A deafening cry came from far and near.

"Old Freak Xiao, I accept Hundred Blossoms this time, you can wait until next year." The voice of the black shadow before echoed around, but there was no sign of him.

Chen Xiaolei faintly heard it, but Old Freak Xiao had already followed the voice and chased him out at a very fast speed.

"Hey, how do you know there are people at the bottom of the lake?" Mo Nuan looked at those guys who couldn't dodge in time to be drenched, and secretly rejoiced.

"I saw it."

Mo Nuan rolled her eyes, she would never believe this nonsense guy.

"Hey, let's go, the masters at the prefectural level have intervened, and we have no chance."

Mo Nuan was a little disappointed in her heart, looked at the guys around who hadn't recovered, especially Xiao Xiaoen's face full of black lines, and pulled Chen Xiaolei away in a hurry.

"Little Xingxing, remember the date tonight." Jun Xiaobai had sharp eyes and never forgot to remind.

Chen Xiaolei staggered and almost fell, does this bastard still remember that incident?I was just playing around with him.

Mo Nuan pursed his lips and smiled without revealing, and returned to the Grand Hyatt Group. Chen Xiaolei was a little tired and returned to the room.

"Your Excellency has been following me for so long, are you tired? Let's have a cup of tea." Sitting on the bed, Chen Xiaolei was very calm, and said to the direction outside the window as if nervous, but his eyes were empty.

Chen Xiaolei didn't point it out, and murmured: "Remember to bring me to Huaxian Pond in a month." So he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

After a while, Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes, smiled mysteriously, and came to three inches below the window, where there was a note.

When he opened it, Chen Xiaolei showed a strange look. There were only four words on it: Treasure House of Sheng Family.

A hundred kilometers away.

"Ah bah, these hundred flowers are really unpalatable, isn't it said that they have the effect of breaking through the bottleneck? But that kid should have seen the note I left, he is really a genius."

This is the man in black just now, the lame old man who went to Chen Xiaolei's shop before, took a bite of Baihua and put it in his pocket, before disappearing without a trace.

Only Old Freak Xiao, who arrived late, yelled depressedly from behind.

Afterwards, Chen Xiaolei treated more and more people, and it seemed that Jun Tianba's temptations became more and more frequent.

While in a daze, Mo Nuan's charming face continued to enlarge, and Chen Xiaolei blinked: "Miss Mo, you're all gone." After speaking, he looked at the two snow-white steamed buns in front of him with impunity.

Mo Nuan smiled charmingly, her slender and straight thighs swayed and swayed in front of Chen Xiaolei, a burst of white light dazzled the eyes.

"Are you tempting me? My concentration is really not very good." Seeing the snow-white and well-proportioned figure, Chen Xiaolei stretched out his hand.

"You really dare to do it. Jun Xiaobai waited for you all night that night." Mo Nuan smiled stupidly, looked at Chen Xiaolei who had recovered his manly body, and talked about the past two days.

"Let's go, the young master of the Sheng family is getting married today, your fake boyfriend shield will come in handy."

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback, promoted?Is Xiaoya all right?I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed, such a kind little girl, for the sake of a family, she doesn't even want her own happiness.

Shaking his head, anyway, it's better to take a look. Thinking of the warmth of kissing her at the corner of his mouth, it must be her first kiss.

Dressed in a neat suit, shiny leather boots, and a handsome curly back, Chen Xiaolei has fully met the dressing standards of a modern person, and he no longer has the old-fashioned temperament before.

Needless to say, although the current Chen Xiaolei doesn't have the aristocratic air that those rich kids grew up with, he has a bit more domineering, with a look of disdain on his brows, and a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, even Mo Nuan took a few extra glances.

"I didn't expect you, a rascal, to dress up and still look like a dog."

Hearing Mo Nuan's evaluation, Chen Xiaolei looked at the thigh he had kissed at the beginning.

"What are you doing, where are you looking?" Mo Nuan immediately reacted, covering her hands quickly, but this movement stirred up the thin gauze on her body, and the turbulent waves in front of her shook the air into ripples .

What a landscape picture, Chen Xiaolei smiled, and scratched a few times in the trench in front of Mo Nuan's body, which is probably the reward for saving so many people in the past few days.

Mo Nuan pursed her lips and wanted to get angry, but when she saw the person in front of her, she returned to the posture of a little daughter, holding Chen Xiaolei's arm affectionately, as if letting go.

"Hmph, boy, don't think that my dad can snatch my woman just because he values ​​you. Just wait and see." Jun Xiaobai has been very depressed these days. The little star who fell in love at first sight disappeared without a trace. I also asked Mo Nuan for a few days, but I didn't get any useful information. When I just turned my attention back to Mo Nuan, I saw her being so close to Chen Xiaolei again, which can be said to be burning with jealousy.

Chen Xiaolei didn't care about this little thing that could be slapped to death, and walked into the wedding place that Sheng's family had planned - the Red Mud Resort with his arms around Mo Nuan's willow waist.

Jun Xiaobai gritted his teeth in the back, suddenly thought of something, sneered, and followed some dudes into the room.

This Sheng family is really rich, such a big resort, surrounded by a lake with a diameter of one kilometer, and the whole circle is full of exquisite food, which seems to increase the appetite.

Some entertainment measures are everywhere, the most important thing is that there are several ecological cattle and sheep on a hillside.

Rich people will enjoy it. Turning my eyes again, there is a hill about [-] meters high in the center of the resort, which is strange!

Chen Xiaolei stared at the mountain for a while, his whole body was covered for a while, his eyes were full of light, but it disappeared in a flash.

I thought it was just a simple place where mortals live, but now I see it is a typical geomantic treasure land looking up at the mountains and embracing the moon.

This kind of terrain and good luck can not only prolong life, but also breed geniuses and treasures.

No wonder those people have taken a fancy to the Treasure House of the Sheng Family. Thinking of the previous note, could it be...

The theory of luck is the process of combining qi and luck, so the owner here must be quite old.

"Hey, what are you thinking? It's not bad here. The Sheng family spent a lot of money to build it, but the mountain was moved from other places. I heard that some experts came here to calculate it. I don't know if it's true or not." Mo Nuan looked at it. Chen Xiaolei kept staring at the mountain, and then told the situation here.

Sure enough, Chen Xiaolei smiled slightly, this place is not simple, but now is not the time to explore, looking at the delicious food around, Chen Xiaolei began to eat without grace.

"Young Master Sheng, it's him. How can this person of unknown origin deserve to attend your wedding? Should he be kicked out?" Jun Xiaobai called a group of rich kids to rush over, led by Sheng Hui.

Today's Shenghui is wearing a high-quality custom-made groom's outfit, all in pink, except for a small flower on his chest, and a faint smile on his face.

When he saw Chen Xiaolei, he suddenly felt familiar, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, when Xiaoya had an accident in the hospital that day, he just glanced at him. How could his young master care about such little people.

"Did you bring a gift?" Sheng Hui didn't want to talk to someone like Chen Xiaolei at first, but Jun Xiaobai is considered a distinguished guest today, and he also intends to match Jun Xiaobai and Mo Nuan, so he intends to find a reason to throw Chen Xiaolei out.

"I'm here to congratulate Xiaoya, does it have something to do with you?" Of course Chen Xiaolei knew the intentions of these guys, so he slapped him in the face. Those who can come here are all because of his promotion, that is, because of the man. Face, not the woman.

Chen Xiaolei saw the big wedding photo when he entered the door just now, but Xiaoya's resentful eyes in the photo were not very happy.

Sure enough, after Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, Sheng Hui's face fell down.

"You are not welcome here, please go out, and if you are the woman's family, you should go to their house instead of here." Sheng Hui's words made Jun Xiaobai feel comfortable for a while, and even caused the people around to boo.

Seeing that the commotion was getting bigger and bigger, and even the eyes of some dignitaries were cast here, Sheng Hui's face became more gloomy, and he called the security guard directly.

Jun Xiaobai looked at Chen Xiaolei provocatively, and walked in front of the ugly Mo Nuan to comfort him, but Mo Nuan didn't even look at him, which made Jun Xiaobai lose face even more.

"Why bother?" Chen Xiaolei said softly, looking at these people with some pity, suddenly his body moved like a gust of wind.

Before Jun Xiaobai and the others could react, they flew directly into the big lake in the middle.

Only the stunned Shenghui was at a loss.

"It's too safe to come to the secular world. These kittens and puppies are all jumping around. If it weren't for your face..." Chen Xiaolei looked at Mo Nuan very aggrieved in the past, meaning that I got into trouble, wipe your ass Bar.

"Chen Xiaolei!" Jun Xiaobai in the lake center blushed and roared angrily like a little chicken.

Some other people looked over in surprise, but they didn't see how Chen Xiaolei made a move just now, so these people flew out.

Of course, there were still some people who were very calm. Seeing that nothing had happened, the fluctuations in their energy slowly subsided, but with a backhand grab, those who fell into the water were rescued in time.

"Young Master Sheng, you married you. I'm a soy sauce maker. Don't mess with me." After speaking, he dragged Mo Nuan to the other side, and continued to eat delicious food, as if treating this place as a back garden.

But intentionally or unintentionally, he approached a certain location of the lake. If it is Fengshui of looking up at the mountains and holding the moon, then there will be a door for life in this lake. Throwing those people in just now can be regarded as asking for directions.

"Hehe, this little guy is interesting." In a villa on a [-]-meter high mountain, an old man in a Tai Chi suit twisted his beard and had a ruddy complexion.

"How come Mr. Sheng is also interested in the younger generation? If it weren't for being caught up to be your apprentice." Opposite Mr. Sheng, the same old man with white hair and childlike face was slightly thinner. There was a chess game between them, but the chess piece The dust can be seen that it has not been settled for a long time.

"Old man, I think of the next step. Haha!"

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