Ye Qingcheng was choked by Chen Xiaolei's words for a while and did not speak. She looked at Chen Xiaolei in disbelief, and she took the initiative to look at her here, but this guy let herself go?

And since waking up to now, Chen Xiaolei really didn't even look her in the eye.

Ye Qingcheng took a deep breath and said, "This is my house too, it seems like you have to go if you want to leave. Also, what are you going to do with that little girl just now?"

Chen Xiaolei glanced outside the door, and said: "It's not a big solution, keep her with you all the time, or ask a trustworthy person to look after her. Then teach her spells as promised, let her cultivate."

"Are you joking?" Ye Qingcheng said: "Let this little girl cultivate? He is just an ordinary person at the root, without any talent at all. Aren't you wasting her time? People like him , Is it better to let her live a stable life in the mortal world? You came from Linhai City this time, the parents of this little girl are probably gone, right? See if he has any relatives, take this little girl Entrust it to her relatives, if you really want to help, you can give her a fixed monthly living allowance or something to make her live more comfortably."

Chen Xiaolei sneered: "relatives? The current Linhai City has become a ruin, and there are hundreds of thousands of people inside. Xiaoyue is the only survivor. How can he have any relatives and friends?"

"Besides, if he is really allowed to stay in the mundane world, the identity of the only survivor in Linhai City will accompany her for the rest of her life. What kind of life do you think she will live in the mundane world with this identity? I am afraid that the scar of the death of parents and relatives will be exposed for a lifetime, right? This wound will always exist and will never heal."

Ye Qingcheng once again showed a shocked expression. She didn't know how many times she was stunned by Chen Xiaolei today. A huge Linhai City with hundreds of thousands of mortals disappeared overnight?And looking at it like this, it seems that except for the participants like Chen Xiaolei, the outsiders didn't get the slightest news at all.

"How come?" Ye Qingcheng said this in a daze.

Chen Xiaolei remained expressionless: "We are the one that lost this time. We completely underestimated the opponent's combat power... For this crusade, we dispatched nearly 10 experts from the Hidden God Realm, but...the opponent has What happened was a strong man at the peak of the Hidden God Realm, he relied on his own power to completely defeat our side, and we can only watch tens of thousands of monsters slaughtering the entire Linhai City madly."

The grief shown by Chen Xiaolei does not seem to be fake at all, he really feels pain and sorrow for the hundreds of thousands of lives that died.

The current appearance of Chen Xiaolei made Ye Qingcheng inexplicably feel strange. He couldn't help but stepped forward and softly comforted Chen Xiaolei: "Okay, it's not your fault, your original intention is good, and it's okay for this kind of thing to happen. You can only blame the other party for being too cruel. No matter what major events happen in the cultivation world, don't get involved in the secular world, but this big monster has violated such a taboo... You don't think about anything now, just try to heal your wounds, and the rest My grandfather will take care of things, and only after you recover from your injuries can you take revenge for the lives of these tens of thousands of people."

At this moment, the outer door was opened by someone, and Ye Wuyao hurried in from the outside. Seeing that Chen Xiaolei woke up, Ye Wuyao immediately came to the bed: "Xiao Lei, I just sent to investigate The source told me that the current Linhai City has been reduced to ruins, and the black mist covering Linhai City has completely dissipated, and there is no trace of any living things inside. What is going on here? ? What exactly did you experience there?"

Chen Xiaolei was dejected, and softly told Ye Wuyao briefly about his experience during this period. When Chen Xiaolei talked about Meng Wushuang, Ye Wuyao's expression suddenly became a little strange: "That lunatic, that lunatic has also come out Where are they living now?"

Chen Xiaolei shook his head: "Where did they go? I don't know, but you recognize the guy holding the three-meter-long sword?"

Ye Wuyao nodded: "Even if that guy turns into ashes, I can't forget him. I was there in the mission to defeat the big demon 20 years ago. I was the captain of the team that fought Meng Wushuang. This lunatic doesn't care about his injuries at all. Before we beat him to death, this guy actually killed three experts in the Hidden Realm in our team. And his combat power seems to be getting higher and higher, so I went to I still remember him."

Ye Wuyao was still in the memory, so Chen Xiaolei suddenly said: "Master, I have something to say to you alone, can I let..."

Ye Wuyao turned his head and glanced at Ye Qingcheng. Although Ye Qingcheng was a little bit reluctant, he turned his head and went out graciously.

However, after Ye Qingcheng went out, she didn't leave directly. Seeing that there was no one outside, she actually lay on the side of the door and eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

"Master, I want to ask you one thing." Chen Xiaolei's voice sounded first from the room.

Ye Wuyao said: "I probably know what you want me to help you with, but this is no good, that girl is called Xiaoyue, right? His aptitude is really, really bad, and he even has no possibility of cultivation at all." .”

"Unless it costs a lot of money to wash his marrow, but let's not talk about it. In this case, let's not talk about it. Is there anyone willing to pay this price? Just talk about the pain of cutting the scriptures and washing the marrow, you You won't say you don't know, will you? Can she really survive?"

Chen Xiaolei said: "I know she doesn't have much talent, but he doesn't have any place to go now, his relatives and friends are all dead, and if he returns to his room to arrange an orphanage, I'm afraid he, the only survivor in Linhai City It will be dug out within two days, and then she will start to face countless reporters and cameras, these things will become a hell for Xiaoyue."

Ye Wuyao sighed softly: "Xiao Lei, it's not that I don't want to help you, just look at the Jiangnan University, inside and out, how can anyone accept him as a disciple and student? How about it, you Just find someone who is willing to hand it over to Xiaoyue to sue the law and practice truth, as long as that person agrees, I will help you clear it up with the principal and let him become a student here."

"You don't need to ask, I am willing." Ye Qingcheng had been eavesdropping outside, he knew in his heart that what Ye Wu wanted to say was actually a tactful rejection of Chen Xiaolei's request.

After all, a theoretical waste of comprehension, how could one of the teachers in this academy be willing to accept him as a disciple?

Maybe it was because Chen Xiaolei's sad look touched him just now, maybe she felt that this little girl was really pitiful, so Ye Qingcheng took the initiative to stand up.

Seeing her granddaughter open the door and walk in, Ye Wuyao was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a dark face: "Qingcheng, are you sure you want to accept such a girl as your disciple?"

Ye Qingcheng nodded and said: "What's wrong? Anyway, I'm bored when I'm alone at ordinary times, so it's time to find a partner who can talk and chat with me, and I haven't taken any apprentices, so it's a bit of an experience for me as a Students, just want to teach others about addiction."

When Ye Qingcheng was speaking, he glanced at Chen Xiaolei intentionally or unintentionally, but found that Chen Xiaolei was also looking at him. The two looked at Ye Qingcheng, and quickly turned their eyes to other places.

It's not because of Chen Xiaolei that I want to accept this girl as a disciple, it's just because this girl is too pitiful, and she has already experienced the accident of the death of her parents and the destruction of her home.

It would be too miserable if he was kicked around like a rubber ball from the school again, and he would never allow such a thing to happen, Ye Qingcheng said in his heart.

Ye Wuyao said helplessly: "Okay, since you think so, let this girl live with you. By the way, this is for you."

The business needs to take out a small bottle from his pocket and throw it to Ye Qingcheng. Ye Qingcheng catches the small bottle, opens the small bottle and looks inside, only to see that there is only one elixir in this small bottle.

The elixir was lying under the bottle, looking ordinary, but Ye Qingcheng and Chen Xiaolei were shocked.

Xisui Dan, this elixir has the effect of cutting the meridians and washing the marrow, and you don't need to endure that kind of pain, but the effect of this elixir is indeed not as much as that of the normal meridian cutting and washing the marrow.

Ye Wuyao petted and said: "Since it is your first apprentice, you, the master, must give your apprentice a meeting gift, right? This pill is considered as a meeting gift for you to give her, although it cannot be said There has been a radical change in her roots, but at least it is possible on the path of cultivation."

"If she is really hardworking enough to improve her cultivation to a certain level before the age of 16, when she can endure the pain of cutting the scriptures and washing the marrow, then consider cutting the scriptures and washing the marrow for her. However, Let me tell you clearly that even if your apprentice puts in 10 times as much effort as others on the road of cultivation, the return he can get is only half of that of others. If he didn't practice to death, I'm afraid I'm going to stay at the bottom of the cultivation world for the rest of my life."

Ye Qingcheng happily thanked Ye Wuyao, but Chen Xiaolei took the opportunity to say his second request: "Master, if possible, I want to erase Xiaoyue's memory, and remove the memory of the entire Linhai City from his Erase everything in my mind, so that she can never remember it again. If possible, I also want her to forget his parents temporarily... Treat yourself as a child here, and let yourself devote yourself to cultivation go."

"Impossible..." Before Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, Ye Wuyao directly denied it.

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