Looking at the man in front of him full of love, Xiaoya's flushed face was full of spring, putting aside the distracting thoughts in her mind, with a cry of pain, little spots of red flowed down.


Chen Xiaolei felt that he had a dream, a very unreal but comfortable dream. He dreamed that he was doing something interesting with a vague woman, but the woman was not happy, as if there were thousands of knots that could not be untied.

Until he woke up, Chen Xiaolei was sweating profusely, and he hadn't recovered from it for a long time. It was the first time he slept so soundly in so many years. He looked at the empty room, the white sheets, and the note beside the bed: Breakfast On the table, eat it while it's hot, and I'm off to the hospital.

Seeing such a caring Xiaoya, Chen Xiaolei felt distressed for no reason. He checked his body and found that there were no symptoms. It was strange, how could he get drunk after drinking?After sniffing his body, Xiaoya's faint deodorant fragrance still remained. After a moment of doubt, Chen Xiaolei walked straight to the dining table and ate a delicious breakfast.The room was very tidy, everything from last night was gone, except there was no fragrance in the air.

At this time, a strange call came in.

"Hello? Why, enough sand so soon? Why don't you call me if it's not enough? Ang, okay, wait." After Chen Xiaolei hung up the phone, he wolfed down the last food and washed the furniture. Quality is still there.

I took a taxi and arrived at the most dangerous road in Linjiang. It is also the favorite death road for the rich second generation. The reason why it is called this is because it is surrounded by spiral mountains and there are no fences around it. Only one and a half cars can pass through it. The rich like to come here for drag racing and gambling.

"Master, you've come. I've been waiting for you so anxiously. This time, I will pay you 1000 million, and the prize money will be [-] million. If you win, it will all be yours. I just want to save face." Guo Shao was full of joy, and slightly proud, It looks like the winning ticket is in hand.

"Guo Dong, this is the master you know, isn't it good, can you drive? Have you ever touched a car?"

At this time, a few rich men in brightly colored clothes came over, their faces were full of arrogant and disdainful expressions, behind them was a large open space, and several dedicated sports cars were parked, of course beauties were indispensable for drag racing, and the left and right sides were all scantily clad , a black jacket, only a pair of light underwear on the lower body, heavy makeup on his face, and his facial features are still very delicate.

"Stop talking nonsense, are you ready for the money? You are all rich too. Don't renege on your bills, or I will ask you for money." Guo Dong introduced today's characters to Chen Xiaolei, all of whom are members of the drag racing club. , with a strong background, all of them are Linjiang's top group sons, and there are even a few seafood markets that surpass him.

"Xiaoling, bring the money here." A bald man in the lead, with a bloated figure but piercing eyes, shouted at one of the tall, chubby women.

The woman was very obedient, and she took out a delicate silver box, which was full of RMB, knelt down and played music between the bald man's crotch.

Chen Xiaolei looked around, all those women were the playthings of the rich second generation, only Guo Dong brought him, he smiled evilly in his heart, the opportunity to make a fortune came: "It's boring to play with money, dare to play with your life?"

"The tone is not small, isn't the terrain here just a matter of life?" The woman on the right holding the red flag shouted coquettishly, spreading her thighs apart.

"What is that? There must be two people in the car, and the bettor must be in the car." Chen Xiaolei has already learned from Guo Dong that this kind of drag racing can pay for a drag racer, and ordinary employers will not pay for it. If you are in danger, the women around you are hired professional fighters. If you win, you will naturally get money. If you lose, you may die. At that time, it will not be a big deal for these rich second generations to lose some money.

When Chen Xiaolei said this, the complexions of those rich second generations all changed, a little gloomy, only the bald head touched his shiny head and shouted: "Okay, no problem, let me see what you are capable of." Yin smiled, there was something else in his eyes.

However, there were still some spectators who did not intend to participate, and walked aside to play some ambiguous games with women in their arms.

"Master, I must kill them hard this time. I have lost several times." Guo Dong said fiercely from the driving seat, but there was still some worry in his eyes.

The six cars were placed in place, except for Chen Xiaolei's, the others were a man and a woman, and the bald man gave Guo Dong a little thumbs up.

The crotch of the big long-legged sister Xue was already wet, and she was standing aside with a red flag, and the atmosphere was a little tense and intense.The rich second generations around who didn't participate have already shouted.

"Brave-headed brother, I'm waiting for you at the nightclub tonight, I support you."

"Guo Dong, you kid, admit defeat as soon as possible, don't let the bald brother spray you in the face."


Hearing the ridicule around him, Guo Dong's face was full of ferocity, hum, wait, it will flash your waist in a while.

"Everyone, get ready."

Sister Xue's cold voice became the only thing in this open space. Her red flag was raised high and then lowered. There was a roar, and six cars rushed out like sharp swords.

Chen Xiaolei already understands that there is a highway at the top of the ring mountain, and after passing through the circle of death, it is only a circle to go back to the origin by going around the city through that highway.

Guo Dong's face was flushed with excitement. This kind of special sports car is not his own. I don't know how many cars are scrapped every year. The accelerator pedal is not released until the end. Of course, unparalleled stimulation is also the realm pursued by many rich people.

"Hiss!" Guo Dong gasped, a silver needle had already appeared on his leg, and it flew past like a gust of wind.

Watching Guo Dong take the lead, the bald head didn't care about playing with women, so he stepped on the gas pedal and rushed over.But other people are not so fast, here is surrounded by mountains, need to turn constantly, if the speed is too fast, it is easy to fail to stop the car and fall off the cliff.

"Don't slow down, keep stepping, the body is tilted, the direction is 45." Chen Xiaolei has mental power and can accurately grasp the dynamics of the car.

"Damn, why is this kid so fast." Some rich second generations at the foot of the mountain were a little puzzled. Looking at Guo Dong who was far ahead, one of the rich second generations took out a bazooka from the car.

"Young Master Wu, this is you."

"Mind your own business, get out."

Wu Shao took aim, only to hear a "boom", and a line of fire rushed over quickly.

"Not good, slow down, hurry up!" Chen Xiaolei felt a strong crisis, Guo Dong didn't know why, but he did as he did, the next second there was an explosion coming from the corner ahead, flying sand and rocks blurred his eyes.

"Bastard, play dirty." Guo Dong understood and spit out. After such a pause, the bald head behind had already surpassed.

Young Master Wu curled his lips in disdain, and filled another one.After seven turns and eight turns, Guo Dong finally overtook the four cars, leaving only the bald one in front.

"Boy, let's play again in the next life, you still..." Before the bald head finished speaking, Guo Dong had already bumped into him, and everyone who came to play with the car signed a life-and-death certificate, and the law does not interfere.


There was another bazooka sound, and the bald head, who was already unstable before, was blown up into the air: "Damn, will you aim?" The car couldn't be used, so the bald head stopped a car behind him, and then chased after it .

Wu Shao looked embarrassed, clearly aiming at Guo Dong's car.After a while, the crater was over, and the highway was smoother and more enjoyable.

"We are going to win, haha." Guo Dong is now far ahead, and he is very excited.

Chen Xiaolei relaxed, this place is far away from the death road, as long as there are no accidents, the ending is basically settled, another needle was inserted, Guo Dong seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and his bald head disappeared in a short while.But the bald head in the back was upset and secretly annoyed.

He arrived in the urban area soon, but with the experience of last time, Guo Dong didn't want to stop, and went on a rampage, trying to go to places with few people.

However, when passing by a building emitting black smoke, Chen Xiaolei was stunned. A bomb was about to detonate in the building, and there was a doctor in white in front of the building, who was Xiaoya, next to him. There is also a large lake.

"Go back!" Chen Xiaolei pulled out the silver needle, his face was a little ugly, it wasn't because he felt sorry for the exploding building, but Xiaoya's frail figure made him frightened, she was right next to the building, in case...

"Master, we are about to win."

"Go back." In the blink of an eye, it was already one kilometer, Guo Dong was helpless, seeing Chen Xiaolei's face that changed instantly, his heart skipped a beat, and he turned back.

"Guo Dong, I have something to do next. You can win by yourself. I'll give you the needle and insert it in the position just now." After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Guo Dong's expression changed for a while, he looked at the distant victory, then at Chen Xiaolei's hurried figure, gritted his teeth, stopped the car and followed.

"Xiaoya, it's very dangerous here, come with me." Chen Xiaolei looked around and found that there was only Xiaoya as a doctor, and the other nurses were all outside the yellow line, and his heart was even more anxious.

"What are you, it's okay, I'll be fine right away." Xiaoya was startled for a moment, then blushed pretty, she didn't dare to look into Chen Xiaolei's eyes, and skillfully handled the bloody patient.

Chen Xiaolei's mental power was swept away. Although it was not far away, he still felt that there was a tendency of storms coming, which was secretly not good.Regardless of Xiaoya's objection, he rushed to the side with Xiaoya in one hand and the patient in the other.

"Get out of the way." At this time, there was a coquettish shout from behind, and several experts pushed a black thing and ran quickly.

"Quick, still in the lake." The same soft voice, with some tension and anxiety in the voice, Chen Xiaolei was pushed aside by the armed men who suddenly appeared. It is conceivable that if Xiaoya was still squatting there, she would be pushed aside. Trampling is possible.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

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