"Tell me about which hotel, what's it like?" Chen Xiaolei became interested, and learned a bit to gain experience in the future.

Others in the dormitory looked at them speechlessly, closed their six senses and continued to practice.

The obscene laughter from the 888 dormitory from time to time resounded in the sky in the middle of the night, and the insects, rats and ants on the entire campus ushered in a new round of mating.

Some girls even mistakenly think that it is haunted, and dare not go out even to go to the bathroom, until dawn before they let out a thousand miles.

Chen Xiaolei and Wei Shuo were full of energy talking about the wonderful thing, so they didn't care about what they were thinking, so the night passed like this.

Chen Xiaolei dressed up well, if there were no such deeds, he would really be Mr. Pianpian.

Holding a folding fan, I walked slowly to the square where I signed up yesterday. This is where today's audition will be held.

Of course, quite a few people had already gathered. At a glance, there were no less than thousands of people. The whole scene was extremely lively, and it was really a grand event.

Chen Xiaolei silently closed his eyes under a tree to rest his mind. He was so excited last night that he didn't sleep all night.

"Hey, have you heard that the school was haunted last night, I dare not go out."

"Yeah, it seems that there are two male ghosts. I dare not get up when I squat in the toilet."


Chen Xiaolei originally wanted to take a good rest, but he blushed slightly after hearing these discussions. Fortunately, no one knew about it, otherwise it would be news again.

He shook his head helplessly, preparing for the next audition.

But at this moment, neat whistles squeezed into the entire venue with a loud voice.

"Xiao Lei will win, Xiao Lei is mighty."

Chen Xiaolei was a little dumbfounded, although Wei Shuo said last night that he would definitely come to cheer me on.

But this fan group is too amazing, I saw Wei Shu and Xiangxiang in the front are wearing cheerleading costumes, and the group of people in the back are all dressed in cosplay, some are savages, some are beasts, this is really against the sky.

Is this the monster going down the mountain?

Powerful, so powerful!

Chen Xiaolei was moved. These guys really knew how to play. Accompanied by loud and clear singing, they rushed in at a pace that no relatives would recognize.

The others were also scalped for a while, are they sure they are here to eat people?

Of course, they didn't cross the threshold, they just kept shouting on the periphery of the venue.

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, wait a minute, wait for me to play." Chen Xiaolei quickly raised his arm and pressed it in the air, just like the author's acceptance speech.

The others couldn't laugh or cry, and felt helpless at Chen Xiaolei's ostentatious appearance, but those wealthy families were slightly disdainful.

At this moment, Old Man Ye coughed and came out, and Ye Qingcheng, who was dressed up next to him, stared enviously all over the place.

Everyone who signed up fell silent in an instant.

Today, Ye Qingcheng seems to have dressed up specially. Although she is still in the red dress, the bright fire lotus flower on the center of her eyebrows further brings out her fairy-like temperament.

"Ahem, this is the last time this old man accepts an apprentice, so I don't need to say too much. You should do your best, and my granddaughter's happiness will be entrusted to you." What could be more true than Ye Wuyao's own admission? Ye Wuyao sighed softly and left as he looked at those gazes that had already rallied their energy and whose eyes were brighter than rubies.

"In the first round of audition, I will be the judge. The first question is to do the test paper." Ye Qingcheng's cold voice was like a cold knife, causing pain all over the body of those who were cut, but there are still many people who swear by it.

Soon these more than 1000 people were brought into a huge room with a light curtain above each table.

Chen Xiaolei was also taken aback by this, and then his eyes widened. He thought it was some kind of high-tech, but it turned out that it was all condensed by Yuanli.How much energy is needed, and I have a deeper judgment on Ye Wuyao's strength.

Alas, at any time, I might also use my energy.

"The first round is to look at the nature of your vegetation. The medicinal herbs will be displayed on the light screen. You fill in the detailed information such as the medicinal name, habit, planting method, and picking. The one with the most quantity wins." Ye Qingcheng looked at these students condescendingly, as if Yan Shi is the same, but the charming face makes people can't treat it with a normal heart.

After Ye Qingcheng finished speaking, pictures began to appear on the screen, and I don't know how Ye Wuyao manipulated it.

Seeing that other people have already begun to paint, Chen Xiaolei is not reconciled.

Picking up a light pen next to it, wrote down its detailed information next to the medicinal material that appeared.

The first one is simple, it is actually a red sandalwood flower, which grows in a severely cold place...


The time was eerily quiet, a far cry from the hustle and bustle just now. Everyone was pondering and answering questions, just like an imperial examination.

It's just that the examiner is a beautiful and unapproachable rose with thorns.

No one cheated, because the entire light curtain was like Ye Wuyao's eyes, and the waves of spiritual thoughts circulating on it recorded everyone's movements and demeanor.

As time went by, some pretentious people soon frowned. Everyone knew some commonly used medicinal materials, but with the continuous answering questions, those commonly used disappeared without a trace, and what was left was some real professional knowledge.

After a while, hundreds of people shook their heads, their faces full of bitterness, they thought they could get away with it, but now they just took a look at Ye Qingcheng, and those hundred people got up and left helplessly.

The knowledge of medicinal herbs was less than one percent, Ye Qingcheng's eyes flickered with disdain, just because they are also worthy to be her Taoist companions?

Silently drifting past the faces of the remaining 900 people, paused for a moment on Chen Xiaolei's resolute and serious face, then looked away, and then showed a look of surprise, did not expect him to come too?Looking at the horse-faced black-cloaked man in the corner, Ye Qingcheng's mood fluctuated for a moment. It seemed that this competition was worth watching. Following his gaze, Ye Qingcheng also paid attention to several people.

Showing a shallow smile, he also had a glimmer of anticipation for the next competition.

Chen Xiaolei was very excited in his heart. He was no stranger to these things who designed ancient medical techniques since he was a child, and he was even more familiar with what he was familiar with.

Second Grandpa either made him recite since he was a child, or made medicine jars for him. These things can be figured out just by smelling them, let alone looking at pictures to identify them.

Chen Xiaolei thought that Ye Wuyao knew the back door that his second grandfather gave him. Of course, this is also a good opportunity for comparison and verification. Those complicated knowledge are fused and disrupted by him at this moment, and they are giving birth to changes. This is a wonderful experience. It made Chen Xiaolei almost jump up.

Plus the countless classics I learned from Doctor Yang this month.

At this moment, Chen Xiaolei's rascal aura, including the scholar's aura, faded a lot, revealing a kind of madness, a belief that he would never give up until he researched it.

Now he is more like a sponge, absorbing the previous things, and then squeezing out is the essence, a process of refining.

Chen Xiaolei didn't even know what state he was in now. If he had to say it, he would be like Zhu Chengxian enlightened, and his whole body was integrated into the medicinal herb world.

Chen Xiaolei couldn't sense anything around him, only the light curtain in front of him.

The difference is that Zhu Chengxian is the metamorphosis of Yuanli, while Chen Xiaolei is the sublimation of knowledge.

After another two hours, nearly 300 people were exhausted, even sweating on their foreheads, their bodies trembling, unable to hold on anymore, and retreated with wry smiles.

The remaining 600 people also buried their heads in deep thought, and even their eyes were bloodshot, showing a sense of persistence.

The more than 400 people who failed did not leave, but silently waited for the winners at the door. Of course, most of the wealthy families looked at Ye Qingcheng outside the door with expressions of admiration and longing, but Ye Qingcheng didn't look at them at all. .

Ding Changsheng stared fiercely at Chen Xiaolei in the crowd, his puzzled and uneasy expression was quickly buried in his eyes.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that I couldn't hold on. I should have known that I would hug Buddha's feet last night." A failed male classmate whispered outside the door.

"Yeah, it depends on the remaining group of people, who do you think will persevere to the end." Another person echoed, also full of regret, as if Ye Qingcheng was his wife who was snatched away.

"I don't know. It's not just our first graders who came this time. Some second graders and even third graders came back from Shiwandashan."

The people next to him stared at the group of people who were still struggling in disbelief. Although they didn't know anyone who was in the third grade, at this moment he felt that the loss was not wronged. The seniors were all inside, so how could his little chick have a place to twitch? .

Looking at the people inside, who can persist until the end, I also become eager.

Some of Wei Shuo’s spectators also gathered nearby. Today’s event is a major event of the college after all. Except for those who are not interested, some casual people will come to see it. Thousands of people outside are discussing who is the final winner. Who can embrace a beauty.

The amazing thing is that no matter how loud the sound outside is, you can’t hear any sound in the room where you answered the question. I don’t know if the sound insulation equipment in the room is good or it is blocked here.

Three hours passed quickly.

A student's eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were bigger than a bull's eye, and blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, but at the next moment, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person seemed to have lost everything, and everything on his answering screen was gone. Existed again, and passed out without slowing down in one breath.

Ye Qingcheng frowned, and carried it out with a wave of his hand.

Time goes on.

A few hours passed, and the simple medicinal herbs on the light curtain had disappeared, and people without some level of medical knowledge could not answer at all.

Soon someone left with a miserable smile, the light curtain in front of him had already dimmed, and it was an obvious failure.

Ye Qingcheng watched blankly, if he failed the first test, what qualifications did he have to be his grandfather's apprentice, and it was even more impossible to become her Ye Qingcheng's Taoist companion.

Grandpa told him that in addition to the knowledge of medicinal herbs, there is also the character of mind that will be tested in the first test. If you don't have enough patience, you won't be able to persevere with perseverance.

After another hour, there were less than 1000 candidates left in the entire 30 candidates. These 30 were still the medical students taught by Mr. Ouyang. Be firm.

But it was only at this time that the four unusual people in the room showed up.

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