All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 5 This Xuanwu might be here to buy goods!

[Ding: Attention everyone! 】

[Ding: Attention everyone! 】

[The night is falling, the blood moon is in the sky, and the evil power covers the entire sea area! 】

[Evil camp, chaotic camp, the strength of wild monsters will be tripled! 】

[The strength of the light camp, the lawful camp, and the summoned beasts of the castle will decline! 】

【Everyone please return to your castle as soon as possible. 】

Just when Su Chen was waving his hands excitedly.

A reminder sounded in Su Chen's ear.

Follow the prompt and look up.

Sure enough, a huge blood moon has appeared in the sky!


Su Chen looked at Xuanwu and Xiaojin outside the castle.

Xiao Jin is now only two meters long.

You can come into the castle.

But this Xuanwu is more than 200 meters long.

Bigger than your own castle.

Can't get in at all.

The key is that the system prompted a moment ago.

When the blood moon is in the sky, the level of all monsters will be tripled!

In other words, monsters of the first level must have at least two or more monsters now.

The second-level monster can reach the third level if it is not done well.

With the addition of Xuanwu's strength, it will decline.

In this way, if one's basalt is not handled well, it will be dangerous.

But now I have nothing to do.

The castle is only more than 100 square meters.

But this Xuanwu is already more than 200 meters long in terms of body length.

You can't get into your own castle at all.

"Xuanwu, you have to pay attention to your own safety."

"I can't help you. If it's really not possible, you can go into the sea and hide for a while."

Su Chen touched Xuanwu's head.

He exhorted Xuanwu very reluctantly.


Xuan Wu rubbed Su Chen's hand with his huge head.

Then he turned and walked towards the sea.

A cloud of dust kicked up on the sand.

"Let's go, Xiao Jin, let's go back!"

He patted Xiaojin on the head.

Su Chen took Xiao Jin and walked towards the castle.

"Fuck me, the strength of monsters in the wild has tripled? Are you crazy?"

"This doesn't give me any way to survive. I can't beat it during the day, let alone at night."

"Haha, you little Kara, the eldest brother is in the evil lineup. The undead army I summoned will triple in strength at night."

"Haha, my goblin belongs to the chaotic camp, and its strength has tripled."

"Who has clothes for sale? I'm about to freeze to death."

"The weather here is absolutely abnormal."

"It's so hot during the day, it's freezing at night."

After dinner, Su Chen turned on the system.

Looked at the communication interface.

After all, human beings are social creatures, and loneliness is the most terrible thing.

Anyway, there is nothing going on now, Su Chen intends to see if there is any news that is useful to him.

Not to mention, the news about buying a coat.

It made Su Chen pay attention again.

I now own a full sixty wolf fur coats.

Eleven bearskin coats!

You can keep a few bearskin coats for yourself.

Everything else can be sold.

and so!

[One energy crystal can be exchanged for one unit of food! 】

[Ten units of wood or stone can be exchanged for a wolf fur coat! 】

[Fifty units of wood or stone can be exchanged for a bearskin coat! 】

Click, post, upload coats and food.

It seems that I am going to be a profiteer again.

After listing these things.

Su Chen was not looking at the communication interface.

Lie directly on the bed.

Accompanied by the chirping of insects and birds, and the sounds of various beast roars, he fell asleep directly.

This day's impact on Su Chen was really too great.

At this time yesterday, Su Chen was still working overtime in the company.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he came directly to this endless sea world full of crises.

The next morning, Su Chen got out of bed early.

After all, the novice protection period is only seven days.

Su Chen wants to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it may be after the novice protection period has passed.

Will be directly killed by the beast tide.

Su Chen didn't know whether the tide of beasts came from the sea or from the island.

If it is coming from the island.

Then if you kill these monsters in advance.

Then the pressure may be less.


Just came out of the bedroom.

Su Chen heard Xuanwu's high-pitched cry.

"so far so good!"

"My Xuanwu is still there!"

He looked up and looked at the huge Xuanwu lying in front of his castle through the window.

Su Chen ran out excitedly.

This is currently the number one combat force under his command!

Although Xiaojin is also a third-level creature now.

But Xiaojin obviously couldn't beat Xuanwu.

After all, Xuanwu's reminder is very oppressive.

I don't know how the levels of this world are divided.

After drinking a little water and simply eating breakfast.

Su Chen climbed onto Xuanwu's back.

Follow Xuanwu and Xiaojin.

Walk towards the island.

There is an old saying that goes well.

Standing tall, peeing, no.

Stand tall and look far.

Standing on Xuanwu's back.

Su Chen was finally able to see the outline of the entire island clearly.

This island can be described as very large.

Su Chen couldn't see the end at a glance.

In the very center of the island, a huge mountain is billowing with smoke!

Looks like it should be a volcano.

Moreover, the vegetation on the island is dense!

Hundred-meter-high trees can be seen everywhere!

Su Chen even saw many fierce beasts fighting.

It seems that every island owner wants to develop.

The first thing to do is to kill all the monsters on the island.

Then when the island starts to move, collect some other resources.


As Xuanwu began to rampage, he walked towards the mountain.

Countless beasts were alarmed.

All of them came in the direction of Xuanwu.


As these monsters continued to rush towards Xuanwu.

Xuanwu's head lit up immediately.

Rocks with spikes appeared abruptly in front of Xuanwu one by one.

Probably has a range of about [-] meters.

Along the way, all monsters are impaled by rocks!

In just a short while, Su Chen saw Xuanwu kill at least four or five monsters.

And Xiao Jin, beside Su Chen, kept making up the knife!

No wonder, Xuanwu was upgraded but Xiaojin was not.

The big output is still on Xuanwu's body!



After killing several monsters.

Xuanwu directly picked up the corpse of the monster with his mouth and threw it on his back.

"Hey guy, this is not for hunting monsters to upgrade."

"This may be for stock!"

Seeing the rampant Xuanwu, Su Chen suddenly burst out laughing.

It seems that I will strengthen some large creatures next.

Under the same level, the speed of killing monsters with a large size is much faster.

Wait until your own energy crystallization increases later.

Strengthen some small creatures to make up for the knife.


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