Chen Xiaolei's proud defense was shattered into pieces under the blue mask like paper, and his feet were pierced in an instant. Chen Xiaolei let out a cry of pain, and Elder Li also controlled the thousands of pieces, It pierced Chen Xiaolei's skin from the sole of his foot and flew out.

Elder Li sighed softly: "Little friend, the outcome is already very clear now, and I don't want to continue the fight, so don't try to be brave, just admit defeat."

The attack method it uses is actually a defensive method, but Chen Xiaolei can't even resist the attack transformed from the defensive method, so Elder Li believes that this Chen Xiaolei can't stop his own attack. Only then did he kindly persuade Chen Xiaolei to quit.

But Chen Xiaolei saw that the protective shield on Elder Li was not around him, so he bent down and punched Elder Li instantly.

Elder Li did not expect that Chen Xiaolei would dare to attack him. The mountain gate had just been crushed by Chen Xiaolei. Elder Li did not want another giant ape foot to appear on the mountain behind him. In desperation, Elder Li could only block it with his hand. Chen Xiaolei's fist.

Blocking Chen Xiaolei's fist easily, Elder Li said coldly: "You are too arrogant, even if you have the blood of the ancestor ape, but your strength is only at the heavenly rank after all, and I don't think you even have the peak of the heavenly rank, right? Only the intermediate or advanced level of the sky rank... I don’t think it’s possible to claim No. 1 under the Shadow of God at this level.”

Immediately afterwards, Elder Li pushed back fiercely, and the giant ape, which was hundreds of feet tall, was pushed hundreds of meters away by Elder Li, and fell heavily on the mountain range, which made the entire Ten Thousand Fazong tremble. trembling.

Unexpectedly, he returned to Chen Xiaolei's appearance again. His current appearance looked miserable and his body was covered with dust. Chen Xiaolei looked at Elder Li with a wry smile: "Hehe, Elder Li's strength is indeed much stronger than I imagined. I am a strong person in the Hidden God Realm, it seems that I am indeed a little arrogant, and I want to compete with the strong people in the Hidden God Realm."

"I have to say, I'm like a frog in a well, I don't have any knowledge. Usually, my grandpa and the others let me down, they are not willing to let me get hurt, so I think I can do evil at this stage, and fight against the Hidden God alone , Hehe, now that I think about it, I am really stupid."

At this time, Teacher Li Yang happened to be beside Chen Xiaolei. He heard all the words Chen Xiaolei said to himself just now. Elder Li smiled and stretched out his hand to pull Chen Xiaolei up from the ground. You are an expert, but now you know that there are people outside the world, and it is not too late. I still say that, at least among your peers, your strength belongs to the top, and you also have the blood of the ancestor dragon on your body. Against the sky, the future will be high and the river will be long. When you reach my age, I am afraid that you will be much better than me. So you don’t have to be impatient. Just remember today’s setbacks and strengthen your cultivation. Naturally, your cultivation will be fine. Advance by leaps and bounds."

"You can't say that. When I reach the age of Elder Li, I will definitely be in another realm. I guess it will be like this again. I was unilaterally killed by Elder Li." Chen Xiaolei continued to flatter.

"Hahahaha." Chen Xiaolei's words made Elder Li feel extremely comfortable. He glanced at Chen Xiaolei with satisfaction: "You boy, I thought you were a naughty guy at first, but I didn't expect you to be quite good at talking. I'm afraid When you were in the sect, you took a lot of pictures, Mr. Chen blames their flattering, right?"

"Hehe. I'm just telling the truth, how can it be called flattering. Elder Li, you are not very old, and you are sitting directly on the second chair of Wanfazong. Who doesn't envy you now? Status? To be honest, I'm even envious," Chen Xiaolei chuckled, looking harmless to humans and animals.

Elder Li's eyes on Chen Xiaolei became more and more pleasing to the eye, maybe he acted so annoying before, just because the two of them stood at opposite angles?

Elder Li walked slowly: "Haha, kid, don't think that if you say that now, I won't ask you for the extra blood draw."

As soon as Elder Li's words fell, Chen Xiaolei hurriedly said: "Of course I won't forget. If Elder Li wins the competition, I will naturally fulfill my promise."

"Haha." Elder Li said with a smile, "Then I'm afraid you will have to stay in Wanfazong for two more days."

Chen Xiaolei smiled and said nothing, Elder Li looked at the current time, and said to Chen Xiaolei: "Okay, it's getting late now, and I don't have much time to spend here with you, so I'll go back and deal with it first." Wanfazong's internal affairs."

Just when Elder Li was about to go down, Chen Xiaolei stopped him suddenly. At this time, the distance between the two was nearly 500 meters. Elder Li turned his head and could only see a small figure of Chen Xiaolei.

I saw Chen Xiaolei waving his hands to Elder Li and shouting loudly: "Elder Li, I think the two of us have a little agreement, how about the next time you come to practice with me?"

"Ah?" Elder Li looked at him suspiciously: "Practice partner? Didn't you agree that if you lose, I won't practice with you?"

Chen Xiaolei smiled wickedly: "But, you haven't won at all right now? There are only two minutes left before the end of the game. You don't naively think that you can defeat me in two minutes, do you? Even if you He's a strong player in the Hidden Realm, so it's still a bit difficult to hit me within 2 minutes."

Li Xiang pointed at Chen Xiaolei's nose and said loudly: "You bastard, you have already surrendered! Do you still want to blackmail me?"

Chen Xiaolei stopped laughing, and looked at Elder Li coldly: "I'm sorry, when did I say that I surrendered? I don't seem to have said that I surrendered from the beginning to the end, right? And when the two of us agreed on the game , you have to hit me until I can't fight back to be considered as your win, but now I am alive and kicking in front of you? Could it be that Elder Li wants to renege? I did admit that you are very powerful, Elder Li, and I also admitted that it is basically impossible for me in the future I can beat you, but I don’t think I’ve ever said these three words, right?”

Chen Xiaolei said such a bunch of words on purpose, and his speaking speed was not too hasty, it was obvious that he wanted to delay time.

Elder Li turned his head to think about it, it seems that this guy did not say anything about admitting defeat.Thinking of this, Elder Li was suddenly furious.

"Boy, you're kidding me!" Li Xiang said angrily.

Chen Xiaolei shook his head: "When have I ever fooled you? Also, the current time is less than 1 minute..."

Elder Li stopped talking nonsense, and appeared in front of Chen Xiaolei in a blink of an eye. Chen Xiaolei didn't dare to neglect the intention just now, to show his weakness to the enemy, and then use it to delay time, but now that you have become like this, you are absolutely I'm going to have a real fight with myself!

I saw Elder Li swipe his fingertips, and there was a ripple in the space, and this ripple soon involved Chen Xiaolei. Chen Xiaolei did not dare to neglect at this time, but what he told Elder Li was to let himself Lost combat effectiveness.

Now the time is coming soon, this Elder Li must be attacking him with all his strength, as long as he doesn't die.

And Elder Li also thought so in his mind at this time, as long as Chen Xiaolei survived, he could use the pills in the sect to quickly rescue Chen Xiaolei, and those pills were nothing compared to the blood of the ancestors in their sect. It's far away, and if Chen Xiaolei wins, he will be his free training partner.

The ripples rolled over Chen Xiaolei, and Chen Xiaolei suddenly found that his body seemed to be tied into a swamp, his figure grew instantly, and forcibly rubbed the mud algae to pieces.

A gigantic ape about [-] feet tall appeared in front of Elder Li again. Although it was a giant with exactly the same appearance as before, Elder Li felt a little danger from Chen Xiaolei at this time.The momentum that this guy exudes now is completely different from before, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are two species.

The gorilla raised its head to the sky and screamed, and kicked at Elder Li. Elder Li didn't want to avoid him, but just took advantage of this moment to give Chen Xiaolei a fatal blow and end the game.

But what Elder Li didn't expect was that Chen Xiaolei's foot turned out to be a feint, he stomped his foot fiercely, his body jumped up several hundred meters high, his speed was like a rocket, and he jumped on the ground in an instant. Another hill.

At this time, the last dozen or so seconds of time are left, there is no need for him to fight the last blow with this strong man in the hidden world, and it does not make any sense, and Elder Li did not expect that Chen Xiaolei would run away again shamelessly , when he found out, Chen Xiaolei was already thousands of meters away from him.

Chen Xiaolei ran away with all his strength, but he still underestimated the strength of the Hidden God Realm. Elder Li just stood in his way, blocking his way.

Before Chen Xiaolei could react, you made an iron rod appear in my hand. The whole body of the iron rod was black, but there was a streamer of light circulating on the rod.

Elder Li shot very quickly, and directly hit Chen Xiaolei's head with a stick, without giving Chen Xiaolei any time to react, Chen Xiaolei was smashed to the point of bleeding, and fell from the sky.

"Boom..." The giant ape smashed a deep hole in the back mountain. In the deep hole, Chen Xiaolei closed his eyes tightly. A blood hole was opened on his forehead, and blood was continuously flowing downward from the hole. .

And Elder Li also came in front of him. Seeing Chen Xiaolei like this, Elder Li was startled. He was headshot to death by him, he only hoped that nothing would happen to Chen Xiaolei, you must know that he still had to get the blood of the ancestor ape from Chen Xiaolei, and if Chen Xiaolei died, then Chen Laoguai would have to fight for their lives?

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