The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 354 The Actions of Tian Yao Peak

"Changing other people's memory is a very dangerous thing. Although now, once our cultivators are discovered, we usually do things like delete their recent memory, but what you ask is really impossible, even if It is possible to try, but after doing this, her brain will be shocked, and it is very likely that she will directly become an idiot." Ye Wuyao said.

Chen Xiaolei gave a wry smile, in that case there might be nothing to do. From Chen Xiaolei's point of view, the reason why Xiaoyue has been so obedient these two days is because she was frightened by the so-called nightmare. The second reason is curiosity about new things, and The inexplicable sense of trust and dependence on oneself.

However, this situation will definitely not last for too long. After all, he is a child, and he will be crying and clamoring to see his mother in a few days. What should he do at that time?Do you want to tell him the truth directly, is your mother dead?

As the saying goes, a pile of lies depends on the support of countless lies, even if it is a white lie.

But Ye Wuyao was silent for a while and then suddenly said: "But I still have another way, but this way is probably more extreme than what you said."

Chen Xiaolei said: "What method?"

Ye Wuyao said: "It's very simple, it is to compress her memory in the depths of her subconscious mind, that is to say, to weaken her impression of her family in a disguised form, so that she will rarely remember the past in normal times. Only when I am dreaming or in a daze, when I am touched by something, will I think of a certain event or a certain moment.”

"Then is it possible for these compressed memories to come back?" Chen Xiaolei asked this question that was still of concern.

Ye Wuyao nodded and said: "I will definitely come back, and the way to come back is quite simple. If someone talks about his former parents in front of him for a whole day, I'm afraid it will be able to shake the deepest part of his mind." The memory is ticked. However, he will lose almost all of his memory now, are you sure you want to do this?"

Chen Xiaolei was also extremely entangled, but after entangled for a while, Chen Xiaolei suddenly raised his head and said to Ye Wuyao: "Just do this, even if it is unfair to this child, it is better than letting her cry all day long in the future." Good wash."

After hearing Chen Xiaolei's answer, Ye Wuyao stood up again, and left the room on the grounds of dispensing medicine. Only Ye Qingcheng and Chen Xiaolei were left in the room again.

"Thank you..." Chen Xiaolei finally smiled at Ye Qingcheng.

Ye Qingcheng shook her head: "I'm more curious, why would you do your best to help such a little girl?"

The corner of Chen Xiaolei's mouth showed a trace of bitterness: "Yeah, why? Actually, I don't know, maybe it's just a redemption for myself? Hundreds of thousands of people were torn and devoured by monsters in front of me, but I can't do anything, Xiaoyue , the only survivor inside."

When Chen Xiaolei was talking, Ye Qingcheng's eyes kept staring at Chen Xiaolei. The image of this man in his heart has always been a prodigal son, a scumbag, even if he is talented, he can't change others. Scumbag facts.

Therefore, Ye Qingcheng rejected Ye Wuyao's betrothing himself to Chen Xiaolei from the bottom of his heart. Chen Xiaolei now has three ostensible wives. Could it be possible to marry Chen Xiaolei?Want to be his little four and five?

But I have told my grandfather about this situation more than once, but Ye Wuyao just went in his left ear and out of his right ear, he didn't take what Ye Qingcheng said seriously at all, and even made a marriage contract for the two of them privately.It was also because of this that Ye Qingcheng hated seeing Chen Xiaolei very much.

After a whole day of communication today, Ye Qingcheng found that Chen Xiaolei still had some bright spots, at least not as useless as he thought at the time.

At least, in addition to his extraordinary talent and strength, he also has a kind heart.

Leaving aside Chen Xiaolei's side, in the Wanfa Sect at this time, Ouyang Xun was sitting in the hall of the sect with a dead face, and Elder Li was also standing beside Ouyang Xun uneasily.

In this huge sect hall, just the two of them were sitting there.Did Ouyang Xun look outside, as if some eyes were staring at him, making him feel uncomfortable.

"Has the matter been investigated?" Ouyang Xun asked.

Elder Li shook his head helplessly: "No, I have no clue at all... People from the other three major sects can't get in touch at all, including Sect Master Chen, Old Chen blames them, we seem to be trapped in a cage now... "

This matter started from a day ago. Yesterday, that is, the day when the entire Linhai City fell completely, the people in the four major sects basically fled to their respective sects with their own people.

And from the moment they entered the middle door, their nightmare began.

That night, several disciples in Wanfazong received a mission and went to contact Chen Laoguai.

However, just as they left the gate of Wanfazong, a few stones hit their bodies, causing them to hit back directly. A voice sounded from far to near, and the sound wave shook their heads. There was a buzzing inside: "From today onwards, all beginner disciples of Wanfa Sect are not allowed to step out of the gate! Violators will be killed without mercy!"

Not only a few of them heard this voice, but everyone in Wanfazong heard this voice.

Ouyang Xun and Elder Li, two of the strongest gods in the Wanfa Sect, rushed straight out of the mountain gate: "Who on earth is presumptuous in my Ten Thousand Laws?"

However, no one answered them, only a burst of violent coercion came directly from a distance, oppressing Ouyang Xun and Elder Li.

This coercion directly made Ouyang Xuan and Elder Li fall down in mid-air. Ouyang Xun and Elder Li looked at each other in astonishment. The two of them are absolutely impossible to fight against.

From then on, that voice that suddenly appeared did not continue to have any communication with Elder Li and Ouyang Xun.

I'm afraid that this matter is caused by the people sent by Meng Wushuang to coerce him, but Ouyang Xun can't tell the truth to his disciples about this kind of thing. Ouyang Xun first told his disciples to let them Don't walk out of this mountain gate again, and then appease their emotions, saying that this matter should be left to him and Elder Li.

The two experts in the Hidden God Realm have guaranteed tickets, so why not trust them?As for the address of Wanfazong, it can be regarded as a good night's sleep after returning home.

But after returning, Ouyang Xun found that their entire Ten Thousand Law Sect seemed to be blocked by something unknown, and things like communication symbols could not be used at all, and there was no way to contact other sects at all.

However, in the early morning of the second day, when Ouyang Xun opened his eyes, he suddenly heard a commotion near the mountain gate.

Ouyang Xiong came to the mountain gate in a hurry, and saw 6 heads hanging neatly above their mountain gate. Ouyang Xun knew all of these 6 heads, and they were all core disciples of Wanfazong.

Moreover, these few people have not been inside Wanfazong recently, but are performing their respective tasks outside.

These heads were still dripping with blood, and one could tell that it hadn't been long since they were chopped off.

And under these heads, there is a line written in blood: "Any disciple who appears outside the mountain gate and refuses to listen to the advice to return to the sect will be killed without mercy!"

This time, the entire Wanfa Sect was in trouble, and they all looked at Ouyang Xun with horror or doubt, wanting to wait for him to give them an explanation.

The eyes of the disciples under the sect immediately made Ouyang Xun's back break out in cold sweat. If he directly forces these disciples not to leave the sect now, it would be equivalent to showing weakness to the enemy.

Ouyang Xun opened his mouth, and finally said: "Disciples of Wanfazong, I still don't have any clue about what happened yesterday. Now that something like this happened, I hope that one of the disciples on the field will count. Don't take half a step away from Wanfazong."

"Sovereign! Isn't our behavior equivalent to showing weakness to the enemy? How dare you bully our Wanfa Sect like this? Don't you think too much of Wanfazong, one of our four major sects?"

"Sovereign, the thieves who are making trouble are outside now, let's rush out like this, let's see what they can do to us! With the supernatural powers of the suzerain and Elder Li, it is not easy to take down these two thieves matter?"

Listening to the views of the main battle below, Ouyang Xun felt pain in his head.

Do you think he doesn't want to fight?Just stepping directly on Wan Fazong's head like this, Ouyang Xun has never experienced it since he took office.

But he has nothing to do now, after all, Meng Wushuang's strength is there, as long as they dare to move, Meng Wushuang can directly destroy their entire Wanfazong.

So besides continuing to appease his disciples, Ouyang Xun couldn't find any other way.

Seeing that his suzerain was about to coax him again, these disciples stopped doing it: "Sovereign, these six senior brothers have given their lives in vain for no reason. Is it possible that we have to stand by here? Suzerain, let us go out!" ! If you really don’t plan to do anything, we’ll go fight the first battle! Even if you die outside, it’s better than staying at home like this!”

"Shut up, all of you!" Ouyang Xun roared at the disciples below.

Ouyang Xun's sudden outburst stunned his disciples. He coldly glanced at the people who advocated going out to fight: "Can you know the strength of the opponent? Do you think that if the strength of the opponent is weaker than ours, I will Are you cowarding here like now? Do you think I am willing to coax? If you go out, this Ten Thousand Law School will be over."

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