It was like coming to the world of the Crystal Palace, where a huge water bubble isolated an open space, and the rich oxygen came from nowhere.

Feeling the faint poisonous gas in the water above, Chen Xiaolei exclaimed inwardly that he was lucky, if he hadn't found the life door, even if he didn't die now, he would definitely be poisoned all over his body, the most important thing is that Xiaoya couldn't bear it at all.

Beside some unknown animal bones and skeletons, Xiaoya was so frightened that she didn't dare to run around, and held my arm tightly.

A bronze gate directly in front exudes the vicissitudes of life, and everything around it has artificial traces, which of course also shows the strength of the owner who built it.

"Ahem, puff!" Chen Xiaolei burst into a tizzy of anger and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"You, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoya's eyes were filled with mist, and everything today seemed so unbelievable.

If she hadn't married the Sheng family, she would still be a doctor in the hospital, living an ordinary life.

She also knows a thing or two about that kind of world of martial arts, but she hasn't encountered many since she was a child, and now she encounters them one after another, which greatly enhances her ability to bear.

"It's okay, it's much better than before." Chen Xiaolei smiled faintly, sat cross-legged in meditation, and checked his injuries.

This earth-level primordial spirit is really effective, at least now he is not in a coma and cannot be cured. The medicinal materials and vermilion fruits in his body have been converted into medicinal power and scattered on his limbs through the conversion of his nameless exercises.

Although most of them are still absorbed by the meridians, some of them also replenish physical strength.

The palm print on his chest was also gradually dissipating. This discovery made Chen Xiaolei overjoyed, and now he can collide with the masters of the prefecture level for the time being.

After a while, Chen Xiaolei opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and he returned to his previous appearance.Seeing Xiaoya's worried eyes, there was a faint warmth in my heart.

"Xiaoya, if we go out, don't you marry the Sheng family?"

Marrying into the Sheng family is a nightmare, a lifetime is not long, but living in a nightmare every day is not something an ordinary girl can bear, Xiaoya obviously realized this, and nodded to Chen Xiaolei, but the faint smile in her beautiful eyes How can the sadness linger.

Chen Xiaolei sighed secretly, probably Xiaoya saw him when he kicked the gun towards Zhu Liang.

"Xiaoya, I'm sorry, don't worry, I will protect you for the rest of your life."

"It's okay, it's over, let's go out and talk about it."

Chen Xiaolei was stunned, took a deep look at her, and began to look for a way out, swimming out would definitely be impossible, if Zhu Liang hadn't left, it would be a disaster.

After searching for a long time, except for the poisonous water, this door is the only one left.

"Drink!" Chen Xiaolei's veins twitched and he tried his best, but the door didn't move at all.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned, even without Yuanli, his strength is not small, why can't he even push a door?

Tried again, with the same result, Chen Xiaolei was speechless.

"If only there were tanks, one shot at a time."

Hearing what Xiaoya said, Chen Xiaolei realized that he met Xiaoya because of tanks.

But that day I seemed to see Xiaoya's whole body.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Chen Xiaolei staring at her continuously, Xiaoya's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and her cheeks flushed bright red.

"No, it's nothing, are you hungry?" Chen Xiaolei was embarrassed for a while.

"There's nothing to eat here."

"Yes, I have!"

Chen Xiaolei directly opened Zhu Liang's storage sachet, and a bunch of things inside sprayed out.

"Wow, it's so amazing, it's a treasure only on TV." Xiaoya shifted her attention in an instant, but saw the colorful lingerie with her mouth wide open.

"Mistakes, that's someone else's." Chen Xiaolei blushed, and quickly accepted a thought.

"Here, eat some fruit."

Xiaoya gave Chen Xiaolei a strange look, but she still started to eat because of her hunger.

Just as Chen Xiaolei was about to say something, a piece of jade pendant among the sundries shone brightly, and shot onto the bronze door.

Immediately, the light was bright, and a heavy voice came, and the door opened.

no?Chen Xiaolei was dumbfounded, what shot just now?

Pulling those things apart, it was a pile of jade pendants, and Chen Xiaolei remembered that when he played the role of a woman, he got a lot of treasures on those rich second generations, and one of them seemed to be Shenghui's.

"Haha, Xiaoya, you are really a lucky star, bobo!" Chen Xiaolei hugged Xiaoya, who was a little dazed, and kissed her fiercely, and then pulled her in, not noticing that she was about to drip water shyly .

The hall is very simple, there is only a small version of the boat in the center, and there is nothing else.

Damn, this is also called Sheng Family Treasure House?Just such a thing?The outside rumors are wrong.

No matter, since the lame old man wants to come here by himself, it must be for this thing.

"Take it!" Taking out the storage sachet, Chen Xiaolei took it away for a long time but didn't put it in.

Strange, looking at the jade pendant on the door, Chen Xiaolei moved his eyes, and put the jade pendant on the boat, rumbling, the whole boat shrank to the size of a palm.

At this time, a big hole was exposed in the original position, and a suction force gushed out, Chen Xiaolei only had time to hug Xiaoya before he was sucked in.

What are you doing?Chen Xiaolei saw that the hole above was getting farther and farther away, and there was a soft halo around it. After a rapid descent, he heard a loud noise, his whole body was wrapped in coolness, and a salty taste poured into his mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah!" After coughing for a while, the force of the impact was relieved.


Chen Xiaolei called out, the tearing force was too great just now, and he couldn't catch it at all.With a sweep of mental power, he found Xiaoya not far away with her clothes torn, but she was already unconscious.The shrunken boat has already been put into the storage sachet by Chen Xiaolei.

Looking around, unfamiliar places, fortunately, I finally left the Sheng family's Wangshan Baoyue, but now the most urgent thing is to find a place.

With Xiaoya on her back, she walked towards the shore, the softness on her back made Chen Xiaolei's heart sway for a while, it's really not small.Fortunately, that vermilion fruit and medicinal materials helped Chen Xiaolei recover some of his strength, otherwise he really couldn't bear this series of situations.

After finding a random hotel and staying in it, Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief.

If you have money, you are an uncle. Thinking of the lady at the bar who saw the weird outfits of the two of you, she originally looked disgusted, but after taking out the money of those rich men, she immediately turned into a pug.

Xiaoya was drenched all over, if she didn't take it off, she would definitely catch a cold when she woke up.

In the spirit of dedication, Chen Xiaolei stretched out his hand tremblingly, and stripped Xiaoya naked.

The garden was full of spring, and Chen Xiaolei's nose felt hot, and his body reacted instantly.Looking at that sweet face, the skin of suet white jade, the towering mountain peaks, and the terrified look on the little face because of fright, it is really unbearable, and I want to hug her in my arms to comfort me.

Chen Xiaolei took a deep breath, it really is the best.

Chen Xiaolei sighed secretly, who told me to be so kind? I took out a set of Zhu Liang's underwear from the storage sachet, and helped Xiaoya put it on clumsily. Of course, if I accidentally touched some places, I was asleep Even Xiaoya trembled.

It's actually made of lace, this kid Zhu Liang really knows how to enjoy it.

After wrapping Xiaoya up in the hotel's pajamas, Chen Xiaolei came to the bathroom, panting heavily. This kind of work is really the favorite of men, but it's a pity that he can't take advantage of others.The cool water washed away the heat from the whole body, and even the head became clear.

Jun Tianba and Qin Chunfeng from the hospital are working so hard just for this boat, right?If it is true, then it must be a treasure.

After a while, Chen Xiaolei began to meditate with his upper body naked. The medicinal materials on his body had not been digested, so he relaxed now, and he had to deal with his hidden illness.

The two steady breaths in the room gradually merged into one.

But the Sheng family is in a mess now, the lake is now full of visions, and there is a big vortex in the middle, stirring up the energy of the surrounding world.Even that mountain trembled.

"What's going on? Why is the formation rioting? Hurry up and invite the Supreme Elder." The Patriarch of the Sheng Family looked solemn, and some of the surrounding Sheng Family disciples were also very panicked.

"Hey!" With a Sanskrit sound, the lake paused, the entire vision disappeared without a trace, and the momentum of looking up at the mountain and embracing the moon returned to tranquility.

"It's okay, let's go! Don't get involved in this matter." A small voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Yes, Supreme Elder." The head of the Sheng family quickly responded, and some other people showed excited eyes. Maybe some juniors don't know how deep the background of the Sheng family is. Only those who are old can learn from them. Astonishment can be seen in the eyes, this kind of power is no longer within the reach of ordinary mortals.

"Little guy, since I'm destined for you, I'll lend you a little, and I'll get it myself." Sheng Tiedan looked at the bronze gate in the middle of the lake, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Everyone in the world doesn't know that the treasure house of their Sheng family is actually in this mountain, and the thing in the lake is just a token of their ancestors.

"Ah!" A scream woke up Chen Xiaolei who was sitting cross-legged.

"You, me, us, woo woo~"

"Check your body, I didn't do anything." Chen Xiaolei felt dizzy for a while, Xiaoya must have misunderstood, and hastily explained.

Xiaoya was taken aback, but still sobbed softly. In fact, she was quite happy in her heart, but girls always have some reserve.

The pajamas on her body were very loose, Xiaoya hugged her knees and cried, and exaggeratedly squeezed the white rabbit aside. Chen Xiaolei could see clearly from this position, and felt dizzy. Didn't this girl do it on purpose? .

"Well, you're gone." Chen Xiaolei bit the bullet, Zhu Liang's underwear has a variety of tastes, even the conservative Xiaoya looks very charming in it.

"Then you still look at it, go out soon." Xiaoya didn't care about crying, she looked at the shame on her body, her little face blushed, she was very embarrassed, why is it such a style, and hurriedly tightened her pajamas With a tug, the outlined Miaoman curve became more prominent.

Chen Xiaolei sucked in a breath of cold air, the fire in his body burned up, and he couldn't control himself and threw himself at Xiaoya.


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