"No, it's just a simple thank you, and I will cook you a meal."

"Forget it. I'm not hungry. Goodbye." After finishing speaking, she left without hesitation. Even Lin Xiaoqian had to react for a long time, and then she chopped off her feet angrily: "Idiot, why are you so stupid?" said He closed the bedroom door angrily, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

Chen Xiaolei, who was far away, glanced behind him, shook his head with a wry smile, came to the secular world, and seemed to have a lot of luck, but now that Xiaoya's matter has not been resolved, he really doesn't want to get involved in any debts, thinking of Xiaoya, already I hadn't contacted him for several days, and a faint longing lingered in my heart. Without hesitation, I ran directly to the hospital.

Xiaoya hasn't been home since her accident. She has been staying in the hospital, especially when she is approaching the entrance of the hospital.

"Mr. Chen, I haven't seen you for several days." Chen Xiaolei was stopped by a person while walking, and it was the sinister Qin Chunfeng.

"Hehe, Dean Qin has a lot of things to do every day, how could he meet such a small person like me?"

"What's the matter, you helped me a lot last time, and I haven't had time to thank you yet. There will be a medical skills exchange conference in a few days. How about I recommend you to be the vice president of the medical association? I can see your medical skills." Qin Chunfeng looked friendly. If it was the first time dealing with him, he would be really deceived by his appearance.

"Forget it, I'm used to being comfortable, and I can't stand those pursuits." Chen Xiaolei politely refused.

"It's okay, you can tell me after thinking about it for a few days. By the way, Xiaoya has been outstanding recently. She has already represented our hospital to go to the medical association to handle affairs. She probably won't be back soon." After speaking, she left without caring about Chen Xiaolei's reaction.

Old fox, I really want to slap you to death, knowing that Xiaoya and I have an irresistible relationship, and let her go, isn't this forcing me to be the vice president of some medical society?Hmph, don't think that I don't know your plan, let me be a free laborer to help your hospital improve its reputation, presumably that vice president is not so easy to be.

But Xiaoya went out alone, and Chen Xiaolei was a little worried. Of course, this is his job, and it is not good to have any excessive demands. It seems that I will not see her tonight. Chen Xiaolei returned to Guo Dong's house depressed. Today he was busy buying the wharf in private, even if he didn't care about going home, Liu Zhou made great efforts to open up the relationship this time.

The house is still the same, Xiao Ning is alone in the room quietly, she rarely speaks recently, Xiao is busy learning the computer, Lili is in a daze occasionally, occasionally researching recipes, usually when Chen Xiaolei comes back at this time, Lili is asleep, today The light in the room was on at night, it was strange, and as he walked over slowly, Chen Xiaolei was shocked when he saw it.

Lili returned to her werewolf appearance, she lay motionless on the bed, the blood moon between her eyebrows echoed the full moon outside, and the wisps of moonlight were absorbed into her body, her eyes were closed tightly, and the hair on her body was very hard. The root is standing upside down, emitting a cold light. It is estimated that the hedgehog is not as hard as Lili's fur. What happened to her tonight?

I ran to Xiaozheng's room and found that there was nothing unusual about him. I felt slightly relaxed. I came to Lili's room with anxiety and locked it. The room was very quiet and there was nothing abnormal. With red light, Lili's life state fluctuates from strength to strength.

An hour later, Lili was still doing the same action, and her vitality weakened a little. Chen Xiaolei worried for a while that something would happen to Lili, but she didn't bother her rashly. If she was in a cultivation state, wouldn't it be self-defeating.

Three hours passed, it was early in the morning, Lili was still in this state, Chen Xiaolei couldn't sit still, and wanted to forcefully break her state. At this time, the moon gradually disappeared, and the blood moon between Lili's eyebrows also disappeared. , her body moved a bit, and then it glowed red, the iron-hard wolf fur gradually fell off, and her whole body shrank into a ball.

Then Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened. Lili slowly regained her human form. It may be because of the orcs. Her body has a strange magical power, and the proportions are incomparably coordinated. There is no trace of excess fat on her body. I can't see the majesty in front of her, but looking at the majesty squeezed out from the surrounding area, it is obvious that the size is not small.

With a smooth back and slightly protruding buttocks, Chen Xiaolei swallowed hard. From his angle, he could even vaguely see the ray of sky.

After a while, Lili woke up, turned her head to look, there was silence, eyes met, both of them were stunned, Lili didn't expect that there would be someone, and Chen Xiaolei looked at Lili's appearance in surprise. It's still the same as before, except that there is a red mole between the eyebrows, and the facial features on the face are more standard, and it looks very beautiful.

"You, are you Lili?" Chen Xiaolei broke the silence first.

It was only when Lili realized that the mole between her eyebrows turned red all of a sudden, a red mist appeared on her body, and a gauze covered the spring light. Now Lili's coquettish attitude is not weaker than that of Fairy Ji.

"When did you come in?" Lili blushed, thinking that she had let the other party see her naked just now, and felt uncomfortable all over.

"What happened to you just now, you scared me, I'm ready to interrupt forcibly for you."


In order to ease the embarrassment, Chen Xiaolei changed the topic. It turned out that Lili had just undergone the second blood awakening of the wolf clan, and now her strength has been promoted to the Xuan level, but the way is a bit special, and she needs the power of moonlight, and just now she was the weakest At that time, an ordinary person could kill her.

Chen Xiaolei left after saying a few words casually. Lili's current temptation was too great, and he was afraid he couldn't bear it. After he left, the red clouds on Lili's ears radiated fiery heat, and there was no anger in her eyes. Instead, there was a faint happy.

When Chen Xiaolei returned to the room, his heart was beating wildly. The fact that Cinderella turned into a princess actually existed. I didn't expect that she could change her appearance. Will she have a second transformation? Charming, Chen Xiaolei forced himself to fall asleep.

The next day, Chen Xiaolei arrived at the company early without even taking time to eat. He heard from Lin Xiaoqian that Jin Binglin was seriously injured and hospitalized. Chairman Jin had also learned about the situation, but Lin Xiaoqian didn't say anything, only that an unknown person broke into the company. There was some conflict between her family and Jin Binglin.

"How is the preparation for that business? Can Jinhui Group afford it? Can it be increased several times?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely let the Jinhui Group go bankrupt. The boss over there recognizes money but not people." Lin Xiaoqian said lightly, and Chen Xiaolei was relieved. She was not worried about leaving it to professional talents, and Lin Xiaoqian now His attitude towards him is a bit ambiguous, has his charm increased again?

It was fine all morning. In the afternoon, Fairy Ji was waiting for him at the gate of the company. Seeing her like a daughter-in-law next door, Chen Xiaolei felt satisfied for a while. He was speechless all the way, and drove out of Linjiang quickly. Chen Xiaolei couldn't help asking: " Where are we going?"

"Why, are you afraid that I will betray you?"

"How come, I would think that the so-called Appreciation Conference is just a reason for you to fight with me."

Chen Xiaolei smiled, and adjusted the seat back. From this angle, you can see Ji Yaojing's very prominent curves outlined by the seat belt. Today she wore a cheongsam, which almost reached her chest, and her two slender legs shone With a charming luster, her vermilion lips were half-opened and half-closed, feeling that Chen Xiaolei was looking at her, and Ji Fairy squinted into a line.

Not only was he not shy, but he seemed to be very hot. He slowly unbuttoned a button of the cheongsam. Hearing the sound of drooling next to him, he felt even more satisfied.

Along the way, Chen Xiaolei smelled the fragrance, felt the temptation of the beautiful women, and finally arrived at the destination, which was Yuecheng. Chen Xiaolei frowned, as if the Zhu family was the biggest family in the city.

"What kind of appraising conference are we participating in? You can tell me."

"The Treasure Appraisal Conference is also called the Gambling Stone Conference. It is to identify some strange stones. Of course, this is not the reason for me to come. According to my family's investigation, one of the strange stones in this exhibition is a nine-hole stone figure that has been formed for thousands of years. There is a big treasure inside. How about this time there is no way out, we want to find out, can you do me a favor?" Ji Goblin blinked her big eyes, full of energy.

"How can you be sure I can help, in case I can't see it?"

"If you can't see it with the spiritual power of the prefecture level, I guess few people in the world can see it."

Chen Xiaolei was startled suddenly, and glanced at Fairy Ji, the other party was still smiling, but the corner of his mouth curled up in a mysterious arc, Chen Xiaolei didn't ask how the other party knew, and she wouldn't tell the truth, but she was still alert , No one should underestimate this guy, he was already very careful about this guy, but he was still investigated by the other party unexpectedly.

"Then what benefit do I get? Remember you still owe me a condition."

"Then how about I make a promise with my body? I really can't think of any better benefits than this."

Chen Xiaolei rolled his eyes, according to his feeling, don't look at Ji Fairy acting so slutty, she is definitely a chick, how could she casually hand over her first time, but since I came to see it, let's talk, even if I can't get her , Tofu must not let it go, he directly grabbed Fairy Ji's willow waist, and walked in flickeringly.

This Treasure Appreciation Conference is in an underground trading market in Yuecheng, and you can't enter it without a certain relationship. Of course, this is not a problem for Fairy Ji. I don't know where I found two dark tokens and passed the door directly. check.

Inside, it looks like a hole in the sky, even the Grand Palace was built like this. There is a big platform in the middle, and there are golden nanmu tables on it.

There are all kinds of strange stones on the table, and there are hanging stalactites on it. If you look carefully, you can find bright lights inside. There is a long corridor directly in front of you.

All kinds of people around are constantly tasting, there are businessmen, black..., and even some people dressed as monsters.

One of the beauties caught Chen Xiaolei's attention, his eyes flashed mistyly, and he remembered some past events.

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