Chen Xiaolei had already left the food stall in a few jumps, followed by the old man named Uncle Li.

"Brother, I don't like that Jin Binglin. It's not like you don't know about that trash. Do you want to push me into the fire pit?" Ouyang Qing was a little annoyed, and said coquettishly, regardless of her brother's face full of black lines.

"This is my father's decision. Go and tell him, who is this kid? Why does it feel weird?"

"He, I met him casually. This time, Uncle Li will help me teach him a good lesson. He bullied me last time."

If Chen Xiaolei was here, he would definitely shout for injustice, who is bullying whom?

In the end, under Ouyang Feng's helpless gaze, Ouyang Qing turned into a blue line and left, but then threatened the surrounding customers including the boss.

Chen Xiaolei tried his best to get rid of the old man, and couldn't help yelling: "Damn, you can have a wife if you eat a meal, remember what it's called Ouyang Qing, right, wait, wait until your Master Chen accepts you, Little mortals are so arrogant."

Seeing that it was getting late, the school had already greeted Ye Wuyao through Zhang Yinuo, and said that he would go back in a few days. After all, his body knew that ordinary methods would definitely not work. Give the teacher more time. It is the kingly way to find out the meridians of your body.

Chen Xiaolei decided to have a good time in Linjiang. Seeing that an ordinary person could hire such a powerful bodyguard, Chen Xiaolei became jealous. How could he set up a company for fun? It's time to hire some mysterious thugs, who are better than himself. Wouldn't it be nice to be exhausted for the first time?

To be honest, Chen Xiaolei has long been tempted when he sees the gang fights in the college, but he has just come down the mountain and has no foundation, so he has not been able to develop. Now that he is here, his mind is active again.Taking a deep breath, the road still needs to be walked step by step. Xiaoya said to give herself a surprise tonight, could it be...

Chen Xiaolei was excited, he was a real boy, every time that guy Wei Shu was showing off his mountains and rivers, Chen Xiaolei didn't understand at all.

I found a hotel, after washing up, I changed into a very handsome outfit, even the waiter’s eyes lit up, and now I don’t know how much money is in the sachet, this casual squandering made me feel like a grandpa.Since this is a city, it should follow the trend of the times.

Find a high-end flower shop.

"Boss, get me some of your roses."

"Okay, how many flowers do you want?" The boss is a plump young woman who looks like a woman in the world at first glance. At this moment, she walked over slowly with her fat buttocks twisted, her eyes were constantly discharging.

"Master? It's really you. I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

Although the voice sounded familiar, Chen Xiaolei didn't pay attention to it. When the other party pulled his clothes, Chen Xiaolei turned around and saw that he was the rich second generation who snatched his Bugatti before.

"Hey, Young Master Guo, I changed my girlfriend, every time I change, you always come to our shop."

Before Chen Xiaolei could open his mouth, the proprietress had already abandoned him, and rubbed on Guo Shao's body enthusiastically, the huge Mount Everest directly covered half of Guo Shao's face.

"You coquettish bitch, didn't you see me talking about serious things? I'll clean you up another day, and send my master the freshest roses with the best specifications." Came over awkwardly.

"Don't mistake relatives, our ancestors are not from the same family." Chen Xiaolei looked at this young man with great interest. Although he was dressed as a rich second generation, he didn't have that kind of arrogance of a dandy, on the contrary, he had a sense of tact.

"Hehe, friends all over the world are a family, let's make friends, and we can have someone to take care of us if we need help in the future, so what, do you still have your needles? I bought them all."

Guo Shao was a little shy. After experiencing the excitement last time, he could never forget it. It was not easy to meet such a strange person as Chen Xiaolei, so he never let it go.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned, and carefully looked at the person in front of him, and found that he was not joking, so he couldn't help but smile, but then he thought about it, since he planned to settle in this city, he couldn't do without a local snake.

"There are plenty of needles, but do you know how to use them? I want to ask a teacher to see if you are sincere. I will give you three days, and you go to Linjiang to count [-] grains of sand with your hands. Remember that one cannot be missing."

I thought this Young Master Guo would retreat, but his eyes lit up: "Is this true?"

Chen Xiaolei suppressed a smile and nodded.

"Okay, you wait for me, and give me your contact information."

Guo Shao was very excited and left in a hurry.

"Handsome guy, it's amazing. Even Guo Shao can handle it. Here, this is your rose. You won't be charged this time. Just come here a few more times." The boss lady saw everything just now, and the corner of her mouth lightly The light rotation is very attractive.

"Then I would like to thank the lady boss. Another day I will personally bring Guo Shao to the door to thank you, but who is this Guo Shao?"

Chen Xiaolei was a little curious, so he couldn't help asking. The proprietress gave him a strange look, and muttered to herself, but she showed a look of admiration in an instant:

"He, he is not an ordinary rich man. When others were his age, he was a rich second generation. He, a rich generation, started from scratch, dealt in seafood, went to sea at the age of 13, and built a world in ten years. The entire Linjiang He owns more than half of the seafood market.”

Smelling the scent of roses, Chen Xiaolei hugged her by the lake and waited for Xiaoya's call, not knowing where to go tonight?Looking at some men and women cuddling together by the lake, I feel an indescribable feeling in my heart.

"Okay, I'll go over." Xiaoya called, but what excited Chen Xiaolei was that he actually made an appointment at Xiaoya's house. Could there be any hints in it? He knew that Xiaoya's parents were in the past few days. hospital's.

Chen Xiaolei took a taxi impatiently and arrived at Xiaoya's house in ten minutes.It's still a familiar environment, this is the second time I've come here, but this time it's upright.

"Xiaoya, here it is for you." The door opened, and Xiaoya was wearing a pure white dress with a big neckline, most of the spring color inside was unconsciously exposed, her bare calves shone with a charming luster, and her smooth and cute little feet were slightly Curling in the air, she could see that she was a little nervous, but what Chen Xiaolei didn't know was that Xiaoya had never worn such revealing clothes, this was the first time.

"Thank you!"

Xiaoya didn't dare to raise her head shyly, and the faint sound of mosquitoes and flies squeezed out from her mouth, and there was a slight tremor in the air.

Chen Xiaolei's heart skipped a beat. The boldness of the proprietress before was a kind of temptation, but Xiaoya's shy answer was a kind of provocation.

The faint fragrance in the room came with the unique taste of gourmet food. The room was very tidy, obviously Xiaoya had cleaned it with care. The plates of delicate dishes and a bottle of dry red on the table were very elegant, and a few candles lit the surrounding area. Set off a warm atmosphere, with the night, candlelight dinner.Embellished with roses sent by Chen Xiaolei, adding a layer of charming atmosphere.

"Sit down, I made it myself, thank you very much tonight." With a voice as sweet as a lark, Xiaoya raised her head, although she was shy, she still entertained her as the host.

tonight?Chen Xiaolei was excited, is it possible that he will spend the night tonight?

"You're welcome, you saved my life, we're even." Chen Xiaolei looked at Xiaoya carefully. Tonight, Xiaoya put on a simple makeup, pure and charming, especially the smart one. Big eyes, flickering and lovable.

The bare jade arm gently poured a glass of bright red, which complemented the red cloud on the face, and the reserved and juicy skin shone with an intoxicating luster.

"Your medical skills are so powerful, even if I don't save you, you will be fine. On the contrary, I caused you a lot of trouble." Xiaoya's apologetic eyes suddenly aroused Chen Xiaolei's enthusiasm. The feeling is that people can't stop.

"What's the matter, Xiaoya, I snatched you away from Shenghui. It's a little bit of a mess. Since your father is seriously injured, you should get a divorce quickly." Chen Xiaolei blushed for a while. behavior, even though he came down from the mountain.

Xiaoya's complexion changed when she heard Chen Xiaolei say that, she bit her red lips, she seemed to have something to hide, but she recovered in a flash, her eyes were determined, and even Chen Xiaolei couldn't understand, hiding everything just now: " Xiao Lei, don't talk about that, come, let's drink, thank you."

Chen Xiaolei shrugged, although he really wanted to meddle in the other party's business, but the name was unfair and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Zuzu! Good wine, much better than the fruit wine on the mountain." It was the first time for Chen Xiaolei to enjoy such a formal drink, and he and Xiaoya were already acquaintances. Besides, he was not a reserved person, so he ate it with big mouthfuls. The delicacies made by Xiaoya herself are praised as they are eaten, they are much more delicious than those made at the small stalls outside.

"Xiaoya, I didn't say that whoever wants to marry you is really happy. That bastard Shenghui really has no eyes."

"Come on, drink." Xiaoya kept persuading her to drink, and the abnormal red clouds on her face also increased. Chen Xiaolei didn't notice that the aroma in the air became stronger.

Of course, the main thing is that Chen Xiaolei never felt that an ordinary person, or a woman, would have bad thoughts after experiencing so many things with him, and after getting along with him during this period, Xiaoya's kindness was not pretended.

Looking at Chen Xiaolei who was lying on the side, Xiaoya's eyes blurred: "I'm sorry, there are some things I can't decide. Get a good sleep and everything will be fine tomorrow."

Xiaoya helped Chen Xiaolei, who was unconscious, to the guest room, and slowly untied her clothes. With her beautiful white back and slightly trembling body, the most beautiful youth bloomed in this charming moonlight. Ya bit her lips tightly, her closed eyes suddenly opened, a flash of pain and helplessness flashed, she sighed softly, and crawled towards Chen Xiaolei.

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