All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 6 Auntie Su Yun's SS-level talent!

"Not bad!"

At noon, Su Chen was sitting on Xuanwu's back.

Started roasting the mutton directly.

There is nothing else to eat now either.

Can only eat the meat of some monsters.

However, after a whole morning, Su Chen has almost touched the whole island.

The entire island is very large, and you can only see the whole picture of the island by standing on the crater.

Su Chen reckoned that the radius of the entire island would be at least twenty or thirty kilometers.

It's a big island.

On the island, there is actually a waterfall.

I think it should be the source of water on the island.

After all, whether it is a human or an animal, do they all need to drink water?

Organized the receipt of the morning.

Su Chen directly put the coat and other things in the market for trading.

All the coats sold yesterday were also sold out.

This allowed Su Chen to obtain a lot of supplies.

It's just that this material is very far away from upgrading the castle.

In the current market, besides Su Chen, there are other people who have started to sell food one after another.

This is also normal, today is the second day that everyone has come to this world.

Those with a relatively high level of talent are also emerging.

They now also want quick upgrades.

It can only continue to sell materials.

In exchange for materials to upgrade the castle.

It is even possible that when they summon, they need energy crystallization.

However, these things had little effect on Su Chen.

After all, with billions of people, their own little food certainly cannot satisfy everyone.

After a morning of exploration.

Su Chen became more persistent in improving her own strength.

If everyone's initial island was as big as Su Chen.

Then the materials on the island are definitely not enough to upgrade.

Insufficient resources, then there are only two ways.

The first is to trade with other people.

The second type can only be in contact with local forces.

Indigenous forces are not necessarily easy to talk to.

If the strength is not strong, then even if it has survived the beast tide.

It may also die in the hands of other local forces or other earthlings.

[Ding: Dear Island Master, Su Yun has approved your friend request! 】

While Su Chen was eating barbecue and watching Xuanwu kill monsters.

The system's notification tone rang directly in Su Chen's ears.

"Auntie, is that you?"

Watching the island owner with the number 80888 pass his request.

Su Chen stood up excitedly.

One must know that Su Chen was raised by his aunt Su Yun since childhood.

The relationship between the two is very deep.

In this extremely dangerous world.

Of course Su Chen missed her aunt very much.

After all, people like to hug together!

"Xiaochen, it's me!"

"how are you now?"

"And what talent have you acquired?"

"This is the talent my aunt got, this is for you!"

As soon as Su Chen said a word, the aunt on the other side burst out a lot of words.

And also send over the same thing.

[Race: SS-level natural water elves! 】

[Name: Siyana! 】

[Level: Level [-]! 】

[Talent: Affinity to water elements! 】

[Skill: Water Magic! 】

[Affiliation: Su Yun! 】

[Potential: Demigod! 】

[Loyalty: 100! 】

Watching this natural water elf wake up.

Immediately, I couldn't help being surprised.

Because this elemental spirit is actually at the SS level.

And also water magic.

You must know that on this kind of island, fresh water resources are definitely more important than food.

People can go without food for four or five days, but they cannot go without water for four or five days.

The key is that this elemental spirit has a name.

I didn't expect my aunt to be so powerful!

"Auntie, it's me!"

"Don't worry about me, I have obtained the only talent skill of sss level."

"You can live well in this world."

"But I don't know if you are far away from me, auntie!"

Su Chen quickly confirmed her identity with her aunt.

"I knew it was you when I saw Qingyun Mountain!"

"This elf, you should use it for self-defense!"

"Your aunt, I have awakened the talent of SS-level summoning arms."

"The unit that was summoned for the first time was a family of SS-level natural elves."

"And two natural elves can be automatically summoned every day."

"If there are energy crystals, every thousand points of energy crystals can also summon a natural elf."

At this time, in an unknown sea area.

Su Chen's aunt was sitting in the castle with an excited face.

Finally found his great nephew.

Although Su Yun has four natural elves today.

But she wants to keep three for supplies.

Plus Su Chen must have other abilities.

Give Su Chen a level three nature elf for self-defense.

After learning that Su Chen had obtained the only talent at the sss level.

Auntie felt relieved.

His own SS-level talents can protect themselves.

Not to mention the sss level talent.

"Auntie, can you summon other arms?"

After chatting, Su Chen suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because my aunt just said that the first time she summoned was an SS-level natural elf.

If nothing else happened, it would definitely be able to summon the second creature.

"Of course you can continue to summon."

"But I want to summon the second unit."

"The first is to take out millions of energy crystals."

"The second is to obtain blueprints for unit summoning."

Hear my aunt's explanation.

Su Chen felt as if she was about to explode.

Compared to my aunt's SS-level talent.

The only talent of my sss level seems to be a decoration.

My aunt can summon two natural elves every day.

And it can also summon the second, or even the third and fourth arms.

And what about yourself?

Although it can be strengthened without limit, but there are too many restrictions.

Especially this energy crystal.

I'm sure there will be a lot of this later.

But now everyone has just entered into this world.

There are very few energy crystals.

But also, if one's own ability is directly strengthened without limit.

Then you will directly become a god.

"Auntie, I only have these things now, you use them first."

"I'll talk to you after I finish fighting the monster."

"Also give me a number card for your island."

"Let's see how far we are!"

Su Chen was not polite to her aunt either.

Received Siyana directly!

He also sent his bearskin coat and some food over.

If we say, in the entire island world.

The only person who can make Su Chen new.

Then there is only Su Yun.

After all, Su Chen was raised by Su Yun.

Think about a little girl who was twelve or thirteen years old.

Take the three or four-year-old Suchen District Dashan to catch preserved rabbits.

Su Chen couldn't help feeling a little sad!

Now I have the ability.

I must let my aunt live well.

Waiting for the day we meet!

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