The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 311 Turning to the Heavenly Sword

He was about to step forward to check on Chen Xiaolei's injuries, but he saw Chen Xiaolei slowly get up on the ground, Chen Xiaolei grinned and laughed, blood was still oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"You lost, 10 minutes have passed, and I still have the ability to fight back..." Chen Xiaolei's voice was extremely weak, and it could be seen that he was seriously injured by the blow just now.

Elder Li stared blankly at Chen Xiaolei, then sighed: "Hey, I really convinced you, but it was just for a training partner, why did you make yourself like this? Fortunately, you have nothing serious right now. If I hadn't shown mercy just now, I'm afraid your little life would be gone."

"Xiao, say that I have no mercy? All the magic weapons of my life have been sacrificed, and I even smashed them on the head. If it is an ordinary heavenly rank, I am afraid that this stick will be smashed by your brains and died. You said this. Aren't you ashamed at all? My partner?" Chen Xiaolei mocked mercilessly.

At this time, fresh blood was continuously flowing from his head, and the blood flowed profusely. The sudden poisonous snake seemed to be taking revenge on Elder Li who injured him.

He looked at Elder Li coldly, and Elder Li was also very angry at his two words. He thought in his heart that he thought this guy had some merits, but now it seems that his appearance just now was just for the sake of prolonging his life. It's just time.

That sweet-mouthed look was completely faked. If I had known earlier, I should have used more force just now to make him pass out. If that was the case, I would have won.

But as Chen Xiaolei said, the game is over now, and Elder Li has failed, and has become Chen Xiaolei's training partner.

Elder Li said: "I have really convinced you, so let's end this matter first. I will be your training partner, but it can't be at any time. When I have time, I will come to be your partner." as a sparring partner. How is it?"

What he said was like nonsense, and Chen Xiaolei couldn't help rolling his eyes. If Chen Xiaolei stayed here for more than 20 days, and Elder Li was not free every day, then Chen Xiaolei didn't suffer this for nothing. Beaten?

Chen Xiaolei said coldly: "Then if you win this competition, I tell you that if I feel comfortable, I will let you draw blood, and if I feel uncomfortable, I will not. What would you say?"

Elder Li's face turned red, this guy is a big kid, unexpectedly let him see the intention in his heart.

In desperation, Elder Li could only say: "Okay, then tell me how to solve this matter."

Chen Xiaolei said: "It's very simple, set the time, how long do you have to accompany me to practice with me at least every day, and if you don't have so much time that day, it will be doubled the next day. As for this time, given your Teacher Yang is indeed a busy person, so I won't be so harsh, four hours a day is not too much, right?"

"What? Four hours?" Elder Li said in astonishment: "Humans need to sleep for eight hours a day, eat for three hours, and work for eight hours. Now there are only the last five hours left. You still let me practice with you for four hours? Count my time on the road, do you think I will be a perpetual motion machine?"

Chen Xiaolei scoffed at Elder Li's statement: "It seems that you don't need to sleep after you reach the Shen Yin Realm?"

In desperation, Elder Li could only agree to Chen Xiaolei's request to practice with him for four hours a day, but before leaving, Elder Li still said to Chen Xiaolei: "Chen Xiaolei, I will tell you in the end. Because, there is really no need to let a Hidden God Realm be your partner, because it will not bring you any improvement, and I am just your partner, I will not answer you if you have any questions..."

Chen Xiaolei nodded and said: "I know, but you don't have to worry about whether the matter of sparring is helpful to me. You just need to do what you should do well."

Elder Li shrugged and said no more, then turned around and went down the mountain to do his own business.

At this time, the four major sect masters were on their way to Linjiang, and on the way, Yun Zhongge said coldly: "Everyone says how strong this demon emperor is, but now it seems that his strength is just like that. "

Ouyang asked: "It's best not to take him too lightly. After all, his strength has not yet reached a peak, so it is normal to be easily defeated by us. It is said that the peak of the Demon King's strength is a high level of the hidden realm. There are currently four strong men who are one step away from stepping into the peak of the Hidden God Realm, two of them have joined, and the remaining two are still sealed."

"If these four guys are really brought together, with the strength of our four sects, they are far inferior to others. Even with the help of Chen Laoguai and his side, it is absolutely impossible to compete with them. I really doubt it. At that time That big demon led the four great demon emperors to wash their hair together, and our four major sects did not show up, how did the power of the world defeat them, and what is the legendary stock price?"

"Whatever, the ancient family has fallen anyway, and there is no opponent in the secular world who can compete with them. The only ones who can compete with them are our four sects." Hu Xiaotian said from the side.

The four great suzerains are still on their way, but the Demon Emperor has come to Linjiang. The sky over Linjiang is shrouded in a black mist, and it is impossible to see what is going on below from above. The Demon Emperor said to himself in the sky. Yu: "Hehe, I thought my Jing Jing was fast enough, but I didn't expect this guy to be much faster than me. It's a pity that someone came out suddenly and made trouble here, otherwise..."

"What are you talking to yourself here alone?" An evil voice suddenly appeared in the sky, the voice condensed into a cloud of black air, and then transformed into a human form.

"Haha, how did you know I would come here?" Ding Changsheng asked.

The black air in the midair said: "Ask me knowingly, the sky is full of my eyeliner. You have this ability yourself, so what is there to ask? But aren't you originally in the capital? You came to my place? Could it be that you can’t get along in the capital anymore? You can only come to my place?”

As soon as he said this, Ding Changsheng gritted his teeth: "Don't talk about it, I was doing well in my territory, but suddenly four nosy guys appeared. My strength has not yet reached its peak. After he can come out, I can't beat them at all, but I can only leave behind my half-finished career."

"Oh? It's half done? It seems that you've sucked a lot of anger. I'm just getting ready to start, but you're already halfway done? Hehe, it's okay, you just came over, we two brothers Together, I don't believe that there are people in this world who can defeat us. By the way, your side is already abolished anyway, why not take this opportunity to release the other half, and help us share their attention .”

While talking, the evil black energy came to Ding Changsheng, gently stroking his body: "Look at your current appearance, what has become of you? The evil energy has been dispelled, All that's left is an annoying shell."

Ding Changsheng waved his hand to disperse the black air in front of him: "Where are you now, I will go directly to you. As for the capital, I will activate your plan now."

On the other side of the capital, people from the four major clans sent two small teams to the sewer to check if there were any remnants in it. There were about 30 people in the group, talking and laughing inside.

"Senior brother Liu, be more serious when performing tasks. Don't keep talking and laughing like this, otherwise what if there is any danger?" A girl said so, but even though he said so, there was still a trace of Smiling, it seems that he also thinks that this mission is basically not dangerous.

Then your Senior Brother Liu said with a smile: "Now that the monsters have been beaten away, what danger can there be here? Junior sister, you can rest assured, and it's been hard to get together with people from other sects. Why don't you have a good chat for a while?" Can it work?"

The person next to him shrugged his nose: "Haha, Senior Brother Liu, please don't set such a flag. What if something dangerous suddenly appears from somewhere?"

Brother Liu put on a strong look, and said, "Haha, let that danger come out and see? I'll let him understand what cruelty is."

However, just as Senior Brother Liu finished speaking, a huge monster suddenly jumped out from the intersection next to him. That thing strangled Senior Brother Liu's neck, twisted his neck into two sections with a snap, and then bit Senior Brother Liu's stomach. On the top, pull out a large piece of meat from the top.

Before the two people next to Senior Brother Liu realized what happened, they saw that Senior Brother Liu had lost his interest and turned into a corpse.

The huge monster was still holding Senior Brother Liu's body, biting it there, and the younger junior sister was immediately frightened by this scene, and she didn't dare to speak a word beside her.

It wasn't until the elder brother's body was eaten by nearly half that the junior sister let out a scream, and the junior brother next to him was also frightened. When he reacted, he remembered how to help the elder brother beat the monster away .

But he concentrated and calmed down, and hit the monster with a palm, as if hitting a steel plate, the monster's attention was also successfully attracted by him, and the monster left the body of the senior brother who had eaten only half of it, Turn around and look at the disciple.

Then your disciple stood there blankly, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, the monster reached out and lifted the disciple from the ground, then grabbed its two arms, and tore it violently, tearing the disciple into pieces. in two halves.

Blood splattered on the surrounding rock walls and sprayed on the face of the little junior sister. At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, he turned his head and ran away with a scream.

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