The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 355 The Stone of the Spirit Deed

The disciples below all looked confused, Ouyang Xun said: "You all go back to me now, I absolutely cannot tolerate Wanfazong being destroyed in my hands like this. The enemy we are facing this time Extremely strong, at least a powerhouse at the peak of the Hidden God Realm, like this kind of powerhouse, wanting to destroy our Wanfa Sect is just a matter of moving our fingers, and we have absolutely no room for resistance."

While talking, Ouyang Xun drove the group of disciples back to their sleeping place.

After all this was done, Ouyang Xun and Elder Li looked at each other. Elder Li had been thinking about Ouyang Xun's next plan, but after being silent for a long time, Ouyang Xun finally sighed: "With absolute strength In front of me, no matter what ideas I think about, it is useless, and all my disciples who were doing missions outside last year, now return to the Ten Thousand Laws Sect immediately, and there must be no neglect in the slightest."

Elder Li mourned: "Sovereign, do we really have to bow our heads like this?"

Ouyang asked: "Apart from bowing our heads, what else can we do? Is it possible that we can still fight against them? Don't be naive, even the Fazheng of our four major sects can't kill that monster with all their strength. What can stand against that monster?"

When Ouyang Xun said this, Elder Li suddenly patted himself on the head: "Sovereign, I remembered, don't our sect still have the stone of the spirit deed? If we all use that, we should be able to fight against them." ?”

Hearing Elder Li's words, Ouyang Xun's eyes lit up first, and then he began to shake his head vigorously: "No, no, this is absolutely not possible. The Spirit Deed Stone is a magic weapon left by the ancestors, and it is also a one-time treasure. Consumable props, as long as they are used this time, they will be gone, this kind of props can only be used when the sect is alive and dead, and it must not be used now."

Li Changle anxiously said: "Oh, I said Sect Master Ouyang, what time is it now? I think now is the time of the sect's life and death! If you don't do it now, it's hard to wait until the hearts of the people in the middle sect Is it only used when the enemy invades the inner hall?"

Although Ouyang Xun said that he couldn't do it, he was already a little moved at this moment.It's just that he really doesn't want to use up this town's treasure in this place.

Ouyang Xun could not make up his mind, but Elder Li was not in a hurry. He just watched Ouyang Xun quietly, trying not to put pressure on the suzerain. He still thought in his heart that no matter what decision Ouyang Xun made, He will follow.

After being silent for a while, Ouyang Xuan finally gritted his teeth: "Come on, take something with me and go outside to have a look. If Meng Wushuang is outside, we will use up the spirit deed stone directly. If Meng Wushuang It’s fine if the guy isn’t outside... Even if we kill these people, as long as there is Meng Wushuang around, it’s a death sentence for our Wanfazong.”

It has to be said that the powerful strength Meng Wushuang showed before completely overturned Ouyang Xun's cognition and made him terrified.

The strength of the two can be regarded as an insurmountable gap. Even if Ouyang Xun works hard all his life, it is impossible to be Meng Wushuang's opponent.

After saying these words, Ouyang Xun brought Elder Li to the sect's treasure house.Come to the top floor of the sect's treasure house, which is the place where Elder Li brought Chen Xiaolei before.

Ouyang Xun reached out and took out a token from his pocket. Ouyang Xun picked up the token, and the token flew out suddenly. After standing still in the sky, there was a burst of strange ripples, centered on the token. It spread out towards 4 weeks, forming a simple portal, and Ouyang Xun stepped in, but Elder Li stayed outside.

At the top of the sect's treasure house, only the suzerain has the right to enter it, and no one else has any power.

That is to say, Chen Xiaolei has not taken away the sect master's token these two days, otherwise, without the green sign, it would be impossible for the two of them to come here.

Stepping into this real treasure house of sects, one can see that the space above is not much different from the space below, and it is still full of things, but these things are completely different from the things below at first glance.

I saw that there are very few books here, but each one is neatly placed where it should be placed. The entire space is spotless, packed tightly and orderly, and each item has a storage area for each item.In this way, it is very simple to find what you want.

But this time Ouyang Xun walked straight towards the center of the hall, where a staff was standing, and a stone was inlaid on this staff.

The whole body of the stone exudes a faint blue light, flickering and flickering.

Ouyang Xun picked it up carefully, and the moment he took out the stone, the stone trembled visibly.

Ouyang Xun placed the stone in front of him, and then knelt down straight towards the stone. After kneeling on the ground, he kowtowed twice to the stone: "The ancestor of Wanfazong is now the Wanfazong's At the time of life and death, I also hope that the ancestors can show up to help."

After he carved two heads against the stone, he stepped out of the space, put the stone in his pocket, and left this place with Elder Li.

The two came to the gate of Wanfazong together, stood on the edge of Wanfazong's gate, and shouted to the outside: "Friends outside, I wonder if you can move outside, Ouyang Xun has something to ask."

After waiting for a long time, there was only a word from outside: "Speak up if you have something to do, and fart if you have something to do, I'm too lazy to show up and talk to you."

Ouyang Xuan was stunned for a moment.Then I heard another voice saying: "You just need to stay here honestly now, and you can ensure that your entire group is safe and sound. Don't try to be clever. If you don't want the Wanfazong to be wiped out, you can do it." Just stay here for me honestly."

The voice was like a loud bell, buzzing on Ouyang Xun's forehead. With Ouyang Xun's cultivation at this time, this voice could actually suppress the building and Yang Xun felt a little dizzy.

And this voice is obviously not from Meng Wushuang. Ouyang Xun and Teacher Li Zhang glanced at each other for a while. As long as they take out the spirit deed stone, they should be able to lure the outsiders out. Still gave up.

This thing can be used as a trump card, and it must not be used without knowing the opponent's situation at all.

In the end, I was going to leave the mountain gate with Chen Xiaolei disheartened, and returned to the interior of Wanfazong.

"Bang..." Back in the hall, Ouyang Xun suddenly smashed a table in front of him into pieces.

Looking at Ouyang Xun who was in a state of rage at this time, Elder Li almost didn't dare to say a word.

After knocking over three tables in a row, Ouyang Xun kept muttering: "Too much deception, this is simply too much deception! What are they trying to do? What's wrong with trapping us here?" For what purpose?"

Complaints are complaints, anger is not anger, Ouyang Xun has nothing to do at this moment.His hand gently stroked the stone of the spirit deed in his pocket, and he exerted a little force on his hand, as if he wanted to crush the stone, but in the end, he let go of his hand slowly.He let out a heavy sigh.

Another day passed, and Chen Xiaolei's injury has improved a little bit, at least he can get out of bed and walk around with the support of others.Although his legs still don't use the slightest bit of strength now, they are better than yesterday.

Ye Qingcheng supported Chen Xiaolei's arm with one hand, and led him forward step by step. Ye Qingcheng came to Chen Xiaolei's room early in the morning, saying that he was ordered by Ye Wuyao to help Chen Xiaolei do some rehabilitation, but Except for the greeting at the beginning, the two of them didn't say a word throughout the whole day today.

When walking, Chen Xiaolei's expression has always belonged to that kind of frowning face, as if others owe him 100 million.Ye Qingcheng turned his head to look at it from time to time, but when he turned his head, he saw Chen Xiaolei's lifeless face.

In Ye Chengcheng's impression, Chen Xiaolei has always been the kind of joking person.It's really rare to see him like this.

When this expression lasted for almost a whole day, Ye Qingcheng finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, who are you showing this stinky face to..." He often said quite dissatisfied.

Ye Qingcheng's words made Chen Xiaolei stunned for a moment, he was thinking about something all the time, and he didn't notice that his expression made Ye Qingcheng feel uncomfortable.

After Ye Qingcheng told Chen Xiaolei like this, Chen Xiaolei noticed that he didn't seem to put on a good face all day today.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about other things and didn't notice, did it make you feel unhappy?" Chen Xiaolei smiled apologetically at Ye Qingcheng.

Chen Xiaolei's sudden apology made Ye Qingcheng feel that something was wrong. What's going on?In Lu'an's daily life, shouldn't Chen Xiaolei answer the question directly?

Chen Xiaolei continued: "I'm just a little worried. It has been two days since the battle in Linhai City ended. As the loser's place, I haven't heard from anyone on our side. Ouyang Xun from the Wanfa sect also Well, my great-grandfather is worth mentioning, I want to know what happened to them now."

Ye Qingcheng said: "You don't have to worry about this. My grandfather went out to investigate early this morning. He will definitely tell you the result when he comes back."

Chen Xiaolei turned his head and looked Ye Qingcheng up and down. You must know that Ye Qingcheng is absolutely impossible to get very close to him in normal times, let alone walking with him like now.

A girl's unique fragrance entered Chen Xiaolei's nasal cavity, Chen Xiaolei subconsciously took a deep breath, then coughed lightly, turned his head to the side, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, bring I'll go back..."

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