The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 44 Registration

"Ah, why did you bite me?" Chen Xiaolei folded his fan, and his whole body returned to the rascal before, but that rustic look couldn't be found no matter what.

"Take advantage of me, it's easy on you." Zhang Yinuo blushed and gave Chen Xiaolei a hard look, but somehow the diaphragm in his heart was broken.

Chen Xiaolei didn't bother too much.

"I should be able to worship Ye Wuyao as my teacher with my attire." Chen Xiaolei straightened his face and turned around in a circle.

"Grandpa Ye is not picking a son-in-law, are you right?" Zhang Yinuo couldn't help being a little funny seeing Chen Xiaolei studying so hard this month just to worship Ye Wuyao.

"Tch, not only do I want to be a teacher, I also want to be his son-in-law...don't leave!" Before Chen Xiaolei could finish speaking, Zhang Yinuo stamped his feet and left.

Chen Xiaolei temporarily handed over the shop to Happy, and walked slowly to the school.

It has to be said that Chen Xiaolei's attire really ushered in countless return rates, this time it was a commendatory return.

After going down the mountain for so long, I finally experienced the feeling of being really watched. Chen Xiaolei felt that the Big Dipper had shifted.

"Beauty, where is Teacher Ye's registration office?" Chen Xiaolei smiled sweetly, and at the same time opened the folding fan, and the slight breeze brought a coolness between the two of them instantly.

"Yes, over there." The beauty stuttered a little, she lost her concentration.

Chen Xiaolei blinked confidently. This time, he finally recognized the school's logo, so as not to make a misunderstanding about going to the wrong women's bathhouse.

Turning left and right in the direction pointed by the beauty, he stopped for a while at the first women's bathhouse. Chen Xiaolei was filled with emotion. Without this women's bathhouse, he would not be able to become a sex monster in the bathhouse.

As if feeling Chen Xiaolei's gaze, the hidden aunt in the bathhouse raised her eyelids, and slightly turned Chen Xiaolei away, as if she was a little surprised, but then her expression changed, only the imperceptible smile at the corner of her mouth showed something.

Chen Xiaolei didn't dare to make a fuss in front of others, so he hurriedly changed direction to the registration place.

When he came over to take a look, Chen Xiaolei was a little stunned, thinking he had gone to the wrong place.

The front is overcrowded and blocked. Doesn't it mean that there are not many medical students?Why are there so many people signing up? Could it be possible that they have to change careers even if they become apprentices?

Chen Xiaolei walked over slowly and put on a harmless smile.

"Student, why are there so many people? Could it be that Mr. Ye's threshold for accepting apprentices has been lowered?" Chen Xiaolei asked a small boy behind him.

"How could it be lowered, eh, you don't know?" The little boy turned his head to look at Chen Xiaolei, he was also surprised, but there was no other look on his face, and he didn't seem to know him.

"In the past few days, I came back from studying abroad and am not very familiar with the situation here." Chen Xiaolei smiled shyly, full of goodwill.

"Ang, that's it. Mr. Ye is accepting apprentices for the last time this time, and he only accepts one closed disciple." Seeing that the young boy is a person who doesn't understand anything, he can't help but want to show off the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

"The last time there weren't so many people, could it be that there was something tricky? And there were mostly boys." Chen Xiaolei looked at the red-faced boys rushing to sign up, and there were even a few wealthy families among them. .

"Of course there are tricks. Mr. Ye's acceptance of apprentices is different this time. Do you know what the reward is?" The little boy was deliberately tantalizing. Seeing that Chen Xiaolei was a little anxious, he said:

"This time the closed disciple will become a Taoist couple with Ye Qingcheng, understand?"

After the little boy finished speaking, his longing look flashed across his face, not to mention Chen Xiaolei, whose big copper bell-like eyes were brighter than the sun.

Chen Xiaolei couldn't calm down any longer, the fiery figure appeared in his mind, dressed in red, with a cold and delicate face like an angel, he couldn't help breathing a little more quickly.

But what does Mr. Ye mean? It's impossible to give away his granddaughter like this.

No matter what, Chen Xiaolei shouted and rushed out.

"Get out of the way, I'm here to sign up." Chen Xiaolei shouted confidently to the packed crowd in front of him. In the group arena, when I showed off my might, those people didn't dare to go on stage, which made me feel that the position of this apprentice was tailor-made for me.

"Tch, we are all here to sign up." The person in front turned around and saw his flirtatious appearance, and their disdainful sneers brought joy to the entire registration.

Chen Xiaolei was very depressed. Could it be that his current image did not have VIP privileges, but when he caught a glimpse of a little girl in front of him who kept looking at him, he became very proud again. It seems that someone still likes it.

"Chen Xiaolei, you have come to the wrong place." But the little girl's words made Chen Xiaolei startled.

The other party is not only not afraid of himself, but also talks to himself?After trying hard to think back for a long time, I realized that this person was one of the girls who collected medicine together in the psychedelic city.

"No, isn't this the place where Mr. Ye signed up?" Chen Xiaolei took out the dictionary and looked up the meaning of the two words "sign up", and looked at the girl suspiciously after confirming that it was correct.

The girl pursed her lips and pointed in a direction, Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened instantly, feeling a kind of humiliation rushing in his heart.

There is a sign at the corner ahead, which reads: Chen Xiaolei and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Chen Xiaolei's hat was flying up in anger, this was definitely Chi Guoguo's slap in the face.

I, Chen Xiaolei, have been working hard for the past few days, working hard for a month, correcting my evil ways and returning to the right. I originally thought that today I would be able to avenge my shame and become famous in the south of the Yangtze River, but I didn't give myself a chance. This was definitely intentional.

"Who made this sign?" Chen Xiaolei blushed, looking down on the mountain people.Are the mountain people not a minority?

Seeing Chen Xiaolei like this, the girl didn't dare to speak too much, she faltered for a long time and couldn't tell why.

Chen Xiaolei couldn't help being angry, flicked his sleeves, and walked towards the sign, the snake-shaped dart was flicked and tampered with: bastards and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Chen Xiaolei looked and looked complacently, and finally it was more pleasing to the eye, but somewhere inconspicuous in the crowd, Ding Changsheng looked at him with a sinister face, gnashing his teeth like he wanted to eat him alive, making the people around him feel chilly.

Chen Xiaolei returned to the team, he wanted to be a good boy who could line up and be polite.

"Grandpa, why do you marry me out? Wouldn't it be good for me to stay by your side and take care of you?" If Ye Qingcheng's young daughter's posture at this time was seen by others, it would definitely shock countless people.

Who would have thought that that cold-faced and charming face would act like a baby, and she was so cute and playful, the old man would be tempted when he saw it, and the monk had to return to vulgarity.

"Oh, grandpa is old and can't take care of you anymore, and...forget it, let's not talk about it." There was a hint of worry in Ye Wuyao's eyes, and his whole body was slightly twilight.

"Grandpa, is there something you're hiding from me? Tell me quickly, and I'll find a way." Ye Qingcheng also noticed that Mr. Ye was not in the right state, and felt a little uneasy.

"After a while, I will go out for a while. If... I can come back, of course nothing will happen, otherwise I still want to find someone to rely on for you." Ye Wuyao looked at Ye Qingcheng kindly, his eyes deep Chu Yin was reluctant to flip, but thinking of the next trip, he still made up his mind.

"Then I don't like the wine bags and rice bags in the school. The ones in the sect are not the same." Ye Qingcheng appeared as a senior brother.

"Fool, being ordinary is a blessing. Grandpa doesn't want you to get involved in the sect's puddle. Just find someone to live your life in peace. If your father... well, forget it, it's all over." Ye Wuyao Thinking of what happened back then, the whole person became excited, the pain of losing a child was like a pair of scissors constantly stirring in his heart.

"Okay, okay, grandpa. Don't be angry, can't I promise you?" Ye Qingcheng looked at the sad look of his grandfather, and couldn't bear it. Although he promised, the persistent light in his eyes couldn't be covered up.

Father, I will definitely avenge you, Ye Qingcheng swore in his heart, his whole body was like a sharp sword.

Seeing her like this, Ye Wuyao sighed secretly, this time accepting an apprentice is indeed his last time, if there is such a person, of course inheriting his mantle, it would be nice to smile at Jiuquan, if there is no such person, then it is God's will.

As for Ye Qingcheng's happiness, he can only wait for someone who is destined, Ye Wuyao secretly sighed, he knew his granddaughter, how could it be possible to marry an ordinary person?

Alas, with a deep sigh in my heart, I seem to have aged more than ten years.

Chen Xiaolei waited all morning, and finally it was his turn.

"Name?" A second-year student in a red coat was impatiently asking about the whole morning process.

"Chen Xiaolei."

The red coat glanced at him in surprise, then looked at the sign beside him, was stunned for a moment, then didn't say anything, and registered according to the procedure.

"Come directly to the audition tomorrow."

"Are you here to sign up too?" When Chen Xiaolei was imagining endlessly, Mo Nuan walked over, followed by the annoying Jin Binglin.

"You can come, why can't I come." Seeing this ear-length short hair and long legs, Chen Xiaolei burst into anger, and at the same time glanced at the place where he kissed without any trace, feeling very satisfied.

"Oh, see you at the competition." Mo Nuan didn't make things difficult, and Chen Xiaolei was surprised. Did this girl admire her when she saw that she became handsome?

"Nuannuan, let's go, this person has an STD, let's stay away from the virus." Jin Binglin sneered from the side, as if looking at a little chicken.

This made Chen Xiaolei's small universe explode.

"Go and sign up, I'll tell you the story of the bathhouse." Just as Chen Xiaolei was about to say something, Jin Binglin pulled Mo Nuan away, the disdain and arrogance in the corners of his eyes made Chen Xiaolei's teeth itch.

Damn, I'm playing with you on medicinal materials.

After finishing speaking, he returned to the dormitory fiercely.

Of course, they sighed for a while, after all, my body is really retro.

But it's a pity that no one in the dormitory is interested in this apprenticeship, and this time I have to fight alone.

"Wei Shu, cheer for me when the time comes, and scare them to death." Chen Xiaolei patted his wretched shoulder, and this guy was the most idle in the whole dormitory.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll bring the fan club, the cheerleading team will increase your popularity." Wei Shu winked, his skin has brightened a little these days.

"Could you be doing something to Xiangxiang?" Chen Xiaolei suddenly thought that this guy had been ambiguous with that Xiangxiang a month ago.

"Hey, Ming people don't say dark words, I..." Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened after hearing this.

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