The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 73 The Sound of Broken Eggs

Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a while, could this be the legendary revenge?However, the movement under him was not slow, and he made a slight mistake in his footsteps, and he was already behind the boy.

"Stop, Xiaozheng." The older sister shouted anxiously, and she had already pulled her younger brother behind her. If it was a second later, Chen Xiaolei's palm would come over, and then she knelt down: "Grandpa, please forgive me, my younger brother!" Didn't mean to offend you."

"Hmph, it seems that I shouldn't have saved you just now. I'm afraid you are the perverted murderer broadcast on TV." Chen Xiaolei put down his palm, but glared angrily: "You sucked human blood and came to the world of ordinary people. Since I have come across it, I have no choice but to do justice for the heavens."

"Don't kill my sister. I'm the prince of the wolf clan. Take me back and use my blood to make medicine." The boy's face was full of hatred. If his sister hadn't suppressed him, he might have bitten him without hesitation. Chen Xiaolei was slightly moved by the masculinity in his childishness.

It would be a pity to kill such a loving and righteous pair of siblings, but their methods were really cruel, and keeping them would be a disaster. I couldn't help but regret my actions just now, and it would be easier for that golden robe to kill them.

Seeing that Chen Xiaolei was thinking, the elder sister was very anxious, and pulled her younger brother behind her: "Grandfather, please, we are not bad people, please let us go, I am willing to serve you as your slave."

Chen Xiaolei's heart moved, and he looked carefully at the werewolf woman. She did not expect that she was still a beauty when she returned to human form, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a graceful figure. The puff up, that's not ordinary, combined with that charming look, it really makes people unable to arouse any murderous intentions.

It's just that their eyes are blue, more like mixed races, Chen Xiaolei struggled for a while, they didn't look good at first glance, but he couldn't kill himself, he thought twice: "Okay, you can follow me now, if If there is any wrongdoing, I will kill you on the spot."

"Thank you benefactor, don't worry." The elder sister wept with joy, even the younger brother was taken aback for a moment, thinking that tonight was doomed, not only was he rescued by the people in front of him, but he seemed willing to take them in, the hatred in his eyes could not help but slightly weakened.

"You will live in this villa from now on, don't go out, I'm afraid you can't help but kill people." Chen Xiaolei took them back to Jianghai Villa, anyway, he also lacked a servant.

"Well, we don't go out. In fact, killing those people is...forget it." The elder sister seemed hesitant to speak, but her eyes were very happy. passed away.

Chen Xiaolei shrugged indifferently, as long as they dared to mess around, he would kill them at any time. Anyway, he really didn't care if they were below the prefectural level, and these two people were at best at the peak of the yellow level.

After taking a shower casually, arranged a room for them, and explained some things that the servants should do, Chen Xiaolei went to bed. It's raining today, so it's not suitable to go out.

In a daze, when he woke up in the middle of the night, Chen Xiaolei smelled a scent, which was very tempting, let me go, why is it so fragrant, a carp walked straight out.

"Wow, this, this is a full banquet." Chen Xiaolei felt that it was worth it to accept these two people, at least he didn't have to worry about his stomach.

"That's right, my sister used to be the eldest sister of the hotel, and all the staff would not admire..." The boy wanted to praise, but when he saw his sister's depressed and dejected eyes, he kept silent and remained silent for a while. After finishing it, Chen Xiaolei didn't care about that, he just ate it up, even his tongue almost swallowed it, and he praised it while eating.

"Grandfather, my name is Lili. You can call my younger brother Xiaozheng. Thank you for today's incident. We didn't kill people casually. My younger brother just came down the mountain. Some, some just hate human beings. Don't mind." Lili said a little In a hurry, her rosy face instantly became brilliant.

"Well, it's okay, don't transform casually, don't kill people, I don't care about anything else."

"Actually, we..." Lili just wanted to tell her life experience when Chen Xiaolei's phone rang.

"Hi, um, good." Chen Xiaolei hung up the phone and glanced at Lili: "I have something to go out, so don't run around." After speaking, he left in a hurry regardless of their reactions.

"Sister, this person is really strange. I feel like I can kill him at once, but how can he defeat the gold-cloaked deacon of the church?" Xiaozheng frowned, his emotions had recovered, and his big eyes were full of aura , but a little sad.

"Hey, one step is one step. Now we can't expose our identities, you know? Let's hide here for a while, this depends on the situation. If there is malicious intent, sister will protect you." Lili said with a look on her face Resolutely, the uneasiness in his eyes became even stronger.


The rain had stopped outside, and the whole air was filled with a faint smell of earth and grass. I took a taxi and came to the riverside of Linjiang.

"Master, count the numbers. I'm fighting at night with the lights on. For the sake of my apprentice's hard work, accept me." Guo Dong was dressed like a fisherman, his trousers were pulled up high, his body was drenched, his face was covered with tears. It's a tired look, but the eyes are full of excitement.

"Well, yes, it's indeed [-] grains, not bad." Chen Xiaolei didn't need to count at all, he scanned his mental power faster than a money printing machine, and patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction: "Buy me a car, it's an apprenticeship." present."

"Yeah, okay, how about my Bugatti for you?" Guo Dong was so excited, his body trembled slightly, and he rolled his eyes and fell down.

"Damn it, isn't it, you're so excited to be a teacher?" Chen Xiaolei was startled, and he took a look at his pulse before he felt relieved. It turned out that it was raining all day, the cold air hit the body, and the excitement caused the brain to congest all of a sudden. Shaking his head helplessly, he said: "I see that you are honest, that's all, let me help you."

After speaking, Chen Xiaolei pointed at Guo Dong's eyebrows, and massaged his heart and lungs at a certain angle with the other hand, and then the silver needles flashed, and they were inserted neatly on important joints such as limbs.

Half an hour later, Guo Dong respectfully followed behind Chen Xiaolei, looking at the not-so-strong figure in front of him, his gratitude and belonging grew stronger in his heart. If it was because of interests before, now it is because of sincerity. Just now, Chen Xiaolei He also healed the damp and cold pain of going to sea for many years, and now he is warm all over.

"Master, please, this car will belong to you from now on." Guo Dong hurriedly opened the door as if he was waiting for the leader, the whole movement was smooth without any affectation.

Chen Xiaolei glanced at it with a half-smile, but it didn't bother him at all. Hearing Guo Dong's random instructions on how to drive, he had already shuttled through the city like a fish in less than ten minutes. too fast.

With mental strength, any angle can be grasped faster than the reaction speed, and a small car is not easy to grasp.It was already late at night after sending Guo Dong back, and Chen Xiaolei quietly enjoyed the pleasure of not flying but better than flying on the road, at least he didn't need to use his feet to drive.

Suddenly, a blue Lamborghini drifted rapidly and stopped in front of Chen Xiaolei's car, so shocked that Chen Xiaolei almost hit the accelerator. "No eyes? Can you drive?" Chen Xiaoleiyue scolded without any explanation, but after a closer look, isn't this the car of the previous Miss Ouyang's family?

"Guo Dong? Huh? It's you?" Ouyang Qing came out with a flash of surprise, and then sat in Chen Xiaolei's car: "Do me a favor, I thought you were Guo Dong, last time I saw you were good at it, Beat someone up for me, and you can pay the price." Ouyang Qing seemed familiar.

"Aren't you mistaken? Do you think I'm someone? Come on down. There are so many old perverts in your family, so I'll make fun of it." Thinking of being chased everywhere by the old man of their family before, Chen Xiaolei's face was full of black lines.

"Help me, my family's thugs are out of my control, didn't I bump into you last time. I pay you money, and then you help me beat someone, I'll pay you back, okay?" Ouyang Qing acted coquettishly. His tone made Chen Xiaolei's eyelids twitch, is this still that glamorous beauty?

However, feeling the feeling of being run over by two fleshy balls on his arms, Chen Xiaolei's heart fluttered slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at the ditch in front of him. The bottomless appearance probably required a flashlight to break through the darkness.

Chen Xiaolei swallowed secretly, and then looked at her ambiguously: "Yes, but I don't need money, I need a bed warmer maid, if you help me..." Before Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, a fan Nen's fist came over, and with a gust of fragrant wind and the face that had cooled down for a moment, one couldn't help shivering.

"Stinky rascal, it's no different from that person, I'll scratch you to death."

Chen Xiaolei felt a chill on his lower body and neck, this girl is going to die, her eyes widened, and she bit her white pleated cheek, to see if you want to protect yourself or perish together.

Ouyang Qing was extremely fast, she turned her face away, grabbed her hand without hesitation, and immediately frowned, she felt that the other person's body was so hard, it was stronger than a stone, she couldn't help but feel strange, and turned around After a circle, there was only a "click", Ouyang Qing was not calm anymore, she learned Taekwondo, but she cut it off immediately, it is too weak.

When she was in a daze, Chen Xiaolei bit her cheek fiercely again, but this time he seized the opportunity, it was sweet, fragrant, and soft.

Chen Xiaolei felt comfortable for a while, but Ouyang Qing was crazy. No one had kissed her since she was a child, and she couldn't help being angry. The hand below was merciless, but now she just shook it, and there was a sound of egg breaking.But seeing Chen Xiaolei looking at him jokingly, and looking down, he actually pinched a ginseng, no wonder this kid didn't bark.

Just about to find the "true culprit" and crush it, there was a sound of brakes.

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