Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a while, he didn't expect the taxi driver to find the police, didn't he say he would give it next time.

"In our Linjiang area, there are still people who don't pay by car? Take them away." The police were very indifferent.

"Brother, how much is it, I will give you double. My friend is also eager to see me, so he didn't refuse to give it on purpose." Xiaoya's soft voice sounded like a spring breeze, no matter how big the anger was, it would calm down.

At the same time, Xiaoya gave Chen Xiaolei a look and motioned for her bag.

Chen Xiaolei had no choice but to feel ashamed of this behavior of eating soft food, but he had already squandered all the money on his body, so he had to pick up Xiaoya's backpack and pay the money under the watchful eyes of the police.

The driver mumbled dissatisfiedly before leaving, and Chen Xiaolei was embarrassed by the policeman's disdainful eyes before leaving.

"Thank you, I..."

"It's okay. If the money from a rental can save you from a concussion, there will probably be a whole street of people looking for you from the hospital."

Looking at Xiaoya's fairy-tale eyes, Chen Xiaolei felt that this mundane mortal was much better than those martial practitioners.

"Doctor Li, come and see to what extent my daughter's disfigurement can be corrected." At this moment, *** pushed open the door and pulled a man who looked very authoritative. Automatically ignored.

"It's okay, 90.00%." ​​Dr. Li looked at it for a long time, and finally gave an affirmative answer.

*** breathed a sigh of relief, and while Dr. Li was discussing the cost of the surgery, Mrs. Li came back with some shopping.

"Come on, let's have something to eat. Let me introduce you. This is Qin Chunfeng, the director of the hospital. Didn't he know that my daughter has a concussion and is fine? I came here to see." Mrs. Li put the lunch box in Chen Xiaolei's hand , Let him salivate for a while, he hasn't eaten for several days.

*** were stunned for a moment.

"What, my daughter's concussion is healed? I originally planned that the concussion is not healed. As long as I get my face done, I can say good things and marry into the Sheng family as a concubine. Haha, God bless me."

When Chen Xiaolei heard what *** said, he felt sick for a while, how could there be such a father, surely he was his own?

Qin Chunfeng was very surprised at the side, picked up the inspection report in his hand, and compared Xiaoya's situation, his brows were full of doubts.

"Check it again." As if he didn't believe it, Qin Chunfeng immediately arranged for the attending doctor to check his head again, but the result was quite different from before.

Several doctors stared wide-eyed.

"Dean, our equipment is all up-to-date, there is no possibility of a diagnosis error." The attending doctor said puzzled.

"Son, what's the matter with you, can you tell me?" Qin Chunfeng is not in his fifties, but he is very energetic. During the conversation, he feels like he is bathing in the spring breeze. He wears a pair of glasses, and there is no trace on his face. Wrinkles, but the aura of the superior is still obvious in every gesture.

Xiaoya hesitated for a moment, glanced at Chen Xiaolei from the corner of her eye, and found that he only cared about eating, as if he didn't care about everything around him.

"It was he who cured me. He knows ancient medical skills." In the end, Xiaoya couldn't bear to lie to this kind old man.

Qin Chunfeng was startled, and followed Xiaoya's gaze, not only him, but almost all eyes in the ward were on Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei, who was engrossed in eating hard, suddenly felt that the ward became quiet, and raised his head with a mouth full of greasiness, a face that was constantly enlarging startled him.

"Little brotherhood of ancient medicine?" Qin Chunfeng still looked harmless to humans and animals.

"I will point."

Chen Xiaolei's vague voice directly made Qin Chunfeng's eyes brighten. After all, as a martial artist who knew those ancient medical techniques and even cultivated Yuanli, he became interested.

"Haha, little brother can easily cure a concussion at such a young age. This is a level that our modern medical skills can't even reach."

"Dean, don't trust him, this kid doesn't look like an expert at all, he is not lying." Before Chen Xiaolei could speak, the attending doctor felt that his authority had been challenged, and was instantly full of hostility.

"Boy, if you really save my daughter, don't worry about money." *** also came over to the side.

Mrs. Li was also very puzzled. After all, Chen Xiaolei only said that he was his daughter's classmate before, and didn't talk about saving the disease.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes are a bit cute, why is it so troublesome to eat, first an old man asked him, and then a group of people looked at him, is this a monkey trick?The main thing is that the **** looks very annoying.

"Okay, let's go about our own affairs, little brother, let's take a step to talk." Dean Qin Chunfeng let go of his majesty, no one dared to speak.

Chen Xiaolei looked at Xiaoya, a little helpless, this girl still can't escape the fate of marrying into a rich family.

Shaking his head, he followed the dean to a warehouse.

As soon as he entered, Chen Xiaolei felt that something was wrong. There was a patient with a dark face lying on the ground, and there was even black air escaping.

"What does the little brother think of this patient?"

"Poisoned." Although Chen Xiaolei didn't know what the dean was doing, he could tell at a glance.

"Can you solve it?" Qin Chunfeng's eyes lit up, a little excited.

"Did the dean ask me to come here to discuss academic issues?" Chen Xiaolei didn't care who he was, the most important thing now was to return to the academy. Ye Wuyao hadn't asked for leave yet, and his physical problems hadn't been resolved yet. How can he care about these things? As for the other people in the dormitory, he is not worried. Those who have no energy are fine, and the others are definitely fine. It's just that this time, he doesn't know who is behind the scenes.

"Hehe, this person is the only one who knows the secret of the treasure house of the Sheng family. Let me make a deal with the little brother. As long as you can save him, we will share the secret of the treasure house together." Qin Chunfeng was not there at this time. Dean, it looks like a greedy predator.

"Sorry, I can't save it." Chen Xiaolei was not interested in any treasure house, and just wanted to return to the academy hastily.

"Don't you think about it?"

Chen Xiaolei shook his head, then turned and left.

"Hmph, you will come back again." Qin Chunfeng looked at Chen Xiaolei's back and muttered to himself, looked at the man on the ground again, walked over and fed him a pill, and the black air became thinner in an instant , but with the passage of time, the black air is still slowly returning to its original appearance.

Back in the ward, Chen Xiaolei came to say goodbye to Xiaoya. Since Xiaoya also agreed to join the wealthy family, she naturally had no reason to intervene. However, Xiaoya asked Chen Xiaolei for a mobile phone number. How could he have such a thing? I left her my phone number, and Chen Xiaolei moved back, ignoring the annoying phone calls.

Linjiang was in the south of Yangcheng, and he returned to the academy not long after.

"Hmph, you villains, wait for my master to fix the meridian problem, and then I will slap you to death." Chen Xiaolei muttered fiercely, and went back to the dormitory to see that they were all safe and sound, and then went to the dormitory. After leaving Ye Ju, he explained to the master, but he didn't intend to let Chen Xiaolei go.

Just ask Chen Xiaolei to copy the master-level medical classics, and Chen Xiaolei has no choice but to follow suit.

"I'll seal your meridians today, and see if the virtual channel can help you store your energy." Early the next morning, Ye Wuyao didn't care whether Chen Xiaolei woke up or not, and directly carried him to the open space next to the medicine field.

Then he stripped Chen Xiaolei naked, fortunately no one came here, otherwise this habit of the old and the young would be really weird.


Chen Xiaolei screamed instantly, the pain was so painful, the meridians all over his body were sealed by silver needles, Chen Xiaolei was like a hedgehog.

"Shut up, you use your energy to absorb the energy and build a virtual meridian channel for you." Ye Wuyao's solemn voice made Chen Xiaolei's nameless kung fu move into operation.

It is wonderful to feel the energy of the heaven and earth filling the body again. The next step is to introduce the dantian. Usually, it must be plundered by the meridians, but this time it was sealed by Ye Wuyao's silver needle and absorbed the energy of heaven and earth. According to Ye Wuyao's virtual channel, all the brains flowed into the dantian.

Ha ha!It was successful, Chen Xiaolei burst into ecstasy, the feeling of fullness in his dantian made his mind sway, how many years, even a little bit of energy is fine, but God just played a joke on him, but now he has experienced this feeling, Countless martial arts are constantly lingering in Chen Xiaolei's mind, and he will be a qualified martial artist in the future.

"The sky is shaking!" Chen Xiaolei's whole body rose directly into the air, not reaching the ground level, but he just stood upright in the air, and the silver needles all over his body were shot by his impact.

Ye Wuyao lightly blocked everything, then pinched his beard and showed a smile.

Immediately, the smile froze, and Chen Xiaolei fell directly in the air.

Chen Xiaolei was depressed for a while, and finally enjoyed the feeling of a master of Yuanli, but after the silver needle was shaken out just now, the little Yuanli absorbed by Dantian was deprived again by the meridians.

"Could it be that I, Chen Xiaolei, really can't absorb Yuanli?"

"Boy, it's okay, just try another method. Didn't you support it for a moment?" Ye Wuyao comforted him, but Chen Xiaolei was still full of disappointment. After a while, he slowly got up go.

Ye Wuyao looked at Chen Xiaolei's back and frowned secretly, the feeling that the strange meridian gave him kept appearing in his mind, and the faint sense of familiarity came to his heart again.

"Where have you been these few days?" Zhang Yinuo just returned to the time-honored shop, with a dissatisfied expression on her face, she left the shopkeeper and walked for a few days, she was exhausted.

"Almost died." Chen Xiaolei looked angrily at the muddy beauty in front of him.

"It was almost, by the way, Mo Nuan came looking for you, you guys..." Zhang Yinuo kept looking at Chen Xiaolei with some ambiguity.

"Go and go, she's full of filth, but why would she find me?" Chen Xiaolei couldn't figure it out, at this moment Zhang Yinuo's cell phone rang.

"Mo Nuan told you to go to the small pavilion in the middle of the lake."

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