The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 72 Blood Moon Wolf Clan

"Neglect the distinguished guests, live in the kitchen and sewer for a month, if you can't lose twenty catties of meat in a month, get out immediately!"

Liu Zhou smiled, but he didn't give people a very gentle feeling. He paused and looked at Chen Xiaolei: "Are you satisfied?"

The security guard and the manager looked at Chen Xiaolei eagerly, they had already saved his life, and there was no disdain on their faces.

"Dogs look down on people, dig out their eyeballs and feed them to dogs."

Chen Xiaolei's words caught Liu Zhou's gaze. His question just now was just symbolic. Anyone who knows his name, who would not give face?It is up to the owner to beat the dog. No matter how Liu Zhou punishes them, it is an internal matter, but Chen Xiaolei violated Liu Zhou's taboo by saying so.

"Haha, okay, it's up to you." Liu Zhou suddenly laughed, but the chill was even worse.

The security guard and the manager fainted immediately. They were just servants, and they didn't break the law no matter how rich people played.

Guo Dong kept winking, but Chen Xiaolei didn't care. In his opinion, an ordinary person was awesome, and it was not enough to suppress him. Moreover, he was sure that the meal would be delicious, and an invisible aura burst out from Chen Xiaolei. When it came out, it was dissatisfaction with the sky and the ground, with iron bones, which seemed to be an arrogance formed in ancient times, and even the meridians of the body fluctuated.

Liu Zhou's eyelids trembled, and then he regained his composure. After a few polite words with Guo Dong, he entered the room, but he kept glancing at this young man who was a little unclear to him from the corner of his eye. The more he looked at it, the more unusual he felt. He has seen Wu Xiu before, but the person in front of him feels more dangerous than Wu Xiu, like a man-eating beast, if he does not move, he is as sharp as thunder.

"Come and taste the specialties of this restaurant. All of them are the top-quality seafood provided by brother Guo. If you catch any good things from the deep sea in the future, you must send them to my brother first." Liu Zhou looked like a tiger with a smile on his face.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, but what I told you before is absolutely true. My master has won the bald head. There is no doubt about the drag racing. Everyone there can testify." Guo Dong is also smiling, talking about business. He is very experienced.

Chen Xiaolei sat on the side, just eating, not paying attention to their conversation, just laughing occasionally, after all, it's up to the owner.

"Okay, I'm improving your seafood by ten percentage points, but the next drag race..."

"Brother Liu, don't worry, if you can't win against those big guys, I'll give you the seafood market." Guo Donghao said in a haughty manner, betting all his wealth, which shocked Liu Zhou, and looked at him again This young man who only cared about eating made up his mind secretly.

Soon the two reached an agreement, and the meal was very enjoyable, but only the parties knew how affectionate it was.

Looking at the back of Chen Xiaolei and Chen Xiaolei leaving alone, Liu Zhou frowned: "Secretary Zhang, call me those two trash, I want to ask myself." After hanging up the phone, he said to the air: "Deacon Soul , is this person worthy of reuse?"

There was a wave of fluctuation, as if he had received some instructions, Liu Zhou nodded solemnly.

"Master, you can't give up on your dear disciple. I want to take care of you." Guo Dong came out of the restaurant with a mournful face, because Chen Xiaolei said directly: "Thirty thousand pills If the sand has not been collected, no apprentices will be accepted."

This made Guo Dong anxious, just now he promised Liu Zhou to participate in the next provincial drag racing competition, and seeing Liu Zhou's reaction, he likes Chen Xiaolei very much, it's all right.

"You still have a day and a half, hurry up." Regardless of Guo Dong's mournful face, Chen Xiaolei left in a flash, leaving Guo Dong a little at a loss.

When eating just now, Chen Xiaolei felt a wave of yuan power around him. Generally, martial arts fights do not come to the world of mortals. The movement is too loud, which can easily cause panic. Of course, the destructive power caused is much stronger than bombs, unless the kind of deep hatred, killing Only those who are jealous will be desperate.

Chen Xiaolei restrained all his aura, and the whole person floated towards the sensed place like a spring breeze, not to help anyone, but to see if he could benefit from it, and soon arrived at the sensed place before, But when he saw the scene clearly, he was shocked. Two bloody corpses lay there quietly.

One slash, two slashes... a total of forty slashes, all of the same depth, the deadly slash is in the throat, obviously has the ability to kill with a slash, but is so perverted, either there is a deep hatred or this person's way of killing is quite special, and he treats ordinary people like this Hell, at this time a siren sounded, and Chen Xiaolei jumped up and disappeared. If he stayed now, he would be regarded as a murderer.

The city is full of dangers. It's better for me to keep a low profile. After thinking about it, I don't have a place to live, so I definitely can't go to Xiaoya's place. I don't know why, but I always feel that Xiaoya has something to hide from me.

After pondering for a while, I called Mo Nuan.

"You should live here first, this villa is my private property, and generally no one will live in it." Mo Nuan brought Chen Xiaolei to the famous Jianghai villa group in Linjiang, and it is said that each villa here costs several million.

"I'm so willing to live in such a good place. Why, seeing your frowning, if you don't want to, I'll move out immediately." Chen Xiaolei took a look at this long-legged beauty, and the more she looked at her, the more pleasing she was. Only Mo Nuan has a human touch, and it's funny to think of how coquettish and willful and unreasonable she was when she first met this woman.

"What's so reluctant about a dilapidated house? None of the people sent out by Uncle Jun have returned these days, and I don't know if something happened." Knowing Chen Xiaolei's identity, Mo Nuan didn't hide anything about the Shengjia Treasure House.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, and there was a flash of embarrassment, the treasure house had already been taken by him, but he quickly returned to normal, and changed the subject after a few words of comfort.

"You want to have your own property in the secular world?" Mo Nuan looked at Chen Xiaolei as if he was looking at a new creature, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Yeah, I think those chairman of the board are very good, let's raise your arms, a group of younger brothers, you can do it with me."

"Don't even think about it, I have a lot of things to do, who will play house games with you, well, I'm leaving, remember to lock the door when you go to bed at night." Mo Nuan glanced at Chen Xiaolei strangely, and smiled meaningfully smiled.

"The following news will be broadcast on our station. A murderous maniac has appeared in Linjiang City. People regard killing as an art. Citizens should be vigilant..." A news on TV caught Chen Xiaolei's attention. Isn't the bloody picture above Met in that alley just now?He smiled disdainfully, this person is at least a martial artist, how could the secular police arrest him, but is there some misunderstanding in it.

I have nothing to say all night, let alone, this villa is really nice to live in, much better than the school dormitory, but it is empty, and I have to clean it myself, which is really uncomfortable.

There were thunder and lightning outside, and it was raining heavily. The torrential rain was chilling, and the whole city looked much cleaner after such a wash. Through the window, the streets were sparsely populated, but there was a faint figure Flashed, extremely fast.

Chen Xiaolei narrowed his eyes, but he didn't see anything moving. He was already outside. The rain quickly soaked his clothes. Suddenly, his face changed, and he hid himself in a corner. In the sky, an old man in a golden robe with his hands behind his back, stepped forward. Ten feet flashed by, with a relaxed and freehand look.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Xiaolei chased after seeing no one behind.

"Are you going to drive them all to extinction? Our werewolves have almost been wiped out by you, why?" A sweet but desperate female voice cut through the rain, revealing a seven or eight-year-old boy under the loose clothes, obviously his sister. brothers.

"Hmph, sucking human blood, the police can't control you, but our church can indeed control you." The golden robed old man had a hooked nose, a pair of green eyes shining faintly, he didn't look Chinese like that, and his claws radiated golden light, yes The siblings rushed over.

"I'll fight for you, brother, let's go, roar." The girl roared angrily, and she turned into a half-wolf, half-human monster, with a blood moon mark between her eyebrows very obvious.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be the royal blood moon wolf clan of the wolf clan. Today I peeled off your skin to make clothes, and your blood essence is used to refine medicine." The greedy look of the golden robed old man flashed, and he was like an eagle. Like catching a chick, he slapped down angrily.

The little boy's eyes were full of tears. Seeing his sister's appearance, he couldn't bear it, and his thin body stood in front of his sister.

"Let's go." My sister's crying voice was very shrill, and she rushed towards the old man like a moth to a flame, and when her sharp claws scratched hard, even the rainwater shattered countless times.

The old man in the golden robe gave a disdainful smile, and with a slap like a mountain, he neutralized his sister's offensive. With one slap, the girl vomited blood and flew backwards. "Haha, your blood is mine now." The old man smiled and was about to end their lives.

Chen Xiaolei couldn't stand it any longer. Although the werewolf looked scary, but they were sisters. This old man looked decent, but he was going to use others to make medicine without opening his mouth. , he is not a good person at first sight.

Chen Xiaolei made a big teleportation, and immediately used the strongest move, Gu Taiji Pushing Hands. The old man paused, and looked at the unexpected visitor with some horror.

"Who are you? Take care of my business?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Xiaolei became even more upset, and hit Gu Taiji Pushing Hands again. The old man stumbled and was a little dazed. He was defeated by a person without elemental power?

At this time, the girl who came back rushed forward with hatred, and the old man's unstable figure was immediately hit. Chen Xiaolei felt uncomfortable seeing that, the old man's neck was bitten off, and the girl drank his blood like a cow, it was really cruel To the extreme, although it is not a pity for such a person to die, this werewolf woman is really too...

At this time, the little boy's hatred flashed, and he bit Chen Xiaolei, his paws were cold.

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