Through telekinesis, Chen Xiaolei kept looking for the various monsters scattered in the capital. If he wanted to achieve no loss, that would be absolute bullshit. He could only keep speeding up to minimize the loss.

Every minute every night, there may be counts of 1, or even hundreds of people killed. In this short period of time, Chen Xiaolei killed at least fifty or sixty monsters.

However, when Chen Xiaolei came to a supermarket relying on his feeling, his expression suddenly became a little dignified.

The smell of blood coming from inside the supermarket, and the coercion emanating from the monster inside are not comparable to those he encountered before.

Chen Xiaolei quickly entered the supermarket, and the sight in front of him immediately made his heart shatter.

The size of this supermarket is not small, it is divided into upper, middle and lower floors. When he first entered the supermarket, he saw the corpses all over the floor. At a glance, there were only dozens of corpses lying in the supermarket.Their corpses were basically eaten to mutilation. Such a big thing happened in this supermarket, but there was no scream.

When this happened, Chen Xiaolei could only think of one explanation, that is, there were no living people in the entire supermarket.

The surrounding air was extremely silent, and apart from these things lying on the ground, everything else was considered normal.Chen Xiaolei walked outside for a full 45 minutes, but the so-called monster did not appear.

However, at this moment, there was a heavy panting sound from behind Chen Xiaolei.Chen Xiaolei looked back quickly, and saw a monster about three meters tall standing behind him.

The monster's body was bloated, and its body was completely stained red with blood, especially its mouth and palms.

When seeing Chen Xiaolei, the monster let out a roar, and Chen Xiaolei, facing the sound of the roar, took a step back involuntarily.

This guy belongs to Yingcha, and it seems that his cultivation has stepped into the stage of hidden gods in one step.

Chen Xiaolei thought in his heart, he didn't know why, there would be such a monster here, he knew that there would be a fierce battle to fight next.

This is a supermarket, Chen Xiaolei couldn't let go of his hands and feet to fight at all, so his first thing was to rush out of the supermarket in a flash, and then came into midair.

In addition, my IQ is low. Seeing that Chen Xiaolei shifted his position, he immediately caught up.

Looking at the monster that was chasing after him, Chen Xiaolei couldn't help sneering twice. Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaolei didn't intend to talk nonsense with this monster, and his figure suddenly magnified dozens of times, turning into a golden giant ape.

However, at this moment, the eyes of the monster in front of him suddenly became dull.

"You're not dead yet..." The monster opened its mouth, and these words popped out of its throat inexplicably.

Seeing the monster suddenly uttering human words, Jiang Xiaofu was taken aback for a moment, but soon realized that the voice was probably being manipulated by Ding Changsheng, who controlled him behind his back.

Chen Xiaolei also frowned, put his hands behind his back, and said to the monster in front of him: "You are the one, the four major clans encircled and suppressed you, it's really a pity that you didn't kill you."

The monster opened its mouth again, but this time it couldn't speak properly, and after a pause for a few seconds, the monster muttered: "Your life is really big...I...I am Broke your neck...I didn't expect can still stand up? But it doesn't many times as you can resurrect, I can kill you as many times as possible."

As the monster said so, its body turned into a phantom, and it came to Chen Xiaolei's side in an instant. The Zulong whip in Chen Xiaolei's hand was thrown out, and there was a tearing sound in the air. on the body of the monster.

But when the whip hit the monster, the monster didn't seem to feel any pain at all. In another place, a blood hole was directly smashed by Chen Xiaolei's whip, and blood gushed out inside, but the monster didn't care at all. hugging Chen Xiaolei.

With such speed and strength, I am afraid that once Chen Xiaolei is caught by him, the battle can basically be declared gg.

Chen Xiaolei stepped back, and then slapped the monster like a hill, and the monster pushed forward with both hands, directly resisting Chen Xiaolei's arm.

"Your boy is still old. You rely too much on the power provided by the blood of the ancestor ape. Once you meet someone who is stronger than you, you don't know what to do. Blame me while talking Pulling Chen Xiaolei's arm, Chen Xiaolei only felt a sharp pain coming from his joints, and his hundred-foot body was suddenly taken by the monster, and then he threw it aside, taking advantage of Chen Xiaolei's loss of balance, The monster soared into the sky, and stepped on Chen Xiaolei with both feet, forming a sharp arc between those two feet, as if it wanted to pierce a blood hole in Chen Xiaolei's body."

Chen Xiaolei didn't dare to take this move. Seeing the monster rushing over aggressively, Chen Xiaolei's figure changed again, becoming the size of a human. Attacks monsters in its path.

Since it is now in human form, it does not have as much power as before. Although there were red stones falling on the monster, it only caused some flesh injuries to the monster.

The monster screamed for two days, and a burst of black air came out from there, and the black air quickly healed the monster's wounds.After a while, the monster's wounds were completely healed.

"Chen Xiaolei, you'd better understand one thing. In my eyes, you are just a piece of garbage, and a piece of garbage that is not even qualified to carry shoes. So for my creations, those I created casually, You can still hit him. But for a monster like this that has already stepped into Chen Yingjiao, there is nothing you can do about it, just die."

The speed of this monster was so fast that in just a few seconds, Chen Xiaolei had collided with this monster thousands of times, and as the speed of this monster became faster and faster, Chen Xiaolei gradually followed suit. Can't keep up with the opponent's speed.

In fact, if this monster is like the ones before it, with no IQ, and only knows how to use its brute force to fight against Chen Xiaolei, Chen Xiaolei has already killed this monster many times, but now he is controlled by someone, plus His strength was already stronger than Chen Xiaolei's, so Chen Xiaolei had nothing to do with him right now.

After a while, Chen Xiaolei was suppressed by this monster and could only defend but not attack.

The reinforcements had not arrived yet, Chen Xiaolei couldn't help becoming anxious. According to this situation, it would take less than 10 minutes for him to be defeated by this monster and kill him again. He didn't want this to happen again. He has a senior in red to help him resurrect, it is estimated that senior in red won't even bother to talk to him this time.After all, it has not even been a month since the last resurrection.

According to his current strength, there is only one way to defeat this monster, and that is to use the ten-turn reincarnation sword that Ouyang Zhenxuan gave him in the mind space.

At this time, Chen Xiaolei had been driven into a desperate situation, and the scene of Ouyang Zhenxuan's operation of this sword in his mind before, recalled scenes before Chen Xiaolei's eyes again.

At this moment, Chen Xiaolei's movements suddenly slowed down, his hands were moving slowly in a strange posture, and a strange energy also gathered around his body.

The monster didn't notice any abnormalities, and it was still fighting vigorously. Seeing that Chen Xiaolei's speed slowed down at this time, the monster's eyes lit up, and it suddenly accelerated its own speed. Ding Changsheng, the monster, hoped that Chen Xiaolei could die for him again.

After Chen Xiaolei died this time, he wanted to dismember Chen Xiaolei's body, cut his body into 10 pieces one by one, and then threw them into every corner of the entire capital. He didn't believe that Chen Xiaolei could be resurrected in this way.

"Bang..." The monster slapped Chen Xiaolin's body with a palm, Chen Xiaolei stepped back, and flew hundreds of meters away. After digging, Chen Xiaolei spit out a mouthful of blood, but at this time his eyes were abnormal. bright.

When the monster was very young, he followed immediately. He didn't want to give Chen Xiaolei any chance to react, nor did he want to give him any chance to resist.

But facing the oncoming monster, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Xiaolei's mouth.

A huge coercion burst out from Chen Xiaolei's body, and the monster's head that was directly pressed by that coercion almost fell down.

The monster looked at Ding Changsheng suspiciously. He didn't know where the coercion that suddenly burst out from this guy came from. At this moment, Chen Xiaolei formed seals with both hands, and poked forward with his fingering sword.

The monster suddenly found that all the space around him had been imprisoned. When he was still completely in a state of coercion, a strong sword energy tore through the space and came in front of him.

Seeing waves of ripples appearing in the space in front of him, Ding Changsheng, who was super-controlling the monster, was also panicked. Even if he was standing completely behind the scenes, the damage of the monster would not pose any threat to him, and he still felt the wave of the sword How dangerous it is.

The sword energy has already passed through the monster's body unknowingly. He often said that when he wanted to control the monster's actions, he found that he had completely lost control of the monster. Disappeared, but returned to the dark cave.

Ding Changsheng's heart suddenly thumped. This situation can only explain one reason, that is, the monster he controlled has been killed by Chen Xiaolei.

In just a few seconds, Chen Xiaolei seemed to have changed into a different person suddenly, suddenly violently beheaded and killed the monster that was slightly stronger than her.The strength displayed in just a few seconds made the often subject feel a little terrified for no reason.

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