On the other side of the stage, Zhu Liang was looking at Chen Xiaolei with scarlet eyes, the intense beast eyes and the cruel gnashing of teeth at the corner of his mouth made people feel chills, how much hatred is there.

Chen Xiaolei felt a little guilty, the other party must have recognized him, and looking at the old man beside him, Chen Xiaolei felt uncomfortable.

If you leave now, it will definitely be more dangerous. If you don't leave, you won't be able to escape for a while. What should I do? I really shouldn't attend this kind of wedding. People don't welcome me. Isn't this a self-inflicted trap?

But on the surface, Chen Xiaolei still looked very calm, even Mo Nuan beside him didn't notice anything unusual.

Constantly scanning the surroundings, he found that there was no other way to escape. He fixed his eyes on the lake, and found that it was so deep that even Chen Xiaolei's Purple Demon Eyes couldn't see through it.

The ceremony on the stage was quickly completed, Xiaoya was forcibly pulled to entertain the guests, like a lady accompanying wine, Chen Xiaolei was very upset to see, she is a daughter-in-law anyway, even if she doesn't like it, she can't be insulted like this. Thinking about how he might abuse Xiaoya at night, this nameless fire burned blazingly.

The whole afternoon passed under Chen Xiaolei's fear, and Zhu Liang kept looking at him with hatred, and the last trace of luck in Chen Xiaolei's heart disappeared.

Watching many guests gradually leave after drinking and eating, the moonlight hangs in the sky with a cold killing intent.

"Let's go, why, I can't bear to part with your little lover." Mo Nuan's eyes were playful, as if he had expected it.

"You go first, I will come later."

Anyway, don't involve Mo Nuan in it.

Mo Nuan was taken aback, and carefully looked at Chen Xiaolei's dignified face, as if he had thought of something, felt sore for no reason, stomped his feet and left.

As for Xiaoya's matter, Chen Xiaolei also made a decision, no matter what, he couldn't just watch this kind girl being ruined.

With Chen Xiaolei's mental power, Zhu Liang left, but before he was happy, he realized that the space here was full of murderous intentions. If he left this resort, what awaited him would be a thunderous attack.

Until the full moonlight fell, the darkness made people breathless.Chen Xiaolei was depressed for a while, and looked at the lake again, the reflection of the moonlight on the lake was very clear.

Looking at the mountain and hugging the moon, hugging the moon, hugging?

Chen Xiaolei was agitated, and carefully looked at the position of the moonlight reflection. After looking at it for a long time, his mind was shocked, and a trace of excitement appeared in the depths of his eyes, Shengmen.

However, Chen Xiaolei still had a worried look on his face. He kept looking at the moon shadow from the corner of his eye. As time went by, the moon in the sky was moving, but the moon shadow in the lake remained motionless, which further confirmed his thoughts.

Chen Xiaolei left. The position where he was standing just now was full of murderous intent.

Following the direction I remembered during the day, I found Shenghui's new house, and before I entered, I heard Xiaoya's crying and the sound of her clothes being torn.

Bastard, Chen Xiaolei walked in lightly, even the veterans at the door didn't notice anything.

In the room, Xiaoya was almost covered in shreds. The reason why she hasn't done anything yet is because Sheng Hui is beating Xiaoya with a whip in her hand, and there are already several bloodstains on her body.

Xiaoya's mournful cry was like a sharp sword piercing into Chen Xiaolei's heart, Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened, furious, a gust of wind drifted past without a sound, and he was about to slap the bastard to death.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Sheng Hui turned around and licked his lips with a smile.

Chen Xiaolei clicked, at this moment the room was instantly filled with killing intent, Zhu Liang rushed in with red eyes, seeing that Chen Xiaolei was even more uncontrollable, the whole person entered a state of madness, and rushed over like a wild beast.

"Zhu Liang, wake up!" A mentally fluctuating roar reached Zhu Liang's ears, and an old man in black suddenly appeared.

The red light in Zhu Liang's eyes dissipated slightly, and he just let out a shrill voice:

"I want you to die!"

Chen Xiaolei was taken aback for a moment, and finally knew why Chen Ruyi didn't kill Zhu Liang, maybe becoming a eunuch was more torture than killing him.

Unconsciously glanced at Zhu Liang's body, but this action made Zhu Liang completely insane again, which shows how huge this kind of damage is to him, and the old man didn't make a move this time, Zhu Liang needs to be released, Fighting with Chen Xiaolei, Zhu Liang made a desperate move.

Sheng Hui had long been hiding aside, and the head of the Sheng family, He Qiang, also came in. Seeing her daughter's miserable situation, she didn't show any expression, but just snorted coldly. Xiaoya looked at the only father like this, and her whole body was in despair. .

Some of the Patriarchs of the Sheng family were not familiar with Chen Xiaolei, but this afternoon, Zhu Liang said that he was going to deal with a person and asked them to play a show, so now they all looked at Chen Xiaolei suspiciously.

Chen Xiaolei complained endlessly, the movement here would soon attract some people, but how could he not know the meaning of the old man's refusal?

Slowly move the battle group towards Shenghui's direction.

But the Patriarch of the Sheng family took Sheng Hui to the old man first, and Chen Xiaolei scolded the old fox secretly.

The situation is very critical, alas, if it wasn't for saving Xiaoya, why did I end up in such a situation, but if I don't save Xiaoya, my conscience will not let me go.

Seeing the danger of being forced, Chen Xiaolei also became ruthless, with the old man on the side, he just didn't want to be ruthless.

After finding a gap, he finally arrived at the old man, ***, kicked him towards Zhu Liang, then withdrew and flew towards Xiaoya, hugging him by the waist and trying to escape for his life.

But the old man just shook his body slightly, and forced Chen Xiaolei back again. Zhu Liang's life and death from the fist of the **** was unknown. Even Chen Xiaolei would not think that he would survive a blow from a martial artist. But he didn't like this old thing for a long time. If it wasn't for Xiaoya's side, he would have wanted to teach him a lesson himself.

Zhu Liang licked his scarlet tongue and approached again.

Chen Xiaolei got angry, and put Xiaoya on his back, pulled out his tie and tied it with him, accompanied by Xiaoya's screams.Chen Xiaolei's Gu Tai Chi pushed his hands directly.

Zhu Liang flew out with a mouthful of blood, and the old man's face changed. He thought it was a sure thing, but now something happened unexpectedly?

Taking advantage of the time when the old man was saving Zhu Liang, Chen Xiaolei's Great Teleportation of the Universe was running desperately, and his whole body turned into a breeze, and he was about to flee through the door.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Sheng family suddenly rushed over, with a faint yellow-level fluctuation exuding from his body. With his usual strength, Chen Xiaolei could handle it without martial arts, but now every second is time to save his life.

Even though he punched the Patriarch of the Sheng family flying, the old man rushed over at the moment of delay, a flash of despair flashed in Chen Xiaolei's heart, Xiaoya on his back had already closed his eyes, ready to die with Chen Xiaolei.

Fighting hard, Chen Xiaolei used all the strength he had when fighting the ghost face last time, but he still got a slap before running out the door.

"Sheng family, I will remember, I will destroy your entire family in the future." Chen Xiaolei ran towards the lake with hatred.

"Now I will let you die without a place to bury you." The hoarse voice of the old man appeared behind Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei's hairs stood on end, and he mobilized all his strength to run towards the unknown birth gate. At the same time, he took out all the medicinal materials in the Grand Hyatt Group and swallowed them without even chewing. Inadvertently swallowed it.

"Plop!" Chen Xiaolei sank while hugging Xiaoya.

"Senior Ouyang can't, this junior enters our Sheng Family's treasury, there will be ten deaths and no life, and it will turn into a puddle of poisonous water in a short time." Seeing that the old man was also about to jump in, the Sheng Family Patriarch hastily reminded.

"Oh? Your treasure house?"

"Yes, this is built by the ancestors of our Sheng family. Anyone who enters it in a non-normal way will be killed by the poisonous gas inside. Only the elders of our Sheng family know where the gate of life is. Even if this kid knows the gate of life, Without the tokens of our Sheng family, we will not be able to get out alive." The Patriarch of the Sheng family sneered at this moment, thinking that many people had already died before, and he was more confident, knowing this, so he was not afraid of people entering.

Sheng Hui smiled faintly, and didn't show any expression to Xiaoya's departure, instead he felt a sense of relief.

"No, I want to see people, and I want to see corpses. I want to cut him up." Zhu Liang rushed out at this time, like an angry bull, and he was extremely irritable. He was unwilling to torture Chen Xiaolei himself. To the extreme.

The old man sighed secretly, and left with Zhu Liang who was in a frenzy. In his opinion, a small Sheng family dared not deceive their Zhu family.

*** was sent to the hospital, and his life and death are unknown.

Chen Xiaolei felt another feeling after entering the lake. He was exhausted and unable to swim, so he could only drift with the current. Fortunately, he had swallowed some medicinal materials before, so he wouldn't pass out now. It was much better than the last time he confronted the ghost Yes, this is also thanks to his earth-level primordial spirit.

But Xiaoya's mortal body behind her couldn't do it anymore, so in desperation, Chen Xiaolei once again helped her calm down with mouth to mouth.Xiaoya greedily sucked the oxygen in Chen Xiaolei's mouth.

The two floated down according to a certain trajectory, and the poisonous gas around them would automatically filter away when they approached them. This is the benefit of Shengmen.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xiaolei finally landed when he felt that the air in his lungs was almost exhausted, but before the last trace of consciousness disappeared, he heard Xiaoya's excited exclamation.

Slowly, Chen Xiaolei felt his lips moist, even a little sweet, and soft, soft. He unconsciously opened his mouth and touched it, only to hear "Ying Ning", and his consciousness returned instantly.

Opening his eyes, he saw Xiaoya's beautiful face hurriedly going away, looking at her crimson red cloud, and thought of the scene of feeding Xiaoya with vermilion fruit in the hospital.

With a dumb smile, he was about to stand up.

"Hiss!" The severe pain all over his body made Chen Xiaolei's face turn pale, especially the black palm print on his chest.

"Don't move." Xiaoya said in a trembling voice.

It took a while to get over this energy, and slowly looked here.

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