Even if I'm not the strongest, I can be regarded as one of the best. Fazong's so-called peak heavenly ranks can't pass a few tricks in my hands, if I fight with them, I don't have any partner Yiyi at all, okay?"

"The tone is not small." Elder Li sighed softly: "Okay, since you insist on this, then I will spare a little time to play with you, but I will tell you in advance that I will only fight with you." Oh, after this game, I have other things to do."

"Elder Li, since there is only one match, are you interested in making a bet with me?" Seeing that Elder Li didn't want to be his training partner, Chen Xiaolei could only say this.

Elder Li raised his brows: "What do you want to bet on? Let me tell you, I don't have many things like those on your body."

Chen Xiaolei said: "Add one more blood drawing qualification for your sect, can you take this bet?"

Can I increase my blood drawing qualification one more time?That is 00 milliliters more blood, and a gleam of light flashed in Elder Li's eyes. He really took a fancy to this bet.

Elder Li's reaction can be regarded as telling Chen Xiaolei his choice, and Chen Xiaolei immediately said: "That's it, after all, you are a strong man in the hidden realm of the gods, and I'm just a weak chicken at the sky level, so I want to let me defeat you!" This kind of thing is impossible for you, as long as I can last 10 minutes in your hands, and if I still have the fighting power after another 10 minutes, then I will win this battle, otherwise it will be considered you win, if you win , I will allow you to draw blood one more time, but if I win, you will be my sparring partner unconditionally in the future."

"Okay!" Elder Li readily agreed. Although he has a lot of affairs in the sect, he basically can't spare much time to be Chen Xiaolei's training partner. Once he loses, I'm afraid Elder Li will have a headache.But Elder Li didn't think that he would lose. Even if he was a beginner in the Hidden God Realm, he had entered the Hidden God Realm for more than ten years.

This realm has already been consolidated by him. On the other hand, Chen Xiaolei, even if he has the blood of the ancestor ape in his body, his strength is definitely at the top among his peers, but after all, he is only a heavenly rank.

Tianjie and the Hidden God Realm are like a watershed. Under the Hidden God Realm, people of different classes can challenge each other, such as the peak of the earth rank and the junior of the heaven rank.But once you reach the Hidden God Realm, it's completely different. No matter how powerful your heaven-level strongman is, facing the strong man in the Hidden God Realm is nothing more than a one-time death.

Both sides put up their stances one after another, and Elder Li joked: "Although this is a gamble, I can't let others say that I bully the juniors. I think it's like this. I'll let you make the move first, before you make the move." I will only defend for 1 minute, not attack, and I will not start attacking until 1 minute has passed."

Elder Li has absolute confidence in his own strength.It is only a matter of waving hands for the strong in the Hidden God Realm to destroy the heaven ranks. This is the law from ancient times to the present.

Chen Xiaolei was gearing up there: "Okay, then I won't be polite."

While saying this, Chen Xiaolei stomped his feet on the ground, and he could only rush towards Elder Li like a cannonball. The corner of Elder Li's mouth showed a trace of disdain. Facing Chen Xiaolei's sudden punch, Elder Li even defended himself. There is no defense, let it hit the body fiercely.

"Bang..." Chen Xiaolei punched Elder Li's body, as if hitting an iron plate. There was a loud noise from the place where the fist touched the skin, but Elder Li's body remained motionless.

"Boy, don't try to test my defense, use this 1 minute to attack with all your strength, otherwise you won't have the slightest chance." You made me say this, but I kept remembering it in my heart Time, he waited for Chen Xiaolei to obediently give him the extra blood drawing qualification after 10 minutes.

Chen Xiaolei put on an annoyed look, and then he didn't believe in evil, and smashed at Elder Li time and time again and again, shouting loudly while smashing: "Tai Chi Pushing Hands, Qian Kun Breaking Demon Fist..." Half a minute passed inexplicably like this.

Elder Li felt a little impatient in his heart. This feeling of being pounded on the chest by a small fist, it would be okay if the other party was a girl, but the other party was a man.

"Transform, maybe that can cause me some damage, otherwise, your precious attack time will just pass." Elder Li reminded me.

Chen Xiaolei took a step back, raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, a burst of light erupted from his body, and his body instantly grew into a giant ape with hundreds of feet.

Chen Xiaolei roared at Elder Li, and the sound wave made the clothes on Elder Li's body flutter with the wind, as if the wind could tear the clothes apart.

Chen Xiaolei stopped talking nonsense with him, and stepped on it. For Chen Xiaolei's figure at this time, Chen Xiaolei's step was like stepping on an ant.

And Elder Li really did not dodge as he said. He saw his hands forming seals, and a light blue energy rose from the ground. This energy surrounded Elder Li's body, forming a blue protective cover.

The shield grew suddenly, forming an energy protection range as wide as 10 meters, but when Chen Xiaolei stepped on the shield, it was as if he had stepped on a stone, pressing hard against Chen Xiaolei's foot. , although Chen Xiaolei tried extremely hard, but he couldn't do anything about this stone.Chen Xiaolei raised his foot and stomped on the stone a few times, but it was still useless.

Finally Elder Li raised his head suddenly, and he said to Chen Xiaolei: "Little friend, 1 minute has passed, it seems that it is my turn to attack now, you should pay attention."

While Elder Li was saying this, the light blue mask surrounding his body suddenly shattered, shattered into pieces of broken glass, and pierced into the soles of Chen Xiaolei's feet.

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