No way, are you going to be squeezed dry by this goblin today?Chen Xiaolei closed his eyes, and slowly lay down on the seat. After waiting for a long time, there was no movement. He opened his eyes in doubt, and found that Fairy Ji was looking at him with a smile. Chen Xiaolei blushed.

"Tomorrow's Treasure Appreciation Conference, I'll pick you up. Where are you going now, I'll take you there." Fairy Ji charmed Tianyin, with a playful look in her eyes.

Chen Xiaolei secretly sighed, what a fascinated little fairy, until he got out of the car, the voice and smile of that fairy was still in his mind, he couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he tried, it seemed that his concentration needed to be strengthened.

"Secretary Chen, the vice president is looking for you." Xiaoxue gently leaned over and handed him a note at the same time.

"I'm not a secretary anymore, so don't call me that." Chen Xiaolei wanted to refuse, but after reading the note, he hesitated and went to the vice president's office.

"I promise to cooperate with you, but I have one condition."

Hearing what Lin Xiaoqian said, Chen Xiaolei sneered: "Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me now? Before long, Jin Binglin will take his anger out on you."

"Are you just bullying me, a weak woman?"

Lin Xiaoqian no longer has the pretensions of a CEO, sobbing softly, Chen Xiaolei's heart softened, and he said softly: "I can only promise to help you get rid of Jin Binglin and the Jin family's control on the conditions on the note, and forgive me for the rest." I can not do anything."

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Lin Xiaoqian thought about it for a while, and finally compromised. Now she is very anxious, and after breaking up with Jin Binglin, she may face danger at any time.

"I'll tell you when the time comes, give me the specific plan of the project we're cooperating with Shengtian Group, and call me anytime you're in danger."

Half an hour later, Chen Xiaolei found Guo Dong with a USB flash drive, and discussed some specific details: "The people at the dock must be completely replaced, and don't let anyone know that the dock is yours, and all relevant personnel will be killed. "Chen Xiaolei's face was full of murderous intent, this time he was going to do something big.

Generally, those who look at the pier are gangsters from some small forces in Linjiang, but now they are all replaced by members of the Qinglong Gang, to be precise, they are half-immortals, even the upper echelons of the Qinglong Gang don't know.

In the evening, Banxian suddenly found Chen Xiaolei and said that tonight, the head of the Qinglong Gang will have a banquet for important guests at the Grand Palace. , the difficulty will be greatly reduced, and he agreed directly without hesitation.

"Jiuzhou, where are you? I'm here tonight." Chen Xiaolei made a phone call and ran over after confirming the location.

"You boy, you really know how to enjoy it." In a bar, the lights are feasting, men and women are dancing vigorously without wearing clothes, Chen Xiaolei slapped his forehead, this guy who came to Kyushu is simply a social person, he is very adaptable.

"Hush!" Chuang Kyushu held down Chen Xiaolei, in the corner of the bar, seemingly casually, but in fact kept his eyes on a private room, drank a glass of wine and said lightly: "Great discovery, look at that leader in white, I didn't expect him would come to this place.”

Chen Xiaolei followed his gaze and looked over, to be precise, he was looking at the person opposite the leader in white. She was dressed as a noble lady, a bit like the style of the European upper class in the 80s, with white pleated skin and dark brown eyes. There is a star there, but it is too loud to hear.

"What's so strange, a monk still wants to fall in love, let alone a leader who doesn't taboo meat and vegetables."

"No, that woman, do you know who it is? I inquired before, she is the current chairman of Longsheng Yipintang."

Hearing what Chuang Jiuzhou said, Chen Xiaolei was startled. Could this person be Lili's stepmother?Sure enough, it has something to do with this church, otherwise their werewolf clan would not be completely lost, and a suspected prefecture-level master could not do anything there. After taking a deep look at them, he dragged him into Kyushu to follow the half The place agreed by the immortals.

"They're in the next room, when are we going to do it?" Banxian was eager to try, thinking that he would also have the opportunity to ascend to the throne of the head, and he was very excited.

"Don't worry, let's find out first, don't have any hidden masters, Jiuzhou will respond from here, I will pretend to be a waiter and go inside to have a look, if there is any movement, you will rush in." Chen Xiaolei simply changed his face after speaking , Knowing yourself and the enemy is the kingly way.

"Brother Jiuzhou, how about you being the elder Keqing of our Qinglong gang in the future, please mention any instructions in the future."

"Haha, alright, I'll have a firm foothold in the secular world in the future, and I'll show off to those old guys when I go back later."

The two of them chatted in the room without saying a word to pass the time. After a while, there was no movement. Chuang Kyushu was already waiting impatiently. If it wasn't for the banxian who held him several times, he would transform himself and rush in.

After another half an hour, even the half-immortal was a little uncertain, and the two of them were about to rush in to have a look, when Chen Xiaolei ran in, eyes full of excitement.

"How about it, Lei Ge, is the matter settled? Can I instigate rebellion tomorrow?"

Seeing Chen Xiaolei like this, Banxian thought that the matter was done, but his breathing became short of breath.

"No, no one was killed, do you know who is the distinguished guest inside?"

Hearing what Chen Xiaolei said, Banxian was a little disappointed, but he still listened patiently. It turned out that the person who was eating with the leader of the Qinglong Gang was Shenghui. This guy also knew the importance of this business, so he specially asked the Qinglong Gang to meet him at the pier. , and promised a large price, the head of the family agreed.

"What does it matter? Let's kill them directly?" Chuang Kyushu was confused.

"Haha, wouldn't it be cheaper for this guy, now I want him to be ruined, what will happen if Banxian meets him at the pier?"

Chen Xiaolei still couldn't restrain his excitement. At first, he thought that if so many newcomers were replaced at the pier, he was afraid that someone with a heart would suspect it, but now he is not worried at all. When it's time to directly change the day, Sheng Hui will vomit blood in anger.

When Chen Xiaolei said this, Banxian also understood that it would be justifiable to detain the batch of goods from Shengtian Group, and then plant them to the head of the Qinglong Gang, so that they would fight first without spending a single soldier. At that time, it will be enough to clean up the mess. Banxian is now admiring Chen Xiaolei's five bodies, thinking that it was not a wise choice to fight against such an opponent before.

The three of them discussed for a long time, and the half-immortal promised to persuade the boss, so Chen Xiaolei left with peace of mind, and muttered a few words in Chuang Kyushu. He wanted to have a big fight tonight, but there is no use for it now.

"Haha, Kyushu, are your hands itchy? Someone's skin is itchy, why don't you scratch him?" Chen Xiaolei looked at the text messages on his phone and smiled sinisterly.

"Who, go, fuck your mother."

"Don't worry, you should tidy yourself up first. Doesn't everyone know you like this?" Finally, under Chen Xiaolei's casual disguise, the burly man became very slender and went directly to Lin Xiaoqian's home. From afar, she could see people in her house flickering and the sound of falling things.

"It's time for you to perform, remember not to kill me, the other party will hate Lin Xiaoqian even more if they don't know who you are."

Chen Xiaolei leaned gently on the tree, watching Chuang Kyushu rush in like a spirit snake, and after a while, he heard a scream, Jin Binglin was thrown out like garbage, and then Chuang Kyushu fell from the sky, beating him violently For half an hour, one face in particular was swollen like a pig's head, and the eyes couldn't see where it grew.

Seeing Jin Binglin being carried away like a dead dog, Chuang Kyushu enjoyed himself, said hello to Chen Xiaolei and left.

"It's okay." Looking at Lin Xiaoqian who was almost raped, Chen Xiaolei swallowed secretly. The other party was stripped naked, especially at three o'clock. The tears on his face were like rivers. Chen Xiaolei went over He got up, but unexpectedly his hand slipped, and he pressed directly on the towering snow-white.

Lin Xiaoqian reacted coquettishly, and didn't care about being nearly hurt by Jin Binglin, she hurriedly searched for clothes, her round buttocks were constantly twisting aside, her perfect curves were unreservedly exposed in front of Chen Xiaolei.

"Are you still watching?" Lin Xiaoqian wiped her tears, looked at Chen Xiaolei's unscrupulous gaze, and felt angry for a while. Fortunately, she blocked the big spring in time, and saw Chen Xiaolei's clear and appreciative eyes, and she was slightly proud in her heart. I still have confidence in my body.

"I can't take a look at the beauty. If I had known that you would repay your kindness, I wouldn't have come to rescue you." Chen Xiaolei put on an extremely pitiful look.

"Okay, can't I thank you? When will I be rescued? I don't want to stay in the company for a moment." Lin Xiaoqian blushed pretty, with the attitude of a little daughter all over her body, and the airs of the president were gone. fly.

"You want to leave the house?" Looking at Lin Xiaoqian's puzzled face, Chen Xiaolei slapped his forehead, why is this vice president so stupid, and said slowly: "You have escaped, but you are an ordinary person, why not When you leave, take part of the wealth of Jinhui Group, so that it will be convenient for you to make a comeback."

Chen Xiaolei's words directly reminded Lin Xiaoqian that she was really afraid of Jin Binglin's constant harassment, so she had always thought that she could escape, but now with Chen Xiaolei's help, some accounts must be settled.

"The Jinhui Group has helped a lot with this business, and it's about the kickbacks from the Shengtian Group..." Chen Xiaolei didn't say anything, but just reminded him a little, presumably with Lin Xiaoqian's head, he would know how to do it.

"I see, don't leave, I, I'll cook for you." Seeing Chen Xiaolei preparing to leave, Lin Xiaoqian felt anxious and felt a little disappointed.

"Can I stay after eating and discuss life with you?"

Chen Xiaolei turned his gaze, and scanned her body again, could it be that this girl's heart has sprouted tonight?

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