The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 71 Bomb Disposal

A wave of water shot towards him like a machine gun. Chen Xiaolei hugged Xiaoya tightly, blocking most of the water flow. His whole body was soaked, and the crowd panicked, accompanied by all kinds of screams.

It took a long time, after the noise, to show the horrible scene by the lake. The surrounding fences were scattered all over the place, the artificial lake was blown out of shape, and the experts were knocked unconscious by the impact.

Chen Xiaolei heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Xiaoya a little reproachfully, but seeing her eyes full of complexity and deep affection, those words were hard to swallow, and finally turned into tenderness: "Be careful, it was dangerous just now, and you will be more careful in the future." When saving people, don't be impulsive, okay?"

Xiaoya's pretty face flushed, and she realized that she was so intimate with Chen Xiaolei, and there were so many people around her, so she didn't dare to raise her head, but only made a slight "en" sound from the tip of her nose.

"Master, are you okay? The policewoman just said that there is another bomb, let's go, there may be retaliation here." Guo Dong was in a mess, but his eyes were very excited.

"You don't want to get 1000 million, why come here to join in the fun." Although Chen Xiaolei said so, he knew that Guo Dong must be worried about himself, so he kept this affection in his heart, and at the same time hugged Xiaoya away from the danger here zone.

None of them noticed that there was a man in the crowd watching their every move silently, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The general public is asked to stay away from here. Our experts are already in a coma. The next bomb disposal will become difficult. It is very likely that this place cannot be guaranteed. Everyone evacuates as soon as possible."

Chen Xiaolei just noticed that the woman behind her just now is still a policewoman. She is wearing a straight military uniform, which sets off the high place in front of her. She doesn't wear makeup and shows her heroic spirit. Very formal.But the faint anxiety on the corners of her brows showed that she was very troubled now, the bomb hesitant death scythe was threatening the safety of countless people.

"I'm fine, let me go, I still have to help the patients." Xiaoya said softly while lying on Chen Xiaolei's chest, the complexity in her eyes became more intense.

Chen Xiaolei is helpless, he is kind, so he can't stop her, but it's really worrying, if she didn't show up in time, she must be in a mess now.

"Guo Dong, I can't go with you today, you go to the game, I want to stay here."

Guo Dong took a look at Xiaoya and understood something. He likes to show his sincerity in small details. The behavior just now has proved to Chen Xiaolei, and the 1000 million is not a small amount, and it went away in a blink of an eye.

"I'm really fine, go get busy." Xiaoya showed a trace of panic, and struggled to walk away, but her walking posture was very strange, which made Chen Xiaolei a little puzzled.

"Sir, leave quickly, this place is very dangerous." The female policewoman Hua very had an unquestionable tone, and the natural power of a policeman, but these were nothing to Chen Xiaolei.After thinking about it, since this building could explode at any time, Xiaoya is not safe here, and she just wants to see worldly things.

"I can defuse this bomb." Chen Xiaolei was very calm, and calmly looked at the protruding place of the policewoman's flower and performed a staring salute.

The female police officer was taken aback, and carefully looked at the gentle-looking person in front of her. Seeing her ancient and calm eyes, she was neither afraid of the scene here nor the police uniform she was wearing. She felt strange, but As a professional policeman, natural suspicion is a must.

"how you said that?"

"The three bombs are originally one. You have destroyed the structure inside and caused instability by dismantling them separately. If I guessed correctly, the time for the third bomb has been shortened by twice as much as before." His pupils shrank, and he took a deep look at him. Without talking nonsense, he grabbed Chen Xiaolei and rushed into the building.

Chen Xiaolei smiled, he didn't know this, he just said nonsense with his mental power swept away.When they came to the corner of the hall, the other police officers looked at the female policewoman and did not stop her. They just glanced at Chen Xiaolei with some doubts.

"If you can dismantle it, you can open it under any conditions. If not, I will personally send you to prison." The policewoman Hua was very cold, but she still gave Chen Xiaolei an encouraging look.

Hehe, this girl is really kind. She turned her head and looked at another black bomb. The time on it was only the last minute. After walking over, her mental power penetrated, and she knew the situation inside well.

"Don't you want any tools for dismantling? Like scissors or something." Seeing that Chen Xiaolei didn't use any tools, she dismantled the shell there, and she couldn't help feeling a little suspicious. do not know either.

But then the policewoman Hua opened her mouth wide. She saw Chen Xiaolei take out a snake-shaped dart out of nowhere, and cut off one of the threads without thinking. Back off, so casual, why is it like a child's play house, don't you observe it first, and clean up the unimportant ones?

But 1 minute passed, and the expected explosion did not happen. The female policewoman's palms were full of sweat, and she felt relieved. Seeing that Chen Xiaolei was young, calm and decisive, a heart of love for talents arose.

"You, how did you do it, have you studied? If I recommend you to the police academy, would you be willing?"

Chen Xiaolei smiled faintly, and walked out, leaving her with a mountainous back.

"Hmph, who is it, who actually ignores him, and didn't say a single condition." At this time, the female policewoman Hua is still a little cold, just like a little girl, cute and cute, but she firmly remembers Chen Xiaolei's appearance .

After Chen Xiaolei came out, he heard the excited and happy cheers behind him. This kind of thing is a piece of cake for him. With a sweep of his mental power, he can know which wire is what. Although he has never learned the wiring, the snake-shaped dart Cutting off the master control can still be done.He planned to help Xiaoya rescue some patients, but Xiaoya's Ruowu's refusal and alienation made him a little confused, so, did he think too much?

Since he pretended to be affectionate, Chen Xiaolei didn't intend to stay too long, waved his hands and left, and didn't see Xiaoya who was already in tears behind her.

"Young Master Sheng, I can see very clearly that Xiaoya and that man are not dead." In Sheng's villa, a somewhat gloomy but flattering man whispered something in Sheng Hui's ear.

"What? Didn't die? What a fate. Since that bitch is not dead, let's torture her to death. If she wants to enter a wealthy family, she is not qualified yet."

"Yes, yes, there are many women who want to have sex with Sheng Shao. Do you want to get rid of that kid too?"

"You can figure it out, I don't want to be affected by the bad news." Sheng Shao was slightly disdainful, he enjoyed the feeling of superiority, looking at the dog in front of him, the sense of superiority in his heart was even more prominent, he It was Zhao Yunfei, a small manager of a subsidiary of Shengjia, who liked to advise him on some despicable moves when he was free. If it weren't for this advantage, he would not be qualified to enter the family of Shengjia.

Chen Xiaolei walked casually on the street, his suit had already been steamed dry, but it was a little wrinkled and looked very unsightly.

At this time, Guo Dong called and ordered a meal at the hotel waiting for him to go.

"Hey, who are you, who let you in, do you know the rules of our Sunshine Hotel?" Chen Xiaolei, who rushed over, was immediately stopped by the hotel's security. There are many people who scare away, and the security captain just took a fancy to his image at the beginning.

"Is there something wrong?" Chen Xiaolei's question made the security guard feel more at ease. There is a rule in their hotel that anyone who comes here must be a recognized boss or an official. He has met those people no less than dozens of times. Yes, very familiar.So when he saw Chen Xiaolei coming alone, all in tatters, he couldn't help but feel a little contemptuous in his heart.

"It's something, something big, is this where you came from? Hurry up, the food stall outside is where you should go, don't think that you can pretend to be a rich man just by wearing a suit, I've seen you like this a lot. "The security guard was loud and quickly attracted other security guards, as well as a lobby manager.

"Sir, a glass of water here costs hundreds of thousands, you'd better go." Hearing what the security guard said, the manager's smile immediately turned cold, and the disdain in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Chen Xiaolei was furious. In the school cafeteria, it doesn't matter if they are good or bad. If an ordinary person is still pretending to be aggressive, isn't this looking down on the people in the mountains?

"Stop talking nonsense, the uncle is here to eat Bawang's meal today, go away and call all the little sisters up."

Chen Xiaolei looked like he was about to start eating, and immediately made the people around him feel uncomfortable. They shouted loudly, and the vicious security guard was ready to attack.

"Cough cough." A soft cough sounded from one side, and the security guards immediately stood aside humbly like a mouse seeing a cat, showing flattering expressions.

"Dr. Liu, my subordinates are ignorant. I've disturbed you. I'll clear them out immediately." The manager nodded and bowed, with fear still in his eyes.

This chairman Liu is the boss of their Sunshine Hotel, Liu Zhou. He is extremely tough and treats his subordinates even more harshly. Anyone who does something wrong will be free within a year. The workload is ten times that of before. He is moody and has no rules. , but very honest, only one hobby is drag racing.

Liu Zhou closed his eyes and didn't speak. At this time, Guo Dong rushed out from the private room on one side: "Hehe, Mr. Liu, I finally invited you here. Today I want to introduce you to a drag racer. Hey , Master, you are here."

Liu Zhou opened his eyes, a flash of cold lightning flashed, he looked at Chen Xiaolei, and then a smile appeared: "Little brother, could it be that he is the person you are talking about?"

The voice gave people an extremely uncomfortable feeling, like the friction of glass in the hoarseness, but the manager's face changed in the next second, sweat flowed down his forehead like money, and the vicious security guard's eyes widened , There is fear in the eyes.

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