Wei Shu snorted coldly in disdain, but didn't see any movement. Countless pink lights appeared from his whole body, filling the wolves.

Soon, the ferocity of those wolves disappeared, showing a more hungry look, especially the male wolf kept wandering towards the female wolf.

After a while, the whole pack of wolves was in disarray, Xiang Xiang's face was flushed from watching various mating scenes, and she dared not look up while nestling in Wei Shu's arms.

Even Hua Youque stared at him, what the hell is this rogue martial arts, and once again recalled the method of controlling these wolves in his mind, but this time it seemed to have failed.

Hua Youque's expression was ugly, it seemed that he ran into an opponent when he went out.

"Are you still fighting?" Chen Xiaolei didn't like this arrogant guy, at least not to the point of murder, so he just frightened him.

After several attempts to no avail, Hua Youque let out a cold snort and left with a gloomy face.

The three continued to move forward, unconsciously walking into a small valley.

"I wipe, there are so many herbs, Huangjingzhi, Xuelingcao, cold tobacco, chalcedony flower..." Chen Xiaolei's eyes lit up, and his saliva almost drool.

Although the age of these medicinal materials is not very good, they are also things that the outside world needs a lot of money to buy.

There is also the Poria Flower, which has made a fortune, Wei Shu stepped over, picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth, and at the same time threw another to Chen Xiaolei.

It's cool to see it.

"How to deal with these things?" Xiangxiang was also shocked by the things in this small valley, she was lucky.

"Of course it's all packed and taken away. Isn't it a waste to stay here? It's king if it gets into our stomachs." Chen Xiaolei rubbed his palms and started to move, but every plant kept its roots.

"Stop it, where are the robbers who dare to touch the medicinal materials grown by our family." At this time, a surge of Yuanli rushed over, and the surrounding flowers and plants bent over.

A burst of dense footsteps rushed over.

"How courageous, if we hadn't come quickly, our Sun family's hard work would have been ruined by you."

Only then did Chen Xiaolei see the people who came, they were all in black uniforms, there were probably seven or eight people, and the big Sun character on the chest was very conspicuous.

"Nonsense, you call the medicinal materials here, see if they agree or not." Wei Shuo looked at how the baby all over the floor was willing to let go, and the other party was coming aggressively, so it was not a good bird at first glance.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of here quickly, we've taken over this place, where did you come from outsiders." The leader was a strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his expression and demeanor were sinister.

"What should I do? There are so many of them. Why are there so many people from other places here? Didn't you say that the school hours are not fixed?" Wei Shu looked a little solemn, looking at the sulky guys on the other side.

Chen Xiaolei also felt that it was a bit tricky, he had never met a single person from his academy, why were there all these things.

"Compatriots of Jiangnan College, there is a valley here, which is full of medicinal materials." Chen Xiaolei's eyes flickered, and he suddenly smiled wickedly. At the same time, he used Tianlong Bayin to spread his voice. They are all from the same academy after all, at least they can maintain the same externally.

"Presumptuous, you are really courting death, didn't you hear what we said?"

"Brother Sun, let's do it directly. I want to suck up the blood of these bastards."


Some members of the Sun family looked very angry, and surrounded the three of them at the same time, Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei and Wei Shu waited in strict battle, feeling the uncomfortable cold energy in each other's body, and couldn't help but think of that old guy Jiyin.

Wei Shuo looked in the direction of Taniguchi, and became anxious when he saw that there was still no one there.

"Xiao Lei, can it work? Is there no one around? It doesn't work."

"Boy, you are challenging our limits. I was planning to save your life just now. Now, hum. Come on." The big man surnamed Sun gave the order directly.

Chen Xiaolei was also full of helplessness. He didn't know how far the Tianlong Bayin could spread, but he had already made up his mind to withdraw if no one came after a while. It would be unwise to fight with these people.

"Who dares to touch the students of my Jiangnan College." Just as Chen Xiaolei was about to withdraw, a loud roar came over, making Chen Xiaolei's eyes light up.

I thought some students would come, but I didn't expect Teacher Dog to come in person, which greatly boosted their confidence.

Teacher Dog's strong earth-level energy fluctuations instantly knocked the Sun family's formation into disarray.

"Are you sure you dare to touch our Sun family?" The head of the big man was full of disdain, and the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth seemed to predict that a little teacher would not dare to move.

"Get out, don't get out within three breaths, you all stay here as fertilizer." What made Chen Xiaolei dumbfounded was that this dog teacher was so domineering.

Some people in the Sun family showed angry faces and some were short of breath, especially the big man in the head, his pupils shrank a little, and he couldn't figure out how a teacher dared to be so crazy.

At this time, the large troops from Jiangnan College also rushed over, about half of them came. Obviously, Mr. Dog's prestige before was more appealing than Chen Xiaolei's Tianlong Bayin.

Looking at the medicinal herbs all over the floor, the students of Jiangnan College also whispered, and surrounded the eight members of the Sun family at the same time.

"You guys, okay, our Sun family will remember, this great gift will be rewarded in the future." The strong man at the head saw that the form was wrong, and he had lost the gang fight stance just now. went.

Xiangxiang breathed a sigh of relief, if there was a real fight, she would inevitably be injured, which was something a girl didn't want to see.

"Students, remember, no matter how you are in school, you must be united with the outside world. Although our Jiangnan College is not ranked high, you must have momentum." Teacher Dog's loud voice resounded everywhere, and Chen Xiaolei felt for the first time that This is a sense of belonging.

These teachers have been in the school for so many years, and they have long regarded this place as their own home, so there is no need to doubt the outside world. This is also the reason why they faced other families just now.

Chen Xiaolei secretly sighed, this Jiangnan College was just a passer-by for him, it was just a place to solve his body's unresolved diseases, so he couldn't feel the sense of belonging.

"Leave the roots of the medicinal materials here, and leave whatever you want. You can decide how to distribute them with the school at that time." Teacher Gou looked at the students who were fighting against each other, and was secretly satisfied. The future of a school is the source of drinking water for these students.

"Come on, I found something here, why is it so dark, ah!" A classmate broke into a corner of the valley.Then there was a scream.

Teacher Dog's complexion changed, and he flew directly over. With a flick of his sleeve, the whole area became clearly visible.

I saw a pitch-black hole like a giant mouth that devours people, eerie and terrifying, and at the same time, some black air burst out from time to time, and the surrounding flowers and plants withered immediately, but they did not float far. After a week of circulation around Was sucked back again.

"Stand back." Mr. Dog looked at the rushing students with a serious face, as if he had thought of something, his face was a little ugly.

Even Chen Xiaolei felt something was wrong, but looking at the black breath, he was disgusted for some reason.

"You guys go to gather herbs, don't get close for ten feet around, hurry up, I'll go down and have a look." Mr. Dog glared, shielding the surroundings, and at the same time, wrapped in Yuanli, the whole person jumped in like a blue light .

The other students looked at each other in blank dismay, but still respected Mr. Dog's words, and at the same time listed this dangerous place as a forbidden area.

But without the previous ease, it is clear that this place is not as safe as it was said before, and there are still many uncertain factors, at least those people outside the academy with ulterior motives are very dangerous, and at the same time look at the boy who fell in before , I don't know what happened.

The whole atmosphere was a bit heavy, and everyone was collecting the medicinal materials on the ground silently, but they didn't store anything, most of them were stored in a backpack.

Chen Xiaolei swayed rapidly, the valley was still very big, he secretly put some very precious medicinal materials in the storage sachet, of course the unimportant ones were put in the backpack, and at the same time kept looking at the direction of the cave entrance, always It felt like there was a familiarity there.

Wei Shuo was also holding Xiangxiang away from the entrance of the cave to quickly harvest medicinal materials. Xiangxiang was a little nervous by the serious atmosphere, but Wei Shuo's frivolous hands didn't notice it for a while, until Wei Shuo climbed a high mountain. It was only then that Xiangxiang came to her senses and flirted with him coquettishly, but it was too quiet to make a sound, so she pouted her lips and let Wei shrink back.

Wei Shuo was so comfortable that he forgot about the entrance of the cave all of a sudden, and kept searching for something on Xiangxiang's body, as if the entrance of Xiangxiang's cave was more attractive than the dark one.

Just when Xiangxiang was panting heavily, there was a strong wind at the entrance of the cave, and Mr. Dog rushed out with a person, to be precise, he escaped.

"Students, get out!" Teacher Dog yelled, and threw the student in his arms in the direction of Taniguchi. At the same time, he made seals with his hands. Seeing the complexity, Chen Xiaolei felt dizzy for a while. feared.

Soon a huge gossip phantom took shape in Mr. Gou's hands, and it was imprinted fiercely in the direction of the cave entrance.

The black energy that kept coming out stagnated, and the left and right collisions failed to break through. Mr. Gou's entire Yuan force rushed out, and the gossip seal sank slowly, and it was very difficult to seal the black energy in, but that The unsteady appearance of rushing out at any time makes the hearts of those who watch it palpitate.

The gossip at the entrance of the cave rotates, automatically absorbing the energy of heaven and earth to strengthen the seal. Mr. Dog wiped the sweat from his forehead, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes. Yes, but the worried look is not reduced by half.

After watching for a while again, Mr. Dog left the entrance of the cave, and no one noticed that a pair of eyes with icy cold heaven and earth Yuanli flashed away in the black air.

The students had already retreated after Mr. Dog came out, and the male student was picked up by someone nearby, but after seeing his appearance clearly, they were shocked.

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