"Jun Xiaobai, when did you get out of the prison, why didn't you stay in for a few days?" Looking at the person, Chen Xiaolei hadn't spoken yet, Mo Nuan sarcastically struck him with disdain in his eyes.

"Nuannuan, don't be so rude every time you see me, okay, I'm your loyal Huhua fan, and I'll clean up some ugly bumpkins for you at any time." Jun Xiaobai was full of admiration, and at the same time posed After waving his hands, several skilled bodyguards came over and surrounded Chen Xiaolei.

The bodyguard smiled cruelly, and stretched out his palm to grab Chen Xiaolei.

Don't mention how depressed Chen Xiaolei is at this time, when did he offend this playboy, but his surname is Jun, so he must have something to do with the Grand Hyatt Group, looking at the big claw that was caught, Chen Xiaolei punched back.

Although there is no Yuanli, it is a piece of cake to deal with these strong mortals.

In less than 30 seconds, the five big men had been thrown onto the curb by Chen Xiaolei. Jun Xiaobai was stunned to see them, and the cold air kept blowing in his heart.

His complexion changed for a while, and then he left dejectedly.

Chen Xiaolei, who walked out of the store, was full of depression, and finally put on this suit that Mo Nuan thought was good.

However, after seeing countless beauties looking back for him, Chen Xiaolei raised his head and chest, people rely on clothes, and Mo Nuan took him to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment of the Grand Hyatt Group all afternoon.

"I have decided that from now on, clothes of this specification will be my minimum configuration for Chen Xiaolei."

"Tch, huh, when people are socializing later, if people ask, they say we are a couple, you know?" Mo Nuan got out of the car and helped Chen Xiaolei straighten his collar, and said softly.

Chen Xiaolei hugged back, his waist was soft:

"Understood, baby." After speaking, he blew warm air into Mo Nuan's ear.

Mo Nuan's face turned red, but she didn't break free, but when Chen Xiaolei's big hand moved up, Mo Nuan glared fiercely, and her legs softened for the first time like an electric shock.

Chen Xiaolei chuckled, and muttered something soft before following Mo Nuan.

After entering, Chen Xiaolei realized why he was used as a shield. There were too many rich and colorful children inside. After walking more than ten steps, more than [-] men came to talk to Mo Nuan. Leaning heavily on Chen Xiaolei, he handed over all the handling to Chen Xiaolei.

No wonder he didn't blame himself for eating her tofu, emotional retribution is here.

In a private room upstairs.

"Jun Xiaobai, why is your woman in someone else's arms?" A very pale young man teased.

"Shenghui, hum, don't talk about me, haven't you recently taken a concubine? Why haven't you heard from me?"

Jun Xiaobai's words made Shenghui's face a little ugly, he sneered and ignored it, just took out his phone and sent a text message to ***.

"I'll trouble you later." Chen Xiaolei smiled and scratched Mo Nuan's tower twice, almost every time he rejected a rich man, Chen Xiaolei's actions became more excited.

Mo Nuan was speechless, as long as those people didn't bother her, it was acceptable for Chen Xiaolei to eat some tofu alone.

"However, there is another auction today besides the exchanges between the rich sons. Of course, I am the auctioneer. You must protect me then."

Chen Xiaolei's eyes lit up. There will be various things in this auction, even servants.

There are already many men and women around, and the elegant room on the second floor is already full, and a huge table in the middle is ready.

"I'm going up, if...you have to come forward later." Mo Nuan smiled sweetly, eyes filled with excitement.

Chen Xiaolei was speechless, if he hadn't eaten so much tofu tonight, he wouldn't have made enemies everywhere, but I heard from Mo Nuan that this auction was founded by the Linjiang Ancient Family Association, and every once in a while some famous Hosted by celebrities.

This time, Mo Nuan came here for one of the treasures, and entrusted Chen Xiaolei to auction it off. In addition, her status as an auctioneer can reduce the price by 50.00%, otherwise she would not host any auction.

"Next, we invite Ms. Mo from the Grand Hyatt Group to host the auction, everyone is welcome." The host has aroused everyone's enthusiasm above, and the roaring applause with the roar of a pervert pushed Mo Nuan into everyone's sight.

"Hehe, this time I am hosting the auction on behalf of the Ancient Family Association. Everyone knows the rules, and the highest bidder wins, but the auction house is not allowed to touch it. The first thing below is the three-eyed Buddha beads from India. The base price is 3000 million, and each increase should not be less than 100 million." Mo Nuan easily lifted the red cloth from the waiter's hand with a charming smile.

"It's actually this thing. I heard that God's eyes can see unclean things, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"I want it, 500 million yuan." A rich man with a folding fan in his hand shouted out the high price directly after listening to the discussion below.

Chen Xiaolei pursed his lips. The person who was talking about it before was obviously Tuo. What kind of bullshit god Buddha beads are there, and they are only ten yuan bracelet strings on the street. This ancient family association is really a scam.

"For the third time, whether there is an asking price, okay, it's a deal."

"The next one is a thousand acres of land in Linjiang, with a reserve price of 8000 million."


Chen Xiaolei's interest faded, money was just a number to him, but it was funny to see those people blushing and thick necks.

"The next thing is the map of mountains, rivers, and land, the finale of this auction, with a reserve price of [-] million." After Mo Nuan shouted, Chen Xiaolei's eyes lit up. This was what Mo Nuan told him to buy before, and a purple light flashed in his eyes. Sure enough, it's a bit unusual, the inside seems real and unreal, and the mountains and rivers seem to be real. Could it be an attack baby?

"One billion!" Chen Xiaolei has no concept of money, no matter what the number is today, he will win it.

"I bought it from Shengtian Group, [-] billion. I hope my friends don't fight."

Shengtian Group?Isn't that the group that Xiaoya wants to marry?Chen Xiaolei didn't have a good opinion of this group and directly added [-] million.

"Shenghui, there are people who are not afraid of you." Jun Xiaobai gloated at the other side.

Shenghui was about to increase the price with black lines all over his face, but a girl's voice sounded:

"Little sister recently needs landscape painting to break through inspiration, how about giving it to my little sister, 20 billion."

"It's actually a flower in Linjiang, Xiao Xiaoen from the Xiao family, I didn't expect her to come here."

"25 billion." A lot of talk about Xiao Xiaoen around made Chen Xiaolei roll his eyes. He obviously took a fancy to this baby, and he said it so nicely. No one else knew, but Chen Xiaolei could sense the fluctuation of Yuanli in this person.

Even the Shengtian Group was silent, only Xiao Xiaoen's clear and weak voice said, "This handsome guy, do me a favor, please let me. You will have a seat in the Hundred Flowers Bloom in a while."

After Xiao Xiaoen finished speaking, everyone gasped. This blooming of flowers is an opportunity that even the rich can't buy. They didn't expect that it would be given away for nothing. Many people glared at Chen Xiaolei.

"50 billion, sorry, I need it too."

Mo Nuan was smiling all over the stage, and her eyes moved with admiration for Chen Xiaolei's courage.

"The first time, the second time..."

"100 billion." Before Mo Nuan could finish speaking, Xiao Xiaoen popped out a number from between his teeth, his expression stopped smiling and became extremely cold.

"Two hundred million."

Sure enough, the space was cold for a while, Xiao Xiaoen glanced at Chen Xiaolei and left, with murderous intent floating in his eyes.

Mo Nuan was very happy, and finally said a very polite curtain call to end the auction.We talked about the price behind the scenes, and finally won this baby for 80 billion.

Looking at the map of mountains, rivers and communities in his hand, Chen Xiaolei liked it for a while. The rich power of heaven and earth in it, one can imagine that as long as the power is activated, the things inside can be transformed to fight the enemy, but it is a pity that he has no power.

Mo Nuan gave a blank look, and hurriedly pulled Chen Xiaolei away, but shortly after leaving, Xiao Xiaoen disappeared without a trace with an old man.

"Why are you running so fast?" Mo Nuan went straight to the top of the car.

"Little guy, let me tell you why she runs so fast." At this moment, two people flew into the sky, but the old man could still be seen supporting Xiao Xiaoen at a close distance.

"I didn't expect that the Xiao family would also engage in the business of killing people and seizing treasures." Mo Nuan slammed on the brakes, feeling a little cold.

"Wrong, our Xiao family never does these things, we just discuss with you how to buy them." The old man flew directly to the front of the car.

"Haha, it's really generous of your Xiao family to bring prefecture-level experts to buy things."

"Mo Nuan, don't talk nonsense, lend it to me for a few days, and then return it to you, otherwise..." Xiao Xiaoen became a little gloomy.

The most poisonous woman!

"Old Freak Xiao, do you think my Ancient Family Association doesn't exist?" At this time, a louder voice came from the sky, and two white-haired and childlike old men flew over with their hands behind their backs.

"What's the matter, am I planning to buy it? Did you snatch it by force?" The corner of Old Freak Xiao's mouth twitched, but he still didn't have the courage to fight against the two.

"Thank you, Grandpa Gu, another day I will ask Uncle Jun to come to the door with a big gift to thank you." Mo Nuan's crescent-like eyes blinked sweetly, making Xiao Xiaoen's anger surge.

Mo Nuan had anticipated this situation before, and called Jun Tianba in time, but she was a little surprised that the Gu family had two prefecture-level antiques.

"It's okay, I'll watch you go, and I'll see who dares to stop you." At this time, the majesty of the Gu family was fully revealed, and Old Freak Xiao was even more embarrassed.

Mo Nuan stepped on the accelerator and went away at a high speed, and finally disappeared under Xiao Xiaoen's anger.

"Baby Mo Nuan, you have to make it up to me tonight." Chen Xiaolei in the car kept looking at the half snowball, almost drooling.

This Mo Nuan's dress is more open and bold than Zhang Yinuo and the others.

"Okay, I'll wait for you on the bed, let's see if you dare to come." Mo Nuan licked her sexy lips, and Chen Xiaolei was furious. Seduce him, do you like him?

At night, Chen Xiaolei fell asleep in an unfamiliar big bed, thinking about Mo Nuan's previous temptation. Is it true that coming here for medical treatment is fake?Unable to fall asleep, Chen Xiaolei quietly went to Mo Nuan's room next door.

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