Several Yunzong disciples looked at Chen Xiaolei flying in mid-air, the big golden seal was still spinning in their hands, they looked at each other, and a thought flashed in their hearts at the same time, this Who the hell is the guy?Which denomination do you belong to?No matter how you look at his clothes, he doesn't look like someone from his side at all. Why is this kid so powerful?

Naturally, Chen Xiaolei would not give them any answers. After laughing twice, he rose into the sky again and left the killing formation.And Yunzong's disciples also looked at Chen Xiaolei leaving with a confused face, cursing secretly in their hearts, why does this guy look so needy...

After Chen Xiaolei rushed out of this killing formation, he stood in mid-air. He looked back at the killing formation inside, and saw that the stream of light flashed inside, and magic weapons filled the sky. In the very center of the formation, where Elder Li was standing, there was a cave under his feet, and from that cave, monsters continued to emerge outward.

Elder Li is standing right in the middle, presiding over the eyes of the entire killing formation. The long sword in his hand keeps releasing azure blue sword energy one after another, and each sword energy can easily kill a monster. life.

However, the monsters in this cave seem to be endless. In just a few seconds, more than a dozen monsters rushed out. Fortunately, the hole is too small to allow tree oil bogey or even thousands of monsters to rush out at the same time. Otherwise, the scene would be really messed up.

Outside of this killing formation, the only cultivator is himself.And there were no traces of other monsters outside the killing formation. What Chen Xiaolei was facing was exactly when Elder Li let go of those monsters at the beginning.But Chen Xiaolei didn't know the direction they were fleeing from.

Chen Xiaolei sighed softly, closed his eyes quietly, and a power of thought spread out around Chen Xiaolei.Soon, Chen Xiaolei searched dozens of miles away from the killing array.

Chen Xiaolei suddenly opened his eyes, and his head turned in one direction. In that direction, he felt an extreme hostility, and in that hostility was mixed with a violent and bloodthirsty smell.

Chen Xiaolei didn't dare to waste time, and immediately rushed out in that direction.

In a residential complex, a family of four was sitting and eating together. The man who was the head of the family stood up after eating and went to the window to look out at the scenery.

The sky outside was foggy, and there was no trace of the sun at all.

The man shook his head gently: "Although our capital has always been filled with sandstorms, and this kind of weather is commonplace, hasn't the effect of controlling the wind and sand in the past two years been quite good? Why did this city suddenly become Is it like this?"

Don't look at the monster and the four major sects that are having fun in this capital, but it hasn't affected the lives of ordinary people.

The previous riots have been covered up by people from the four major sects in a secular way, and all those who died have disappeared. The only trouble for these ordinary people is that some of the shops they used to frequent are inexplicable. closed.

These shops were originally owned by the four big families, but now the four big families have disappeared on the stage of history, and some time ago, in order to vent their anger, people from the four big families were often massacred, which naturally included the owners of these shops. shopkeeper or something.

The man who is the head of the family, after looking out the window for a while, lost the interest to continue looking, and turned around directly to go back to help clear the table, but at this moment, he suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by something. Live in general, hairy all over.

There is something behind him... The man thought to himself, and then the man heard a roar, and turned his head tremblingly, wanting to see what was standing behind him, and then he saw a picture scary face.

I saw a strangely tall monster standing by their window. The monster man couldn't tell what it was. There was a big hole in his chest, with white bones exposed inside. The blood stopped flowing, and those eyes exuded a bloodthirsty light, staring at this man firmly, in short, this thing looked extremely terrifying and strange.And the man also thought of a question, they are on the 17th floor here, on the 17th floor, this guy is actually floating?

The man's head froze a bit, and the scene he saw at this moment was a kind of stimulation to her. After all, she had never seen this kind of creature in nearly 30 years.

The man rubbed his eyes, wanting to see if the one in front of him was an illusion, but after rubbing his eyes, this terrifying monster was still standing in front of his window.

Being stared at by this weird thing, the man's heartbeat and breathing almost stopped, and the monster couldn't wait any longer, and its figure hit the glass forward, almost like a blink of an eye. The glass shattered into pieces one after another.

The face and features of the monster kept enlarging in front of the man's eyes, and the size of the bloody mouth could fit the man's entire head in. The man panicked and screamed loudly and stepped back, but could his speed compare with this monster? ?

I saw the bloody mouth, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the man's eyes, and because the man retreated too flustered, he accidentally fell to the ground.

"Crack!" Since this guy has no IQ, his attack will not be adaptable.So when the man fell just now, instead of letting the monster bite him off, it bit off a piece of wood next to him.

This frightened the man's guts, he was in a hurry to think, but at this time a woman's voice came from outside: "Husband, what's the matter today? Why are you so noisy? You didn't mean to break the window." right?"

The man was not in the mood to reply to the woman's words, the monster behind him moved again, its speed was too fast, it had already come to the man in the blink of an eye, its bloody mouth was still biting the man's head.

The man was so frightened that he put his head in his hands and screamed, it's over, he must be dead now, the man has nothing in his mind except fear, including what exactly is this monster and why it appeared in This kind of doubt here also dissipated in his mind, and everything was replaced by fear.

Just when the man thought that he must be dead... the pain he imagined did not come, he slowly opened his eyes.What appeared in front of him was a big bloody mouth, that mouth was only a few tens of centimeters away from his head, with two rows of sharp teeth, the man's legs gave way in fright, and he fell to the ground again.

"Okay, don't be afraid, I've already killed it..." A livid voice appeared next to the man's ear.

The man opened his eyes again, and saw a man standing beside the monster. This man seemed to be in his 20s. He held a whip about two meters long in one hand, and a whip in the other hand. Sitting on the back of the monster's neck, he pulled the monster back and threw it out of the window.

The man who came over was none other than Chen Xiaolei. He scanned here with his mind, and rushed over as soon as a monster appeared.

This was the first monster he killed, and it was like the life of a family.

Looking at the panicked man in front of him, Chen Xiaolei couldn't help but have one head and two big heads, and kept muttering to himself: "This is troublesome. If these guys go to attack ordinary people, I'm afraid they will be in this capital. It's going to cause a commotion..."

But now this kind of thing is beyond his ability to solve, Chen Xiaolei can only give up thinking, and throw the corpse in his hand out of the window, then the whole person soars into the air and rushes out of the window.

The scene in front of him tore the man's three views into countless pieces, and then he threw it on the ground and trampled on it fiercely.

What exactly did you encounter in the short few minutes before?

Chen Xiaolei's strength is much stronger than these low-level monsters of the heavenly rank. As for these monsters who protect others, as long as Chen Xiaolei can see them, there will be no escape.

Now the disciples of the four major sects are cleaning up a large number of monsters in the killing formation, and Chen Xiaolei may be the only one outside, so he can't catch all the fish that slipped through the net in a very short period of time.

Occasionally, when he walked into a building, he could see fragments of corpses everywhere and monsters crouching on top of the corpses that were constantly biting.

This day is destined to be extraordinary for ordinary people in Kyoto. I don't know how many people died in the mouth of monsters on this day.

After a day and night of siege, the monsters in the killing array were finally wiped out. Elder Li came down from the sky and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

As the testimony of the entire murder, it requires a lot of energy. If it is not the position introduced by God, others really cannot be qualified for this role.

Looking at the stumps and pieces of flesh all over the ground, Elder Li waved his hand casually, and gave an order to incinerate the corpses of monsters on the ground as quickly as possible.

As for the disciples of the four major sects who died, they were all brought back to the sect for a dignified burial.

The disciples of the Judicial Middle School, who possessed the fire spell, immediately started their work. They all gritted their teeth as they looked at the monsters on the ground.These monsters killed the relatives and friends around them.

After a big fire, everything on the ground was clean, except for the smell of blood in the air and the pungent stench of burnt corpses, everything on the field was clean as if nothing had ever happened.

And Elder Li took out a bottle of white powder from his bosom, he thought about it carefully, then he sighed softly, he was reluctant to throw the white powder into the air, the wind blew the white powder into the air, scattered to Every corner of Kyoto.

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