Ye Qingcheng was silent for a while, and said to Ye Wuyao: "Grandpa, I have been waiting outside for that Chuang Jiuzhou, it seems that Chen Xiaolei was injured in order to fight against the big monster."

Ye Wuyao seemed to have suddenly fallen into silence and remained silent for a while. Ye Qingcheng probed again: "If you said he was bragging, he didn't think about other reasons. Didn't you just go to see the seal of this big monster a while ago? good..."

After Ye Qingcheng said a few words in a row, there was no response from Ye Wuyao. Ye Qingcheng also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and closed his mouth. Ye Wuyao was silent for a while, and then murmured out Those three words: "Linhai City..."

Ye Qingcheng was stunned for a moment: "Linhai City? It's the Linhai City that you said some time ago that you were going to take a look, but was delayed for some reason?"

Ye Wuyao nodded, and said: "There is a revived demon king in Linhai City, who was originally one of the four demon kings under the great demon."

"But, didn't you say that the demon king is not to be feared at all?" Ye Qingcheng said.

Ye Wuyao sighed softly: "Because there was a more important thing to do at that time, so I didn't take care of the things in Linhai City for the time being. Anyway, there is only one demon king whose strength has not been improved. Even Kaifeng can’t turn up any big waves.”

"However, some time ago there was news that the Demon Emperor had broken the seal from the capital, but then the rumored four great hermit clans came forward. I shouldn't have to worry about it, so I've been busy with what I should do..."

Ye Qingcheng was puzzled and said: "Grandpa, what is more important than the birth of the Demon Emperor?"

Ye Qingcheng said: "You don't understand, some threats are more deadly than the demon emperor, hey, it's not the time to tell you yet, you will naturally know when the time comes. Don't think about anything else now, put The important thing is to heal Chen Xiaolei in front of you. He is injured like this now, and I am afraid that he has returned in a big defeat. I will ask him about the details of this matter in a while. Qingcheng, wait for a while, you So I organized two students to go to Linhai City to check and see what's going on there."

Ye Qingcheng nodded in agreement, and then, Ye Wuyao gently closed his eyes and concentrated on helping Chen Xiaolei treat his injuries.

Ye Wuyao's Yuan force cooperates with Chen Xiaolei's body's Yuan power to gradually wear down the black energy in Chen Xiaolei's body. Although the black air is still being destroyed wantonly, the golden pill in Chen Xiaolei's mouth is gradually melting from Chen Xiaolei's mouth, A stream of golden light flowed down his esophagus into his stomach.

This strange change was visible to the naked eye outside, and Ye Qingcheng could clearly see the pale golden light shining in Chen Xiaolei's body.

Chen Xiaolei's expression at this time was extremely painful, as if he was talking about extremely harsh criminal laws.

But even so, Chen Xiaolei didn't scream out loud, even if he completely lost consciousness, Chen Xiaolei just gritted his teeth and stood up, this performance made Ye Qingcheng silently add two more copies to him in his heart.

The effects of the two golden elixirs gradually produced, and Chen Xiaolei's complexion also changed from cloudy to clear. Finally, after Ye Wuyao's Yuanli wandered around Chen Xiaolei's body, he did not find any new black gas. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, then he put Chen Xiaolei on the bed, stood up and prepared to go out, and before leaving, he gave Ye Qingcheng an order, that is to watch Chen Xiaolei here and see when he will wake up.

Regarding Ye Wuyao's words, Ye Qingcheng is still very obedient, Chen Xiaolei is lying on the bed and cannot move, Ye Qingcheng just sits beside Chen Xiaolei like this.

Ye Qingcheng stared blankly at Chen Xiaolei's face, wondering when this guy would wake up.

"Bang bang bang..." There was a knock on the door.

Ye Qingcheng turned his head and looked in the direction of the door, thinking in his heart that this should be the guy who broke into Kyushu, but when the door opened, it turned out to be a small head.

Standing at the door was a little girl about 10 years old. The little girl's eyes blinked flickeringly. She wanted to come in but didn't dare. She just stared at Ye Qingcheng lifelessly.

This little girl is naturally Xiaoyue. Ye Qingcheng was still wondering where this little girl came from, and then he remembered that this little girl seemed to have been hiding by Chuang Jiuzhou's side just now, and Ye Qingcheng hadn't noticed it.

"Sister, how is big brother? The monster uncle outside said that big brother was injured and can't wake up now..." After being silent for a while, Xiaoyue finally asked.

Ye Qingcheng beckoned to her, signaling her to come in, Xiaoyue opened the door, and trotted all the way to Ye Qingcheng.

But when he came to Ye Qingcheng's side, his eyes were directly attracted by Chen Xiaolei who was next to him.

Xiaoyue lay on the edge of the bed like this, staring at Chen Xiaolei with straight eyes: "That weird uncle outside can lie, is big brother injured somewhere... he is obviously just asleep , how could someone as powerful as Big Brother be injured?"

Seeing that there were no wounds on Chen Xiaolei's body, Xiaoyue finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on her face.

Ye Qingcheng looked at Xiaoyue curiously, and asked softly: "What is your relationship with this big brother? Have you known each other before?"

Xiaoyue tilted her head and thought for a long time, then said: "No, we just met today. This big brother is my master, he said he would bring me here to learn super powerful spells, and when I learn super powerful spells After the magic spell, you can go home. However, even though it was the first day we met, it feels safe to be with this big brother. Besides mom and dad, Xiaoyue now likes big brother the most."

Ye Qingcheng is so smart, just through Xiaoyue's few words and what he said to him when he went to Kyushu just now, he can preliminarily guess Xiaoyue's situation at this time.

"Is your home in Linhai City?" Ye Qingcheng guided Xiaoyue and said.

Xiaoyue nodded, and starlight radiated from her eyes. Xiaoyue grabbed Ye Qingcheng's sleeve and swung it back and forth: "Big sister, how do you know? Oh, I know, you belong to big brother." Friends, so you are also a very powerful person. I saw it on TV, you can tell fortunes, and you can know other people's affairs just by pinching your fingers. Big sister, can I learn these things in the future?"

Ye Qingcheng looked at Xiaoyue, the little girl in front of her, for a cultivator, her fundamental aptitude was too bad, she was just an ordinary person who couldn't be ordinary, in her current state, even if she was a little girl Ordinary disciples of the sect are absolutely impossible, and spending too much time on the way of cultivation is simply a waste of time.

If you really want her to achieve something, you have to spend a lot of money to cleanse the marrow of this little menstrual meridian, break up all the meridians in her body and use drugs to reshape them.

But this kind of thing, for an ordinary person, is definitely a hell that can't be tolerated at all, because it is really too painful, and the pain that is left when you usually have cramps is not as good as cutting the marrow. One ten-millionth of that, if you have a pair of iron and steel bars, you can barely bear it, but Xiaoyue...

Just from the most basic qualifications, Xiaoyue has been completely passed, but looking at Xiaoyue's eyes full of Xiyi, Ye Qingcheng has no idea what to say.

If you tell the truth, it will definitely hit this little girl, and even shatter her dream fundamentally. If you don't tell the truth, it will definitely affect her future growth by making this little girl think that she is talented. would make a disaster.

Moreover, although Chen Xiaolei rescued her, he should have acted casually, and will never put too much effort on this little girl in the future...

Just when Ye Qingcheng was still struggling, Chen Xiaolei's voice came to mind: "Xiaoyue is so smart, she will definitely learn it, but the sister in front of you is one of the most talented girls in the world today. I can't compare with her, but even if we can't compare with her, we are definitely not bad...

Ye Qingcheng turned his head to look, but found that Chen Xiaolei was already sitting on the bed, and he could hardly see his hands on Chen Xiaolei's body, but his face was slightly pale, as if he had just suffered from an illness .

However, although Chen Xiaolei was awake now, his body did not move, and he seemed unable to get up.There were a few drops of sweat on his forehead, as if he was telling Ye Qingcheng that Chen Xiaolei really wanted to sit up and talk to them just now.

Xiaoyue rushed in front of Chen Xiaolei, and said happily: "Big brother, you are awake, you are really a lazy pig, now the sun is drying your ass, Xiaoyue has already woken up, but you just woke up now.

Chen Xiaolei reluctantly stretched out his arm and touched Xiaoyue's head: "Brother is still a little sleepy now, so Xiaoyue goes out first to play with that gorilla brother, and after a while, big brother will go to you guys after he gets up, okay?"

"Yeah." Regarding Chen Xiaolei's words, Xiaoyue was inexplicably obedient. Basically, Xiaoyue would do whatever Chen Xiaolei said, and even Chen Xiaolei felt a little strange about this.

After Xiaoyue left, Chen Xiaolei closed his eyes again, and said weakly: "Thank you, you have stayed here for such a long time to look at me, now that I'm awake, you can go out too."

Chen Xiaolei was not polite at all. After all, Ye Qingcheng had always ignored Chen Xiaolei before, and his attitude towards Chen Xiaolei was also extremely cold, and he always looked at Chen Xiaolei with colored glasses.Chen Xiaolei kept all these in his heart.

So when seeing Ye Qingcheng, Chen Xiaolei was not particularly willing to talk to her, such as this time.

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