In Wanfazong, Elder Li sighed while dealing with the internal affairs of the sect, and let a heavenly rank be cheated. As a hidden god, it is really a bit embarrassing.

This Chen Xiaolei dared to play this kind of word game with him, Elder Li thought to himself, in the next time, even if he was to be his training partner, he would have to torture him to pieces.

As a strong person in the Hidden God Realm, his precious time was actually spent on things like playing house with the children, which made Elder Li unbearable.

Suddenly, three spirit stones suddenly appeared in front of Elder Li, and with a snap, they shattered into pieces of emblem powder.

Li Shao frowned and looked at the three spirit stones, each of which had a name written on it.This is the soul jade slip of the core disciple of Wanfazong. At the same time, the three disciples of Wanfazong died almost at the same time?

This matter immediately attracted the attention of Elder Li. Those who have the soul warning may be the core disciples in the entire sect. These core disciples are either superior in strength, or have one-of-a-kind aptitude, and have a bright future. Each of them has invested a lot of sect resources. Yes, but three of them were lost at once, which made Elder Li a little unacceptable.

Elder Li walked out of the sect's hall and looked from afar, only to see a monstrous aura rising from the direction of the capital, Elder Li pinched his fingers lightly, and muttered to himself: "There are evildoers in the capital to confuse people? What's going on here, didn't the suzerain have already said that the evildoers in the capital have been wiped out?"

Just at this moment, the soul jade slips of two Wanfa Sect disciples appeared in front of Elder Li and shattered.

Elder Li couldn't sit still anymore. In just a few minutes, five core disciples died?How can this be?

Elder Li kicked his feet, soared to the sky, and flew towards the direction of the capital. I'm afraid that if he doesn't go there now, after a while, all the core disciples of their Wanfa sect in the capital will die.

At this time in the capital, in the cave where Ding Changsheng was lurking, there was a smell of blood everywhere. Several disciples dressed in the costumes of various sects held various magic weapons in their hands, and walked quickly through the ground.

And behind them, hundreds of monsters are chasing after them. With a look of horror on the face of the last disciple, while screaming to let the people in front go quickly, he pointed the magic weapon in his hand at the people behind. Monsters attack.

However, his realm is far from that of the monsters, and the attacks he sent out are not worth mentioning to those monsters, and their speed is also much different than that of the monsters behind, but in just a few minutes In time, the last ones were overtaken by monsters.

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded, blood splashed everywhere, those who ran in front did not dare to look back to see what happened here, it resounded in this quiet cave.

"What the hell are these things? Why did they suddenly appear in this place? Hurry up and contact the elders in the middle gate. We, the core disciples, can't solve the problem here at all. The lowest level of these monsters are heavenly cultivators. For, and we are the strongest to have the Heaven Rank!"

"No, the contact jade slips in the sect are useless at all. This cave is blocked by a strange seal. We have to run outside the cave to ask for help!"

"Brothers, you're going to die no matter what, so it's better to fight these monsters!"

These roars and howls filled every corner of the cave, but most of them were the roars of monsters.

Outside the entrance of the cave, a group of addresses of the four major sects did not understand what happened inside. Several ragged guys rushed out from the entrance of the cave. Two of them were missing two arms. I saw these disciples in pain Looking at these people outside the cave entrance, facing the suspicious eyes of this group of people, these disciples pointed to the inside of the cave entrance: "Hurry up to support, hurry up to support the people inside, the people inside are basically unable to withstand it! "

"What happened inside? Why did you come out suddenly?" Several disciples standing outside asked suspiciously.

All of a sudden, a white demon tiger jumped out from the entrance of the cave. The disciples outside stared blankly at the monster in front of them. Just like this monster, nearly half of its skeleton was exposed. On the outside, blood was continuously flowing from the body, and some stumps and broken arms were exposed from the inside.

The blood that flowed out was not the monster's own at all, but the disciples of the sect that he ate.

This group of sect disciples stared blankly at the monster in front of them, and this time they all showed their magical weapons.

"Attack!" As one of the sect disciples reacted and yelled at the monster, these sect disciples started to attack one after another.

For a moment, the sky was filled with colorful lights, explosions and roars, and piles of streamers hit the demon tiger's body.

The demon tiger let out a burst of mourning, retreating steadily with the bombardment of the streamer on its back, but before he retreated a few steps, more monsters rushed out from inside.

Looking at these things at the entrance of the cave, the disciples of these sects were shocked again. They didn't understand what was going on. These monsters were clearly not normal creatures.It's a mess of skeletons, piled up with flesh and blood.

The things exposed from inside were something these sect disciples had never seen before.

"It's over! They've all come out! We alone can't stop them! Who has the jade slips from the middle gate? Hurry up and send a message to the elders in the sect!"

The disciples who came out screamed in panic, their expressions seemed to be crazy, and as the monsters roared in unison, the souls of these sect disciples were almost scared out of their wits.

Just when everyone thought that they were all dead, a figure suddenly appeared in front of these sect disciples, among them, the members of Wan Fa Sect all exclaimed Elder Li when they saw the person coming.

Elder Li looked at these things in front of him coldly, and was also secretly surprised in his heart. He had lived for such a long time, and he had never seen these things in front of him.

What are these?Aren't those accumulated from the bodies of those monsters human internal organs?And looking at the appearance of these medicines, each one looks like a defective product, not a perfect product.

I don't have any sense at all, I just start attacking when I see people. When they see Elder Li and these sect disciples, it's like seeing pieces of delicious meat one after another. , Elder Li only saw the ferocious look.

"Wow." The monsters roared in unison, and rushed towards Elder Li directly. Based on the speed and strength of these monsters, Elder Li can basically determine that their strength is around the heavenly rank.

Any little guy is a heavenly powerhouse?With a wave of Elder Li's hand, the coercion that is exclusive to the hidden realm of the gods rushed to his face. If it is an ordinary low-level monster of the sky rank, if he has no IQ, after feeling the coercion of Elder Li as the strong man he once introduced, he has already I was so frightened that I fell on the ground and dared not get up.

But these monsters are obviously not the ordinary monsters that Elder Li thought. Even though they felt the aura far stronger than them, they still rushed towards Elder Li at an unabated speed.

"A group of evils!" Elder Li snorted coldly, and the few heavenly monsters in front of him were wiped out with a wave of his hands.

However, the death of the companion did not make the remaining things fearful. They were still not afraid of death, and in this short period of time, more monsters came out of the cave.

This number seems to be inexhaustible, and there are hundreds of guys who rushed out in this short period of time.

Seeing these monsters rushing out one after another, Elder Li's expression gradually became dignified. These things have no wisdom, and there is only one possibility for them to choose to rush out. Now the disciples of the four major sects in the cave are all dead.

Turning around to look, the sect that is still outside, the number of masterpieces of these people is only 1/3 of those they sold. Could it be that 2/3 of the disciples died inside?

As long as he thinks of this, Elder Li will feel a burst of heartache. For these core members, which sect has not exhausted the savings of a hundred years in the sect to pile them up?However, this sudden appearance of a monster instantly reduced a sect's century-old savings by 2/3.

Elder Li was furious, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at these monsters. He wished he could tear these guys into pieces to relieve his hatred.

The long sword was out of its sheath. It was a long sword with azure blue light all over its body. Elder Li waved it casually, and the blue sword energy immediately swayed towards these monsters all over the sky.

"Aww!" There was a scream, and the monsters that had just come out were reduced by as much as half.

With so many casualties suddenly appearing, these monsters seemed to have suddenly appeared wise. They first stared at Elder Li, and then fled in all directions.

Elder Li was taken aback for a moment, obviously in the initial test, these monsters still had no wisdom, why did they seem to have a sliver of reason all of a sudden?

Elder Li swung the long sword in his hand, but his suggestion failed to catch up with the few monsters that were fleeing with all their strength. There was a burst of explosions in the air, and after raining blood all over the sky, he could only kill 1/5 of the remaining monsters. Left and right, the rest disappeared into the sky.

Then at this moment, all kinds of monsters still kept appearing in the cave, and these monsters didn't want to attack these sect disciples anymore, but ran away like the monsters before.

Even if Elder Li ordered his disciples to form formations and kill monsters in seconds, it still couldn't make up for this gap. At least 1/2 of the monsters escaped after going out.But Elder Li could only look at these shadows disappearing into the sky and sigh, he had no other choice, after all, if he chased after them without authorization, these monsters would definitely attack his sect disciples again.

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