The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 42 Doctor Yang's Secret Recipe

The male students were as skinny as a stick, with sunken eye sockets, and all the blood had been sucked dry. Even the shriveled skin on their bodies was dull and dull, but there were no wounds. Many female students were so scared that their faces turned pale.

Even Chen Xiaolei was startled, what was in that hole, with Chen Xiaolei's attainments, it could be seen that the Niwan Palace of this boy's ancestral cave had been dug open.

A coolness permeated the surroundings, and some people even regretted coming to this place. They thought it was as relaxing as a spring outing, but they didn't expect that some people would die.

"Remember, don't tell anyone what happened today, or you will be expelled from school." Teacher Dog walked over with a solemn expression, and gave a cold warning.

Seeing that the students were all a little scared to dodge, Mr. Dog was a little worried and said again:

"I will tell the school's senior management to deal with the matter here, so you don't have to worry about it, but in order to avoid panic, it's better not to talk nonsense. Don't worry, our school has Tiangao experts in charge."

A shot of tranquilizer given by Mr. Dog made the students look much more relaxed. After all, the sky-high master is also a legendary existence.

"Okay, let's go to the outskirts and pick some casually and go back to school." Teacher Dog frowned, simply buried the classmate near the valley, and took the classmates away.

Not long after they left, a wisp of black air emerged from the body of the buried male classmate, and at the same time, he opened a pair of extremely violent eyes, and there was a little blood red in the depths of the eyes.A misty change floated on the seal of the cave entrance, he smacked his mouth, smiled stiffly, and his entire figure disappeared, and the burial place remained unchanged.

Not long after, everyone returned to the school and breathed a sigh of relief. It is estimated that those who know the news will not leave the school for a few days. Teacher Dog left in a hurry and went straight to the high-level places of the school.

The treatment of those medicinal materials also varies from person to person, some people directly sold all of them to the school, and some people kept some of them.

Of course, Chen Xiaolei kept more, and at the same time returned Fatty Zhang's cauldron, which was not used in this accident.

Wei Shuo was so nervous that he always relied on Xiangxiang, saying that he would protect her no matter what. After Xiangxiang experienced the incident in the valley, she still hadn't recovered from it. She couldn't help but rely on Wei Shuo who was always with her. It didn't take long for the two of them to be inseparable. As for whether there are any scenes that are not suitable for children, everyone knows very well.

After returning to the dormitory, Chen Xiaolei was a little uneasy. After the appearance of the black energy, his meridian pulsed, which shocked him. This was the first time in so many years.

But he racked his brains and couldn't figure out what the black air was.

Of course, Chen Xiaolei didn't hide any secrets after he came back. We shared some of the medicinal materials and told everyone about the situation in the valley, and tried to avoid going to that place in the future.

As for how the school solves it, Chen Xiaolei can't decide, let the legendary master of the heavens have a headache.

There was nothing to say all night, these days was the most comfortable night for Chen Xiaolei to sleep, those eggs were still worn by Chen Xiaolei, hoping to hatch them soon, they are not big, otherwise it would be really hard to carry.

The next day, Chen Xiaolei came to Yunnan Time-honored Store in good spirits.

"Morning, daughter-in-law, are you waiting for me at the door?" Chen Xiaolei was about to step forward and put his arm around Zhang Yinuo's waist, when he swung his long legs over.

White flowers flashed in front of Chen Xiaolei's eyes, but he avoided it with a big shift.

"Good little thing, my aunt has been waiting for you for a long time." Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Xiaolei felt that something was in trouble. He glanced at the helpless Zhang Yinuo, obviously he had already experienced the aggressiveness of the other party.

"Mo Nuan, this is a pharmacy, what's wrong with you, I'll show you for free, and my thing is not small, why don't you try it at night?" Chen Xiaolei looked at this tall, long-legged beauty wantonly, why? It is pleasing to watch.

"Hmph, you ate my leg yesterday, and I took a shower, and it cost 100 million, you pay me?" Mo Nuan put his hands on his hips, that little chili's gesture was really bold.

Chen Xiaolei stared, what kind of bath is so expensive, did the other party call for service?I couldn't help but looked around in doubt.

"Sleep with you?" Finally, Chen Xiaolei looked more and more like him, and couldn't help testing it out.

Seeing Mo Nuan's volcanic eruption with a fierce momentum, Chen Xiaolei quickly smiled:

"I see that you are very angry recently, and your Yintang is facing towards the Ziwei Emperor Star, and your fate is too old. I have a way." Chen Xiaolei became upright, pinched his fingers and counted, with the look of a magic stick, Zhang Yinuo couldn't help laughing.

"Grandma's leg, give me a medicine to strengthen the foundation and strengthen the vitality, hurry up." Mo Nuan didn't have an attack, but just looked angry, and the meaning of compulsion was self-evident.

Of course, Chen Xiaolei didn't dare to tease them anymore, and soon some enhanced versions and solid versions were released.

"Hey, you haven't paid me yet..." Seeing that Mo Nuan was about to leave, Chen Xiaolei was in a hurry. There were medicinal herbs that he had desperately picked yesterday afternoon, but when Mo Nuan shot over with a sharp force Shut up.

"Damn it, this guy didn't come to the pharmacy to blackmail him, did he?" Chen Xiaolei thought more and more something was wrong, and the other party's state today was still a little bit wrong.

"Heck, you really have a lot of romantic debts, maybe I want to take this opportunity to have a further relationship with you." Hearing Zhang Yinuo's sour words, Chen Xiaolei hugged him back and kissed him wildly.

After all, it meant that Zhang Yinuo fell in love with him, of course it was Chen Xiaolei's wishful thinking.

Before the kiss came, Chen Xiaolei felt that his whole body was being sucked into the back room uncontrollably.

What kind of situation is this, Doctor Yang told him not to do it this way, but as the suction increased, Chen Xiaolei's consciousness darkened and he passed out.

When Chen Xiaolei woke up, he found that he was no longer in the back room, and most importantly, he was lying naked on a stone bed.

"Ah!" Chen Xiaolei yelled, covering his chest with his hands, looking a little terrified, and looked around with a little chill.

It was found that Doctor Yang was naked from the upper body, with a medicine root in his mouth, with a calm expression, a little reminiscence and satisfaction.

"Ah!" Chen Xiaolei yelled again, and at the same time looked at the dragon root that he had kept untouched for 20 years.

"Stop barking, I'm getting old now, so maybe I still have some unreasonable thoughts about you? It's just... Hehe!" Looking at Doctor Yang's unfinished expression, Chen Xiaolei couldn't believe it.

"You, you stickler, I didn't expect you to be such an irresponsible man, but you actually denied it. I was really blind." Chen Xiaolei was about to cry, feeling as if his body had been moved, and he became more certain up.

"Okay, I'm just kidding, I've engraved the experience of a medical master and the alchemy on you, don't act like I'm sorry for you." Doctor Yang looked at his expression that was getting more and more excessive , eyelids twitching non-stop.

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback, stopped crying, and stared at the boss, Dan Fang?Is it a pill that only prefecture-level powerhouses use?

"Looking at your expression, you know the value of the elixir. Some medicinal materials below the prefecture level are effective, and above the prefecture level need elixir to break through the bottleneck, and the elixir is the secret recipe for refining the elixir." Doctor Yang was afraid that he would not understand. Come slowly.

"Where is it, where is it?" Chen Xiaolei looked left and right, but he didn't find any engravings on his body, so he couldn't help looking at Doctor Yang angrily.

"Here is this bronze mirror for you, otherwise people will see you naked someday." Doctor Yang couldn't help but feel a little proud when he saw his anxious look. Only he was so generous that he would give this kind of treasure away.

Chen Xiaolei suddenly realized that he kept shining on himself with the bronze mirror, and finally almost crushed Dr. Yang to death. It turned out that those mysterious things were engraved on his two asses.

"Is there any mistake? With such a small amount, half a pill can't be refined." Chen Xiaolei looked at the few lines of small characters on his buttocks under the light of the bronze mirror, feeling a little depressed. He still has experience at the level of a master, probably. A recipe is more than that.

"This old man can only remember so much, you can use it for your life, and I will tell you someday when you think about it, don't spread it, or I will castrate you." Doctor Yang made a vicious expression, and said as if he thought of something randomly:

"The old man will be away for a while, and if we meet again by fate, this time-honored brand will be handed over to you."

Chen Xiaolei was a little dazed, this old guy is a bit abnormal today, he not only taught himself these things, he seemed to be like Tuo Gu.

"Master, please accept my apprentice's bow." Chen Xiaolei quickly reacted, hugging his thigh before speaking.

But no matter how much he knelt, he couldn't kneel down, the knee was supported by a layer of Yuanli.

"This old man doesn't accept apprentices, I sometimes can't even figure out who I am, that's all, this secret room is also entrusted to you, some classics, you can look through them casually."

Doctor Yang said that the whole person disappeared, and the energy in the knee also dissipated.

Chen Xiaolei was dumbfounded for a moment, what the hell is going on, the old guy's mind is really hard to guess.

"Hey, did you do anything to me?" Chen Xiaolei shouted, but there was no sound, it seemed that the other party really left.

Chen Xiaolei was depressed, there was no solution to this answer.

Looking at those small characters again and thinking of the experience of the master level, Chen Xiaolei became very enthusiastic, but he couldn't read, it was really a headache.

You can't take off your trousers and ask Zhang Yinuo if the sheep doctor carved it in this place on purpose.

Chen Xiaolei worked hard to put on his clothes again, and looked around the secret room, it was quite quiet, but he didn't practice, so it was really useless.

After looking at himself who hadn't changed from before, Chen Xiaolei walked out the door of the secret room. It turned out that the secret room was on the ground floor of the back room.

"Xiaoer, come here and give Mr. Chen a shoulder squeeze." Thinking that this shop is his own, Chen Xiaolei is also presumptuous, and he also shouted at the rude boy from before, and thinking of the other party's attitude before, Chen Xiaolei couldn't help but want to play tricks.

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