The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 43 Recognition of Characters

The boy's face was a little ugly, obviously Doctor Yang had told him before.

But in the blink of an eye, she has a face of flattery:

"Master Chen, this one is so beautiful, come here, let me press it for you. The little one is called Happy." Happy quickly adapted to the role, and immediately changed masters.

Chen Xiaolei is very satisfied. This pharmacy didn't charge any fees before, but now it's not a free clinic, and they charge everything.

Although Chen Xiaolei didn't care about the money, how could he have the time to treat so many people every day?

"Yinuo, how long have I been in a coma?" Chen Xiaolei looked at Zhang Yinuo's busy schedule, feeling a little distressed.

"It's only half a day, it's not even noon yet."

"Ang, this shop belongs to me..."

Chen Xiaolei shared the good news with Zhang Yinuo, and looked slightly proud at her surprised expression.

"From now on, you will be the proprietress, just collect the money, and we will work together as a couple, so we won't be tired from work." Chen Xiaolei wanted to go and hold Zhang Yinuo's waist again, but she was already prepared.

pouted and said:

"There are so many people here, can you restrain yourself, at least you are the store manager now."

"That means you can...Yinuo, teach me how to read when no one is around." Chen Xiaolei thought for a while, but he still couldn't show his butt to others.

Zhang Yinuo originally thought that this guy couldn't spit ivory out of his mouth, but it was inconceivable to hear the request behind him.

Who would believe a bad student who said that he should correct his evil ways and study hard?

However, after looking around at Chen Xiaolei's serious and not fake expression, Zhang Yinuo was a little puzzled.

But in the end, he agreed to Chen Xiaolei's request. After all, it was just to recognize characters, and there were only so many words in the dictionary.

Chen Xiaolei quickly changed the rules in the store, read all the patients today, and followed Zhang Yinuo to learn how to read all afternoon.

"This is the day, not the day, the day of the sun, the day of the past." Zhang Yinuo finally gave the church these two words that looked like brothers, and he was a little helpless.

But Chen Xiaolei was very comfortable, Zhang Yinuo held his hand and kept writing on the paper, the gorgeous hair slid down his neck, and the fragrance of virgins kept stimulating his taste buds.

The most important thing was the soft cotton behind him leaning against his back, every time she trembled in anger, the amazing elasticity always distracted Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei, who was holding the pen, couldn't help but broke three of them.

"Practice calligraphy as long as you practice calligraphy. This pen has enmity with you." Zhang Yinuo looked at the rotten and indestructible student with a bit of frown, but the coquettish look between his eyebrows was even more charming, especially when he bit the silver The light from teething made Chen Xiaolei's eyes hard to open.

"Aren't you so beautiful? I can't help it. With such a beautiful daughter-in-law, I have a problem with being pregnant. Besides, I am not from Dongchang Cao." Chen Xiaolei also swallowed That seductive breath, the whole person is like sitting on a cloud, not knowing why.

Zhang Yinuo stomped and left.

In the next half month, Chen Xiaolei was very ambiguous with Zhang Yinuo every day, and at the same time learned a lot of words, at least the commonly used ones were basically no problem, and his relationship with Zhang Yinuo warmed up and became intimate, although every time Zhang Yinuo Yi Nuo angrily shook his hand and left, but he still taught him patiently the next day, and the number of broken pens reached thirty.

Chen Xiaolei couldn't help it, after all, his hands always wanted to grab something randomly.

On this day, Chen Xiaolei was alone in the secret room holding a mirror and looking at his buttocks to learn from the above experience. Fortunately, no one was there, otherwise this posture would be too scary, like holding a stick to his buttocks.

But looking at Chen Xiaolei in a cloud of fog, he couldn't understand it at all. The medical skills above the Grand Master must be combined with the operation of Yuanli, and he must understand the principles of medicine. This is an extravagant hope for Chen Xiaolei now.

Fuck, shit, touched my ass for nothing, left some useless stuff.

If a prefecture-level powerhouse heard what Chen Xiaolei said, he would be so angry that he would take a shot of a tranquilizer to relieve it. The thing on his butt is priceless.

If it gets out, there must be many prefecture-level powerhouses who are willing to have their ass touched.

Chen Xiaolei looked at it for a long time, and finally gave up. These things are beyond his comprehension now.

At the same time, I also became interested in some things in Zhu Liang's storage sachet. I couldn't read before, so I didn't even want to look at them.

Now let's see what treasures there are, and re-scanned them with mental power, skipping those underwear and underwear, and a pile of books and bottles and cans suddenly appeared around him.

Rotten Heart Powder: Eating it can dry up the heart veins and lead to slow death.

Taohuachunyi Pill: After taking it, you will feel hot and dry all over your body, and you will lose consciousness and become exhausted.


Damn, Chen Ruyi must have eaten this that day, no wonder he was so proactive, should I give Yinuo a try?

There are also some messy ones that stop bleeding, increase vitality, strengthen the foundation and cultivate vitality, poisons, and aphrodisiacs.

This guy is really not a good thing. He is equipped with so many gadgets, but it seems to be very useful to him.

Chen Xiaolei looked at some of these medicinal powders and showed a sinister smile, thinking that the configurations in the previous group arena were too gentle.

Just a brief glance at those scrolls, there is actually a picture of the erotic palace, some other family histories, travel notes and so on.

But an exquisite sandalwood box caught Chen Xiaolei's eyes, and smelling the smell of the age on it, Chen Xiaolei felt hot for a while.

Such an exquisite box must contain something extraordinary, maybe it is something good, but I am afraid that something like a hidden weapon will be hidden in it.

Chen Xiaolei put away the bottles and jars around him.At this moment, a scroll of letters fell out, which made Chen Xiaolei startled.

I almost forgot about this thing, thinking that Duan De's wicked guy was so eager, it must be a treasure, and it seemed that this letter opened a door of light when he escaped before.

Chen Xiaolei opened it slowly, and the four big characters "swallowing heaven and earth" at the beginning of it attracted all of Chen Xiaolei's mind as if exuding infinite magic power.

Chen Xiaolei felt that his whole body was wandering in a dark space. He didn't know how long it had passed, maybe 1 years, 1000 million years, anyway, it was very boring.

Just when Chen Xiaolei's mind was about to dry up, the nameless kung fu in his body began to operate like a bronze bell, and Chen Xiaolei woke up suddenly, sweating profusely, panting heavily, and the dazed eyes in his eyes were full of fear. Did not recover.

And there was a stabbing pain in the whole head, and it took a while to get over it, and I didn't dare to look at those four characters again.

Sure enough, Chen Xiaolei glanced at it greedily, and at the same time mourned silently for Duan De, for giving him such a treasure, he has not yet expressed his thanks.

Avoiding the four characters, Chen Xiaolei was speechless for a while, as if covered by white mist, he could only vaguely feel that there was content, but he couldn’t see it. I feel so depressed that I want to vomit blood.

But this further confirmed the idea that this is a treasure. Chen Xiaolei silently put it away together with the bronze mirror and put it next to the insect eggs on his body, instead of putting it in the storage sachet.

Then he looked at the sandalwood box.

After smelling it, there was no other smell of poisonous gas. Chen Xiaolei took a step back, a silver needle flashed by, and the joint of the sandalwood box opened due to stress, and nothing happened as expected. Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief before looking at it. to the box.

Inside lay a piece of silk cloth, gray like bark.

Chen Xiaolei grabbed it, and just picked it up as if it touched something, the whole box burst open, and a snake-shaped dart shot over.

Damn, Chen Xiaolei's Great Teleportation of the Universe turned rapidly, his whole body was like a right angle, passing by dangerously and dangerously.

Looking at the snake-shaped dart shining coldly on the wall, Chen Xiaolei was a little depressed. He was already very careful, but he almost caught fire.It seems that the name of the first family in Yuecheng is indeed well-deserved.

Opening the silk cloth and looking over, there were only a few lines, not many words, Chen Xiaolei read it for a long time before he realized that this is a luck method of Yuanli, and it is also a straight-line martial art called "Explosive Step".

Chen Xiaolei was depressed for a while, his dantian couldn't store Yuanli at all, so what can the use of Yuanli be done in Xuan'ao, he glanced at it and threw it into the storage sachet without interest.

By the way, I also took off the snake-shaped dart, it is quite sharp, and I will use it as a scalpel in the future, haha!

Chen Xiaolei packed up and walked out of the secret room.

"Master Chen, help me, I know I'm wrong, I already feel like I can't take it anymore." When I went out, Hei Mao cried and hugged Chen Xiaolei's thigh, he had lost a lot of weight in the past few days big circle.

Chen Xiaolei smiled dumbly, he hadn't seen this guy for the past few days, maybe he knew that Doctor Yang had left, so he felt that there was no hope, and put his hope on himself.

"Well, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There's nothing good about it. Let's go to the operating room." Chen Xiaolei taught Heimao like a master, and seeing the painful guy, he decided not to embarrass him anymore, after all, there is no hatred.

An hour later, Hei Mao walked out of the operating room with a face full of relief, looked at Chen Xiaolei with gratitude, and staggered away.

It is good to be a good person, Chen Xiaolei muttered to himself.

Another half month later, Chen Xiaolei and Zhang Yinuo learned all the Chinese characters until Zhang Yinuo had nothing to teach.At the same time, Chen Xiaolei also studied the classics in the secret room and the medicinal materials in the pharmacy. Now Chen Xiaolei is like a gifted scholar who has studied hard in a cold window and has read a lot of poetry and books. His whole body is full of bookishness.

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so sweet." Chen Xiaolei looked up at the sky, his eyes were full of wisdom.

"What are you reading? Standing on the bar counter." At this moment, Zhang Yinuo looked at the completely different Chen Xiaolei in surprise.

Now Chen Xiaolei is completely dressed like Tang Bohu, one of the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River. Not only has the zombie costume been replaced by a green robe, holding a folding fan, but he is also like a scholar. I can't associate it with that bathhouse pervert.

And after this month of growth, the eyebrows have grown out, the short and lean hair is covered by the scholar's cap, and the delicate face looks much more pleasing to the eye.

Zhang Yinuo couldn't help but take a few more glances. The current Chen Xiaolei is still very attractive, and he has completely lost his title of bumpkin.

"I'm composing a poem for my daughter-in-law." Chen Xiaolei jumped down lightly, his movements were graceful and extremely natural.

Zhang Yinuo's eyes lit up, the current Chen Xiaolei seemed to have been reborn, even that annoying voice sounded a little moving at this moment.

Chen Xiaolei was very proud. This image was created by him after reading so many books and referring to literati, and the effect seems to be good.

Zhang Yinuo blushed a little when he saw Chen Xiaolei who was close at hand, that thin but tall figure, elegant but always a bit wicked in his eyes was so charming now.

"Hmm!" Zhang Yinuo's eyes widened, Chen Xiaolei took advantage of the gap when he was in a daze just now, and forced him to kiss him.

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