The "security guard" threw a handful of lime powder in the past and fled in the chaos. Jin Binglin, who was covered in white ashes behind him, uttered a monstrous roar, and rushed out without hesitation. There was no one outside, and some people around looked at him. Jin Binglin, who was trembling all over, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Now he is whiter than Santa Claus.

Jin Binglin yelled a few times, and left with the security guard. With this image, he still had no face to see Lin Xiaoqian. This farce didn't last long, and it was within the company. Soon Lin Xiaoqian suppressed it, but her face was livid. There was even a dull pain in the chest, and after a while, the "security guard" left and returned.

"Thank you, without you, today I guess..." Lin Xiaoqian also recognized that this person was Chen Xiaolei, and was glad to have him as secretary.

"It's okay, what's the matter, I don't think this guy is pleasing to the eye, but if the other party finds out, just don't confess me." Chen Xiaolei shrugged, jokingly, if he really confessed, he could just run away.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of my people." Lin Xiaoqian put on a straight face, reappearing the demeanor of a president.

"Your person? Well, my body is yours too, you have to be responsible for me."

Chen Xiaolei's eyes narrowed into a slit, and he unconsciously thought of Lin Xiaoqian's naked appearance just now in his mind. Thinking about it now, he suddenly felt a kind of regret, why didn't he look more at it just now, Lin Xiaoqian also realized what she said. Into a charming atmosphere.

It wasn't until the knock on the door that Chen Xiaolei flashed into the closet next to him.

"Come in!" Lin Xiaoqian returned to her normal appearance.

"President, our security department did a thorough investigation just now, but we didn't find that mysterious person. Look at Mr. Jin and ask him later."

"Go away, I'll explain after you ask, it has nothing to do with you."

Lin Xiaoqian felt annoyed when she saw this group of guys who would shrink back when encountering serious business. She didn't expect that an outsider would be needed to save her in the end. She felt a little discouraged about this company for a while. At that time, the disdain flashed secretly.

"Okay, don't be angry, there will still be me in the future, and we are now a united front." Chen Xiaolei has returned to a suit, a neat blue bow tie, and his slender and well-proportioned body has an unspeakable temperament. He had already thrown the security uniform into the storage sachet.

Lin Xiaoqian was stunned for a moment, the current Chen Xiaolei is not inferior to those rich young men, as the saying goes, people rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, the ancients did not deceive others.

"Hmph, you were dressed in such rags before, what on earth do you want to do?"

"I want to take you out of the sea of ​​suffering. How about setting up your own family in the future? Now you are dependent on others, and you are almost bullied by that bastard..."

Before Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, Lin Xiaoqian frowned: "You are so brave. I suspected that you had an attempt to sneak into the company before. Now it is true. See you in court."

The cold tone was like that of a stranger, and he took out his mobile phone to make a call while talking, but his movements were extremely slow.

"Stop pretending, I know you don't have a sense of belonging to this company, you are constantly working, and you are constantly demanding yourself. In fact, you are a poor person, a poor person without self, do you think you have got everything now? Do you feel like a puppet?" Chen Xiaolei took a step forward, his mental pressure gradually increased, giving people an illusion and said:

"You are in pain now. Although you are a vice president in the eyes of outsiders, you are actually just a plaything."

"Enough, you know who you are talking to now, believe it or not, I will fire you." Lin Xiaoqian leaned on the chair weakly.

"If you want to be free, you can cooperate with me. If you want to be a puppet, then it's up to you." After finishing speaking, Chen Xiaolei left, leaving behind Lin Xiaoqian with a bitter face.

"Brother Chen, why are you back?" Xiaoxue was still smiling, as if what happened just now didn't happen to her.

"I'll come back to see you. You were bullied like that before. As your man, I'm very sad."

Hearing what Chen Xiaolei said, Xiaoya felt a little uncomfortable, but she still held his arm and said, "Are you really willing to be my man?"

"If you do something for me, I promise you."

"Okay, what's the matter?"

Just as Chen Xiaolei was about to say something, Guo Dong called, and quickly rushed out with an anxious expression on his face. He didn't even bother to say hello to Xiaoxue, and arrived at Linjiang Pier No. [-] within a few minutes.

"what happened?"

"Master, when we bought this wharf, the seller originally agreed, but now he changed his mind temporarily, and Banxian was also injured by the person he called."

Guo Dong looked a little ugly on one side, and several Qinglong gang members around him were lying on the ground and screaming in pain. Chen Xiaolei looked at him. One of the men with a mustache and a bloated body must be the seller. A dark, gorilla-like man.

"Your Excellency doesn't understand the rules, you are not doing business like this."

"Stop talking nonsense, now I think the price is a bit low, double it, otherwise don't want me to make a move, the pier is mine, I can do whatever I want." The man with the mustache shouted loudly.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaolei glanced at the chimpanzee, but a guy who had just entered the mysterious level, sneered, and signaled Guo Dong to take the half-immortal to retreat, and only looked at the mustache after exiting the entire pier: "Is there really no discussion? "

"Stop talking nonsense..." Before he finished his mustache, Chen Xiaolei moved, and his whole body was erratic like the wind.

Guo Dong opened his mouth wide, and pulled Banxian back several miles again. He saw the entire pier exploded, and the flames shot up into the sky. He could feel the power clearly from such a distance. He couldn't help but have a new level of understanding of Chen Xiaolei's methods I know, it's really cruel.

After a while, a figure fluttered down, and Chen Xiaolei put the storage sachet back in his arms. There were still some explosives left when he bombed the church before, "When you encounter such things in the future, you must be ruthless. Destruction, we must monopolize all the docks as soon as possible, it won't take long, I will be of great use."

Chen Xiaolei said lightly, a chill rose in everyone's hearts, and the last trace of luck in Banxian's heart disappeared without a trace.

Chen Xiaolei left, and the chimpanzee lay on the pier in pieces. After a while, the entire pier sank into the sea, and all traces disappeared. Half an hour after Guo Dong left, the police cars drove over quickly one after another. Ruoxi frowned and looked at it for a while but couldn't notice anything, and finally left helplessly.

"Old lady, do you really want to promote it? I don't want to show my face." Behind a TV station, Chen Xiaolei kept persuading the old lady, but the other party was very firm, and he couldn't refuse. Appeared on the show.

"Sister, look quickly, Brother Lei is on TV." Xiaozheng shouted excitedly at Guo Dong's house, the absent-minded Lili looked over at once, saw Chen Xiaolei swaying on the TV and recounting the events of that day, and couldn't help but emerge With a smile, no one noticed the flash of emotion in her eyes.

At the same time, Lin Xiaoqian and Mu Ruoxi were also watching Chen Xiaolei in front of the TV, but their expressions were different.

It didn't take long for Chen Xiaolei to end the interview. He said goodbye to the old lady who had been keeping him, and then he got out. The other party was really enthusiastic, but it felt really good to be on TV.

Walking on the road, a red Ferrari stopped in front of him, followed by a white fashionable dress, with her hair tied up casually, her chest exposed, and the bold Ji Goblin appeared in front of Chen Xiaolei. , that is, passers-by hit the wall.

"I saw you on TV, so I didn't invite myself, don't mind."

"How could it be, the favor of a big beauty, I can't wait for it, but you are too charming, I can't hold it." Chen Xiaolei looked at the deep groove vigorously, and the deep black engulfed his sight like a whirlpool.

Fairy Ji smiled, raised her head and held her chest high, revealing the tip of the iceberg of the snow mountain that was about to come out, her eyes were shining brightly, and the eyes signaled, the two of them got in the car and left, otherwise they would be surrounded by people watching in a while.

"Big beauty, why are you looking for me when you have time? Could it be that you are here to fulfill your promise? My body is healthy and strong."

Hearing Chen Xiaolei's hooligan words, Fairy Ji was not angry, she stretched out her sexy red lips and twirled around her lips, the seductive red light made even Chen Xiaolei's breath stagnate, it really was a fairy, Fairy Ji giggled For a moment: "I want to hand me over to you. I'm afraid you won't be blessed. I'm looking for you this time because I want to attend a treasure appraisal conference. I know you're not an ordinary person, so..."

"Stop it, your promise hasn't been fulfilled to me, and now you want me to be a coolie, no way." Chen Xiaolei shook his head directly.

Fairy Ji immediately braked to a stop and pressed her whole body towards Chen Xiaolei, especially those two lumps of soft meat, which almost felt like they were about to explode. Like no bones, Ru Lan's breath kept gushing out, and Chen Xiaolei's primitive impulse kept flooding.

"Then what do you want me to do? Do you really want me to serve you?"

Listening to Fairy Ji's coquettish tone, Chen Xiaolei ruthlessly grabbed at the opponent's buttocks, his fingertips were full of amazing elasticity, Fairy Ji called out coquettishly, her voice was very charming, her eyes were watery, and there was a charming luster in them, This charm is really powerful, Chen Xiaolei kept his mind on it, and gently pushed her away.

"Don't you want to be a slave? Why are you so cruel now?" Fairy Ji burst into tears as she said that. Her bean-sized pearls were crystal clear, and her face was charming and charming. Even a monk has to return to vulgarity, especially her jade-like appearance. His fingers kept wandering around Chen Xiaolei's body, it was over, playing with fire.

Chen Xiaolei regretted it secretly, flirting with the goblin, isn't it courting death, the other party would eat all his bones, what made Chen Xiaolei's eyes widen was that Fairy Ji crawled down slowly.

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