The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 66 Losing Money

Xiaoya yelled, and then she lost her voice. Chen Xiaolei had occupied her entire red lips, and the strong manly aura kept eroding her sanity.

The special feeling passed between her lips was something she hadn't tasted in 20 years. She got lost in it in an instant, and began to respond clumsily. The gentle bomb made Chen Xiaolei scream in excitement.

But when Chen Xiaolei's paws climbed on a huge peak, Xiaoya said "Ying Ning" and regained consciousness for a moment. Seeing that her privacy was being attacked, Xiaoya suddenly became frightened and bit Chen Xiaolei's tongue tremblingly.


"Yes, I'm sorry, no, you are too bad." Xiaoya pouted her lips, rolled her pretty eyes at Chen Xiaolei, the [-] volt high-voltage current made his whole body numb, knowing that he had taken such a big advantage, hehe I smiled and didn't say anything, but I was a little puzzled, why couldn't I control it all at once?

"You sleep on the sofa." Xiaoya was wrapped in a quilt, covering all the spring light like a mermaid.

With a bitter face, Chen Xiaolei looked at his own Optimus Prime, touched his nose and walked to the side of the sofa in a regular manner, but the warmth left at the corner of his mouth made him unable to help licking it around, and an evil look flashed in his eyes.

Xiaoya felt the sound of footsteps behind her, and the pounding rhythm in her heart eased a little. Thinking of her actions just now, she buried her head deeply in the quilt in an instant, and the blush at the base of her ears followed the curve of her cheeks all the way down , biting her lips with the look of a happy little daughter.

Silent all night.

Early in the morning, Chen Xiaolei asked the waiter at the front desk to buy two sets of suits that fit and brought them in.

Looking at Xiaoya, who was already dressed neatly, her red and white, Chen Xiaolei's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly suppressed it:

"Xiaoya, which hospital do you work in? I'll take you there."

"President Qin's Peace Hospital."

Xiaoya was still a little shy thinking about what happened last night, but seeing Chen Xiaolei's clear eyes made her feel relieved.

Sitting in the taxi, Chen Xiaolei realized that the place he fell into yesterday was Linjiang, and it was close to Yangcheng. Half an hour later, he arrived at Heping Hospital.

"Xiaoya, I came to see you when I have nothing to do, you go."

"Oh, then take care." Xiaoya felt a little disappointed in her heart, before she took two steps, she came over and handed Chen Xiaolei a note with a string of phone numbers on it.

Looking at Xiaoya who left with a blushing face, Chen Xiaolei felt melancholy for a while, how could he not know what Xiaoya meant?

Shaking his head, he walked on the street in a daze, feeling the prosperity of the big city. The feasting and the people's hearts here are beyond his experience in Zongmen. More, less joy.

At this time, a blue Lamborghini drove over on a rampage, not caring whether it would hit someone or not.

Chen Xiaolei's primordial spirit jumped for a while, a strong crisis made him wake up in a state of thinking, without turning around, a flash appeared when the car was only a fist away from him, and narrowly dodged it.

"The reaction is good, I thought I would kill you."

An extremely glamorous woman with light makeup, speaking like a cold wind, without the slightest emotion, with a faint disdain in her eyes, she stepped on the gas pedal and walked away with a cold snort.

"Hey, you bumped into me." Chen Xiaolei wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. He was originally a hundred angry, but he didn't say it yet. endured.

Damn, seeing the woman not stopping, Chen Xiaolei moved around and chased after her.

"Driver, catch up with that car." After running for a while, Chen Xiaolei realized that he was getting further and further away, so he stopped a taxi and threw a wad of RMB.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle, I will be responsible for bumping into someone." Chen Xiaolei was furious, Zhang Yiyi had never talked to him like this, how could a mortal be against the sky?

"Brother, it's a sports car. I've already stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom." The driver was crying. Although he was jealous of the money, he had already tried his best.

Chen Xiaolei was upset for a while, and the blue car was still getting further and further away.

Depend on!

"Brother, go and stop that sports car. It's the same level. The sports car chases the sports car." The driver was sweating profusely. He saw a yellow flash on the road ahead. Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xiaolei jumped out of the car door. Almost drove into a ditch.

"Who are you?"

"Catch up to that girl in front of me, hurry up."

Chen Xiaolei didn't care about the angry face of the rich second generation in the car, and ordered directly, seeing that he was disobedient, he directly inserted a silver needle into his leg, and the central nervous system took control instantly.

The yellow Bugatti rushed out like crazy, and the rich second generation turned pale on the spot, his legs were out of control, and he controlled the steering wheel tremblingly, groaning inwardly, why did such a strange person appear.

Chen Xiaolei was very irritable, under the desperate look of the rich second generation, he inserted another silver needle, and finally saw the blue figure.

Damn, if I don't teach you a lesson for you today, how can I be worthy of me.

"Bump me over."

Chen Xiaolei's words made the rich second generation almost bite his tongue and commit suicide. His eyes were full of horror, his whole body was already wet with sweat, and his crotch exuded a foul smell, but his uncontrollable legs stepped on the accelerator and refused to let go. There is a little bit of excitement, which is much more intense than racing around mountains.

I don't know how many traffic lights I ran through, and I don't know how many times I almost ran into people, but every time I dodged in that thousandth of a second, the rich second generation was both excited and scared.

Finally, the blue Lamborghini in front stopped at the door of a bar.

Chen Xiaolei snorted coldly, pulled out the silver needle, and hurriedly chased after the car, leaving behind the rich second generation who survived the catastrophe, grinning for a long time, people who didn't know thought they were fools.

"Bartender, a glass of Budweiser." The glamorous woman threw the money over and shouted with anger and disdain in her eyes.

At the same time, he kept muttering, and if you listen closely, you can know: Hmph, Miss Ben will not marry the Jin family even if she dies, if you force me again, I will run away from home.

The bartender took a look at the girl, this type is the best in the bar, with graceful curves, a jade rabbit that swells to the point of being ready to come out, a small jacket, a short skirt with hips, and a delicate face, a rich dress, according to him I don't understand, it must be someone's anger, and I came to the bar to find a little boy for entertainment. After all, there were similar ones before, and he even went to one, but the eyes of some gangsters around him lit up.

"Miss, your Budweiser."

"What's your name?" The glamorous woman raised her eyebrows, cold and murderous.

"Uh uh, beauty, your Budweiser." The bartender felt cold all over, this time seemed to be different from usual, and the bit of wretchedness in his heart also faded away.

After three cups, there was a hint of disgust in his eyes, thinking about everything at home:

"Five more glasses."

The icy voice was charming, and flashes of cold lightning flashed in the dim eyes, and the punks around looked at it for a long time, and some kept nodding.

Chen Xiaolei came into the bar, frowning, the surrounding loud loudspeakers, women's screams and men's lewd voices formed a climax.

After scanning for a week, I still saw that maverick and glamorous woman at the bar.

"Hey, you bumped into me and lost money." Chen Xiaolei was very upset.

"Get out, who are you, I bumped into a lot along the way." The woman was very arrogant, her cold voice was like ten thousand years of ice.

"I don't care, don't talk nonsense, lose money." Chen Xiaolei said as he wanted to grab the woman's hand.

The glamorous woman smiled disdainfully, she had five grasping techniques to avoid this grasp, and raised her hand instantly, but what she didn't expect was that no matter how exquisite her moves were, she couldn't dodge Chen Xiaolei's full of flaws. Grasp.

The glamorous woman's complexion changed, and the strength in the opponent's palm was surprisingly strong, and her eyes rolled:

"Rogue, catch the rogue."

The glamorous woman's voice quickly attracted the previous gangsters.

"Beauty, I need help, kid, I'm looking for a beating." A green-haired young man who was the leader came over.

"Ahem, let me tell you guys, my girlfriend just had a quarrel with me, and it's just about that. He thinks I'm not strong enough to satisfy her. Aren't you sullen and come to the bar to find a strong man?" Chen Xiaolei Song He opened his hands, took two steps back, and pretended to be embarrassed.

"Who is your girlfriend, get lost."

"Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, I know you're embarrassed, how many cuckolds will you give me before you stop?"

"You." The glamorous woman was suddenly furious. What is this? When did he have more boyfriends? If you say he met a lot of local hooligans, but there is really no one like Chen Xiaolei, so he held it in his mouth for a while Li couldn't speak.

"Brother, look at the color of my brother's hair. This kind of thing is my brother's best." The green-haired gangster's eyes lit up. This kind of dissatisfied woman is his favorite.

"That's troublesome brother." Chen Xiaolei went to the bartender and asked for a glass, watching the show slowly, the woman's skill is not weak, she should have learned to fight.

"Big sister, let my brother love you well." The green-haired man rushed over with a few gangsters.


After several screams of pain, the extremely furious cold and beautiful woman hated her attack very much. The balls of those men probably exploded. After a few blows, those people fell to the ground one after another.

Eyes full of killing intent looked over, Chen Xiaolei almost spit out, as for what, it seems like he raped her ten or eight times.

"Ahem, lose money. Our business is not over yet."

The glamorous woman narrowed her eyes, and the man in front of her looked harmless, but he was actually very skilled. These people who provoked her with a few words and started a fight with her, no matter how they looked, they didn't look like ordinary people.

Thinking of this, he showed a smile, that glamorous temperament instantly melted like an iceberg, giving people a spring breeze, like a little girl next door, Chen Xiaolei's eyes twitched when he saw it, this woman is too fickle, could it be that she was taken by her? Bewildered by beauty, want to force yourself?

"Handsome guy, if you don't have any money, why don't you promise me with your body?"

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